Can i add Asynchronous function within React Functional Component - javascript

Please note the question is NOT about Asynchronous Nature of useState. It is Asynchronous and it's well answered here: useState set method not reflecting change immediately Please donot confuse this with that! I have used useEffect to get the button working, as shared in codepen
My question is can i add / include any asynchronous function within main component?
Main Component: HelloWorld
Sub function: interestShown => Can this be asynchronous? in the example i have simplified it as much as possible with console.log output.
Is this an advisable route or am i attempting something bizarre?
I have tried looking for solution to this problem, but I think all answers were directing me to classes, I am looking to get this going in React Functional Component if possible.
I have defined state like so:
const [interested, setInterested] = React.useState(false)
when I call this function:
function interestShown() {
console.log("Before Set State fired", interested)
console.log("After Set State Fired", interested)
The after state change console log needs to show the changed state, I couldn't get this going, I tried many options
My problem is here in this code pen:
The console log output:
pen.js:6 Before Set State fired false
pen.js:8 After Set State Fired false => this should be true, but i am guessing this is asynchronous change, this is my question how to fire this After State Change?
pen.js:14 Fire only it's true true
There are similar sounding questions, but i am not sure they are asking the same thing as i am asking or question is well explained to demonstrate the problem.

Yes, it is asynchronous. So you won't see the changes immediately.
From the setState() documentation:
The setState() function is used to update the state. It accepts a new state value and enqueues a re-render of the component.
You can use useEffect() hook to capture state changes, from the documentation:
Mutations, subscriptions, timers, logging, and other side effects are not allowed inside the main body of a function component (referred to as React’s render phase). Doing so will lead to confusing bugs and inconsistencies in the UI.
You can import it like:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
The following code snippet will help you to log interested state changes:
useEffect(() => {
}, ['state has changed', interested]);
I hope that clarifies.

I got the way i could do an asynhronous requests with react functional component using effect, posting here so it could help others,
React.useEffect(() => {
if (showReport) {
fetch("") // Get the data external or internal
.then(res => res.json())
.then(ip => Promise.all([ip, getSomethingElse()])) // Get something else, again external or internal function call
.then(([ip, gp]) => {
setData(gp); // Update the state
}, [showReport]);
Hope this helps others


react js variable update delay - react.js [duplicate]

I'm reading Forms section of reactjs documentation and just tried this code to demonstrate onChange usage (JSBIN).
var React= require('react');
var ControlledForm= React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
value: "initial value"
handleChange: function(event) {
render: function() {
return (
<input type="text" value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange}/>
When I update the <input/> value in the browser, the second console.log inside the handleChange callback prints the same value as the first console.log, Why I can't see the result of this.setState({value:}) in the scope of handleChange callback?
From React's documentation:
setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a
pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this
method can potentially return the existing value. There is no
guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may
be batched for performance gains.
If you want a function to be executed after the state change occurs, pass it in as a callback.
this.setState({value:}, function () {
As mentioned in the React documentation, there is no guarantee of setState being fired synchronously, so your console.log may return the state prior to it updating.
Michael Parker mentions passing a callback within the setState. Another way to handle the logic after state change is via the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method, which is the method recommended in React docs.
Generally we recommend using componentDidUpdate() for such logic instead.
This is particularly useful when there may be successive setStates fired, and you would like to fire the same function after every state change. Rather than adding a callback to each setState, you could place the function inside of the componentDidUpdate, with specific logic inside if necessary.
// example
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.state.value > prevState.value) {;
You could try using ES7 async/await. For instance using your example:
handleChange: async function(event) {
await this.setState({value:});
Watch out the react lifecycle methods!
I worked for several hours to find out that getDerivedStateFromProps will be called after every setState().
Sometime this issue occurs with state.
In case of hooks, you should use useEffect hook, As below-
const [fruit, setFruit] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
console.log('Fruit', fruit);
}, [fruit])
This saved my day, Hope will help you!!!
Accessing this.state after calling the setState method is not guaranteed to return the updated status due to the asynchronous nature of setState.
To guarantee an update after calling setState, there are two solutions you may pursue.
Solution 1: As mentioned in one of the above answers, put your code in the componentDidUpdate method
Solution 2: As mentioned in another of the above answers, pass your stuff as a callback
this.setState({value: myValue}, function () {
It's important to note that these two solutions are not clearly interchangeable. The one cannot easily solve all the use-cases of the other. As a general rule, if you can, best practice says that solution 1 is preferred. But, there are use-cases where only solution 2 "more effectively" works such as the "update-my-view-and-post-my-data" use case. This use case goes like this:
After adding an item, say, "Add Schedule", I want to both add that item to a front-end list and immediately post the just-updated-list to the backend, as demonstrated in the concept below:
If you dont do either solution, i.e. if you only say this in your code:
addToItemArray = () => {
this.setState{{ scheduledItemsArray: newObjectListWithMax}}
<button className="btn btn-secondary btn-block" onClick={this.addToItemArray}>Add Shedule</button>
... you will post the list excluding the "Delivery to Max" item, because the state wont be updated when you this.postData() (again, because its asynchronous).
If you utilise solution 1, you would make a POST after typing in every character in the Schedule Name textbox!
There are other ways aswell to cater for this use-case but solution 2 best conveys the intent when reading the code.
Given the ubiquitous nature of this use case in virtually every web app, the callback technique explained by Michael's answer is an indispensable piece of code in every developers toolkit.
async-await syntax works perfectly for something like the following...
changeStateFunction = () => {
// Some Worker..
this.setState((prevState) => ({
year: funcHandleYear(),
month: funcHandleMonth()
goNextMonth = async () => {
await this.changeStateFunction();
const history = createBrowserHistory();
goPrevMonth = async () => {
await this.changeStateFunction();
const history = createBrowserHistory();
React bathces different set state calls so that it can determine what is the most optimal strategy for rerendering the website is going to be.
Imagine you have an application where you have a lot of different components. Perhaps, with one button click you are updating the state in multiple components, not just on the current one. In this case, React does not want to just completely isolate and do all those different updates independently.
React wants to figure out if it can stack all these updates together, maybe there is a more optimal way of updating these components so that it is more performant. This is what React is doing behind the scenes. As a result, set state call is asynchronous call.
Simply putting - this.setState({data: value}) is asynchronous in
nature that means it moves out of the Call Stack and only comes back
to the Call Stack unless it is resolved.
Please read about Event Loop to have a clear picture about Asynchronous nature in JS and why it takes time to update -
Hence -
console.log(; // will give undefined or unupdated value
as it takes time to update.
To achieve the above process -
this.setState({data:value},function () {

