Update State after `axios.post()` - javascript

Using the Express framework to modify a MongoDB I am able to add documents to a collection named faculties. Also, the dropdownbox displaying the property name of the documents in collection faculties, when I can inspect it after the post method is completed. However, when I pass the state, and retrieve the faculties collection from it with: const { faculties } = state; and then inspect the properties name of the array of documents of collection faculties, It doesn't show the most recent addition to the database. (I am looking for the property 'id' of the newly inserted faculty document with name exampleFaculty to implement many-to-many relationships).
I tried applying a forceUpdate() to update the state, however from what I understood, this updates the render instead of the state. Nevertheless the render is updated but the state is not. This is the implementation:
axios.post('http://localhost:3001/api/putFaculty', {name: message});
ManyToManyDbMain.Main(message,collectionName,this.state) // implement many to many relationships in db
I tried this.setState(this.state); to update the state:
axios.post('http://localhost:3001/api/putFaculty', {name: message});
ManyToManyDbMain.Main(message,collectionName,this.state) // implement many to many relationships in db
I tried directly calling the fetch method to update the state:
axios.post('http://localhost:3001/api/putFaculty', {name: message});
ManyToManyDbMain.Main(message,collectionName,this.state) // implement many to many relationships in db
Where the fetch method consists of:
// read the mongodb collection faculties in database "education"
getFaculties= () => {
.then((data) => data.json())
//set property "faculties" within the state" (won't throw error if you haven't defined property "faculties" within state".
.then((res) => this.setState({ faculties: res.data }));
Using the response of the axiom.post(..) method to read the new faculties from that:
axios.post('http://localhost:3001/api/putFaculty', {name: message})
.then(response => {
const {faculties} = this.state;
But that returns an object Object and I do not yet know how to read the properties of that object, I tried mapping it into a .name property with: response.map((dat) => dat.name) but the response had no function named map.
Since the state gets automatically updated every second with:
if (!this.state.intervalIsSet) {
let interval = setInterval(this.getFaculties, 1000);
this.setState({ intervalIsSet: interval });
I tried adding a sleep method of 5 seconds with the false expectation that the state would automatically be updated before the state is passed to the ManyToManyDbMain.Main() method. Instead the website/code is frozen for 7 seconds, (meaning the state does not get updated either), before the code continues.
How can I update the state after the axios.post(), so that the latest document of collection faculties is included in the state that is passed to the ManyToManyDbMain.Main(..)?
Ignored shortcuts/XY-problem solutions:
The following solutions to the xy-problem are acknowledged but not persued.
I could manually generate all the id's for all documents, and just push them to the database, that way I have the Id's in the App.js when I need them. However, the reason to implement many-to-many relationships in the DB, is because it is designed to be a small database used (potentially) by many users, hence I want to reduce computation time (applying search queries to find subset id's) at the cost of a bigger database. That also means I don't want to create a separate system in the website that manages all the created Id's and prevents double Id's when MongoDb already has an optimised Id allocation system.
I could add a second loop every n-milliseconds that checks whether some boolean indicates whether a new faculty is added, and launch a "get Id method" from there. But I think that makes the code unnecessarily complex, difficult to test, potentially unreliable with multiple users, and computationally intensive, which I am trying to avoid.

You can use the axios .then() method to set the component's state.
for example -
.then(res => {
/** Console here to get an actual response from server */
faculties: res.data.results
.catch(function(error) {


