Display number series with modulo in JavaScript - javascript

I'm currently trying to display number series (for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) in JavaScript. I was looking for the smallest number (x), which results in modulo = 1, if divided by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. If the same number (x) is divided by 7, id should result in modulo = 0. I'm not quite sure, if I'm explaining it correct. It should be like this: x % 2 = 1, x % 3 = 1, x % 4 = 1, x % 5 = 1, x % 6 = 1, x % 7 = 0.
The result is 301. My code looks like this and it works fine:
var seven = 7;
var six;
var five;
var four;
var three;
var two;
while (six != 1 || five != 1|| four != 1|| three != 1|| two != 1)
{six = seven % 6;
five = seven % 5;
four = seven % 4;
three = seven % 3;
two = seven % 2;
seven += 7;}
It displays all the numbers in the seven-series, until 301. Now, I wanted some more while-loops for the other numbers (2-6), that work the same why and show all the different numbers/steps in each series, until 301. I'm new to JavaScript and I just don't get it. I tried to modify my code, so that it should work with the other number series, but it doesn't. Or is there any other (maybe a better) way to do this? With some nested loops/functions? It only should be possible to display every number in each number series, but not all at the same time (in the end, there should be buttons, which show (by clicking them) the different number series with all the numbers/steps until 301). Thank you soso much!

When doing this you should probably use a loop to simplify your life.
Start x at 0 and iterate to (for example) 100.000.
For every iteration, check to see if x % 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 is equal to 0. Then check to see if x % 7 === 1. If both these conditions are true, log the value and break the for loop.
The smallest value that answers this seems to be 120.
const numbers = [2,3,4,5,6]
const special = 7;
for(let x = 0; x < 100000; x++){
const isModulo0ForAllNumbers = numbers.every(n => (x % n) === 0);
const isModulo1ForSpecial = (x % special) === 1;
if(isModulo0ForAllNumbers && isModulo1ForSpecial){
console.log(`Smallest number found: ${x}`);

Sometimes this is not possible to find such a number and you'll get infinite loop with unexpected behavior. This is a possible approach (see the comments inside):
// first define the greatest common divisor
// for two numbers - we'll need that later
let gcd = function(a, b) {
// classic 'Euclidean' method with recursion
if(a == 0) {
return b;
if(a > b) {
return gcd(b, a);
return gcd(b % a, a);
// define your series
let series = [2,3,4,5,6,7];
// now you need least common multiple for all numbers
// except for the last one
lcm = series[0];
for (let i = 1; i < series.length - 1; i++) {
lcm *= series[i] / gcd(lcm, series[i])
// the last number from series
let last = series[series.length - 1];
// exercise: you can research or think for smarter solution
// I will just loop until we get the result
if(gcd(lcm, last) == 1) {
let r = lcm + 1;
while(r % last) {
r += lcm;
console.log('number found: ', r);
} else {
// not possible
console.log('impossible to find the number');

You could take an array of values for the modulo calculation and use a function for getting a check of a value.
const f = x => [2, 3, 4, 5, 6].every(v => x % v === 1) && x % 7 === 0;
var value = 0;
while (!f(value)) value += 7;


Recursion counter doesn't work in codewars kata

Currently trying to complete the persistent bugger kata in code wars.
I need to return the number of times the input has to be multiplied until it is reduced to a single number (full task instructions below).
Everything appears to work apart from the count. when I console log, the number of times it logs and runs is correct, but instead of incrementing such as 1,2,3 it will be something like 2,2,4.
So instead of returning 3, it returns 4.
I try to not ask for help with katas, but this time I am completely at a loss as to why the count is firstly skipping numbers and also not incrementing.
Write a function, persistence, that takes in a positive parameter num and returns its multiplicative persistence, which is the number of times you must multiply the digits in num until you reach a single digit.
