Find word in string using RegEx javascript - javascript

How can I make a search function using regEx?
I have some code but can't post it at the moment due to my computer being very broken and annoying, I will try again tomorrow!

This is not really what would be called combinations, but permutations.
The idea is to use recursion for getting the result for a shorter array, i.e. the one that lacks the first element.
Then take all permutations you get back from the recursive call, and insert the left-out value in each possible index.
When input has duplicates, then you need to stop inserting the left-out value as soon as you find that same value preceding the insertion spot.
Here is how that looks:
function scramble(array) {
if (array.length == 0) {
return [[]];
let results = [];
// solve the problem for a shorter array (first value excluded), and iterate:
for (let perm of scramble(array.slice(1))) {
// add the missing element in each possible position:
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
// next IF is only needed when input has duplicates, and
// output should not repeat same array:
if (i && array[0] === perm[i-1]) break;
results.push(perm.slice(0, i).concat(array[0], perm.slice(i)));
return results;
let array = ["I", "am", "coding", "am"];
Without the inner if, an input with duplicate values will produce duplicate arrays. If this is not desired, then the if is needed.

You could iterate and get a flat array of the mapping of the value with the result of the nested calls.
function permutation(array) {
return array.length === 1
? [array]
: array.flatMap((v, i) => permutation([
...array.slice(0, i),
...array.slice(i + 1)
]).map(a => [v, ...a]));
permutation(["I", "am", "coding"]).map(a => console.log(...a));


Get the object that has a certain number in it from an object within an object

I make an API call and it gives back the following:
There are basically about 1000 objects in total, and every object has 7 objects within it, each of them containing the values shown above. Right now I have set
var objects=[86400]
which gives the result you see above, and now, I need to search through these objects until Javascript finds the object that has the value '1529884800' in object zero, so for example with the code above this would result in this number:
I wrote the following ode but it doesn't work, results in an empty array as response.
var results = [];
var toSearch = 1529539200;
for (var i=0; i<objects.length; i++) {
for (key in objects[i][0]) {
if (objects[i][key].indexOf(toSearch) != -1) {
(in the above results just shows [])
I tried doing var toSerach ='1529539200' and without quotes but neither work, what is the issue here? Would appreciate any help, thanks
If you want the index of a given number, use .flatMap() and .indexOf()
First iterate through the outer array
array.flatMap((sub, idx) =>
Then on each sub-array find the index of the given number. .indexOf() will either return the index of the number if it exists or -1 if it doesn't. In the final return it will be the index number of the sub-array and then the index of the number within the sub-array if found. Otherwise an empty array is returned which results in nothing because .flatMap() flattens arrays by one level.
sub.indexOf(number) > -1 ? [idx, sub.indexOf(number)] : [])
const data = [[1529539200,15.9099,16.15,15.888,16.0773,84805.7,1360522.8],[1529625600,16.0768,17.38,15.865,17.0727,3537945.2,58937516],[1529712000,17.0726,17.25,15.16,15.56,3363347.2,54172164],[1529798400,15.55,16.0488,15.3123,15.6398,2103994.8,33027598],[1529884800,15.6024,15.749,13.3419,14.4174,3863905.2,55238030],[1529971200,14.4174,15.1532,13.76,14.8982,2266159.8,33036208]];
let A = 1529539200;
let B = 33036208;
let C = 15.16;
const findNumber = (array, number) =>
array.flatMap((sub, idx) =>
sub.indexOf(number) > -1 ? [idx, sub.indexOf(number)] : [])
console.log(findNumber(data, A));
console.log(findNumber(data, B));
console.log(findNumber(data, C));

