Determine precision of number, including trailing zeros - javascript

I suspect that this isn't possible, but giving it a try:
Is it possible to determine the number of decimal points of a number, whether or not those decimal points are trailing zeros?
getPrecision(3) // 0
getPrecision(3.2) // 1
getPrecision(2.30) // 2
I've found a couple of solutions for the first two cases (including this: How do I get the decimal places of a floating point number in Javascript?) but nothing for the last case. Converting 3.20 to a string results in "3.2", which doesn't help, and I'm about out of ideas.

Yes, this is possible but only with a trick
First of all, as per your problem statement, if you ask javascript to split and count your float value into 2 integers then it won't include trailing 0s of it.
Let's satisfy our requirement here with a trick ;)
In the below function you need to pass a value in string format and it will do your work
function getPrecision(value){
a = value.toString()
console.log('a ->',a)
b = a.split('.')
return b[1].length
getPrecision('12.12340') // Call a function
For an example, run the below logic
value = '12.12340'
a = value.toString()
b = a.split('.')
console.log('count of trailing decimals->',b[1].length)
That's it! Just pass your float value in string format and you are done!
Thank you!


JavaScript: parseFloat() strips trailing zeros

I have been trying to find a solution to the following problem. I have a string that is a floating-point number like,
var value = '12.30';
When I try to cast it to be a floating number
parseFloat('12.30'); // output is 12.3
I need a way for my logic to return 12.30, the actual value, and that too a number.
Solutions I checked used,
but this converts it to string type and that's not acceptable in my scenario.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
It's not parseFloat()'s fault. Numerically speaking, 12.30 equals 12.3, even if you don't use parseFloat():
const x = 12.30;
console.log(x); // Prints "12.3"
You can just use unary plus from Type Conversions in JavaScript for get number value
var value = '12.30';
alert(parseFloat(value).toFixed(2)); // 12.30
alert(typeof +parseFloat(value).toFixed(2)); // number
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remove leading 0 before decimal point and return as a number- javascript

I need to return a number in the format of .66 (from an entered value which includes the leading zero, e.g. 0.66)
It must be returned as an integer with the decimal point as the first character.
what method in JavaScript can help me do this?
What have I tried?
I've tried converting it toString() and back to parseInt() but including the decimal point makes it return NaN.
I've tried adding various radix (10, 16) to my parseInt() - also unsuccessful
Sample Code
const value = 0.66;
if(value < 1) {
let str = value.toString().replace(/^0+/, '');
// correctly gets '.66'
return parseInt(str)
//result NaN
I expect an output of the value with the leading 0 removed
e.g. 0.45 --> .45 or 0.879 --> .879
Current Observations
Output is NaN
I tried a quick solution, you may try to do this:
let a = 0.45;
// split on decimal, at index 1 you will find the number after decimal
let b = a.toString().split('.')[1];
Issue #1:
0.66 is not an Integer. An Integer is a whole number, this is a floating-point number.
Issue #2:
You cannot have a number in JavaScript that starts with a decimal point.
Even if you change your parseInt to be parseFloat, it will still return 0.66 as a result.
What you're asking just isn't possible, if you want a number to start with a decimal point then it has to be a string.

