Angular - Handle all 'x' of undefined dynamically in component - javascript

I have a wrapper component which ngFor a child component. The child component receives in #input an object to format and display.
The problem is that sometimes the object is complete and displayed correctly and sometimes the object is almost empty and I have 'x' of undefined in all formatting methods, which is normal. How and in what good way can we handle all cases of 'x' of undefined globally. Based on the TypeScript interface maybe ...?
The wrapper component:
<contact-card *ngFor="let contact of contacts"
The controller of the child component :
#Input() contact: Contact;
get fullName(): string {
return `${} ${}`;
get country(): string {
hasAccess(): boolean {
The template of the child component :
<p>{{ }}</p>
<p>{{ fullName }}</p>
<p>{{ country }}</p>
<div *ngIf="hasAccess">
<!-- -->
This is a minimalist example. The contact object may be in the correct case :
id: 1,
collaborator: {
firstName: 'Jean',
lastName: 'Pierre'
address: {
country: 'France'
access: {
delete: false,
edit: true
Or :
id: 1
I also have a pipe defaultValue which displays a default value if the value is null or undefined if it can help :
<p>{{ fullName | defaultValue }}</p>

Your default value pipe can help in the template, but I guess the error is triggered in the class.
You could try to give your child component's input a default value like #Input() contact: Contact = new Contact();
This way, the input will never be undefined and its value will change when it is ready.


Binding child input :value to the parent prop

I try to bind child input value to the parent value. I pass value searchText from a Parent component to a Child component as prop :valueProp. There I assign it to property value: this.valueProp and bind input:
<input type="text" :value="value" #input="$emit('changeInput', $" />
The problem is that input doesn't work with such setup, nothing displays in input, but parent searchText and valueProp in child update only with the last typed letter; value in child doesn't update at all, though it is set to equal to searchText.
If I remove :value="value" in input, all will work fine, but value in child doesn't get updated along with parent's searchText.
I know that in such cases it's better to use v-model, but I want to figure out the reason behind such behavior in that case.
I can't understand why it works in such way and value in child component doesn't update with parent's searchText. Can you please explain why it behaves in that way?
Link to Sanbox: Sandbox
<Child :valueProp="searchText" #changeInput="changeInput" />
<p>parent {{ searchText }}</p>
import Child from "./Child.vue";
export default {
name: "Parent",
components: { Child },
data() {
return {
searchText: "",
methods: {
changeInput(data) {
this.searchText = data;
<input type="text" :value="value" #input="$emit('changeInput', $" />
<p>value: {{ value }}</p>
<p>child: {{ valueProp }}</p>
export default {
emits: ["changeInput"],
data() {
return {
value: this.valueProp,
props: {
valueProp: {
type: String,
required: true,
You set the value in your Child component only once by instantiating.
In the data() you set the initial value of your data properties:
data() {
return {
value: this.valueProp,
Since you don't use v-model, the value will never be updated.
You have the following options to fix it:
The best one is to use v-model with value in the Child.vue
update value using watcher
watch: {
valueProp(newValue) {
this.value = newValue;
use a computed property for value instead of data property
computed: {
value() {return this.valueProp;}
Respect for creating the sandbox!
You are overwriting the local value every time the value changes
data() {
return {
value: this.valueProp, // Don't do this
Bind directly to the prop:
<input ... :value="valueProp" ... />

Why is ngOnChanges executed when modifying a local property of a class?