I want to access my state variable from one component to other

I have a react query which writes the state variable- follower, and I want to access this variable in other component to find its .length can someone tell me how do I do it
const ModalFollower = ({profile}) => {
const [follower,setFollower] = useState([])
const {
data: followerName,
isLoading: followerLoading,
isFetching: followerFetching
} = useQuery(["invitations", profile?.id], () => {
getFollowers(profile?.id).then((response) => {
if (response) {
!followerLoading && (
follower.map((e) => {
I want to access the length of follower in some other component
There is no need to copy data from react-query to local state, because react-query is a full-blown state manager for server state. As long as you use the same query key, you will get data from its cache. This is best abstracted away in custom hooks.
Please be aware that with the default values, you will get a "background refetch" if a new component mount, so you will see two network requests if you use it twice. That might look confusing at first, but it is intended, as it is not react-query's primary goal to reduce network requests, but to keep your data on the screen as up-to-date as possible. So when a new component mounts that uses a query, you'll get the stale data from the cache immediately, and then a background refetch will be done. This procedure is called stale-while-revalidate.
The best way to customize this behaviour is to set the staleTime property to tell react-query how long your resource is "valid". For that time, you will only get data from the cache if available. I've written about this topic in my blog here: React Query as a State Manager.
React Query also provides selectors, so if your second component is only interested in the length, this is what my code would look like:
const useInvitations = (profile, select) =>
["invitations", profile?.id],
() => getFollowers(profile?.id),
enabled: !!profile?.id
Note that I also added the enabled property because apparently, profile can be undefined and you likely wouldn't want to start fetching without that id.
Now we can call this in our main component:
const ModalFollower = ({profile}) => {
const { data } = useInvitations(profile)
and data will contain the result once the promise resolves.
In another component where we only want the length, we can do:
const { data } = useInvitations(profile, invitations => invitations.length)
and data will be of type number and you will only be subscribed to length changes. This works similar to redux selectors.

Get array of objects from real time data snapshot - Cloud Firestore

I'm trying to fetch real time data from Cloud Firestore using the below code.
export const getRealTimeData = () =>
(querySnapshot) => {
const posts: any = [];
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) =>
id: doc.id
}, doc.data()))
And, I want to use the resultant array to display the data on UI. When I'm doing this, the resultant array is a function but not the actual array of data.
const posts = getRealTimeData();
Here's what I get when I log posts
function () {
i.kT(), o.al(s);
Could anyone please point where I went wrong?
Realtime listeners added with onSnapshot() are not compatible with returning values from function calls. That's because they continue to generate new results over time, and would never really "return" anything once. You should abandon the idea of making a synhronous getter type function in this case - they just don't work for what you're trying to do.
Ideally, you would use an architecture like Redux to manage the updates as they become available. Your realtime listener would dispatch query updates to a store, and your component would subscribe to that store that to receive those updates.
If you don't want to use Redux (which is too bad - you really should for this sort of thing), then you should wrap your query inside a useEffect hook, then have your listener set a state hook variable so your component can receive the updates.

