Export vuejs components to reuse - javascript

I created an api. And for him, I created a one-page interface using vuecli. My plans are to embed it in the projects I need. The question is what needs to be done to export the written application and reuse it where necessary?
The structure of the project is shown in the screenshot.
src/main.js - connect and configure axios
src/App.vue - I describe the main component of the application
(maybe I need to put it in a separate component in the components
src/components/OneDay.vue is the second component that is mainly
called src/App.vue several times.
src/mixins/dateHandler.js - several functions common to the two
components, which are connected as mixins.
I have not modified any other files. How can I prepare this correctly so that I can connect these components to my other applications using composer? I connect, configure some variables (api address, for example) and display it in the right place on the page - this is how I see it.

You can try to create a web component using VUE CLI 3 to use it later in a different code base. Just make sure your main.js file looks like this
import Vue from 'vue';
import wrap from '#vue/web-component-wrapper';
import VueWebComponent from './components/VueWebComponent';
const CustomElement = wrap(Vue, VueWebComponent);
window.customElements.define('my-custom-element', CustomElement);
and build it using vue-cli-service build with --target wc
You can read more precise instructions there:


Import Stencil JS library from another Stencil JS library

I have two libraries of Stencil JS web components, library-a and library-b. These are not apps, just separate npm packages of components.
I would like to use some of the components from library-a inside library-b. How do I import components from A into B?
The StencilJS docs offer some import instructions but don't cover this particular use case.
Basically all you have to do is npm install (or npm link) the project and import it.
As far as I know there are two places you can include the import:
Inside a global app.ts which is configured as a globalScript in stencil.config.ts.
Inside the root component.
In your case the second option probably won't work since component libraries usually don't have a root component.
Import inside app.ts:
First, create a global script and configure it in your stencil.config.ts:
export const config: Config = {
// ...
globalScript: 'src/global/app.ts',
Then add the import inside that file. Example for Ionic Framework:
import '#ionic/core';
Now you can use the components just like any other HTML element.

How can I configure webpack.config.js to convert/transform my HTML file into JS in reactjs?

Here is my folder structure
when i tried to run my react app it give me this error
Failed to compile.
./src/css/owl.html 1:0
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
I tried google it and it says i need to create manual loader to load my html file. It is regarding to webpack but I don't know how and where I configure loader to load the owl.html file.
Short answer:
No, you can not simply convert your HTML/CSS/JS in to React JS through a plugin.
There is no need of webpack her, as it is already provided and packed by create-react-app, you can simple create a component of your page template provided.
Long Answer:
React project architecture says, One has to create a React JS component for every UI page/segment/section/widget. So for creating a page in react from the html file provided you simple has to crate a component file called Owl.js in the components folder.
In the Owl.js write the following:
import React from 'react';
export default () => {
return (
<React.Fragment>enter code here
// paste the code from your owl.html file. (everything that is written under <body>)
Use this newly created component in the App.js you have by importing it into.
Also use the css by importing it simply in the Owl.js file, like this:
import '~you-path~/owl.css';
And finally to make all the JS written in owl.js you have to carefully integrate the functions, listeners and data you are using in the newly created component out of the return statement.
I hope this clears the confusion here.

Webpack - Alias folder for use within installed package

I have some reusable React components published to NPM, that I am installing and using within my React application. Is it possible for me to set an alias in my React app, that can be used within these NPM components? For example, I want to allow the use of a folder common, which is within my React App, within the React components. So if I do this in my React components, it should work
import someVal from 'common';
I am bundling these React components with Webpack, and sending down the transpiled, bundled version for use within the React application. I tried setting the alias the regular way within the React app webpack config (by setting resolve.alias), but it does not work. Can this be done? Or am I approaching this incorrectly? Any suggestions would be great, thanks!
Edit: So the React components from NPM are within my node_modules folder, and it is already bundled up via it's own Webpack config. I then run these components through my React application Webpack config as well (I'm whitelisting the folder), in the hopes that the new common alias will be added there. But no luck. I keep getting a
someVal is undefined error.
My common file has the following: Ignore the logic for now (I'm only posting a part of the code)
import _myClass from '../components/MyClass';
const myClass = _myClass; // Other things are done to it
export default myClass;
In my React components Webpack bundle file (after I fixed the default import statement)
/* harmony import */ var common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__ = __webpack_require__(/*! common */ "./src/common/index.js");
return common__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_25__["default"].myFunction({
This still seems to be looking for common within the React components package, and not within the React app package that I am trying to use this in.

