Modify javascript object to specific format - javascript

let data = {
"rec": [{
"id": "25837",
"contentId": "25838"
"id": "25839",
"contentId": "25838"
"id": "25838"
"id": "25636",
"contentId": "25837"
}, {
"id": "25640",
"contentId": "25839"
I have a javascript object which I have to manipulate to below format.
"childern": [{
"id": "25838",
"childern": [{
"id": "25837",
"contentId": "25838",
"childern": [{
"id": "25636",
"contentId": "25837"
"id": "25839",
"contentId": "25838",
"childern": [{
"id": "25640",
"contentId": "25839"
If any object dont have contentId it should be at parent level. then all the objects having contentId same as parent id should be at its child level and so on.
I have created a fiddle here but logic is not completed. Any idea or reference to achieve this.

You could create recursive function with reduce method to get the desired result.
let data = {"rec":[{"id":"25837","contentId":"25838"},{"id":"25839","contentId":"25838"},{"id":"25838"},{"id":"25636","contentId":"25837"},{"id":"25640","contentId":"25839"}]}
function nest(data, pid) {
return data.reduce((r, e) => {
if (pid == e.contentId) {
const obj = { ...e }
const children = nest(data,;
if (children.length) obj.children = children
return r;
}, [])
const result = nest(data.rec);


How in JS to merge in one object two json objects where the ID of on object correspond on the same ID of the second object

My question relates to the fact I'm querying 2 different objects from DB and the result is in JSON. I need to merge them into one.
The 2 objects have in common this two key/value IRBId = ... and id = ... and they look as an example
"name":"Admin ",
As you will see above OBJ 2 and OBJ 1 corresponding with the same at IRBid and id.
What I need is to merge the two OBJ where IRBId OBJ 2 === id OBJ 1
The result I would expect after the merge is
OBJ merged
"irb": {
"name":"Again ",
"irb": {
"name":"Admin ",
"irb": {
"name":"Admin ",
I don't know how to make it looks like this.
Try using Array.reduce
Loop through second object data nodes
Find the matching nodes from object 1 data nodes.
Push to accumulator with required details. (I have added only the nodes that was mentioned in in Expected resut, you can add asmuch as you need.)
const obj1 = {
"data": {
"IRBs": {
"nodes": [
"id": "8",
"name": "Admin ",
"id": "9",
"name": "Again",
const obj2 = {
"data": {
"informedConsentForms": {
"count": 3,
"nodes": [
"id": "93",
"IRBId": "9",
"id": "92",
"IRBId": "8",
"id": "91",
"IRBId": "8",
const obj1List =;
const output =, curr) => {
const matchingNode = obj1List.find((item) => === curr.IRBId);
if (matchingNode) {
IRBId: curr.IRBId,
irb: {
return acc;
}, []);
You need to use the map function on the nodes in the first object to construct a new object that contains the second and first object's attributes.
const obj1 = {
"data": {
"IRBs": {
"nodes": [{
"id": "8",
"obj1": "one",
"name": "Admin ",
"id": "9",
"obj1": "two",
"name": "Again",
const obj2 = {
"data": {
"informedConsentForms": {
"count": 3,
"nodes": [{
"id": "93",
"obj2": "1",
"IRBId": "9",
"id": "92",
"obj2": "2",
"IRBId": "8",
"id": "91",
"obj2": "3",
"IRBId": "8",
const obj1Data =;
const obj2Data =;
const res = => {
const obj1Item = obj1Data.find(obj1Item => item.IRBId ===;
return obj1Item ? { ...item, "irb": { ...obj1Item}} : { ...item};
i am using nested loop, try this one
const obj2 = {
const obj1 = {
"name":"Admin ",
const result = [];
const obj2Nodes =;
for(let i = 0; i < obj2Nodes.length; i++) {
const obj1Nodes =
for(let j = 0; j < obj1Nodes.length; j++) {
if(obj2Nodes[i].IRBId === obj1Nodes[j].id) {
const {id, ...reObj1Nodes} = obj1Nodes[j];
'irb': {

