How can I utilize RegExp to check for string? - javascript

Create a function that given a string, retains only the letters A-Z (upper and lowercase), 0-9 digits, and whitespace characters. Also, returns "Not a string!" if the entry type is not a string.
So far, I have:
function notAString(string) {
var regex = new RegExp(`^(?=.*[A-Za-z])\d\s`, 'g');
if (regex.test(string)) {
return "String!";
} else {
return "Not a string!";
I am only getting "Not a string!" returned, even if it is a string.

I'm not sure many people would agree with your definition of string! But based on the sequence you described, that would be ^[A-Za-z0-9\s]+$
Check it out at

Your RegEx should be ^[A-Za-z 0-9]*$:
^ asserts position at start of a line
A-Z matches a single character in the range between A (index 65) and Z (index 90) (case sensitive)
a-z matches a single character in the range between a (index 97) and z (index 122) literally (case sensitive)
matches the space character
0-9 matches a single character in the range between 0 (index 48) and 9 (index 57) literally (case sensitive)
* quantifier — matches between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed
$ asserts position at the end of a line
You can also use Conditional (ternary) operator to simplify the solution like the following way:
function notAString(string) {
var regex = new RegExp(`^[A-Za-z 0-9]*$`, 'g');
return regex.test(string)? 'String!' : 'Not a string!';
console.log(notAString('123 Test string')); // String!
console.log(notAString('Test#string')); // Not a string!


Regex string contain just digits and *,#,+ in javascript

I am trying to implement a function in Javascript that verify a string.
The pattern i must to do is contain only digits charactor, *, # and +.
For example:
I tried alot of thing like
but it's doesn't work. I am not sure that i understand good in regex. Please help.
I think you want the pattern ^[0-9*#+]+$:
var inputs = ["+182031203", "+12312312312*#", "+2131*1231#", "12312+#", "#123########"];
for (var i=0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
console.log(inputs[i] + " => " + /^[0-9*#+]+$/.test(inputs[i]));
Using Regex101
0-9 matches a single character in the range between 0 (index 48) and 9 (index 57) (case sensitive)
* matches the character * with index 4210 (2A16 or 528) literally (case sensitive)
# matches the character # with index 3510 (2316 or 438) literally (case sensitive)
+ matches the character + with index 4310 (2B16 or 538) literally (case sensitive)
Try this regular expression:
const rxDigitsAndSomeOtherCharacters = /^(\d+|[*#]+)+$/;
Breaking it down:
^ start-of-text, followed by
( a [capturing] group, consisting of
\d+ one or more digits
| or...
[*#+]+ one ore more of *, # or +
)+, the [capturing] group being repeated 1 or more times, and followed by
$ end-of-text

Javascript regex for consective character checker and one exception

Need to create a regex for a string with below criteria
Allowable characters:
uppercase A to Z A-Z
lowercase a to z a-z
hyphen `
apostrophe '
single quote '
full stop .
numerals 0 to 9 0-9
Must start with an alphabetic character a-zA-Z
Cannot have consecutive non-alpha characters except for a full stop followed by a space .
The regex I created
Not sure how to put an exception to allow a full stop followed by a space. Please advise.
"Cannot have non-alphabetic characters at the start"
make sure that the string always starts with either a-z or A-Z
"Cannot have consecutive non-alpha characters except for a full stop followed by a space"
split at full-stop and space sequence ... /(\.[ ]+)/
"Cannot have consecutive non-alpha characters except for a full stop followed by a space"
for every entry make sure that ...
it either equals ... . ... "except for a full stop followed by a space"
or it matches ... /^((?<![-’'. 0-9])[-’'. 0-9]|[a-zA-Z]+)+$/ ... "Cannot have consecutive non-alpha characters" (But can feature alphabetic sequences.)
for the non consecutiveness make use of a negative lookbehind which ensures that specific non-alpha characters can not be preceded by their own kind.
function validateString(str) {
// []
const regXSequence = (/^((?<![-’'. 0-9])[-’'. 0-9]|[a-zA-Z]+)+$/);
str = String(str);
return (
// []
(/^[a-zA-Z]+/).test(str) &&
// split at full-stop and space sequence
str.split(/(\.[ ]+)/).every(
item => (item === '. ') || regXSequence.test(item)
'- Must contain alphabetic characters,\n- Cannot have non-alphabetic characters at the start,\n- Cannot have consecutive non-alpha characters except for a full stop followed by a space ...',
"AaaaaAA'a'. a0a1a1aa. a0a1a.aa. a0a1a-aa. 0abc0a-b’c'dfhf.ejg f0a9sdfgjgjgkj"
'Cannot have non-alphabetic characters at the start ...',
" AaaaaAA'a'. a0a1a1aa. a0a1a.aa. a0a1a-aa. 0abc0a-b’c'dfhf.ejg f0a9sdfgjgjgkj"
'Cannot have consecutive non-alpha characters except for a full stop followed by a space ...',
"AaaaaAA'a'. a0a1a1aa. a0a1a.aa. a0a1a-aa. 0abc0a-b’c'dfhf.ejg f0a9sdfgjgjgkj"
.as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }
You can use
See the regex demo and the regex graph:
^ - start of string
[a-zA-Z] - an ASCII letter
[a-zA-Z0-9.\s'-]- zero or more (due to) ASCII letters or digits, .`, whitespace, backtick, singlq straight quotation mark or hyphen chars
$ - end of string.
See the JavaScript demo:
const texts = ['An abc with 123.', 'An abc with 123...', 'A 123 abc . '];
const re = /^(?!.*(?!\.\s)[\s`'.-]{2})[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.\s`'-]*$/;
for (const text of texts) {
console.log(text, '=>', re.test(text));