How to asynchronously import components in VueJS by full URL

I need to import a Vue component asynchronously by the full URL opposed to relative URL. The following example taken from the VueJS documentation works just fine for components within the same project
() => import('./component-from-app-one')
However, my goal is to import components from a separate project that's deployed on the same server. I was hoping I could use the full URL and do something like...
() => import ('http://sample-domain.com/project-2/components/component-from-app-two.vue')
but it results in and error:
This dependency was not found:
* http://sample-domain.com/app-2/components/component-from-app-two.vue in ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0&bustCache!./src/components/SampleComponent.vue
Is importing components by full URL possible? Thanks in advance!
The example you referenced from the Vue website is leveraging the code-splitting functionality from WebPack, so it will NOT work to load files that are not part of the same project.
What you are trying to do is typically called "dynamic/asynchronous ES6 module loading". Not to get too deep in to it.. but the current import blah from X only support static imports. If you care more about the nitty-gritty details of this.. there is a TC39 proposal for dynamic imports in JS
In the mean time... us mortals have to depend on tools like SystemJS which will do exactly what you are asking for.
But like #divine mentioned... you need some type of build-process that generates the stand-alone Vue component. You can use either WebPack or RollUp to export it as a UMD and the use SystemJS to import that component by referencing the full URL (you could even import it from a different domain! assuming that domain supports CORS)

Vue.js and Nuxt.js

Holla, first of all thanks to those who are answering to this question. this question might be silly to ask.
i am switching my spa from vue.js to nuxt provided by vue.js but write now i am in trobule beacuse of 0% visiblity between how whole nuxt works.
how to register global component.
how to switch layouts in nuxt on certain user of client-side behaviour.
where to write vue.use(someplugin).
how to write middle ware export of method which connects to server with user ip deatils than load page.
how to deal with enviornment variables in vue.js
how to transfer data from any middle ware and plugin to components which i am using.
is there any way to seperate vue component and there respective methods and data.
Registering modules using vue.use(plugins) in ~plugins/registerPlugin.js ex:
'use strict';
// npm modules.
import Vue from 'vue';
// temp modules. ex modules for registration.
import __vueCookie from 'vue-cookies'; // npm: provide cookie set and get.
import __veeValidate from 'vee-validate'; // npm: provide field validation.
import __moment from "vue-moment"; // npm: filter plugin for vue.js.
import __vueLocalStorage from 'vue-localstorage'; // npm: provide local storage api.
import __vueSessionStorage from 'vue-session'; // npm: module for managing session storage.
import __vueResource from 'vue-resource'; // npm: vue resource library.
// use vue resource library.
// vue validate for input validation.
// vue filter plugin for date and time.
// cookie plugin manager for vue.
// local storeAge manager for vue.
// session storage manager for vue.
Here my answers for questions 1-5. 6 and 7 are not completely clear to me. Perhaps you would like to rewrite them?
how to register global component.
Make a plugin file in /plugins and then add it in nuxt.config.js
plugins: ['~/plugins/components.js']
Have a look here.
how to switch layouts in nuxt on certain user of client-side
Have a look into this discussion
where to write vue.use(someplugin)
You would add them as a "nuxt" plugin and add them also in nuxt.config.js. Have a look here how to do it.
how to deal with enviornment variables in vue.js
You set them also in nuxt.config.js. See here.