For example:
persistence(39) === 3 // because 3*9 = 27, 2*7 = 14, 1*4=4
// and 4 has only one digit
persistence(999) === 4 // because 9*9*9 = 729, 7*2*9 = 126,
// 1*2*6 = 12, and finally 1*2 = 2
persistence(4) === 0 // because 4 is already a one-digit number
My function:
function persistence(num) {
//console.log('here', num)
if(num < 10) return 0;
if(num === 25) return 2
let spl = num.toString().split('');
let result = 1;
let count = 1;
spl.forEach((s) => {
let int = parseInt(s)
result *= int;
if(result > 9) {
// console.log('count-->', count)
return count;
A sub issue is that the input 25 always returns a count 1 less than it should. My fix is poor I know, again any advice would be much appreciated.
Spoiler alert: this contains a solution. If you don't want that, stop before the end.
You don't really want to work with count, since as people point out, it's a local variable. You also don't work too hard to special case the result if it's a single digit. Let the recursion handle it.
function persistence(num) {
//console.log('here', num)
if(num < 10) return 0;
//still here, must be 2 or more digits
let spl = num.toString().split('');
let result = 1;
spl.forEach((s) => {
let int = parseInt(s)
result *= int;
return 1 + persistence(result)
As you already have a complete solution posted here with fixes to your implementation, I will offer what I think is a simpler version. If we had a function to create the digit product for us, then persistence could be this simple recursion:
const persistence = (n) =>
n < 10 ? 0 : 1 + persistence (digProduct (n))
You already have code for the digit product, and while it's fine, a mathematical approach, rather than a string-base one, is somewhat cleaner. We could write it -- also recursively -- like
const digProduct = (n) =>
n < 10 ? n : (n % 10) * digProduct (Math .floor (n / 10))
or instead we might choose (n / 10) | 0 in place of the floor call. Either is reasonable.
Putting it together, we have:
const digProduct = (n) =>
n < 10 ? n : (n % 10) * digProduct ((n / 10) | 0)
const persistence = (n) =>
n < 10 ? 0 : 1 + persistence (digProduct (n))
const tests = [39, 999, 4, 25]
tests.forEach (n => console.log (`${n} --> ${persistence(n)}`))

Finding the outlier number

I'm trying to solve a coding challenge over on CodeWars.com and I was hoping to get a little nudge in the right direction. The following function is supposed to take a string of numbers (like "2 4 7 8 10", or "1 2 2" etc.) and output the position of the number that is different in evenness (even or odd) than the others. The CodeWars.com link to this is at: https://www.codewars.com/kata/iq-test/train/javascript)
My function seems to be failing on tests where the last number is the number that is different ("100 100 1" or "5 3 2"). Any ideas why my function is performing this way? I've been looking at it and I can't see why it would be doing this:
function iqTest(numbers){
let numArr = numbers.split(' ');
let obj = {};
obj.evenCount = 0;
obj.oddCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numArr.length; i++) {
if (numArr[i] % 2 === 0) {
obj.evenCount += 1;
obj.even = i + 1;
} else {
obj.oddCount += 1;
obj.odd = i + 1;
if (obj.even < obj.odd) {
return (obj.even);
} else {
return (obj.odd);
console.log(iqTest('5 3 2'));
You need to check the eventCount and oddCount at the end of your function, not the odd and event properties like so:
if (obj.evenCount < obj.oddCount) {
Before, you were checking which index is higher (ie the position), but really you want to check which count/frequency is higher.
See working example below:
function iqTest(numbers) {
let numArr = numbers.split(' ');
let obj = {};
obj.evenCount = 0;
obj.oddCount = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numArr.length; i++) {
if (numArr[i] % 2 === 0) {
obj.evenCount += 1;
obj.even = i + 1;
} else {
obj.oddCount += 1;
obj.odd = i + 1;
if(obj.oddCount > 0 && obj.evenCount > 0 && obj.oddCount !== obj.evenCount) { // early termination condition
break; // break out of the loop is the difference between odd and even already exists
if (obj.evenCount < obj.oddCount) { // change to check the counts
return (obj.even);
} else {
return (obj.odd);
console.log(iqTest("2 4 7 8 10")); // 3 (item: 7)
console.log(iqTest("1 2 2")); // 1 (item: 1)
console.log(iqTest("100 100 1")); // 3 (item: 1)
console.log(iqTest("5 3 2")); // 3 (item: 2)
As mentioned, the issue in your code is that you're trying to determine which is the majority (odd or even), but you do this by comparing the last occurrence position (obj.odd and obj.even) rather than the amount of occurrences (obj.evenCount and obj.oddCount).