Unexplained behaviour from React state Change [duplicate]

I'm reading Forms section of reactjs documentation and just tried this code to demonstrate onChange usage (JSBIN).
var React= require('react');
var ControlledForm= React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
value: "initial value"
handleChange: function(event) {
render: function() {
return (
<input type="text" value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange}/>
When I update the <input/> value in the browser, the second console.log inside the handleChange callback prints the same value as the first console.log, Why I can't see the result of this.setState({value:}) in the scope of handleChange callback?
From React's documentation:
setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a
pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this
method can potentially return the existing value. There is no
guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may
be batched for performance gains.
If you want a function to be executed after the state change occurs, pass it in as a callback.
this.setState({value:}, function () {
As mentioned in the React documentation, there is no guarantee of setState being fired synchronously, so your console.log may return the state prior to it updating.
Michael Parker mentions passing a callback within the setState. Another way to handle the logic after state change is via the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method, which is the method recommended in React docs.
Generally we recommend using componentDidUpdate() for such logic instead.
This is particularly useful when there may be successive setStates fired, and you would like to fire the same function after every state change. Rather than adding a callback to each setState, you could place the function inside of the componentDidUpdate, with specific logic inside if necessary.
// example
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.state.value > prevState.value) {;
You could try using ES7 async/await. For instance using your example:
handleChange: async function(event) {
await this.setState({value:});
Watch out the react lifecycle methods!
I worked for several hours to find out that getDerivedStateFromProps will be called after every setState().
Sometime this issue occurs with state.
In case of hooks, you should use useEffect hook, As below-
const [fruit, setFruit] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
console.log('Fruit', fruit);
}, [fruit])
This saved my day, Hope will help you!!!
Accessing this.state after calling the setState method is not guaranteed to return the updated status due to the asynchronous nature of setState.
To guarantee an update after calling setState, there are two solutions you may pursue.
Solution 1: As mentioned in one of the above answers, put your code in the componentDidUpdate method
Solution 2: As mentioned in another of the above answers, pass your stuff as a callback
this.setState({value: myValue}, function () {
It's important to note that these two solutions are not clearly interchangeable. The one cannot easily solve all the use-cases of the other. As a general rule, if you can, best practice says that solution 1 is preferred. But, there are use-cases where only solution 2 "more effectively" works such as the "update-my-view-and-post-my-data" use case. This use case goes like this:
After adding an item, say, "Add Schedule", I want to both add that item to a front-end list and immediately post the just-updated-list to the backend, as demonstrated in the concept below:
If you dont do either solution, i.e. if you only say this in your code:
addToItemArray = () => {
this.setState{{ scheduledItemsArray: newObjectListWithMax}}
<button className="btn btn-secondary btn-block" onClick={this.addToItemArray}>Add Shedule</button>
... you will post the list excluding the "Delivery to Max" item, because the state wont be updated when you this.postData() (again, because its asynchronous).
If you utilise solution 1, you would make a POST after typing in every character in the Schedule Name textbox!
There are other ways aswell to cater for this use-case but solution 2 best conveys the intent when reading the code.
Given the ubiquitous nature of this use case in virtually every web app, the callback technique explained by Michael's answer is an indispensable piece of code in every developers toolkit.
async-await syntax works perfectly for something like the following...
changeStateFunction = () => {
// Some Worker..
this.setState((prevState) => ({
year: funcHandleYear(),
month: funcHandleMonth()
goNextMonth = async () => {
await this.changeStateFunction();
const history = createBrowserHistory();
goPrevMonth = async () => {
await this.changeStateFunction();
const history = createBrowserHistory();
React bathces different set state calls so that it can determine what is the most optimal strategy for rerendering the website is going to be.
Imagine you have an application where you have a lot of different components. Perhaps, with one button click you are updating the state in multiple components, not just on the current one. In this case, React does not want to just completely isolate and do all those different updates independently.
React wants to figure out if it can stack all these updates together, maybe there is a more optimal way of updating these components so that it is more performant. This is what React is doing behind the scenes. As a result, set state call is asynchronous call.
Simply putting - this.setState({data: value}) is asynchronous in
nature that means it moves out of the Call Stack and only comes back
to the Call Stack unless it is resolved.
Please read about Event Loop to have a clear picture about Asynchronous nature in JS and why it takes time to update -
Hence -
console.log(; // will give undefined or unupdated value
as it takes time to update.
To achieve the above process -
this.setState({data:value},function () {