Reverse Traverse a hierarchy

I have a hierarchy of objects that contain the parent ID on them. I am adding the parentId to the child object as I parse the json object like this.
public static fromJson(json: any): Ancestry | Ancestry[] {
if (Array.isArray(json)) {
return as Ancestry[];
const result = new Ancestry();
const { parents } = json;
parents.forEach(parent => {
parent.parentId =;
json.parents = Parent.fromJson(parents);
Object.assign(result, json);
return result;
Any thoughts on how to pull out the ancestors if I have a
The data is on mockaroo curl (Ancestries.json)
As an example, with the following json and a = 5, I would create and array with the follow IDs
['5', '0723', '133', '1']
"id": "1",
"name": "Deer, spotted",
"parents": [
"id": "133",
"name": "Jaime Coldrick",
"children": [
"id": "0723",
"name": "Ardys Kurten",
"grandchildren": [
"id": "384",
"name": "Madelle Bauman"
"id": "0576",
"name": "Pincas Maas"
"id": "5",
"name": "Corrie Beacock"
There is perhaps very many ways to solve this, but in my opinion the easiest way is to simply do a search in the data structure and store the IDs in inverse order of when you find them. This way the output is what you are after.
You could also just reverse the ordering of a different approach.
I would like to note that the json-structure is a bit weird. I would have expected it to simply have nested children arrays, and not have them renamed parent, children, and grandchildren.
let data = [{
"id": "1",
"name": "Deer, spotted",
"parents": [
"id": "133",
"name": "Jaime Coldrick",
"children": [
"id": "0723",
"name": "Ardys Kurten",
"grandchildren": [
"id": "384",
"name": "Madelle Bauman"
"id": "0576",
"name": "Pincas Maas"
"id": "5",
"name": "Corrie Beacock"
const expectedResults = ['5', '0723', '133', '1']
function traverseInverseResults(inputId, childArray) {
if(!childArray){ return }
for (const parent of childArray) {
if( === inputId){
return []
} else {
let res = traverseInverseResults(inputId, parent.parents || parent.children || parent.grandchildren) // This part is a bit hacky, simply to accommodate the strange JSON structure.
if(res) {
return res
let result = traverseInverseResults('5', data)
console.log('results', result)
console.log('Got expected results?', expectedResults.length === result.length && expectedResults.every(function(value, index) { return value === result[index]}))

How to denormalize array in JS

I have a data set of the following form
let data = [
"id": {
"primary": "A1"
"msg": 1
}, {
"id": {
"primary": "A1"
"msg": 2
}, {
"id": {
"primary": "B2"
"msg": 3
I would like to transform it to
newData = [
"id": {
"primary": "A1"
"items": [
{ "msg": 1 },
{ "msg": 2 }
"id": {
"primary": "B2"
"items": [
{ "msg": 3 }
I think the method is something like the following, but am not sure how to check against undefined values in this case.
let newData = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (newData[i]['id']['primary'] === data[i]['id']) newData.push(data[i]['id'])
else newData[i]['items'].push(data[i]['msg'])
How can I transform the original data set to merge entries with a matching primary id?
One option would be to use .reduce() to create a new array from the existing.
I've added comments to clarify.
let data = [ { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 1 }, { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 2 }, { "id": { "primary": "B2" }, "msg": 3 } ];
let result = data.reduce((out,item) => {
let {id, ...items} = item; //Separate the "id" and "everything else"
let existing = out.find(({id}) => id.primary ==;
existing //have we seen this ID already?
? existing.items.push(items) //yes - add the items to it
: out.push({ id: {}, items: [items]}); //no - create it
return out;
}, []);
A couple notes:
You may notice that I've set the ID using id: {}, despite the id already being an object. This is because using the existing id object would create a reference, whereas {} creates a shallow copy.
I haven't specified the msg property anywhere. Instead, any properties that aren't id will be added to the items list (example below).
let data = [ { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 1, "otherStuff": "Hello World!" }, { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 2, "AnotherThing": true }, { "id": { "primary": "B2" }, "msg": 3, "someOtherProperty": false } ];
let result = data.reduce((out,item) => {
let {id, ...items} = item;
let existing = out.find(({id}) => id.primary ==;
? existing.items.push(items)
: out.push({ id: {}, items: [items]});
return out;
}, []);
That said, if you start to nest objects (other than ID), they will likely be included as references; ...items is only a shallow copy.
If such a case, consider something like JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(...)) for a deep copy. Be sure to read the link though; there are caveats.
You could also solve this in a concise way via the Array.reduce and ES6 destructuring:
let data = [ { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 1 }, { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 2 }, { "id": { "primary": "B2" }, "msg": 3 } ]
let result = data.reduce((r, {id, msg}) =>
((r[id.primary] = r[id.primary] || { id, items: [] }).items.push({msg}), r), {})
In more readable format it is:
let data = [ { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 1 }, { "id": { "primary": "A1" }, "msg": 2 }, { "id": { "primary": "B2" }, "msg": 3 } ]
let result = data.reduce((r, {id, msg}) => {
r[id.primary] = (r[id.primary] || { id, items: [] })
return r
}, {})
The idea is to group by the id.primary and then once the grouping is done simply get the values via Object.values
Notice that this is one pass solution where you do not have to per each iteration do an Array.find against the current accumulator.

