Large Vue component for single use in HTML - javascript

I have an editor vue component <editor></editor> that I want to use on only a few sites. This component is fairly big (400kb), so I don't want to register it globally. Is there a way to do this? The site is a traditional server side app that uses normal blade.
I'm thinking about manually importing it only on the sites that use it.

Just add the editor component like this:
import EditorComponent from 'path/to/editor/'
export default {
components: {
'editor': EditorComponent
Then you can use the <editor></editor> without troubles in your HTML.

Chunk your javascript with Webpack, this way you only load what you need in the front end.
Example of code splitting
Then use different new Vue functions to render only what is needed
import Editor from './Editor.vue'
import OtherVueInstance from './OtherVueInstance.vue'
window.onload = function () {
if (pageContainsEditor) {
new Vue({
render: h => h(Editor)
} else if (somethingElse) {
new Vue({
render: h => h(OtherVueInstance)
In the blade file:
<div id="editor"></div>
<div id="OtherVueInstance"></div>
Also you can just create a whole new Vue application, with its own seperate JS and CSS. Then just load that on the pages where it is needed.

Just use your Editor component as async component
Instead of this:
import Editor from './editor'
export default {
components: {
Do this:
export default {
components: {
Editor: () => import('./editor')
Webpack will split Editor component code into separate chunk and Vue will load it on demand only when it is actually needed...


Vue props is undefined when print component dynamically

My problem is on the dynamically creation of the TAG "galeriaimages".
Vue works fine but the props are always undefined
thanks for all.
import Vue from 'vue'
import Gi from './components/galeriaimages.vue'
import vuetify from './plugins/vuetify';
Vue.config.productionTip = false
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
new Vue({vuetify, render: h => h(Gi) }).$mount('galeriaimages');
<galeriaimages p1="awesome" /> <!-- I create it dinamically-->
Vue component
export default {
props: ['p1'] ,
data: function() {
return {
created: function() {
alert(this.p1); //this is always undefined
Thanks to #skirtle for give me the answer :-)
I added this line in my vue.config.js
runtimeCompiler: true
...and all works fine
The bit where you write h(Gi) is creating a galeriaimages component but not passing any props to it.
To pass the prop you would need to write:
new Vue({
render: h => h(Gi, {props: {p1: 'awesome'}})
However, I suspect that isn't what you're really trying to do.
You currently seem to be mounting directly to the <galeriaimages> element, which is a bit odd but if you remove the render function it should work. You can also use el instead of $mount:
new Vue({
components: {galeriaimages: Gi},
el: 'galeriaimages'
I would add that the reason most examples use a render function for the root Vue instance is that it avoids the need to include the template compiler in the Vue build. This only works if all your other Vue components are pre-built .vue files. If you have any templates at runtime, including those in your HTML, then you'll need to include the template compiler anyway. In that scenario there's no benefit to using a render function on the root instance.
You need to provide the component matching the tag <galeriaimages>. Your custom render function is overriding the template parsing, so it is not parsing the <galeriaimages> as a component tag.
new Vue({vuetify, components: {galeriaimages: Gi} }).$mount('galeriaimages');
Also your components are not creating any elements. They are not able to mount.

Is there a way to use RequireJS when importing VueJS components?

I have a project which uses RequireJS and Vue components. I am trying to modularise the Vue components into smaller parts and I want to be able to export smaller vue components so that they can be used by a bigger one. This is simple with standard vue:
import SomeComponent from './SomeComponent.vue'
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: { SomeComponent },
but how would this be done with requireJS?
You can use require to import your *.vue components like this:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
'some-component': require('../path/to/components/SomeComponent.vue').default,
Your *.vue files should be structured like this:
<!-- Component HTML -->
export default {
name: 'some-component',
/* Component Styles */
As an alternative, you can use require to register you components globally (see api docs):
Vue.component('some-component', require('../path/to/components/SomeComponent.vue').default);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
... // no need to declare `SomeComponent` here
This is a good option if you have several components that will all make use of SomeComponent.
I'm not exactly certain what you are asking, but if you are just trying to modularize, you can do this with import. The way to do this is by importing components into components.
If you have a pagination component that is being imported to your app, you can import a smaller component (a sub-component) into pagination component. You can go as small as you want this way and have sub-sub-sub-components. The syntax for importing components into components is identical to importing components into a new vue page.
Unless I'm missing something, there's no reason to try and use require. Vue already gives you everything you need with the ability to import components. That's the proper way to modularize and keep your code DRY in Vue.

How to import a js class in main.js file of a vue.js project and use it in all the components instead of importing in each component?

I have written some JS classes that I would like to import in the app.js/main.js file of my vue.js project so that I can instantiate them in the components. Right now I am having to import the same JS class in all the components where I need the class individually.
I've tried the import in the main.js file but the components don't recognize it.
in the main.js file, I am importing like as follows
import Permissions from './Permissions'
However, when I want to instantiate the Permissions class in my component like
data() {
permissions: new Permission({
some object properties...
the component doesn't know what Permissions is.
How do I let the component know what Permissions class is?
To do it in the vue way, you can create your own plugin or mixin. See detailed instructions here
So, you can create a permissions plugin in permissions-plugin.js
import Permissions from './Permissions'
const PermissionsPlugin = {
install(Vue, options) {
// This adds the $getPermissions method to all instances
Vue.prototype.$getPermissions = function(properties) {
return new Permission({
some object properties...
Then you have to tell vue to use your plugin:
import Vue from 'vue'
import PermissionsPlugin from './permissions-plugin.js'
import App from './App.vue'
// The plugin is loaded here.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
render: h => h(App)
And lastly now from any component you should be able to use your function like:

How to call all Custom Directive globally instead of calling each component?

I'm setting up a directive for my Vue project on separate individual files.
So far I have succeeded separating files and calling it globally but only possible to do it individually instead of exporting the entire directive and make it global.
const highlight ={
bind(el, binding, vnode) {
... some code
const highlight2 ={
... some code
export default {
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import * as directive from './directive.js'
new Vue({
el: '#app',
render: h => h(App),
so far I have been able to call this directive on my main.js but stuck on how to make it globally without calling every single component. like
import { highlight, highlight2} from './directive
Found my way by looping through with forEach function.
Vue.directive(name, directive[name])

How to import vuejs component dependencies in a MPA?

In a single page app, I can do this to include a component inside a component.
$ npm install sagalbot/vue-select
<div id="myApp">
<v-select :value.sync="selected" :options="options"></v-select>
import vSelect from "vue-select"
export default {
components: {vSelect},
data() {
return {
selected: null,
options: ['foo','bar','baz']
How can I do this in a MPA, where I have bunch of js files or sometimes inline javascript in different pages?
I am not using any build system.
I would highly recommend using vue-cli, but if for some reason that is not possible, then I believe,though I have never tried it, you would basically need to add all your components and code into a single long js file, or include them in the right order in your html documents.
Certain component libraries can work this way, like vuetify. You simply include the whole vuetify.js file after vue.js and then you can use all the components available.
I think it would be quite a lot of work to do anything of much size, but if it is something really small you could add components in the following manner, one after another.
var componentTemplate =
// Template code..
Vue.component('my-cool-component', {
template: componentTemplate,
data: function() {
return {