Callbacks using redux-thunk / redux-observable with redux

I am learning how redux works but its a lot of code to do simple things. For example, I want to load some data from the server before displaying. For editing reasons, I can't simply just use incoming props but I have to copy props data into the local state.
As far as I've learned, I have to send a Fetch_request action. If successful, a fetch_success action will update the store with new item. Then updated item will cause my component's render function to update.
In component
componentWillMount() {
In actions
export function FETCH_REQUEST(id) {
.then(d => FETCH_SUCCESS(d))
.catch(e => FETCH_FAILURE(e));
In reducer
export function FETCH_REDUCER(state = {}, action ={}) {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, []: ...action.payload }
Back in component
// extra code for state, getting desired item from...
Instead, can I call a react-thunk function and pass some callback functions? The react-thunk can update the store and callbacks can change the component's local state.
In component
componentWillMount() {
this.props.FETCH_REQUEST(, this.cbSuccess, this.cbFailure);
cbSuccess(data) {
// do something
cbFailure(error) {
// do something
In action
export function FETCH_REQUEST(id, cbSuccess, cbFailure) {
.then(d => {
}).catch(e => {
Is this improper? Can I do the same thing with redux-observable?
I moved nearly everything to the redux store, even for edits (ie replaced this.setState with this.props.setState). It eases state management. However, every time any input's onChange fires, a new state is popping up. Can someone confirm whether this is okay? I'm worried about the app's memory management due to redux saving a ref to each state.
First of all, you should call your API in componentDidMount instead of componentWillMount. More on this at : what is right way to do API call in react js?
When you use a redux store, your components subscribe to state changes using the mapStateToProps function and they change state using the actions added a props through the mapDispatchToProps function (assuming you are using these functions in your connect call).
So you already are subscribing to state changes using your props. Using a callback would be similar to having the callback tell you of a change which your component already knows about because of a change in its props. And the change in props would trigger a re-render of the component to show the new state.
The case you refer to, of an input field firing an onChange event at the change of every character, can cause a lot of updates to the store. As mentioned in my comments, you can use an api like _.debounce to throttle the updates to the store to reduce the number of state changes in such cases. More on handling this at Perform debounce in React.js.
The issue of memory management is a real issue in real world applications when using Redux. The way to reduce the effect of repeated updates to the state is to
Normalize the shape of state :
Create memoized selectors using Reselect (
Follow the advice provided in the articles regarding performance in Redux github pages (
Also remember that although the whole state should be copied to prevent mutating, only the slice of state that changes needs to be updated. For example, if your state holds 10 objects and only one of them changes, you need to update the reference of the new object in the state, but the remaining 9 unchanged objects still point to the old references and the total number of objects in your memory is 11 and not 20 (excluding the encompassing state object.)

