document.location.href not working on Safari 2020 - javascript

I'm having issue redirecting a webpage on all browsers. I created a custom page for a client about a year back on SHOPIFY and now the redirect function no longer works.
I was originally using document.location.href = "/cart" and all worked well. But I recieved a call from him today saying the page wont redirect anymore on his IPhone.
I changed it to, this fixed it for most browsers except safari. I understand that the best way for this to work on all browsers is the document version. But that seems to have been out dated this year.
setTimeout(function(){ document.location.href = '/cart';},1000);
Checking the user agent of the browser and if it's safari we can do a different tailored version of a redirect, just haven't found out how to do this on the new safari yet.
#stanislav seems to have the same issue from this link, I suspect we will start to see the number of people with this issue growing.
Why isnt window.location.href= not forwarding to page using Safari?
Thanks to all for the input and suggestions, hoping to get the resolved soon.

try upgrade , Safari version 14 fixed this bug.


javascript that executes when leaving page - updating legacy code

Just a bit of background - I was updating a legacy feature that is all javascript as there was new functionality being added to our web app that the legacy feature had to interact with.
While testing this update we noticed that there was an issue when moving from page to page within the web app - the legacy feature is supposed to follow you if it has been activated.
Basically the data from the activated feature wasn't being retained. There is some code in there that was supposed to do this. After some investigation it was discovered that it is working as expected in IE/Edge and Firefox but the exit code is not getting executed in Google Chrome and Safari.
This might explain why the business wasn't aware of the issue but it's been confirmed that the issue is also in the live site so hasn't been recently introduced as I believe most of the users would be on IE.
The code that was managing the exit functionality was as follows:
if(window.onpagehide || window.onpagehide === null){
window.addEventListener("pagehide", storeDataFunction, false);
} else {
window.addEventListener("unload", storeDataFunction, false);
With the above code the logic within the storeDataFunction doesn't even execute when you attempt to leave the page.
After some browsing on here and other forums I have updated the above to:
window.onbeforeunload = storeDataFunction;
and made storeDataFunction return null.
This appears to be slightly better in that the storeDataFunction is getting executed when moving pages but deep within it there is an ajax POST to a controller in our web app that stores the data necessary to check if the feature is active and what it has done and this ajax request does not get executed.
Again this is only on Chrome and Safari and works fine on IE and Firefox.
So what I'm looking for is a steer. Am I heading down the wrong path using onbeforeunload for what we want to achieve here? Or was the original use of pagehide/unload more appropriate?
Are both of those incorrect and there is a better way of doing it?
This feature was developed about 7 years ago so I'm not even sure if it ever worked on Chrome or if it did at time of development and some more recent updates in Chrome changed they way it handles page termination.
Thanks in advance.
Looks like Google have updated Chrome to stop XHR during page dismissal.

js-cookie library working on Android but not iOS devices

I am building a web app that uses js-cookie. I use the following to import the js-cookie library into my html/javascript file:
<script src=""></script>
My js-cookie code works perfectly with Android devices: Cookies are created and retrieved, just as expected. However, the same code fails to write/read cookies when executed on iOS devices (iPhones). The browser doesn't matter; I have tested with the latest versions of Safari, Chrome, and Firefox for iOS.
The cookies, when written, come back as undefined when I attempt to read them on iOS devices. Here is a snippet of code that I use to write the cookies:
//Set expiration cookie...
nowDate = new Date();
expiresDate = new Date(nowDate.getTime() + (120 * 120000));
//cookie expires in 4 hours
Cookies.set('expires', expiresDate, { expires: expiresDate });
Any subsequent attempt to read these cookies works perfectly on Android devices, but not on iOS devices. Here's an example piece of code I use to read the cookie:
expiresCookie = Cookies.get('expires'); //get expiresCookie
What am I doing wrong?
The browser you use on iOs has no impact because, it's always the Safari engine. On iOs, chrome, firefox and others are just frame around the safari webview. That's for the pro tip.
Now, in your problem. Can you access to the classical cookie API ? You can do it using this :
If no, you have a very big problem. Maybe you've already moved to iOS 11 and be included in the no-more-cookie policy :
Or maybe you have enabled an ad-block/do-not-track feature.
First, I think you have a trouble with you link to the script. If you did your first tests on android maybe your device still keep this file in your cache.
try with this url for having latest version:
Then, check also that your url is not in file location (file:///.../file.html) instead of http (http://domain/file.html). Browsers doesn't save cookies when there is no domain and no http communication.