How to get the last document from a VueFire query

Getting frustrated to solve this since I am no JS expert. 😢
I am using Firestore as a database and VuexFire to bind the data to VueX state, like so.
getLeads: firestoreAction(async ({
}) => {
// return the promise returned by `bindFirestoreRef`
return bindFirestoreRef('leads', db.collection('leads').orderBy('updated.date', 'desc').limit(30))
It gets the first 30 results and then i want to implement an infinite scroll feature to run a function every time the scroll reaches the bottom and fetch more data and bind to the same state. In Firestore pagination require passing a query cursor of the last fetched document as a reference
Below from firebase document, with vanilla JS
var first = db.collection("cities")
return first.get().then(function (documentSnapshots) {
// Get the last visible document
var lastVisible = documentSnapshots.docs[documentSnapshots.docs.length-1];
console.log("last", lastVisible);
// Construct a new query starting at this document,
// get the next 25 cities.
var next = db.collection("cities")
since I use VuexFire to bind the data to state, I dont see an option to get the snapshot of the last document fetched by VuexFire (lastVisible from the above code), in order to pass it to the next query.
Any help will be highly appreciated. 🙏🏽
Lets say I have a collection of Customer records and i am displaying the first 5 ordered by last updated.
The query is
getLeads: firestoreAction(({ commit, bindFirestoreRef
}) => {
bindFirestoreRef('Leads', db.collection('leads')
.orderBy('updated.date', 'desc').limit(5)).then(documents => {
commit('POPULATE_TESTLEADS', documents);
commit('LAST_DOC', documents[documents.length - 1]);
I am saving both the results and the lastdoc in the state, looping and showing the names, like so:
Emaar Group
Yapi Kredi Inc
Cairo Amman Bank
Arab Jordan Investment Bank LLC
I then call again with the last doc as query cursor and expect the next 5 docs to return from firebase, like so
moreLeadLeads: firestoreAction(({ state, bindFirestoreRef
}) => {
bindFirestoreRef('testLeads', db.collection('leads')
.orderBy('updated.date', 'desc')
But I get the same 5 results as above from firestore. What am I doing wrong? :(
Internally VueFire and VuexFire use a serializer function that maps each Document returned by RTDB or Firestore into the data objects that are bound to the final component or Vuex store state.
The default serializer is implemented by the function createSnapshot that is part of the vuefire-core library:
* #param {firebase.firestore.DocumentSnapshot} doc
* #return {DocumentData}
export function createSnapshot (doc) {
// defaults everything to false, so no need to set
return Object.defineProperty(doc.data(), 'id', {
value: doc.id
As you can see it returns only doc.data() (with id added) and discards the doc object. However when implementing Firestore pagination via query.startAfter(doc) we need the original doc object. The good news is that VueFire and VuexFire APIs allow us to replace the serializer with our own that can preserve the doc object like so:
const serialize = (doc: firestore.DocumentSnapshot) => {
const data = doc.data();
Object.defineProperty(data, 'id', { value: doc.id });
Object.defineProperty(data, '_doc', { value: doc });
return data;
We can configure our new VuexFire serializer either globally via plugin options or per binding via binding options.
// Globally defined
Vue.use(firestorePlugin, { serialize });
// OR per binding
bindFirebaseRef('todos', db.ref('todos'), { serialize } )
For VuexFire, we can now get access to the first document as state.todos[0]._doc or last document state.todos[state.todos.length-1]._doc and use them to implement pagination queries for collections or "get next" & "get previous" queries that bind single documents (essential when your base query has multi-field sorting).
NOTE: Because _doc and id are non-enumerable properties, they won't appear on component or store objects in Vue DevTools.
From the VueFire documentation on binding data and using it, the $bind method (which I assume your bindFirestoreRef wraps) returns a promise with the result (as well as binding it to this). From that documentation:
this.$bind('documents', documents.where('creator', '==', this.id)).then(documents => {
// documents will point to the same property declared in data:
// this.documents === documents
So you should be able to do the same, and then get the document from the array with something like:
bindFirestoreRef('leads', db.collection('leads').orderBy('updated.date', 'desc').limit(30)).then(documents => {
this.lastDoc = documents[documents.length - 1];

How to push to Observable of Array in Angular 4? RxJS

I have a property on my service class as so:
articles: Observable<Article[]>;
It is populated by a getArticles() function using the standard http.get().map() solution.
How can I manually push a new article in to this array; One that is not yet persisted and so not part of the http get?
My scenario is, you create a new Article, and before it is saved I would like the Article[] array to have this new one pushed to it so it shows up in my list of articles.
Further more, This service is shared between 2 components, If component A consumes the service using ng OnInit() and binds the result to a repeating section *ngFor, will updating the service array from component B simultaneously update the results in components A's ngFor section? Or must I update the view manually?
Many Thanks,
As you said in comments, I'd use a Subject.
The advantage of keeping articles observable rather than storing as an array is that http takes time, so you can subscribe and wait for results. Plus both components get any updates.
// Mock http
const http = {
get: (url) => Rx.Observable.of(['article1', 'article2'])
const articles = new Rx.Subject();
const fetch = () => {
return http.get('myUrl').map(x => x).do(data => articles.next(data))
const add = (article) => {
articles.take(1).subscribe(current => {
// Subscribe to
// Action
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/rxjs/5.5.2/Rx.js"></script>
Instead of storing the whole observable, you probably want to just store the article array, like
articles: Article[]
fetch() {
this.get(url).map(...).subscribe(articles => this.articles)
Then you can manipulate the articles list using standard array manipulation methods.
If you store the observable, it will re-run the http call every time you subscribe to it (or render it using | async) which is definitely not what you want.
But for the sake of completeness: if you do have an Observable of an array you want to add items to, you could use the map operator on it to add a specified item to it, e.g.
observable.map(previousArray => previousArray.concat(itemtToBeAdded))
ex from angular 4 book ng-book
Subject<Array<String>> example = new Subject<Array<String>>();
example.next((currentarray:String[]) : String[] => {
return currentarray.concat(newValue);
what the following says in example.next is take the current array value Stored in the observable and concat a new value onto it and emit the new array value to subscribers. It is a lambda expression.I think this only works with subject observables because they hold unto the last value stored in their method subject.getValue();