Regex remove duplicate adjacent characters in javascript

I've been struggling getting my regex function to work as intended. My goal is to iterate endlessly over a string (until no match is found) and remove all duplicate, adjacent characters. Aside from checking if 2 characters (adjacent of each other) are equal, the regex should only remove the match when one of the pair is uppercase.
e.g. the regex should only remove 'Xx' or 'xX'.
My current regex only removes matches where a lowercase character is followed by any uppercase character.
How can I implement looking for the same adjacent character and the pattern of looking for an uppercase character followed by an equal lowercase character?
You'd either have to list out all possible combinations, eg
Or implement it more programatically, without regex:
let str = 'fooaBbAfoo';
while (true) {
for (let i = 0; i < str.length - 1; i++) {
const thisChar = str[i];
const nextChar = str[i + 1];
if (/[a-z]/i.test(thisChar) && thisChar.toUpperCase() === nextChar.toUpperCase() && thisChar !== nextChar) {
str = str.slice(0, i) + str.slice(i + 2);
continue outer;
Looking for the same adjacent character: /(.)\1/
Looking for an uppercase character followed by an equal lowercase character isn't possible in JavaScript since it doesn't support inline modifiers. If they were regex should be: /(.)(?!\1)(?i:\1)/, so it matches both 'xX' or 'Xx'

Javascript validation regex for names

I am looking to accept names in my app with letters and hyphens or dashes, i based my code on an answer i found here
and coded that:
function validName(n){
var nameRegex = /^[a-zA-Z\-]+$/;
if(n.match(nameRegex) == null){
return "Wrong";
return "Right";
the only problem is that it accepts hyphen as the first letter (even multiple ones) which i don't want.
Use negative lookahead assertion to avoid matching the string starting with a hyphen. Although there is no need to escape - in the character class when provided at the end of character class. Use - removed character class for avoiding - at ending or use lookahead assertion.
var nameRegex = /^(?!-)[a-zA-Z-]*[a-zA-Z]$/;
// or
var nameRegex = /^(?!-)(?!.*-$)[a-zA-Z-]+$/;
var nameRegex = /^(?!-)[a-zA-Z-]*[a-zA-Z]$/;
// or
var nameRegex1 = /^(?!-)(?!.*-$)[a-zA-Z-]+$/;
function validName(n) {
if (n.match(nameRegex) == null) {
return "Wrong";
} else {
return "Right";
function validName1(n) {
if (n.match(nameRegex1) == null) {
return "Wrong";
} else {
return "Right";
FYI : You can use RegExp#test method for searching regex match and which returns boolean based on regex match.
return "Right";
return "Wrong";
UPDATE : If you want only single optional - in between words, then use a 0 or more repetitive group which starts with -as in #WiktorStribiżew answer .
var nameRegex = /^[a-zA-Z]+(?:-[a-zA-Z]+)*$/;
You need to decompose your single character class into 2 , moving the hyphen outside of it and use a grouping construct to match sequences of the hyphen + the alphanumerics:
var nameRegex = /^[a-zA-Z]+(?:-[a-zA-Z]+)*$/;
See the regex demo
This will match alphanumeric chars (1 or more) at the start of the string and then will match 0 or more occurrences of - + one or more alphanumeric chars up to the end of the string.
If there can be only 1 hyphen in the string, replace * at the end with ? (see the regex demo).
If you also want to allow whitespace between the alphanumeric chars, replace the - with [\s-] (demo).
You can either use a negative lookahead like Pranav C Balan propsed or just use this simple expression:
Live example:
The below regex is useful for surnames if one wants to forbid leading or trailing non-alphabetic characters, while permitting a small set of common word-joining characters in between two names.
^[a-zA-Z]+[- ']{0,1}[a-zA-Z]+$
^[a-zA-Z]+ must begin with at least one letter
[- ']{0,1} allow zero or at most one of any of -, or '
[a-zA-Z]+$ must end with at least one letter
Test cases
(The double-quotes have been added purely to illustrate the presence of whitespace.)
"Blair" => match
" Blair" => no match
"Blair " => no match
"-Blair" => no match
"- Blair" => no match
"Blair-" => no match
"Blair -" => no match
"Blair-Nangle" => match
"Blair--Nangle" => no match
"Blair Nangle" => match
"Blair -Nangle" => no match
"O'Nangle" => match
"BN" => match
"BN " => no match
" O'Nangle" => no match
"B" => no match
"3Blair" => no match
"!Blair" => no match
"van Nangle" => match
"Blair'" => no match
"'Blair" => no match
Limitations include:
No single-character surnames
No surnames composed of more than two words
Check it out on regex101.

