How to import a file that already imports another file? - javascript

Javascript, ES6. I have three files:
Bunch of small functions.
import './inline-functions.js'
// uses many inline functions
import './inline-functions.js'
import './some-module.js'
// uses inline functions as well as classes from some-module.js
Now, I use Visual Studio Code and I would like Intellisense working but when I am editing main.js, it only shows functions from inline-functions.js and everything from 'some-module.js' is unreachable even though there is an import statement. However, when I comment the import out of some-module.js like this:
// import './inline-functions.js'
// tries to use inline functions which are now not callable
Intellisense suddenly shows correct names and documentation for all objects. This is of course unusable because some-module.js now can't call any of the inline functions.
What is the correct way of importing these modules?

You can access the module function only if you export it from the module.
Export the function form the module then you will see it in main js.
import './inline-functions.js'
const someFuncion1 = () => 1;
const someFuncion2 = () => 2;
export {
import * as inline './inline-functions.js'
import * as some './some-module.js'
//Access it like
inline.<function name>
some.<function name>


Propper way to make a javascript library (with multiple files)

I want to make my own javascript library with some utils functions and classes for the client browser. The point its I only want to include the main file.
I've tried using the type module
having ./src/array.js, ./src/math.js, ./src/dom.js with some functions with export, thei i have two options
import * as array from "./src/array.js"
import * as dom from "./src/dom.js"
import * as math from "./src/math.js"
export {array,dom,math}
but in the script i have to do:
script.js called from html
import {math} from "/lib/utils.js"
const {lerp} = math
the point of modules is to import only the functions you need and here i'am importing all math functions
import {zip,create2DArray} from "./src/array.js"
import {isTouchDevice,coptyToClipboard,scrollToCenter} from "./src/dom.js"
import {lerp,inverseLerp,map,clamp} from "./src/math.js"
export {zip,create2DArray,isTouchDevice,CopyToClipboard,lerp,inverseLerp,map,clamp}
but in this example every function i create in some ./src/ file i have to modify the utils.js file
also all libraries i use they dont use module, they are a big class or a big function
i thought about putting all inside a big object like
const utils = {}
utils.lerp = (start,end,amt)=>{
return (1-amt)*start+amt*end
// ... and more functions
or using multiple files and then compile them to the big file maybe ???
other option would be to do
document.write('<script src="/lib/src/math.js"></script>');
document.write('<script src="/lib/src/dom.js"></script>');
document.write('<script src="/lib/src/math.js"></script>');
but for what i think its not a very good practice
and last, jQuery you can import the file like a module and like a src file
and i'm trying to avoid things like webpack, i want to keep it vanila

How do I correctly export and import a plain JS file into another JS file?

I need to export and import a plain js file to work keyboard navigation correctly.
I am following the example here,and using import and export pattern of ES5 but it is not linking one js file to another.
This is my link
module.exports = PopupMenu;
var myModule = require('./popuplinks');
There are multiple ways of exporting and importing JavaScript modules, in the past, we were using CommonJS modules which are in a format you've presented, they can be used in following way.
// module.js
const myModule = "something"
module.exports = myModule
// And then if you want to import in another file, you're using following sentence.
const module = require("./module")
Actually we're using ES6-like imports, you can read about them at MDN, I'm attaching a small sample of ES6+ export.
// module.js
const myModule = "Something"
export { myModule }
// And then
import {myModule} from './module'
Actually you should read post that will resolve your issue

What does import * do in Javascript?

I was browsing through this repo on Github and was trying to comprehend the working of the code
Here, the author (or programmer) have mentioned import * at multiple places so I am trying to comprehend and understand how import * work?
First in Game.js file of his repo he have mentioned/written like this
import * as actions from '../actions';
In VS Code, when if I click on '../actions using command It is redirecting me to this file -> index.js
then in Index.js they have something like this
import * as ActionTypes from './action-types';
when I click on ./action-types it redirects me to here action-types.js
I went through firefox docs but I wasn't able to clearly make sense for the first example like for one, the action folder contains multiple files and how does import * as actions from '../actions'; mean index.js file
While i get he have called/referenced the functions using actions.functionName() or ActionType.TypeName
My Prime question remains
how does import * as actions from '../actions'; mean index.js file ?
The import * as name syntax imports all exported content of a javascript file.
For example, if you want to import an entire module's contents, then access the doAllTheAmazingThings() function
import * as myModule from '/modules/my-module.js';
From the docs
Import in js is new syntax of ES6 to import a module it has the same work of require but its easier to filter what do you want in a module
In your example you import * as actions from '../actions'; you import all function from ../actions file
its same to do const actions = require('../actions')
but its easier to manage what you want
this syntax is not work on all browser so be sure to use transpiler with babel or other
you can see this syntax in python too
When you reference a directory in an import statement, it looks and loads the index.js file in that directory. What I usually do there is export classes and functions under that directory in a grouped object, so they can be easily accessed:
For instance in index.js I export sth like:
where each is imported as such:
import Class1 from './Class1';
So they just group the classes/methods/... that are in files in the directory.
Then you can easily access it as such:
import { Class1, method1 } from './mymodule';
import Class1 from './mymodule/Class1';

Meteor: importing whole module doesn't work

I am trying to make my Meteor code ES6 compatible. I had a file called /both/global.js containing functions and constants that I wanted to be accessible globally. For ES6 purposes, I moved it to /both/imports/global.js and prefaced all the functions and constants with export const.
I haven't changed the whole directory structure yet. The template javascript files are still in /client/controller/. I have added to them import statements for the exported functions and constants. When I write the import statements in the form:
import { fn1, fn2, ... } from '../../both/imports/global.js';
they work fine.
I would rather import all the functions and constants with a single:
import from '../../both/imports/global.js';
but that doesn't seem to do anything.
What am I doing wrong?
It's to do with the way imports and exports work.
What you need is
import * from '/both/imports/global.js'
import something from '/both/imports/global.js'
Will look for the default export, and assign it to the variable called something.
import { fn1, fn2, ... } ...
Will import the named variables into your namespace
Another way is to do this:
import globalFunctions from '/both/imports/global.js'
Then your functions are callable like this:

How to change namespace for default member import javascript

In learning more about ES6/2015 imports, I've come across a couple of cases where I'd like to change the namespace of the default member in the import scope.
Basically the equivalent of import {myMember as name} from 'my-module', but for the default member. I expected something like import defaultMember, {defaultMember as name} from 'my-module', but that seems not to work.
It seems like this should possible:
Mozilla Docs
It is also possible to use the default syntax with the ones seen above (namespace imports or named imports). In such cases, the default import will have to be declared first...
Perhaps not the actual answer, but a solution that I'm using.
For this example, I was using Node-Simple-Schema, and did not want to track imports of it as it is often used across the global scope on the project I'm working on.
The problem is that when import SimplSchema from "simpl-schema'; is used, then "SimpleSchema" as a convention is not available globally.
So I created a code file "SS2.js" and placed the following in it:
import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
var SS2 = SimpleSchema;
export {SS2};
Then in the working file, I do a subsequent "chained" import and with the following:
import {SS2} from './imports/SS2.js';
SimpleSchema = SS2;
This gives me the default module export convention "SimpleSchema" available globally once again.