Wait for Observable to complete in order to submit a form

I have a 'new trip' form, where the user can write the names of the participants and then submit the form to create the trip.
On submit, I query a Firebase database with the names, in order to get the IDs of the participants (/users). I then add the IDs to the participantsID field of the trip object and then I push the new trip to Firebase.
The problem is that the Firebase query is async and returns an Observable, therefore my function will proceed to push the object before the Observable has completed, so the participantsID field of the new object is empty.
Is there any method to wait for the observable to complete (in a kind of synchronous way) so that i can manipulate the data and then proceed? All my attempts to fix this have failed so far.
Here's my simple code.
getUserByAttribute(attribute, value) {
return this.db.list('/users', {
query: {
orderByChild: attribute,
equalTo: value,
limitToFirst: 1
createTrip(trip) {
for(let name in participantsName.split(',')) {
getUserByAttribute('username', name)
.subscribe( user => trip.participantsID.push(user[0].$key) );
You could treat all Observables into a single Observable by doing forkJoin
createTrip(trip) {
var observableArray: any = participantsName.split(',')
.switchMap((name)=> getUserByAttribute('username', name))
trips => trips.forEach((trip) => {
In the end I used part of #Pankaj Parkar's answer to solve the problem.
I forkJoin all the Observables returned by mapping the splitted names and I subscribe to that Observable which result contains an array of arrays, where the inner arrays contain a user object.
getUserByAttribute(attribute, value) {
return this.db.list('/users', {
query: {
orderByChild: attribute,
equalTo: value,
limitToFirst: 1
createTrip(trip) {
.map(name => getUserByAttribute('name', name))
participants => {
trip.participants = participants.map( p => p[0].$key);
You have a difficult problem. You have to get users info before push a new trip.
You can't just make new subscriptions every time because of the memory leak problem (or be careful with unsubscribes). If you are using Firebase, you can use AngularFire subject support.
You can update a subscription by using a subject in your query (with the equal to) and then push a user to retrieve with .next(user).
Then you still have to wait for all users. For that, you can have only one subscription and get all IDs synchronously or have multiple subscriptions to get multiple results faster (but it's difficult).
To solve this problem, I created:
a queue of callbacks (just arrays but use push() and unshift() methods)
a queue of values
one subject for one subscription.
If you want an ID, you have to:
push the value
push the callback that will retrieve the value returned.
You should use functions to push because you'll have to call .next() if there is no value in the stack (to start !).
And in your subscription, in its callback, i.e when you receive the distant user object, you can call the first callback in the stack. Don't forget to pop your value and callback of the stacks and call the next() for the next value if there is one.
This way, you can push your trip in the last callback for the last user. And it's all callbacks, it means your app is not interrupted.
I still not decided if we should do that in a cloud function. Because the user have to stay connected, and this use his data / processor. But it's good to have all the code in the same place, and cloud functions are limited for a free version of Firebase. What would a Firebase developer advice?
I made a lot of searches to find a better solution, so please share it if you have one. It's a little complicated I think, but it's working very fine. I had the same problem when a user want to add a new flight, I need to get the airports information before (coords) and push multiple objects (details, maps, etc.)

