javascript banners freezes on first banner - javascript

I have two banners which I added recently to my website and I'd like to change the banners every 5 seconds,
unfortunately, it shows only the first one and freezes
this is my whole code for foreach data
var links = ["http://site", "http://site"];
var images = ["/uploads/ad1.png", "/uploads/ad2.png"];
var i = 0;
var renew = setInterval(function() {
if (links.length == i) {
i = 0;
} else {
document.getElementById("bannerImage").src = images[i];
document.getElementById("bannerLink").href = links[i];
}, 500);
<?php foreach ($messages as $message){
<a href="?id= <?php echo $message['message_id']?>" class="waves-effect waves-light"> details <i class="fas fa-angle-double-left ml-2"></i>
<div class="container">
<div class="text-center">
<a id="bannerLink" href="http://site" onclick="void; return false;">
<img id="bannerImage" src="" width="320" height="120" alt="some text">

This code here will change the image and the link every 5 seconds.
var links = ["http://site","http://site"];
var images = ["",""];
var i = 0;
var renew = setInterval(function(){
document.getElementById("bannerImage").src = images[i];
document.getElementById("bannerLink").href = links[i];
if (i == links.length) {
i = 0;
}, 5000);
<div class="container">
<div class="text-center">
<a id="bannerLink" href="http://site" onclick="void; return false;">
<img id="bannerImage" src="" width="320" height="120" alt="some text">
I rearranged the loop so it will always change an image every 5 seconds. Before you have the reset taking an entire round, adding 5 seconds.
I also changed 500 to 5000 (it's in milliseconds)


I want circles to change color whenever one of them are clicked & have a Stop and Start function together

var check = null;
function Timer() {
if (check == null) {
var count = 10;
check = setInterval(function () {
count -= 1;
document.getElementById("VR").textContent = count;
if (count <= 0) clearInterval(check);
}, 1000);
function stop() {
check = null;
document.getElementById("VR").textContent = "0";
<div class="VRcircle">
<div class="text">
<h1 id="VR">VR</h1>
<div class="circle circle1" onclick="Timer()">
<div class="text">
<a href="#">
<div class="circle circle2" onclick="Timer()">
<div class="text">
<a href="#">
<div class="circle circle3" onclick="stop()">
<div class="text">
<a href="#">
Circle1, circle2 & circle3 should change color whenever they are clicked and timer should be displayed on VR circle.
Would it be possible to start timer when i click on element and on second click stop it while it's running?
Could i click different elements without refreshing the page and how ?
Thanks in advance
I can display Timer() function on VR circle, i also have written stop() function, both of them works.
but can't do other things. my mind went blank probably.
Hope anyone will help me.

javascript - display in a random order everytime page is refreshed

What should I do to make this display in a random order every time the page is refreshed.
here's what I added on my WordPress text editor and it displays the images perfectly fine but it does not randomize the order of the divs. What did I do wrong?
<div class="quiz">
<a href="">
<img src=""></img>
<div class="quiz">
<a href="">
<img src=""></img>
<div class="quiz">
<a href="">
<img src=""></img>
<div class="quiz">
<a href="">
<img src=""></img>
<div class="quiz">
<a href="">
<img src=""></img>
var cards = $(".quiz");
for(var i = 0; i < cards.length; i++){
var target = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length -1) + 1;
var target2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * cards.length -1) +1;
Your code works fine.
I just:
Fixed <a> tag
Added Jquery library
Here your code on Jsfiddle
You can randomize it with Math.random.
var divContents = ['<br><div class="quiz"><img src=""></div>', 'second', 'thrid', '4th', '5th', '6th'];
var len = divContents.length;
var parent = document.getElementById('parent');
for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*(divContents.length));
parent.innerHTML += (divContents[random]);
divContents.splice(random, 1);
<div id="parent">