I have been dealing with this scenario for a while, I appreciate your advice in advance
ngOnChanges runs in a context that I understand it shouldn't run. When modifying a property of a class which was initially set through #Input. This modification causes ngOnchanges hook to be executed in one context and not in another. I describe my scenario below
I have the following parent component that contains a list of customers that is passed to a child component,
Parent controller
export class AppComponent {
customers: ICustomer[];
currentlySelected: Option = 'All';
constructor() {
this.customers = [
id: 1,
name: 'Task1',
status: 'Pending',
id: 2,
name: 'Task2',
status: 'Pending',
id: 3,
name: 'Task3',
status: 'Progress',
id: 4,
name: 'Task4',
status: 'Closed',
selectBy(option: Option): void {
this.currentlySelected = option;
filterBy(): ICustomer[] {
if (this.currentlySelected === 'All') {
return this.customers;
return this.customers.filter(
(customer) => customer.status === this.currentlySelected
Parent template
<li (click)="selectBy('All')">All</li>
<li (click)="selectBy('Pending')">Pending</li>
<li (click)="selectBy('Progress')">Progress</li>
<li (click)="selectBy('Closed')">Closed</li>
<app-list [customers]="filterBy()"></app-list>
Before passing customer to the child component they are filtered according to the customer status property, that is the purpose of the filterBy function.
The child component in the hook ngOnChanges modifies each customer by adding the showDetail property and assigns it the value false
export class ListComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
#Input() customers: ICustomer[] = [];
constructor() {}
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
this.customers =
(customer: ICustomer) => ({
showDetail: false,
ngOnInit(): void {
toggleDetail(current: ICustomer): void {
this.customers = ICustomer) => ===
? { ...customer, showDetail: !customer.showDetail }
: { ...customer }
Calling the toggleDetail method changes the value of the showDetail property to show the customer's detail
child template
<ng-container *ngFor="let customer of customers">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<button (click)="toggleDetail(customer)">Detail</button>
<tr *ngIf="customer.showDetail">
<td colspan="2">
{{ customer | json }}
The behavior that occurs is the following, when all clients are listed and click on detail it works as expected, but if I change to another state and the list is updated and I click on detail it does not show the detail. The reason is that the ngOnchanges hook is re-executed causing the showDetail property to be set to false again, thus defeating my intention.
Why is ngOnChanges executed in this context? What alternative is there to solve it?
Update 1
I have added sample app:
You has in your code
<app-list [customers]="filterBy()"></app-list>
Angular can not know the result of the function "filterBy" until executed, so it's executed each time check. This is the reason we should avoid use functions in our .html (We can use, of course, but we need take account this has a penalty). Use an auxiliar variable
In constructor you add
constructor() {
this.customers = [...]
this.customerFilter=this.customers //<--add this line
And in selectBy
selectBy(option: Option): void {
this.currentlySelected = option;
this.customerFilter=this.filterBy() //<--this line
Now pass as argument the customerFilter
<app-list [customers]="customerFilter"></app-list>
Your forked stackblitz
Angular runs ngOnChanges when any of the inputs change. When you use an object as an input parameter Angular compares references. As Eliseo said Angular calls your filterBy function on each change detection, and it's not a problem when the currentlySelected is All, beacuse you return the same array reference and it won't trigger change detection in your list component. However when it's not, that causes an issue. You filter your array on each change detection and that results in a new array every time. Now Angular detects that the #Input() changed and runs ngOnChanges.
You can do as Eliseo said, that's a solution too. My suggestion is to create a pipe, it's makes the component.ts less bloated.
name: 'filterCustomers',
export class FilterCustomersPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(customers: ICustomer[] | null | undefined, filter: Option | undefined | undefined): ICustomer[] | undefined {
if (!customers) {
return undefined;
if (!filter || filter === 'All') {
return customers;
return customers.filter((customer) => customer.status === filter);
I prefere writing out null | undefined too, so it's safer with strictTemplates.
You can use this pipe like this:
<app-list [customers]="customers | filterCustomers : currentlySelected"></app-list>
Here you can read more about Angular pipes.
Another suggestion:
Your nav doesn't have button elements, you bind your (click) events on li elements. That's a really bad practice as it not focusable by keyboard. More about HTML Accessibility.

Vue2: Use form component with input type textarea to display AND edit data (without directly manipulating props)

