Functional immutable way in javascript to copy an array with additional items in certain positions depending on condition on items - javascript

I have an array:
{ "name": "batman", "hasSidekick": true },
{ "name": "shazam!", "hasSidekick": false },
{ "name": "capt america", "hasSidekick": true },
{ "name": "spiderman", "hasSidekick": false }
From this, I want to create a new array of hero names which will have all of the above names but when hasSidekick is true for a hero, there should be an additional name inserted after it.
Expected output:
"batman's sidekick",
"shazam!", ,
"capt america",
"capt america's sidekick",
I can do it with forEach and pushing additional items conditionally based on hasSidekick:
const heroes = [
{ name: "batman", hasSidekick: true },
{ name: "shazam!", hasSidekick: false },
{ name: "capt america", hasSidekick: true },
{ name: "spiderman", hasSidekick: false },
let heroesAndSidekicks = [];
heroes.forEach(hero => {
if (hero.hasSidekick) {
heroesAndSidekicks.push(`${}'s sidekick`);
But please suggest how I can do it in functional programming way without mutation.

You could take Array#flatMap.
var data = [{ name: "batman", hasSidekick: true }, { name: "shazam!", hasSidekick: false }, { name: "capt america", hasSidekick: true }, { name: "spiderman", hasSidekick: false }],
result = data.flatMap(({ name, hasSidekick }) => hasSidekick
? [name, name + '\'s sidekick']
: name

I think Array.prototype.reduce() can solve your issue. From the documentation:
The reduce() method executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the array, resulting in a single output value.
Please find a possible solution below:
const data = [
{ "name": "batman", "hasSidekick": true },
{ "name": "shazam!", "hasSidekick": false },
{ "name": "capt america", "hasSidekick": true },
{ "name": "spiderman", "hasSidekick": false }
const result = data.reduce((a, e) => {
if (e.hasSidekick) {
a.push(`${}'s sidekick`);
return a;
}, []);
I hope that helps!


how to make nested array objects in javascript in a key value pair format

array data=[
i want to make a new array set in following format which is in a key value pair. ie result set.
can you please explain the best method. ? how to achive using foreach.?
tried using foreach method by looping each element. but cant get the desired output format
var result= [ {
"name": "john",
"series": [
"name": "income",
"value": 22000
"name": "expenses",
"value": 15000
"name": "kiran",
"series": [
"name": "income",
"value": 27000
"name": "expenses",
"value": 13000
// Your array
const result = [
name: "john",
series: [
name: "income",
value: 22000,
name: "expenses",
value: 15000,
name: "kiran",
series: [
name: "income",
value: 27000,
name: "expenses",
value: 13000,
// What is .map function?
// Output
// map return a new function.
// it's a loop method but more equipped, index) => {
const seriesKeyValues = {};
// forEach is too, it's a loop method.
// but not have a return value,
// just loops and give you item on each loop
item.series.forEach(serie => {
//seriesKeyValues is a object.
// different between
// it's a bracket notation
// look this documentation
seriesKeyValues[] = serie.value;
// return new Object
// ... is 'spread syntax' basically combine objects
// spread syntax is a new way.
// old way is
return {
id: index,
I hope it will help :). if you don't understand any lines of code, i can explain

Filtering objects array by nested values

I'm trying to filter this objects array and keep the original one aside.
“name": “AAA",
“selected”: true,
"courses": [
"name": “course1",
“selected”: true,
"name": “title1",
“selected”: true
"name": “title2",
“selected”: false
"name": “course2",
“selected”: false,
"name": “title1",
“selected”: false
“name": “BBB",
“selected”: false,
"courses": [{...}]
I want to find all the selected departments, courses and titles. And it should be in the same format.
I tried with below code, but it change original data. I want to keep that aside too.
const depts = departments.filter((dept: any) => {
if (dept.selected) { = any) => {
if (course.selected) {
if (course.titles) {
course.titles = course.titles.filter(({selected}: any) => selected);
return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
What would be considered the best solution in this case?
Shorter alternative can be to use the JSON.parse reviver parameter :
var arr = [{ name: "AAA", selected: true, courses: [{name: "course1", selected: true, titles: [{ name: "title1", selected: true }, { name: "title1", selected: false }]}, { name: "course2", selected: false, titles: [{ name: "title1", selected: false }]}]}]
var result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr), (k, v) => ? v.filter(x => x.selected) : v)
console.log( result )
your filtering logic seems to be correct. only problem is that code changes original array. in order to overcome this problem just create a deep clone of original array and run filtering logic on it
filterArray() {
const clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.departments));
const depts = clone.filter((dept: any) => {
if (dept.selected) { = any) => {
if (course.selected) {
if (course.titles) {
course.titles = course.titles.filter(({ selected }: any) => selected);
return true;
return false;
return true;
return false;
here is a demo
const filterSelected = obj => {
return {
departments: => {
return {
courses: => {
return {
titles: course.titles.filter(title => title.selected),
}).filter(course => course.selected),
}).filter(dep => dep.selected),
const all = {
departments: [
name: "AAA",
selected: true,
courses: [
name: "course1",
selected: true,
titles: [
name: "title1",
selected: true
}, {
name: "title1",
selected: false
}, {
name: "course2",
selected: false,
titles: [
name: "title1",
selected: false
I don't know if you prefer an API false. Here is my tip:
You can to use an API Json Server.
Install JSON Server
npm install -g json-server
Create a db.json file with some data
"posts": [
{ "id": 1, "title": "json-server", "author": "typicode" }
"comments": [
{ "id": 1, "body": "some comment", "postId": 1 }
"profile": { "name": "typicode" }
Start JSON Server
json-server --watch db.json
Now if you go to http://localhost:3000/posts/1, you'll get
{ "id": 1, "title": "json-server", "author": "typicode" }
you can search your array of objects using various shapes and it will come filtered. More about the API here:
(Use a filter to do your searches on the Angular, it will bring you right what you need, use a method inside your component)

How to filter an array of objects based on another array of objects?