Make JS carousel repeat

I'm using the following code for a simple carousel. I'd like to make it repeat after you get to the third quote-item.
Can anyone help? Thank you.
Here's the JS:
$(function() {
var currentCarousel = 0;
function changeCarousel() {
$('.quote-item:eq('+ currentCarousel +')').show();
currentCarousel = currentCarousel + 1;
setTimeout(function(){ changeCarousel(); }, 8000);
$('.quote-change').click(function(e) {
And this is the HTML:
<div class="quote" >
<div class="quote-item">
<div class="quote-image">
<img src="" alt="quote 1">
<div class="quote-text">
quote text one
<div class="quote-item">
<div class="quote-image">
<img src="" alt="quote 1">
<div class="quote-text">
quote text Two...
<div class="quote-item">
<div class="quote-image">
<img src="" alt="quote 1">
<div class="quote-text">
quote text THREE...
Try this:
$(function () {
var currentCarousel = 0;
var timeoutID = null;
var timeoutDuration = 2000;
var quoteChange = $('.quote-change');
var quoteItems = $('.quote-item');
var numQuotes = quoteItems.length;
function changeCarousel() {
currentCarousel += 1;
if (currentCarousel === numQuotes) { currentCarousel = 0; }
timeoutID = setTimeout(function () {
}, timeoutDuration);
changeCarousel(); (e) {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="quote">
<div class="quote-item">
<div class="quote-image">
<img src="" alt="quote 1" />
<div class="quote-text">quote text one</div>
<div class="quote-item">
<div class="quote-image">
<img src="" alt="quote 2" />
<div class="quote-text">quote text Two...</div>
<div class="quote-item">
<div class="quote-image">
<img src="" alt="quote 3" />
<div class="quote-text">quote text THREE...</div>
Also you were missing a clearTimeout(); since you have a click handler calling the same changeCarousel() function as well. There is a conflict.
So imagine that by default, your setTimeout keeps calling changeCarousel() recursively and assuming it was right in the middle of another loop (4 seconds) when you decide to click on next button and jump to next carousel item by yourself. Because of that, your newly displaying carousel item will now only stay visible for the remaining 4 seconds but instead it should have had a full 8 seconds stay. Making sense?
Hope you find it useful.
Update your changeCarousel so if currentCarousel >= slides.length it resets to 0
function changeCarousel() {
$('.quote-item:eq('+ currentCarousel +')').show();
if(currentCarousel >= slides.length ){
currentCarousel = 0;
} else{
setTimeout(function(){ changeCarousel(); }, 8000);

How did a doctype break my JavaScript?