I am building an MVP and this is the first time I do web development. I am using Vue2 and Firebase and so far, things go well.
However, I ran into a problem I cannot solve alone. I have an idea how it SHOULD work but cannot write it into code and hope you guys can help untangle my mind. By now I am incredibly confused and increasingly frustrated :D
So lets see what I got:
Child Component
I have built a child component which is a form with three text-areas. To keep it simple, only one is included it my code snippets.
<div class="wrap">
<form class="form">
<p class="label">Headline</p>
<textarea rows="2"
// To switch between read and edit
#click.prevent="togglemode(), updatePost()"
export default {
name: 'PostComponent'
data() {
return {
readonly: true
props: {
propHeadline: {
type: String,
required: true
methods: {
togglemode() {
if (this.readonly) {
this.readonly = false
} else {
this.readonly = true
updatePost() {
// updates it to the API - that works
<script src=""></script>
And my parent component:
<div class="wrap">
v-for="post in posts"
import PostComponent from '#/components/PostComponent.vue'
export default {
components: { PostComponent },
data() {
return {
posts: []
created() {
// Gets all posts from DB and pushes them in array "posts"
<script src=""></script>
Current Status
So far, everything works. I can display all posts and when clicking on "edit" I can make changes and save them. Everything gets updated to Firebase - great!
Problem / Error Message
I get the following error message:
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value.
As the error says I should use a computed property based on the props value. But how can I achieve that?
Solution Approach
I believe I have to use a computed getter to return the prop value - how to do that?
And then I have to use the setter to emit an event to the parent to update the value so the prop passes it back down - how to do that?
I have found bits and pieces online but by now all I see is happy families passing around small packages of data...
Would be really thankful for a suggestion on how to solve this one! :)
Thanks a lot!
This error shows because of your v-model on texterea which mutate the prop, but in vue it is illegal to mutate props :
<textarea rows="2"
So, what you could do is to use this created() lifecycle hook and set the propHeadline prop as data :
export default {
name: 'PostComponent'
data() {
return {
readonly: true,
headline: ""
props: {
propHeadline: {
type: String,
required: true
created() {
this.headline = this.propHeadline
An then, update the new variable on your textarea :
<textarea rows="2"

passing props in vue

I am new to vue and I am having problems passing props from one component to another and I need help
<div class="location__time-details">
<h3 class="location__subheader">{{ event.venue }}</h3>
<CartManagement :event="event"/>
I am trying to get the properties from event
props: ["id", "event"],
defined the props
data: function() {
return {
regular: null,
Passed it
<h1 class="modal__text">{{}}</h1>
But the error shows Duplicate key, what am I doing wrong and what is the solution?
You cannot have both data and props with the same name. Remove event from your data. And you can give a default value of your props as follow.
props : {
event : {
type : 'Object',
default : function(){
return {
name : ''
// and other fields

Vue warn - Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '[object Array]'

I'm trying to do a project of an a Shopping cart with vue.js, and the browser Console is showing this error:
vue.common.js:576 [Vue warn]: Error in created hook: "TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '[object Array]' in products"
// App.vue
<div class="container">
<div class="products">
<div class="clearfix">
<product v-for="product in products" :key="product"></product>
<div class="shopping-cart">
import ShoppingCart from './components/ShoppingCart.vue'
import Product from './components/Product.vue'
export default {
created () {
// dados mockados
var dummy = [
{id: 1, title: 'Name of Product 1', price: 40, image: 'product.png'},
{id: 2, title: 'Name of Product 2', price: 90, image: 'product.png'},
{id: 3, title: 'Name of Product 3', price: 10, image: 'product.png'},
{id: 4, title: 'Name of Product 4', price: 20, image: 'product.png'}
this.$set('products', dummy)
data () {
return {
products: []
components: { Product, ShoppingCart }
What can I do?
I tried a lot of things and still without success =(
First of all you component name in template is "product" and also the key in for loop is also "product". Either you change Component name to suitable name like.
And you must have forgot to give a name(assign a name of component for tepmplate) to component which you imported. You cannot use imported component just like that without giving it reference name to use it in template.
components: { Product:productName, ShoppingCart: shoppingCart }
This way you use <product-name> </product-name> in template and so after that in for loop, the product in prodcuts will work.
Also products array should not work with this way. It should be in computed hook.
computed ={}
Or I should suggest you should directly asssign it in data()
for better working , in the $set method in VUE
the first arg for pass 'this' keyword
some thing like this
this.$set(this,'your_object', value)
and notice second arg must be String
you must use
this.products = dummy
instead of
this.$set('products', dummy)
and if you create your array in mounted () better than created () in your single app
I think the problem is with $set method, you need to specify the object as 1st parameter, see full doc here
so you need to do something like this:this.$set(this.products, dummy)
also this will not give you 4 products in the v-for loop. I would suggest to assign the products directly in data()