Simply change it to this: if (obj.evenCount < obj.oddCount) { ... }
That said, your function will always look through the entire array, however you can determine whether the outlier is even or odd just by looking at the first three numbers. Whichever appears less, even or odd, is the outlier.
With that in mind, we can make this more efficient by breaking it into two steps:
Use the first three numbers to determine if the outlier is odd or even.
Exit when we find the first occurrence of that outlier, rather than searching the entire array.
function iqTest(stringOfNumbers) {
let arr = stringOfNumbers.split(' ');
let desiredRemainder = arr
.reduce((evenCount, item) => item % 2 === 0 ? evenCount+1 : evenCount, 0)
> 1
? 1
: 0;
return arr.findIndex(i => i % 2 === desiredRemainder) + 1;
console.log(iqTest("3 4 7 9"));
console.log(iqTest("1 1 1 100"));
console.log(iqTest("5 2 3"));
Here's a slightly more verbose version to break-out the steps into meaningful variable names:
function iqTest(stringOfNumbers) {
let arr = stringOfNumbers.split(' ');
let firstThree = arr.slice(0,3);
let evenCount = firstThree.reduce((evenCount, item) => item % 2 === 0 ? evenCount+1 : evenCount, 0);
let desiredRemainder = evenCount > 1 ? 1 : 0;
let indexOfOutlier = arr.findIndex(i => i % 2 === desiredRemainder);
return indexOfOutlier+1;
console.log(iqTest("3 4 7 9"));
console.log(iqTest("1 1 1 100"));
console.log(iqTest("5 2 3"));
I use Array.reduce() to determine whether we have more odds or evens.
If the outlier is odd, we're looking for the first item where item % 2 === 1 (an odd number).
If the outlier is even, we're looking for the first item where item % 2 === 0 (an even number).
I then put that logic in Array.findIndex(), which will return the position of the first item in which the given test is true (and I add 1 to it to replicate your code).
Based on this condition of the data:
Find out which one of the given numbers differs from the others. Bob observed that one number usually differs from the others in evenness
I'm going to give an alternative approach using the built-in array methods, for a standard approach, refer to Nick Parsons answer:
function iqTest(numbers)
return 1 + numbers.split(" ").findIndex(
(x, idx, arr) => arr.filter(y => y % 2 === x % 2).length === 1
console.log(iqTest("2 4 7 8 10")); // 3 (item: 7)
console.log(iqTest("1 2 2")); // 1 (item: 1)
console.log(iqTest("100 100 1")); // 3 (item: 1)
console.log(iqTest("5 3 2")); // 3 (item: 2)

How to get 2 random numbers divisible by each other?

I'm generating 2 random numbers:
1) The first number must be random from 1 to 30
2) The second number must be random from 1 to 10
I'm simply trying to have the first number divisible by the second number or vice-versa, and finally, alert the result. My question is how to get the result of the division of 2 random numbers? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks a lot in advance!.
Note: the first number must be divisible by the second number.
Here's my code:
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
do {
var firstRandomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*30) + 1;
var secondRandomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*10) + 1;
if(firstRandomNumber % secondRandomNumber === 0){
correctResult = result;
} while ((firstRandomNumber % secondRandomNumber === 0));
I would suggest a more functional approach: create a function that creates two random numbers, and returns them if one is divisible by the other. Then, just call that function until you get a truthy result:
function tryGetDivisible() {
var firstRandomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30) + 1;
var secondRandomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
if (firstRandomNumber % secondRandomNumber === 0) {
console.log(firstRandomNumber, secondRandomNumber);
return firstRandomNumber / secondRandomNumber;
let result;
while (!result) result = tryGetDivisible();
const arr = [result];
Few things:
Your while loop should be looping until firstRandomNumber % secondRandomNumber === 0, so you want to just keep looping while it's not true.
result isn't set anywhere, so I added the result in the array
The if(firstRandomNumber % secondRandomNumber === 0){ is redundant. When the do/while loop completes, it will have the do numbers that matched. Simply move the arr.push() outside that loop.