React keep to single setState call?

Supposed that in a function, i always need to set someState, and only need to set someOtherState if condition is true.
Is it preferable to do it like this:
this.setState({ someState });
if (condition) {
this.setState({ someOtherState });
Or this?
if (condition) {
this.setState({ someState, someOtherState });
} else {
this.setState({ someState });
I know React is optimized such that calling setState in quick succession will usually not result in a re-render. But is that behavior guaranteed or should the code make such assumption?
eg. supposed it works by re-rendering on a fixed time interval, if the first setState get called right before that interval block ends, then the second setState will result in a re-render?
Why don't you use ternary operator? If condition is true, set it to new state. Otherwise, use the old one.
this.setState(prevState => ({
someOtherState: condition ? newSomeOtherState : prevState.someOtherState
React batches setState calls, so doing sequential update calls should only trigger one call to render.
You can assume that it will be batched provided you are within React managed event functions (React event system). For example, if it's an AJAX call, or some other delayed function like a promise or setTimeout, they will not be batched.
This post has a pretty good summary of the order of events in most situations. You will find the state section about halfway down, but I'll try to summarise here:
Order goes :
Updating State

If you're calling multiple functions within one of these, React is smart enough to wait until they're complete before running the batched updates.
See the React docs here for details on setState:
(Link limit:
and also a discussion on batching here:!topic/reactjs/G6pljvpTGX0

react-redux store not updating within onClick function

I'm experiencing this weird issue where my react-redux store is updating, but is not updating within the function that calls the actions. is undefined, then I set it to an integer with this.props.actions.activeSet(activeProc), but it remains undefined and enters the next if condition.
I know my app is working because everything else works with having the correct value.
Is this supposed to happen?
After doing some testing, it appears that the state remains the same inside the onClick function.
All calls to console.log(this.props) made within the onClick function show no change to the state, but adding setTimeout(() => {console.log(this.props)}, 1) at the end to test shows that the state is being updated.
Other parts of the app are working as intended, with state changes applied immediately.
But I still don't understand what is going on.
Component function code
() => {
console.log(; // undefined
if ( === undefined && this.props.readyQueue.length > 0) {
let activeProc = this.props.readyQueue[0];
this.props.actions.activeSet(activeProc); // set to an integer
console.log(; // still remains undefined
if ( === undefined) {
function mapStateToProps(state, props) {
return {
Action code
export const activeSet = (procId) => {
return {
type: 'ACTIVE_SET',
Reducer code
case 'ACTIVE_SET':
return Object.assign({}, state, {
active: action.procId
Your Redux state updates synchronously with the dispatch of your action. Your reducer has executed by the time the dispatch call returns.
However, React isn't Redux. Redux tells React-Redux's wrapper component that the state has changed. This also happens before dispatch returns.
React-Redux then tells React that the component needs to be rerendered by calling forceUpdate. React then waits until it feels it's a good time to take care of that. I haven't looked, but it probably uses setImmediate or equivalent but it's async. This allows React to batch updates and maybe there are other reasons.
In any case, the React-Redux wrapper component will get rendered by React when the time comes and it'll use your mapStateToProps to distill theprops out of the state and then passes them to React as props for your actual component. Then, when React feels it's an okay time, it calls your render method or function. It may do all kinds of things in before that, such as calling componentWillReceiveProps or rendering some other component that also needs rendering. In any case it's none of our business. React does its thing. But when your Render function is called, your props will now reflect the new state.
You shouldn't rely on new state in an onClick handler. The onClick should only call the bound action creator, which I guess is now more aptly called an action dispatcher. If something needs to be done with the new state, you should use Redux-Thunk middleware and create a thunked action creator. These have access to getState and if they don't perform any internal async stuff, then the entire action can actually be just as synchronous as a simple dispatch (not that you'd need that in a simple onClick handler).
Finally, React is very asynchronous in nature. Think of it as telling React what you want (component + props) and letting React take it from there. If React needs to know how to turn a component into DOM elements, it'll call your component's render function. How or when React does is thing is an implementation detail that doesn't concern us.