Check for special characters in string

I want to check if a string contains special characters like !##$%^&*.,<>/\'";:? and return true if the string contains atleast one of those chars.
I tried with the following regex,script:
var format = /^[!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]*$/;
if( string.match(format) ){
return true;
return false;
If the string contains only the special characters then it returns true , but if the string contains something else like alphanumeric chars ( !example1 , .example2 ) it returns false.
I suggest using RegExp .test() function to check for a pattern match, and the only thing you need to change is remove the start/end of line anchors (and the * quantifier is also redundant) in the regex:
var format = /[ `!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?~]/;
// ^ ^
document.write(format.test("My#string-with(some%text)") + "<br/>");
document.write(format.test("My string with spaces") + "<br/>");
The anchors (like ^ start of string/line, $ end od string/line and \b word boundaries) can restrict matches at specific places in a string. When using ^ the regex engine checks if the next subpattern appears right at the start of the string (or line if /m modifier is declared in the regex). Same case with $: the preceding subpattern should match right at the end of the string.
In your case, you want to check the existence of the special character from the set anywhere in the string. Even if it is only one, you want to return false. Thus, you should remove the anchors, and the quantifier *. The * quantifier would match even an empty string, thus we must remove it in order to actually check for the presence of at least 1 special character (actually, without any quantifiers we check for exactly one occurrence, same as if we were using {1} limiting quantifier).
More specific solutions
What characters are "special" for you?
All chars other than ASCII chars: /[^\x00-\x7F]/ (demo)
All chars other than printable ASCII chars: /[^ -~]/ (demo)
Any printable ASCII chars other than space, letters and digits: /[!-\/:-#[-`{-~]/ (demo)
Any Unicode punctuation proper chars, the \p{P} Unicode property class:
ECMAScript 2018: /\p{P}/u
● ES5 (demo):
All Unicode symbols (not punctuation proper), \p{S}:
ECMAScript 2018: /\p{S}/u
● ES5 (demo):
All Unicode punctuation and symbols, \p{P} and \p{S}:
ECMAScript 2018: /[\p{P}\p{S}]/u
● ES5 (demo):
Your regexp use ^ and $ so it tries to match the entire string. And if you want only a boolean as the result, use test instead of match.
var format = /[!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]+/;
return true;
} else {
return false;
Wouldn't it be easier to negative-match alphanumerics instead?
return string.match(/^[^a-zA-Z0-9]+$/) ? true : false;
var specialChars = "<>#!#$%^&*()_+[]{}?:;|'\"\\,./~`-=";
var checkForSpecialChar = function(string){
for(i = 0; i < specialChars.length;i++){
if(string.indexOf(specialChars[i]) > -1){
return true
return false;
var str = "YourText";
alert("Not Valid");
} else {
Remove the characters ^ (start of string) and $ (end of string) from the regular expression.
var format = /[!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]/;
var format = /[`!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?~]/;
// ^ ^
document.write(format.test("My #string-with(some%text)") + "<br/>");
document.write(format.test("My string with spaces") + "<br/>");
document.write(format.test("My StringContainingNoSpecialChars"));
Simple solution
let text = "12AB"
const specialChars = `/[!##$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]+/;`
const isSpecialCharsPresent = specialChars.split('').some(char =>
text.includes(char)) // true if present and false if not
console.log(isSpecialCharsPresent) // false
let text = "12AB."
console.log(isSpecialCharsPresent) // true
Check if a string contains at least one password special character:
For reference: ASCII Table -- Printable Characters
Special character ranges in the ASCII table are:
Space to /
: to #
[ to `
{ to ~
Therefore, use this:
/[ -/:-#[-`{-~]/.test(string)
I just did this,
return true; // Contains at least one special character or space
} else {
return false;
You can use this regex for specials chars : /\W/
I took an alternative approuch, without using REGEX, O(n) in performence:
function hasSpecialChars(str) {
const specialCharsSet = new Set("!##$%^&*()_");
for (let letter of str) {
if (specialCharsSet.has(letter)) {
return true;
return false;
You can try this:
regex = [\W_]
It will definitely help you.