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
do {
var firstRandomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*30) + 1;
var secondRandomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*10) + 1;
} while ((firstRandomNumber % secondRandomNumber !== 0));
console.log('first', firstRandomNumber, 'second', secondRandomNumber);
arr.push(firstRandomNumber / secondRandomNumber);
A much simpler approach is to get the first random number, and then try getting the second random number until they are divisible. So here will be the code:
var firstRandomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*30) + 1;
while (firstRandomNumber % secondRandomNumber !== 0) {
var secondRandomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*10) + 1;
console.log(firstRandomNumber + "," + secondRandomNumber);
Since the first must be divisible by the second, my approach would be:
Generate the second number.
Determine the maximum multiple of the second number that is no more than 30 (e.g., Math.floor(30/firstNumber)).
Select a multiple at random and use that as the first number. You simply need to select a random number between 1 and the largest allowed multiplier (inclusive).
This way, there's no need to do a generate-and-test loop, which could go on an unbounded number of times before a successful pair is generated.
If you want to avoid the while loop, you can pick the first number, then assemble the possible second numbers in an array. Then randomly pick one of these:
let first = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1
// all possible divisible numbers
let factors = Array.from({length: 30}, (_, i) => i + 1)
.filter(i => first % i === 0 || i % first === 0)
//pick one
let second = factors[Math.floor(Math.random() * factors.length)]
console.log(first, second)

Check whether a number is divisible by another number If not make it divisable in Javascript

I want to check whether a number (7) is divisible by another number (5), If the number is divisible by the number then I need to return the same number. If the number is not divisible by another number I need to make it divisible and return the updated value.
var i =7;
if (i % 5 == 0) {
alert("divisible by 5");
} else {
alert("divisible not by 5");
Here if the condition satisfy then I need to return the same value. If the condition is not satisfied I need to add the required number and make it next divisible. (Like 7 is not divisible by 5 so I need add 3 to 7 and return the value 10 which is divisible by 5).
Are there any Math functions exists to implement the same?
What you want, it seems like, is this:
function roundTo(n, d) {
return Math.floor((n + d - 1) / d) * d;
For n 10 and d 5, you get 10 back. For n 7 and d 5, you also get 10. What the code does is add one less than the divisor to the input number, and then divides by the divisor. It then gets rid of any fractional part (Math.floor()) and multiplies by the divisor again.
You can do that by using a simple while loop:
function doThat(number, divider) {
while(number % divider !== 0) {
return number;
doThat(12, 5); // => returns 15
Here's a fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/rdko8dmb/
You could use this algorithm:
i % n = r, where i = 7, n = 5, and r = 2.
Then, make i = i + (n - r). i.e. i = 7 + (5-2) → 10. Then you can use this for your division.
Try this
function divisible(dividend, divisor){
if (dividend % divisor == 0) {
return dividend;
} else {
var num = dividend + (divisor-(dividend % divisor));
return num;
var res = divisible(7, 5);
Here is the fastest and cleanest way to do that:
function shift(number, divider)
return number + (divider - (number % divider)) % divider;
It takes number and moves it up by the difference from (our unit) divider to the remainder to make it divisible by the divider. The % divider makes sure that if there is no difference number doesn't get pushed up by a full unit of the divider.
I do not know if this will work for all numbers... But you might try this
7 % 5 = 2. If you subtract 2 from 5 you will get 3... This is the number you need to add to 7. 16 % 5 = 1 subtract 1 from 5 = 4 .. 4 + 16 = 20
Another example 16 % 13 = 3 ... 13-3 = 10 16+10 = 26 26/13 = 2
Here's an example of function that finds next higher natural number that is divisble by y
Option 1
while (x % y !== 0) x++;
return x;
Option 2
if(x % y == 0){
return x;
for(i = x+1; i > x; i++){
if(i % y == 0){
return i;

Implementation of Luhn algorithm

I am trying to implement simple validation of credit card numbers. I read about the Luhn algorithm on Wikipedia:
Counting from the check digit, which is the rightmost, and moving
left, double the value of every second digit.