I have two array of objects like below
conditions= [
'condition': 'Expert',
'value': 'All'
'condition': 'Coach',
'value': 'willaim'
'condition': 'manager',
'value': 'Brandy Lovings'
'condition': 'site',
'value': 'ALL'
'condition': 'client',
'value': 'ALL'
"Date": "11/6/2018",
"client": "Verizon",
"Expert": "Ellison, Lauren",
"Coach": "willaim",
"manager": "Brandy Lovings",
"site": "Sundance",
"Metric": "STR"
"Date": "11/6/2018",
"client": "Amzaon",
"Expert": "Ellison, Lauren",
"Coach": "Dash Williamson",
"manager": "David",
"site": "abc",
"Metric": "STR"
I want to filter data array with the conditions array, like if condition property in conditions array contain Expert then I need to filter data array based on data.Expert = conditions[Expert Conditionindex].value then I need to return all the data with this conditions.
Another thing is, If value: 'ALL' then no need of filtering in that particular condition.
The desired output is like
filteredData = [
"Date": "11/6/2018",
"client": "Verizon",
"Expert": "Ellison, Lauren",
"Coach": "willaim",
"manager": "Brandy Lovings",
"site": "Sundance",
"Metric": "STR"
How do I solve this problem?
You could filter with a subset of conditions without ALL flag.
var conditions = [{ condition: "Expert", value: "All" }, { condition: "Coach", value: "willaim" }, { condition: "manager", value: "Brandy Lovings" }, { condition: "site", value: "ALL" }, { condition: "client", value: "ALL" }],
data = [{ Date: "11/6/2018", client: "Verizon", Expert: "Ellison, Lauren", Coach: "willaim", manager: "Brandy Lovings", site: "Sundance", Metric: "STR" }, { Date: "11/6/2018", client: "Amzaon", Expert: "Ellison, Lauren", Coach: "Dash Williamson", manager: "David", site: "abc", Metric: "STR" }],
filters = conditions.filter(({ value }) => value.toUpperCase() !== 'ALL'),
result = data.filter(o =>
filters.every(({ condition, value }) => o[condition] === value));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
This should work for you:
const conditionsObj={}
const results=data.filter((item)=>{
let match=false;
return match;

How to filter object in one array using propery in another in javascript?

First Array
const firstArray = [
"value": "306",
"label": "All"
"value": "316",
"label": "Tips"
"value": "315",
"label": "News"
"value": "32",
"label": "Jobs"
Second Array
const secondArray = [
name: "name",
description: "desc",
image: "path_image",
culture: [{
name: "name",
value: "32"
name: "name",
description: "desc",
image: "path_image",
culture: [{
name: "name",
value: "32"
Trying to filter my firstArray with only keeping the object with the value corresponding to 32.
Still learning Javascript and it's in a React Native Project. They changed some info of the API and it was working when I only had : culture":"32"
Code :
let newOrigin = [ Set( => product.culture))],
visibleOrigin = firstArray.filter(item => newOrigin.includes(item.value));
this.setState({ displayOrigin: visibleOrigin });
How to get the value inside the array culture.
Any advice, any help ? Thank you.
So. I found a solution to my issue. Here's the code :
_nameFunction = () => {
let filteredSecondArray = [ Set( => o.culture[0].value))];
firstArray: this.state.firstArray.filter(item => filteredSecondArray.includes(item.value))

javascript optimize multiple reduce and map to extract data from nested objects

I am extracting some data out of an array of nested objects, using two reducees, and map, which is working at the moment, but it is a bit ugly. How can this be optimized?
function extractSchools(schools) {
let schoolData = [];
if (schools) {
schoolData = schools.reduce(function(parentdata, chlrn) {
let childrenlist = chlrn.children;
let childrendata = [];
if (childrenlist) {
childrendata = childrenlist.reduce(function(addrsslist, school) {
return addrsslist.concat( =>;
}, []);
return parentdata.concat(chlrn.parent, childrendata);
}, []);
return {
const schools = [{
"parent": "Thomas Jefferson",
"children": [{
"address": [{
"school": "School A"
"address": [{
"school": "School B"
"parent": "Jack Chan",
"children": [{
"address": [{
"school": "School C"
How can I optimize this function to get the same results? using one reduce instead of two... or some other optimal way of doing it.
You can remove the if (childrenlist) { and use a pre-filter.
function extractSchools(schools) {
let schoolData = [];
if (schools) {
schoolData = schools
.filter(data => data.children)
.reduce((parentdata, chlrn) => {
const childrendata = chlrn.children.reduce(
(addrsslist, school) =>
addrsslist.concat( =>,
return parentdata.concat(chlrn.parent, childrendata);
}, []);
return { schoolData };
const schools = [
parent: "Thomas Jefferson",
children: [
address: [
school: "School A"
address: [
school: "School B"
parent: "Jack Chan",
children: [
address: [
school: "School C"
Try this, the result is little different than what you are expecting, but this will be a more generic way where you will have addresses with respect to school. => {
return {[p.parent]: => =>}
"Thomas Jefferson": [
"School A"
"School B"
"Jack Chan": [
"School C"