$window.location = pdfLocation; not downloading PDF AngularJs

I am receiving the location of a pdf document in angular, and I cant get it to consistently download.
It works on my home laptop, but not whilst at work.
Code below
RenderService.document('document.pdf', spec).then(function(pdfLocation) {
$window.location = pdfLocation;
Works in Chrome on Ubuntu at home, not on the same set up at work. Does anyone know any reason why the operation of '$window.location' wouldn't be idempotent?
Also works on FF on my work machine, just not Chrome
This mostly happends if you have some third part software installed or the browser security is configured as to high. Check for addblocker & antivir software on your machine and also check the security configuration in your browser. Ensure that your pdf location is based on HTTPS if your application is running on HTTPS.
For Chrome & Safari try to set your window.location.href property instead of window.location. This should work for all browser so.
RenderService.document('document.pdf', spec).then(function(pdfLocation) {
window.location.href = pdfLocation;
return false;
Here is a plnkr demo which does run well in chrome.
Thanks to #lin I realised the issue was chrome blocking my download due to the advanced security option in Chrome:
"Protect you and your device from dangerous sites"
I'm not sure how to get around it yet, and will update this answer if I find a solution

Windows Safari Freezes When Silverlight Calls a JavaScript window.alert/prompt

I have a Siverlight application, which needs to get something from the web page that hosts it. So I'm using HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("JS_OpenProject") in Silverlight.
Here is the JavaScript code:
function JS_OpenProject() {
// window.alert also crashes
window.alert("Here is a window.alert");
// window.prompt also crashes
//var result = window.prompt("Please input the id of the project to be opened:", "12345");
return result;
Safari freezes every time when the JavaScript method JS_OpenProject is called. If I remove the window.alert and window.prompt, it's fine.
On Windows, I tested my Silverlight application with JavaScript calling against IE, Chrome and Firefox, everything works fine, but just the Safari.
I have googled a lot, but no luck.
Please advise!
I had the same problem with FireFox and that seems to have been corrected now. The problem arises when Silverlight is run in windowsless mode.
If you don't need it turn it off, it will run even faster.

bug window.location.href + hash in Safari?

I have a script in my JavaScript file where I need to open a new file with a hash already set, something like:
function search(queryString){
window.location.href = "dosome.php#" + queryString
because dosome.php is the page where I have all the scripts for the search...
I know it sounds like a hack, but I cant spend more time rebuilding everything. I'm just trying to fix it temporarily.
It works in Firefox and Chrome, but for some reason, it doesn't work in Safari-- it doesn't send the URL with the hash. Safari sends:
instead of
What could be the problem?
If your server on dosome.php does some redirects, the hash is NOT retained, at least on Safari 4 and IE8. Chrome and Firefox work well.
In order to test this, try entering the URL in Safari's address bar and see if Safari keeps losing the #. (Test both with w/o www, even a simple www redirection loses the #.)
If this is the case, there is nothing you can do server-side because the #... is not sent to server; it's the client who is supposed to not lose it during navigation.
IS this done from the same page? Meaning, dosome.php?
Then try using location.hash,
location.hash = "#somestring";
I had a similar problem.
The following code was failing on an iPhone 5 in Safari:
window.location.href = ''
Safari was redirecting to just
It was working correctly in Chrome on the same phone as well as on the desktop.
I noticed it was adding the forward slash to the end and wondered if just adding a forward slash between the hash would work.
It did!
I changed my code to this and it worked:
window.location.href = ''
Notice the / before the hash.