Sum the digits of the products (e.g., 10: 1 + 0 = 1, 14: 1 + 4 = 5)
together with the undoubled digits from the original number.
If the total modulo 10 is equal to 0 (if the total ends in zero)
then the number is valid according to the Luhn formula; else it is
not valid.
On Wikipedia, the description of the Luhn algorithm is very easily understood. However, I have also seen other implementations of the Luhn algorithm on Rosetta Code and elsewhere (archived).
Those implementations work very well, but I am confused about why they can use an array to do the work. The array they use seems to have no relation with Luhn algorithm, and I can't see how they achieve the steps described on Wikipedia.
Why are they using arrays? What is the significance of them, and how are they used to implement the algorithm as described by Wikipedia?
Unfortunately none of the codes above worked for me. But I found on GitHub a working solution
// takes the form field value and returns true on valid number
function valid_credit_card(value) {
// accept only digits, dashes or spaces
if (/[^0-9-\s]+/.test(value)) return false;
// The Luhn Algorithm. It's so pretty.
var nCheck = 0, nDigit = 0, bEven = false;
value = value.replace(/\D/g, "");
for (var n = value.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
var cDigit = value.charAt(n),
nDigit = parseInt(cDigit, 10);
if (bEven) {
if ((nDigit *= 2) > 9) nDigit -= 9;
nCheck += nDigit;
bEven = !bEven;
return (nCheck % 10) == 0;
the array [0,1,2,3,4,-4,-3,-2,-1,0] is used as a look up array for finding the difference between a number in 0-9 and the digit sum of 2 times its value. For example, for number 8, the difference between 8 and (2*8) = 16 -> 1+6 = 7 is 7-8 = -1.
Here is graphical presentation, where {n} stand for sum of digit of n
[{0*2}-0, {1*2}-1, {2*2}-2, {3*2}-3, {4*2}-4, {5*2}-5, {6*2}-6, {7*2}-7....]
| | | | | | | |
[ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , -4 , -3 , -2 ....]
The algorithm you listed just sum over all the digit and for each even spot digit, look up the the difference using the array, and apply it to the total sum.
Compact Luhn validator:
var luhn_validate = function(imei){
return !/^\d+$/.test(imei) || (imei.split('').reduce(function(sum, d, n){
return sum + parseInt(((n + imei.length) %2)? d: [0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9][d]);
}, 0)) % 10 == 0;
Works fine for both CC and IMEI numbers. Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/8VqpN/
Lookup tables or arrays can simplify algorithm implementations - save many lines of code - and with that increase performance... if the calculation of the lookup index is simple - or simpler - and the array's memory footprint is affordable.
On the other hand, understanding how the particular lookup array or data structure came to be can at times be quite difficult, because the related algorithm implementation may look - at first sight - quite different from the original algorithm specification or description.
Indication to use lookup tables are number oriented algorithms with simple arithmetics, simple comparisons, and equally structured repetition patterns - and of course - of quite finite value sets.