Javascript convert string to integer

I am just dipping my toe into the confusing world of javascript, more out of necessity than desire and I have come across a problem of adding two integers.
1,700.00 + 500.00
returns 1,700.00500.00
So after some research I see that 1,700.00 is being treated as a string and that I need to convert it.
The most relevant pages I read to resolve this were this question and this page. However when I use
parseInt(string, radix)
it returns 1. Am I using the wrong function or the an incorrect radix (being honest I can't get my head around how I decide which radix to use).
var a="1,700.00";
var b=500.00;
parseInt(a, 10);
Basic Answer
The reason parseInt is not working is because of the comma. You could remove the comma using a regex such as:
var num = '1,700.00';
num = num.replace(/\,/g,'');
This will return a string with a number in it. Now you can parseInt. If you do not choose a radix it will default to 10 which was the correct value to use here.
num = parseInt(num);
Do this for each of your string numbers before adding them and everything should work.
More information
How the replace works:
More information on replace at mdn:
`/` - start
`\,` - escaped comma
`/` - end
`g` - search globally
The global search will look for all matches (it would stop after the first match without this)
'' replace the matched sections with an empty string, essentially deleting them.
Regular Expressions
A great tool to test regular expressions: Rubular and more info about them at mdn
If you are looking for a good tutorial here is one.
ParseInt and Rounding, parseFloat
parseInt always rounds to the nearest integer. If you need decimal places there are a couple of tricks you can use. Here is my favorite:
2 places: `num = parseInt(num * 100) / 100;`
3 places: `num = parseInt(num * 1000) / 1000;`
For more information on parseInt look at mdn.
parseFloat could also be used if you do not want rounding. I assumed you did as the title was convert to an integer. A good example of this was written by #fr0zenFry below. He pointed out that parseFloat also does not take a radix so it is always in base10. For more info see mdn.
Try using replace() to replace a , with nothing and then parseFloat() to get the number as float. From the variables in OP, it appears that there may be fractional numbers too, so, parseInt() may not work well in such cases(digits after decimal will be stripped off).
Use regex inside replace() to get rid of each appearance of ,.
var a = parseFloat('1,700.00'.replace(/,/g, ''));
var b = parseFloat('500.00'.replace(/,/g, ''));
var sum = a+b;
This should give you correct result even if your number is fractional like 1,700.55.
If I go by the title of your question, you need an integer. For this you can use parseInt(string, radix). It works without a radix but it is always a good idea to specify this because you never know how browsers may behave(for example, see comment #Royi Namir). This function will round off the string to nearest integer value.
var a = parseInt('1,700.00'.replace(/,/g, ''), 10); //radix 10 will return base10 value
var b = parseInt('500.00'.replace(/,/g, ''), 10);
var sum = a+b;
Note that a radix is not required in parseFloat(), it will always return a decimal/base10 value. Also, it will it will strip off any extra zeroes at the end after decimal point(ex: 17500.50 becomes 17500.5 and 17500.00 becomes 17500). If you need to get 2 decimal places always, append another function toFixed(decimal places).
var a = parseFloat('1,700.00'.replace(/,/g, ''));
var b = parseFloat('500.00'.replace(/,/g, ''));
var sum = (a+b).toFixed(2); //change argument in toFixed() as you need
// 2200.00
Another alternative to this was given by #EpiphanyMachine which will need you to multiply and then later divide every value by 100. This may become a problem if you want to change decimal places in future, you will have to change multiplication/division factor for every variable. With toFixed(), you just change the argument. But remember that toFixed() changes the number back to string unlike #EpiphanyMachine solution. So you will be your own judge.
try this :
parseFloat(a.replace(/,/g, ''));
it will work also on : 1,800,300.33
Example :
parseFloat('1,700,800.010'.replace(/,/g, '')) //1700800.01
Javascript doesn't understand that comma. Remove it like this:
a.replace(',', '')
Once you've gotten rid of the comma, the string should be parsed with no problem.

Round float to 2 decimals javascript

I have the problem that when i round a number to 2 decimals the parseFloat() function removes .00 from the number. I have tried
var num = parseFloat(Math.round(19 * 100) / 100).toFixed(2);
The return: num="19.00"
The return i need: num = 19.00
I know 19 = 19.00, but i am using a service that always require two decimals .00
The function returns a string with the right value. When i parse it to float the .00 is removed.
You cannot get 19.00 as float, only as string, because numbers always remove trailing zeros.
Maybe you can show us a bit more code to get an idea, there you need these trailing zeros?
Numbers do and can not hold information about their representation. They are only a numerical value.
When you display a number using window.alert, console.log or similar, you are not looking at a number, but at a string. Those display functions convert numbers to strings before displaying them. Number.toFixed also converts numbers into strings, with the difference being that it rounds them to two decimal places, so you end up with another representation of the same number.
What I am trying to say is that to display a number, you cannot get around converting it to a string. Whether you do it explicitly or the display function does it for you. When you send the number to the service that you are using, you are probably also sending a string (JSON, XML, etc. are always strings once you send them). If you need the value of the number for calculations, use it, then convert it in the end. No matter how, you have to do it in the end if you want those 0's at the end.

Add comma separator to a value variable

I have read some thousand comma separator JavaScript question/answer but found it hard to apply it in practice. For example I have the variable
x = 10023871234981029898198264897123897.231241235
How will I separate it in thousands with commas? I want a function that not only works with that number of digits but more. Regardless of the number of digits the function I need has to separate the number in commas and leaving the digits after the decimal point as it is, Can anyone help? It has to work on number and turn it into string.
First of all, for such huge numbers you should use string format:
var x = "10023871234981029898198264897123897.231241235";
Otherwise, JavaScript will automatically convert it to exponential notation, i.e. 1.002387123498103e+34.
Then, according to the question about money formatting, you can use the following code:
x.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$1,");
It will result in: "10,023,871,234,981,029,898,198,264,897,123,897.231241235".

