there's an error to createElement and its attribute [closed] - javascript

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I try to createElement as h1 and its attribute class, but i can not get it working.
here goes my post:
function krea_ta(){
var tagy = document.cteateElement("h1");
var clasy = createAttribute("class");
clasy.value = "myclass";
tagy.innerText = "business";
Where is the problem?

First things first, you've spelled "create" wrong on "createElement".
Secondly, you can either set the class as an attribute using tagy.setAttribute("class", "myclass")
or via the classList property which expects an array of strings..
tagy.classList = ["myclass"];
The above assign of the array might not be working on all browsers (works on Chrome), as MDN states that classList is a read-only property.
The .add method accepts parameterised values, array of values and a single value.

Why not simply do it like this:
function krea_ta(){
const tagy = document.createElement("h1");
const tagyText = document.createTextNode("business");


Converting a javascript string into an existing javascript variable [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am stuck with this problem. I have a function to accept the path and also the same time I have a variable that I want to condition with.
Here is my problem: I want to make a string type that will act as an access to my variable.
In my situation, I have a roles.operation variable which I want to access it dynamically.
The roles variable has an array with the values of:
roles.operations = ['document','article','document-type'];
with this variable I want this to be access dynamically.
Here is what I've tried, which in replacePath i have the value of document-type:
export const createVariable = (roles,path) => {
const replacePath = path.replace(/-/g,"_");
const finalPath = window[`roles.operations.${replacePath}`];
this gives me undefined.
Try this way:
const finalPath = window['roles']['operations'][replacePath];
const finalPath = window.roles.operations[replacePath];

how to pass a variable to queryselectorAll? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Hi I want to pass a variable to queryselectorAll. I tried a couple of things but non have worked for me. I'm doing that because in my code I change the variable to a new one every time a click a button.
var container = document.getElementById(
// I want to be called in querySelectorAll
templateDiv = document.querySelectorAll('#' + '' + 'template')[0].content.firstElementChild
Thanks in advance
This question can be simplified to: How do I construct a string from fixed parts and a variable part?
The answer to that is:
'#' + + 'template'
(i.e. just don't put quotes around your variable name).
But why bother using .querySelectorAll() just to grab the first index? You could simply call .querySelector() instead.
And if all you need to get is an element with a specified id, you can just do this:
document.getElementById( + 'template')
... which is the method you're already using in your first line.

child.parentNode.removeChild(child) keeps giving a TypeError: Cannot read property 'removeChild' of undefined [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm new to JS and for an assignment I have to remove a div from a facebook post. I'm using
var el = document.getElementsByClassName("someclass");
to find the div, since FB doesn't use ID tags. I can get a value if i run the var but its not working with removeChild for some reason.
getElementsByClassName returns list of elements.
Let us say you have a class with name "class1" attached to multiple elements inside the document, it will return all the elements with class name "class1".
You can iterate though result of getElementsByClassName like normal array.
For example:
if you want to remove first element that matches with this class name. then
But i would suggest having better logic to remove this element.

assigning same html elements to a multiple variable in jquery [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i am curious to know, how can i assign multiple html elements to a single variable in jquery...
for an example if i am having...
at one instance i want variable drgoff
var drgoff = $('.some').offset().top;
at other instance i want variable drgoff
var drgoff = $('.some1').offset().top;
i am using this drgoff in the function, so now my question is how can i get all that html elements in place of .some when that particular html element is called...
var drgoff is not inside function it is a global variable..
thanx for any help...
it can be done using if else also but that will be too lengthy..
Use jQuery's .add(). var drgoff = $('.some').add('.some1');
Live demo here (click).
Well don't know when you are setting the value for drgoff. If you have a function (as indicated in question), then you can pass it the class name for which you want to get the value like this:
function getDragOffValue(cname){
dragoff = $(cname).offset().top;
and use it like:
alert(dragoff);//gets value for elements with class .name
alert(dragoff);//gets value for elements with class .name1
But I don't understand how your code will behave if you have multiple elements with same class name. It will return the offset().top value for first element in collection of elements with given class. In short $(".name").offset().top is as good as $(".name:first").offset().top.

How to apply substring to every letter in array? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm making an array of textstrings like this:
phone = $(data).find('.tel a')
I would like to apply a substring(8) to every item in the array called phone. Is a for-loop the best way to do it?
phone, as it stands, contains a jQuery object, which is an Array-like Object of DOM elements. If you want to iterate over all of them and get their inner text, applying .substring(8) to each, and building an array out of them, you can use something like this:
var phoneArray = $(data).find(".tel a").map(function (i, el) {
return $(el).text().substring(8);
(in the demo, I had to emulate what data could be, although I'm guessing it is an HTML string in your real code)
You can use the map() method :
phone = phone.get().map(function(e) { return $(e).text().substring(8) });
You can use the .each() function for this... Something like:
$(data).find('.tel a').each(function() {
$(this).text(function(index,text) {
return text+"substring(8)";
You can let jQuery do the work for you.
$(data).find('.tel a').addClass('substring');
jQuery will traverse the array of elements returned and add the class to all of them.