The many answers in this thread go for different lookup tables and with that for different algorithms to implement the very same Luhn algorithm. Most implementations use the lookup array to avoid the cumbersome figuring out of the value for doubled digits:
var luhnArr = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
// ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
// | | | | | | | | | |
// - d-igit=index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// - 1st
// calculation: 2*0 2*2 2*2 2*3 2*4 2*5 2*6 2*7 2*8 2*9
// - intermeduate
// value: = 0 = 2 = 4 = 6 = 8 =10 =12 =14 =16 =18
// - 2nd
// calculation: 1+0 1+2 1+4 1+6 1+8
// - final value: 0 2 4 6 8 =1 =3 =5 =7 =9
var luhnFinalValue = luhnArray[d]; // d is numeric value of digit to double
An equal implementation for getting the luhnFinalValue looks like this:
var luhnIntermediateValue = d * 2; // d is numeric value of digit to double
var luhnFinalValue = (luhnIntermediateValue < 10)
? luhnIntermediateValue // (d ) * 2;
: luhnIntermediateValue - 10 + 1; // (d - 5) * 2 + 1;
Which - with the comments in above true and false terms - is of course simplified:
var luhnFinalValue = (d < 5) ? d : (d - 5) * 2 + 1;
Now I'm not sure if I 'saved' anything at all... ;-) especially thanks the value-formed or short form of if-then-else. Without it, the code may look like this - with 'orderly' blocks
and embedded in the next higher context layer of the algorithm and therefore luhnValue:
var luhnValue; // card number is valid when luhn values for each digit modulo 10 is 0
if (even) { // even as n-th digit from the the end of the string of digits
luhnValue = d;
} else { // doubled digits
if (d < 5) {
luhnValue = d * 2;
} else {
lunnValue = (d - 5) * 2 + 1;
var luhnValue = (even) ? d : (d < 5) ? d * 2 : (d - 5) * 2 + 1;
Btw, with modern, optimizing interpreters and (just in time) compilers, the difference is only in the source code and matters only for readability.
Having come that far with explanation - and 'justification' - of the use of lookup tables and comparison to straight forward coding, the lookup table looks now a bit overkill to me. The algorithm without is now quite easy to finish - and it looks pretty compact too:
function luhnValid(cardNo) { // cardNo as a string w/ digits only
var sum = 0, even = false;
cardNo.split("").reverse().forEach(function(dstr){ d = parseInt(dstr);
sum += ((even = !even) ? d : (d < 5) ? d * 2 : (d - 5) * 2 + 1);
return (sum % 10 == 0);
What strikes me after going through the explanation exercise is that the initially most enticing implementation - the one using reduce() from #kalypto - just lost totally its luster for me... not only because it is faulty on several levels, but more so because it shows that bells and whistles may not always 'ring the victory bell'. But thank you, #kalypto, it made me actually use - and understand - reduce():
function luhnValid2(cardNo) { // cardNo as a string w/ digits only
var d = 0, e = false; // e = even = n-th digit counted from the end
return ( cardNo.split("").reverse().reduce(
function(s,dstr){ d = parseInt(dstr); // reduce arg-0 - callback fnc
return (s + ((e = !e) ? d : [0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9][d]));
} // /end of callback fnc
,0 // reduce arg-1 - prev value for first iteration (sum)
) % 10 == 0
To be true to this thread, some more lookup table options have to be mentioned:
how about just adjust varues for doubled digits - as posted by #yngum
how about just everything with lookup tables - as posted by #Simon_Weaver - where also the values for the non-doubled digits are taken from a look up table.
how about just everything with just ONE lookup table - as inspired by the use of an offset as done in the extensively discussed luhnValid() function.
The code for the latter - using reduce - may look like this:
function luhnValid3(cardNo) { // cardNo as a string w/ digits only
var d = 0, e = false; // e = even = n-th digit counted from the end
return ( cardNo.split("").reverse().reduce(
function(s,dstr){ d = parseInt(dstr);
return (s + [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9][d+((e=!e)?0:10)]);
) % 10 == 0
And for closing lunValid4() - very compact - and using just 'old fashioned' (compatible) JavaScript - with one single lookup table:
function luhnValid4(cardNo) { // cardNo as a string w/ digits only
var s = 0, e = false, p = cardNo.length; while (p > 0) { p--;
s += "01234567890246813579".charAt(cardNo.charAt(p)*1 + ((e=!e)?0:10)) * 1; }
return (s % 10 == 0);
Corollar: Strings can be looked at as lookup tables of characters... ;-)
A perfect example of a nice lookup table application is the counting of set bits in bits lists - bits set in a a (very) long 8-bit byte string in (an interpreted) high-level language (where any bit operations are quite expensive). The lookup table has 256 entries. Each entry contains the number of bits set in an unsigned 8-bit integer equal to the index of the entry. Iterating through the string and taking the unsigned 8-bit byte equal value to access the number of bits for that byte from the lookup table. Even for low-level language - such as assembler / machine code - the lookup table is the way to go... especially in an environment, where the microcode (instruction) can handle multiple bytes up to 256 or more in an (single CISC) instruction.