Loop through JSON array of objects and get the properties based on the matching IDs from objects

My target is if the id from digital_assets and products matches then get the value of URL fro digital_assets and ProductName from products object. I'm able to traverse through the object and get the values of digital_assets and products but need some help to compare these two objects based on IDs to get the value of URL and ProductName. Below is what I've done so far.
var data = [{
"digital_assets": [{
"id": "AA001",
"url": ""
"id": "AA002",
"url": ""
}, {
"products": [{
"id": ["BB001", "AA001"],
"ProductName": "PROD 485"
"id": ["BB002", "AA002"],
"ProductName": "PROD 555"
$.each(data, function () {
var data = this;
$.each(data.digital_assets, function () {
var dAssets = this,
id = dAssets['id'];
// console.log(id);
$.each(data.products, function () {
var proData = this,
prod_id = proData['id'];
// console.log(prod_id);
$.each(prod_id, function () {
var arr_id = this;
Do I need to create new arrays and push the values into the new arrays? Then concat() these array to one. ? Bit lost any help will be appreciated.
Here is one way you can do this via Array.reduce, Array.includes, Object.entries and Array.forEach:
var data = [{ "digital_assets": [{ "id": "AA001", "url": "" }, { "id": "AA002", "url": "" } ] }, { "products": [{ "id": ["BB001", "AA001"], "ProductName": "PROD 485" }, { "id": ["BB002", "AA002"], "ProductName": "PROD 555" } ] } ]
const result = data.reduce((r,c) => {
Object.entries(c).forEach(([k,v]) =>
k == 'digital_assets'
? v.forEach(({id, url}) => r[id] = ({ id, url }))
: v.forEach(x => Object.keys(r).forEach(k =>
? r[k].ProductName = x.ProductName
: null))
return r
}, {})
You can use Array.prototype.find, Array.prototype.includes and to achieve this very gracefully.
let data = [
"digital_assets": [
"id": "AA001",
"url": ""
"id": "AA002",
"url": ""
"products": [
"id": ["BB001", "AA001"],
"ProductName": "PROD 485"
"id": ["BB002","AA002"],
"ProductName": "PROD 555"
// Find the 'digital_assets' array
let assets = data.find(d => d['digital_assets'])['digital_assets'];
// Find the 'products' array
let products = data.find(d => d['products'])['products'];
// Return an array of composed asset objects
let details = => {
return {
id :,
url : a.url
name : products.find(p =>
changed answer to fit your needs:
var data = [
"digital_assets": [
"id": "AA001",
"url": ""
"id": "AA002",
"url": ""
"products": [
"id": ["BB001", "AA001"],
"ProductName": "PROD 485"
"id": ["BB002","AA002"],
"ProductName": "PROD 555"
let matchingIds = [];
let data_assetsObject = data.find(element => {
return Object.keys(element).includes("digital_assets")
let productsObject = data.find(element => {
return Object.keys(element).includes("products")
data_assetsObject["digital_assets"].forEach(da => {
productsObject["products"].forEach(product => {
if ({
url: da.url,
productName: product.ProductName
working fiddle:
Hope that helped. If you dont want to use a new array, you could also store the respective data within the element you are looping through.
I think i know why i got downvoted. My example works by making data an object, not an array. changed the snippet to show this more clearly.
Why is data an array anyway? Is there any reason for this or can you just transform it to an object?
Edit nr2:
changed the code to meet the expectations, as i understood them according to your comments. it now uses your data structure and no matter whats in data, you can now search for the objects containing the digital_assets / products property.
using map.
var myobj = data[0] {
return {
url: x.url,
ProductName: data[1].products.filter(f => > -1).map(m => m.ProductName)