I made a menu, and just now I added
<!DOCTYPE html>
to the document, and it ceases to function. However the code is still running, will still print to console on mouseover etc. I tried other doctypes and they break it too, it just stays static.
What is it about a doctype that could cause JavaScript to not work?
var total_width = "960";
var slide_width = "182";
var slide_margin = "10";
var expand_width = "374";
var icon_width = "32";
var icon_margin = "15";
var slide_number = "5";
function slideid(i) {
var m = document.getElementById("slide"+i);
var l = document.getElementById("slideimg"+i);
var k = document.getElementById("slidetext"+i);
var j = document.getElementById("slidediv"+i);
return [m, l, k, j]
function compat() {
if (window.opera) {
for (var i=1;i<6;i++) {
s = slideid(i);
if (document.all && !(window.opera)) {
for (var i=1;i<6;i++) {
s = slideid(i);
var iecontents = s[2].innerHTML;
s[0].style.padding="10px auto";
function expand(x) {
if (document.all && !(window.opera)) {
var shrink = new Array();
for (var i=1;i<6;i++) {
if (i === x) {
var expander = i;
else {
var d = shrink.length;
shrink[d] = i;
for (var i=0;i<4;i++) {
s = slideid(shrink[i]);
var slide_shrink = ((total_width-(5*slide_margin))-expand_width)/(slide_number-1);
s = slideid(expander);
function shrink() {
if (document.all && !(window.opera)) {
for (var i=1;i<6;i++) {
s = slideid(i);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<script src="menu.js"></script>
<body onload="compat()">
<div id="Menu" onMouseout="shrink()">
<a href="#" class="slide" id="slide1" onMouseOver="expand(1)">
<img id="slideimg1" src="home.png" />
<div id="slidediv1">
<h2 id="slidetext1">Home</h2>
<a href="#" class="slide" id="slide2" onMouseOver="expand(2)">
<img id="slideimg2" src="sound.png" />
<div id="slidediv2">
<h2 id="slidetext2">Music</h2>
<a href="#" class="slide" id="slide3" onMouseOver="expand(3)">
<img id="slideimg3" src="blog.png" />
<div id="slidediv3">
<h2 id="slidetext3">Blog</h2>
<a href="#" class="slide" id="slide4" onMouseOver="expand(4)">
<img id="slideimg4" src="note.png" />
<div id="slidediv4">
<h2 id="slidetext4">Bio</h2>
<a href="#" class="slide" id="slide5" onMouseOver="expand(5)">
<img id="slideimg5" src="way.png" />
<div id="slidediv5">
<h2 id="slidetext5">Links</h2>
You need to add "px" to marginLeft and width. Setting CSS style which requires units will not work without unit. And you are missing <html></html> tags.
function expand(x) {
if (document.all && !(window.opera)) {
var shrink = new Array();
for (var i=1;i<6;i++){
if (i === x) {
var expander = i;
else {
var d = shrink.length;
shrink[d] = i;
for (var i=0;i<4;i++){
s = slideid(shrink[i]);
var slide_shrink = ((total_width-(5*slide_margin)) - expand_width) / (slide_number-1);
s[1].style.marginLeft=(slide_shrink-icon_width)/2 +"px";
s[0].style.width=slide_shrink +"px";
s = slideid(expander);
s[1].style.marginLeft=icon_margin +"px";
s[0].style.width=expand_width + "px";
s[3].style.width= (expand_width-icon_width-icon_margin-7) +"px";
function shrink() {
if (document.all && !(window.opera)) {
for (var i=1;i<6;i++){
s = slideid(i);
s[1].style.marginLeft=(slide_width-icon_width)/2 +"px";
s[0].style.width=slide_width + "px";
document.all is a Microsoft thing, not covered by a standard (more in this other Q/A). Remove all use of it and use document.getElementById as necessary instead.
My guess is that if you look in the JavaScript console, you'll see errors related to document.all not existing, because while whatever browser you're testing on supported it in quirks mode, when you switched it to standards mode (by adding a doctype), it stopped supporting it.
Adding the HTML5 DOCTYPE (<!DOCTYPE html>) puts browsers into "Standards mode". Without it, the browser will be in "Quirks mode", which is essentially an IE5/legacy compatibility mode. MDN has more information on the subject, and a list of differences in behaviour in Firefox.
The biggest problem with your script is the use of document.all, which is a non-standard Microsoft thing. You'll want to use standard DOM stuff like document.getElementById.
include your count script before closing body tag and dont forget to add closing tag of html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<script src="menu.js"></script>
<body onload="compat()">
<div id="Menu" onMouseout="shrink()">
<a href="#" class="slide" id="slide1" onMouseOver="expand(1)">
<img id="slideimg1" src="home.png" />
<div id="slidediv1">
<h2 id="slidetext1">Home</h2>
<a href="#" class="slide" id="slide2" onMouseOver="expand(2)">
<img id="slideimg2" src="sound.png" />
<div id="slidediv2">
<h2 id="slidetext2">Music</h2>
<a href="#" class="slide" id="slide3" onMouseOver="expand(3)">
<img id="slideimg3" src="blog.png" />
<div id="slidediv3">
<h2 id="slidetext3">Blog</h2>
<a href="#" class="slide" id="slide4" onMouseOver="expand(4)">
<img id="slideimg4" src="note.png" />
<div id="slidediv4">
<h2 id="slidetext4">Bio</h2>
<a href="#" class="slide" id="slide5" onMouseOver="expand(5)">
<img id="slideimg5" src="way.png" />
<div id="slidediv5">
<h2 id="slidetext5">Links</h2>

Javascript - find when scrolled to the end of the page - firefox

I have a div that contains a few pictures, using javascript i scroll left and right in that div, my problem is that for some reason in firefox the values are different that in chrome (works fine):
function scroll_right() {
document.getElementById('left').style.opacity = '1';
document.getElementById('left').style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=100)';
document.getElementById('scroller').scrollLeft += PixelPerInterval;
if (!stop) t = setTimeout('scroll_right()', 10);
else stop = false;
scrX = document.getElementById('scroller').scrollLeft;
pwidth = document.getElementById('cont').clientWidth;
awidth = document.getElementById('cont').scrollWidth;
//document.getElementById('type').innerHTML = scrX + ' ' + (awidth-pwidth);
if (scrX >= awidth - pwidth) {
//type.innerHTML = scrX + ' right';
document.getElementById('right').style.opacity = '0.4';
document.getElementById('right').style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=40)';
using scroll_left it's easy, just have scrX = 0.
The outer container is called scroller its width is fixed, and the inner container is called cont and its width isn't set by the user so unlimited pictures can be entered.
Any ideas? (without using jquery).
thanks alot.
Btw html code:
<img src="left.png" id="left" onmouseover="scroll_left();" onmouseout="stop_scroll();" />
<div id="scroller">
<div id="cont">
<a onclick="main(this);" href="#">
<img class="thumb" id="persp" src="sport/911-persp.png" alt="persp" />
<a onclick="main(this);" href="#">
<img class="thumb" id="side" src="sport/911-side.png" alt="side" />
<a onclick="main(this);" href="#">
<img class="thumb" id="front" src="sport/911-front.png" alt="front" />
<img src="right.png" id="right" onmouseover="scroll_right();" onmouseout="stop_scroll();" />