Finding the Anagrams of a word from a list- codewars question

I am pretty new to programming and I was solving a problem on code wars which is as follows:
Write a function that will find all the anagrams of a word from a list. You will be given two inputs a word and an array with words. You should return an array of all the anagrams or an empty array if there are none.
This is my code
function anagrams(word, words) {
let word_Array = word.split('').sort()
let total = []
for (x = 0; x<words.length; x++) {
if(words[x].split('').sort() === word_Array) {
} return total
The result should look something like this
anagrams('abba', ['aabb', 'abcd', 'bbaa', 'dada']) => ['aabb', 'bbaa']
I keep getting an empty array when I run my code. Please can someone tell me the error in my code. Thank you
Please take a look at the following snippet.
const sort = (word) => word.split('').sort().join('');
function anagrams(word, words) {
let token = sort(word);
let total = []
for (let x = 0; x < words.length; x++) {
if (sort(words[x]) === token) {
return total
console.log(anagrams('abba', ['aabb', 'abcd', 'bbaa', 'dada']));
You are on the right track but missed a few details.
As others have mentioned you cant just compare discrete arrays with ===. The best you can do is an element wise compare. You dont really need to this if you compare normal value types such as numbers, strings, bools, ect. If you join the sorted string back its much easier to compare using built in operators such as ===.
Your control logic is wrong. Notice how you are returning straight from the loop? It means that at most you would ever get one results since the loop cant iterative over the full loop condition.
You should always qualify your variable declarations with let/const. This was missing in the for loop and would declare x as a global.
You could replace the for loop with a for of and not have to worry about indexing.
for (let w of words) {
console.log(w); // we no longer have to worry about words[i].
Even better you could replace the entire for and array.push logic with a simple array.filter
const sort = (word) => word.split('').sort().join('');
function anagrams(word, words) {
let token = sort(word);
return words.filter((w) => sort(w) === token);
console.log(anagrams('abba', ['aabb', 'abcd', 'bbaa', 'dada']));
Array is Object in JavaScript, which is reference type.
So you can not use "===" to check whether two arrays are equals.
For example:
var array1=[1,2];
var array2=[1,2];
var result = array1 === array2;
the result will be false.
My suggestion is writing a new function to check whether two arrays are equals by comparing the items.
function areEquals(array1, array2){
return false;
for(var i in array1){
return false;
return true;

Why is my output empty when I convert a set into an array?

I am solving Leetcode 26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array with the following instructions:
Given a sorted array nums, remove the duplicates in-place such that
each element appear only once and return the new length.
Do not allocate extra space for another array, you must do this by
modifying the input array in-place with O(1) extra memory.
My solution was to first create a set, iterate every number within the array and add each to the set and simply convert the set into an array.
var removeDuplicates = function(nums) {
let set = new Set();
for (let num of nums) {
return Array.from(set);
When I console.log my array, it outputs the answer Leetcode is looking for but when I submit, the output is []. Why is this happening?
To answer the primary question, You better use set.values() to get all the values from set, like this
return [...set.values()]
But as you stated creating a new set will take extra memory and violates O(1) memory;
A simple solution would be iterate over elements, and keep the previous element in a variable, if current element is equal to previous element, remove current element. Then return array length in the end
Apparently creating a set violates the instruction that I must modify the input array in-place with O(1) extra memory.
You can do something like this
var removeDuplicates = function(nums) {
if(nums.length === 0) return 0;
let i =0;
for(let j= 1; j < nums.length ; j++){
if(nums[j] != nums[i]){
return i +1;
nums =[0,0,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4];
console.log("Count :",removeDuplicates(nums),nums)
You can use reduce method and return the length of the array.
var removeDuplicates = function (nums) {
return nums.reduce(function (accumulator, currentValue) {
if (accumulator.indexOf(currentValue) === -1) {
return accumulator;
}, []).length;
Or a different approach using the set
var removeDuplicates = function (nums) {
return [ Set(nums)].length

Why is my code pushing every permutation twice?

I'm confused as to why my code is pushing every permutation twice. Please someone help. I'm using heap's algorithm:
var regex = /(.)\1+/g;
function permAlone(str) {
var newArray = str.split('');
var n = newArray.length;
var permutations = [];
var tmp;
function swap(index1, index2) {
tmp = newArray[index1];
newArray[index1] = newArray[index2];
newArray[index2] = tmp;
function generate(n, newArray) {
if (n === 1) {
} else {
for(var i = 0; i<n-1; i++) {
generate(n-1, newArray);
swap(n % 2 ? 0 : i, n-1);
generate(n-1, newArray);
generate(n, newArray);
return permutations;
The array that is returned is:
["aab", "aab", "aab", "baa", "baa", "aba", "aba", "aba", "baa", "baa"]
So as you can see, the permutations are appearing many more times than intended for each thing. Any help would be great
The code's a little complex and it's difficult to track given the recursion, but if all you want is an array with only unique values, you can simply apply the following code to the result array:
function stripDuplicates(input) {
if (!input || typeof(input) !== 'object' || !('length' in input)) {
throw new Error('input argument is not array.');
var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
if (newArray.indexOf(input[i]) === -1) {
return newArray;
This could also be done functionally rather than imperatively, but that's really more of a preference than an optimization issue.
Bálint also points out that you could merely convert the result to a Set, then convert the Set back to an Array, which would automatically strip out any duplicates. Beware, though, that Set is a comparatively new affordance in Javascript and will not function in pre-ES6 environments.
You have a call to:
inside of your for loop. That shouldn't be there. And then, of course if you are permuting strings that have duplicate characters, well, expect to see dupes. e.g., if you permute the string "aa" you'll get two entries from this algorithm "aa" and "aa". Heap's algorithm doesn't try to remove dupes, it treats each element as unique within the string. Obviously, it's trivial to use remove dupes if that's something you care about doing.