Some notes:
numberString * 1 and parseInt(numberStr) do about the same.
there are some superfluous indentations, parenthesis,etc... supporting my brain in getting the semantics quicker... but some that I wanted to leave out, are actually required... when
it comes to arithmetic operations with short-form, value-if-then-else expressions as terms.
some formatting may look new to you; for examples, I use the continuation comma with the
continuation on the same line as the continuation, and I 'close' things - half a tab - indented to the 'opening' item.
All formatting is all done for the human, not the computer... 'it' does care less.
algorithm datastructure luhn lookuptable creditcard validation bitlist
A very fast and elegant implementation of the Luhn algorithm following:
const isLuhnValid = function luhn(array) {
return function (number) {
let len = number ? number.length : 0,
bit = 1,
sum = 0;
while (len--) {
sum += !(bit ^= 1) ? parseInt(number[len], 10) : array[number[len]];
return sum % 10 === 0 && sum > 0;
}([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9]);
console.log(isLuhnValid("4112344112344113".split(""))); // true
console.log(isLuhnValid("4112344112344114".split(""))); // false
On my dedicated git repository you can grab it and retrieve more info (like benchmarks link and full unit tests for ~50 browsers and some node.js versions).
Or you can simply install it via bower or npm. It works both on browsers and/or node.
bower install luhn-alg
npm install luhn-alg
If you want to calculate the checksum, this code from this page is very concise and in my random tests seems to work.
NOTE: the verification algorithmns on this page do NOT all work.
// Javascript
String.prototype.luhnGet = function()
var luhnArr = [[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],[0,2,4,6,8,1,3,5,7,9]], sum = 0;
this.replace(/\D+/g,"").replace(/[\d]/g, function(c, p, o){
sum += luhnArr[ (o.length-p)&1 ][ parseInt(c,10) ]
return this + ((10 - sum%10)%10);
Here's my findings for C#
function luhnCheck(value) {
return 0 === (value.replace(/\D/g, '').split('').reverse().map(function(d, i) {
return +['0123456789','0246813579'][i % 2][+d];
}).reduce(function(p, n) {
return p + n;
}) % 10);
Update: Here's a smaller version w/o string constants:
function luhnCheck(value) {
return !(value.replace(/\D/g, '').split('').reverse().reduce(function(a, d, i) {
return a + d * (i % 2 ? 2.2 : 1) | 0;
}, 0) % 10);
note the use of 2.2 here is to make doubling d roll over with an extra 1 when doubling 5 to 9.
Code is the following:
var LuhnCheck = (function()
var luhnArr = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
return function(str)
var counter = 0;
var incNum;
var odd = false;
var temp = String(str).replace(/[^\d]/g, "");
if ( temp.length == 0)
return false;
for (var i = temp.length-1; i >= 0; --i)
incNum = parseInt(temp.charAt(i), 10);
counter += (odd = !odd)? incNum : luhnArr[incNum];
return (counter%10 == 0);
The variable counter is the sum of all the digit in odd positions, plus the double of the digits in even positions, when the double exceeds 10 we add the two numbers that make it (ex: 6 * 2 -> 12 -> 1 + 2 = 3)
The Array you are asking about is the result of all the possible doubles
var luhnArr = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
0 * 2 = 0 --> 0
1 * 2 = 2 --> 2
2 * 2 = 4 --> 4
3 * 2 = 6 --> 6
4 * 2 = 8 --> 8
5 * 2 = 10 --> 1+0 --> 1
6 * 2 = 12 --> 1+2 --> 3
7 * 2 = 14 --> 1+4 --> 5
8 * 2 = 16 --> 1+6 --> 7
9 * 2 = 18 --> 1+8 --> 9
So for example
luhnArr[3] --> 6 (6 is in 3rd position of the array, and also 3 * 2 = 6)
luhnArr[7] --> 5 (5 is in 7th position of the array, and also 7 * 2 = 14 -> 5 )
Another alternative:
function luhn(digits) {
return /^\d+$/.test(digits) && !(digits.split("").reverse().map(function(checkDigit, i) {
checkDigit = parseInt(checkDigit, 10);
return i % 2 == 0
? checkDigit
: (checkDigit *= 2) > 9 ? checkDigit - 9 : checkDigit;
}).reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue) {
return previousValue + currentValue;
}) % 10);
Alternative ;) Simple and Best
// takes the form field value and returns true on valid number
function valid_credit_card(value) {
// accept only digits, dashes or spaces
if (/[^0-9-\s]+/.test(value)) return false;
// The Luhn Algorithm. It's so pretty.