Group and count values in an array

I have an array with objects, like the following.
b = {
"issues": [{
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "200",
"name": "Backlog"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "202",
"name": "close"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "201",
"name": "close"
I want to count how many issues have status close, and how many have backlog. I'd like to save the count in a new array as follows.
a = [
{Name: 'Backlog', count: 1},
{Name: 'close', count: 2}
I have tried the following.
b.issues.forEach(function(i) {
var statusName =;
if (statusName in a.Name) {
a.count = +1;
} else {
Name: statusName,
count: 1
That however doesn't seem to be working. How should I implement this?
This is a perfect opportunity to use Array#reduce. That function will take a function that is applied to all elements of the array in order and can be used to accumulate a value. We can use it to accumulate an object with the various counts in it.
To make things easy, we track the counts in an object as simply {name: count, otherName: otherCount}. For every element, we check if we already have an entry for name. If not, create one with count 0. Otherwise, increment the count. After the reduce, we can map the array of keys, stored as keys of the object, to be in the format described in the question. See below.
var b = {
"issues": [{
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "200",
"name": "Backlog"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "202",
"name": "close"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "201",
"name": "close"
var counts = b.issues.reduce((p, c) => {
var name =;
if (!p.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
p[name] = 0;
return p;
}, {});
var countsExtended = Object.keys(counts).map(k => {
return {name: k, count: counts[k]}; });
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;
Array#reduce does not modify the original array.
You can easily modify the function passed to reduce to for example not distinguish between Backlog and backlog by changing
var name =;
var name =;
for example. More advanced functionality can also easily be implemented.
Using ES6 Arrow functions you can do it with minimum syntax
var b = {
"issues": [{
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "200",
"name": "Backlog"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "202",
"name": "close"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "201",
"name": "close"
var countOfBackLog = b.issues.filter(x => {
return === "Backlog"
var countOfClose = b.issues.filter(x => {
return === "close"
a =[{Name: 'Backlog', count : countOfBackLog}, {Name: 'close', count : countOfClose}]
More about arrow functions here
You can write like this. It is dynamic.
var a = {};
for(var key in b["issues"]){
a[b["issues"][key]] = 1;
a[b["issues"][key]] = a[b["issues"][key]]+1;
var c = [];
for(var key1 in a){
name : key1,
count : a[key1]
Something like this should do the trick. Simply iterate over your data, keep 2 counters with the number of each type of issue, and create the data format you want in the end. Try it live on jsfiddle.
var b = {
"issues": [{
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "200",
"name": "Backlog"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "202",
"name": "close"
}, {
"fields": {
"status": {
"id": "201",
"name": "close"
var data = [];
for(var issue of b.issues){
var entryFound = false;
var tempObj = {
count: 1
for(var item of data){
if( ==={
entryFound = true;