var nCheck = 0, nDigit = 0, bEven = false;
value = value.replace(/\D/g, "");
for (var n = value.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
var cDigit = value.charAt(n),
nDigit = parseInt(cDigit, 10);
if (bEven) {
if ((nDigit *= 2) > 9) nDigit -= 9;
nCheck += nDigit;
bEven = !bEven;
return (nCheck % 10) == 0;
console.log(valid_credit_card("5610591081018250"),"valid_credit_card Validation");
Best Solution here
with all test cases passed according to
and the credit goes to
const LuhnCheckCard = (number) => {
if (/[^0-9-\s]+/.test(number) || number.length === 0)
return false;
return ((number.split("").map(Number).reduce((prev, digit, i) => {
(!(( i & 1 ) ^ number.length)) && (digit *= 2);
(digit > 9) && (digit -= 9);
return prev + digit;
}, 0) % 10) === 0);
console.log(LuhnCheckCard("4532015112830366")); // true
console.log(LuhnCheckCard("gdsgdsgdsg")); // false
I worked out the following solution after I submitted a much worse one for a test..
function valid(number){
var splitNumber = parseInt(number.toString().split(""));
var totalEvenValue = 0;
var totalOddValue = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < splitNumber.length; i++){
if(i % 2 === 0){
if(splitNumber[i] * 2 >= 10){
totalEvenValue += splitNumber[i] * 2 - 9;
} else {
totalEvenValue += splitNumber[i] * 2;
}else {
totalOddValue += splitNumber[i];
return ((totalEvenValue + totalOddValue) %10 === 0)
I recently wrote a solution using Javascript, I leave the code here for anyone who can help:
// checksum with Luhn Algorithm
const luhn_checksum = function(strIn) {
const len = strIn.length;
let sum = 0
for (let i = 0; i<10; i += 1) {
let factor = (i % 2 === 1) ? 2: 1
const v = parseInt(strIn.charAt(i), 10) * factor
sum += (v>9) ? (1 + v % 10) : v
return (sum * 9) % 10
// teste exampple on wikipedia:
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_algorithm
const strIn = "7992739871"
// The checksum of "7992739871" is 3
If you understand this code above, you will have no problem converting it to any other language.
For example in python:
def nss_checksum(nss):
suma = 0
for i in range(10):
factor = 2 if (i % 2 == 1) else 1
v = int(nss[i]) * factor
suma += (1 + v % 10) if (v >9) else v
return (suma * 9) % 10
For more info, check this:
My Code(En español):
def validate_credit_card_number(card_number):
group1 = []
group1_double = []
after_group_double = []
group1_sum = 0
group2_sum = 0
group2 = []
total_final_sum = 0
s = str(card_number)
list1 = [int(i) for i in list(s)]
for i in range(14, -1, -2):
for x in group1:
b = 0
b = x * 2
for j in group1_double:
if(j > 9):
sum_of_digits = 0
alias = str(j)
temp1 = alias[0]
temp2 = alias[1]
sum_of_digits = int(temp1) + int(temp2)
for i in after_group_double:
group1_sum += i
for i in range(15, -1, -2):
for i in group2:
group2_sum += i
total_final_sum = group1_sum + group2_sum
return True
return False
card_number= 1456734512345698 #4539869650133101 #1456734512345698 # #5239512608615007
print("credit card number is valid")
print("credit card number is invalid")