Loop to remove an element in array with multiple occurrences

I want to remove an element in an array with multiple occurrences with a function.
var array=["hello","hello","world",1,"world"];
function removeItem(item){
for(i in array){
if(array[i]==item) array.splice(i,1);
//Return hello,hello,1
//Return hello,world,1,world
This loop doesn't remove the element when it repeats twice in sequence, only removes one of them.
You have a built in function called filter that filters an array based on a predicate (a condition).
It doesn't alter the original array but returns a new filtered one.
var array=["hello","hello","world",1,"world"];
var filtered = array.filter(function(element) {
return element !== "hello";
}); // filtered contains no occurrences of hello
You can extract it to a function:
function without(array, what){
return array.filter(function(element){
return element !== what;
However, the original filter seems expressive enough.
Here is a link to its documentation
Your original function has a few issues:
It iterates the array using a for... in loop which has no guarantee on the iteration order. Also, don't use it to iterate through arrays - prefer a normal for... loop or a .forEach
You're iterating an array with an off-by-one error so you're skipping on the next item since you're both removing the element and progressing the array.
That is because the for-loop goes to the next item after the occurrence is deleted, thereby skipping the item directly after that one.
For example, lets assume item1 needs to be deleted in this array (note that <- is the index of the loop):
item1 (<-), item2, item3
after deleting:
item2 (<-), item3
and after index is updated (as the loop was finished)
item2, item3 (<-)
So you can see item2 is skipped and thus not checked!
Therefore you'd need to compensate for this by manually reducing the index by 1, as shown here:
function removeItem(item){
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
if(array[i]==item) {
i--; // Prevent skipping an item
Instead of using this for-loop, you can use more 'modern' methods to filter out unwanted items as shown in the other answer by Benjamin.
None of these answers are very optimal. The accepted answer with the filter will result in a new instance of an array. The answer with the second most votes, the for loop that takes a step back on every splice, is unnecessarily complex.
If you want to do the for loop loop approach, just count backward down to 0.
for (var i = array.length - 0; i >= 0; i--) {
if (array[i] === item) {
array.splice(i, 1);
However, I've used a surprisingly fast method with a while loop and indexOf:
var itemIndex = 0;
while ((itemIndex = valuesArray.indexOf(findItem, itemIndex)) > -1) {
valuesArray.splice(itemIndex, 1);
What makes this method not repetitive is that after the any removal, the next search will start at the index of the next element after the removed item. That's because you can pass a starting index into indexOf as the second parameter.
In a jsPerf test case comparing the two above methods and the accepted filter method, the indexOf routinely finished first on Firefox and Chrome, and was second on IE. The filter method was always slower by a wide margin.
Conclusion: Either reverse for loop are a while with indexOf are currently the best methods I can find to remove multiple instances of the same element from an array. Using filter creates a new array and is slower so I would avoid that.
You can use loadash or underscore js in this case
if arr is an array you can remove duplicates by:
var arr = [2,3,4,4,5,5];
arr = _.uniq(arr);
Try to run your code "manually" -
The "hello" are following each other. you remove the first, your array shrinks in one item, and now the index you have follow the next item.
removing "hello""
Start Loop. i=0, array=["hello","hello","world",1,"world"] i is pointing to "hello"
remove first item, i=0 array=["hello","world",1,"world"]
next loop, i=1, array=["hello","world",1,"world"]. second "hello" will not be removed.
Lets look at "world" =
i=2, is pointing to "world" (remove). on next loop the array is:
["hello","hello",1,"world"] and i=3. here went the second "world".
what do you wish to happen? do you want to remove all instances of the item? or only the first one? for first case, the remove should be in
while (array[i] == item) array.splice(i,1);
for second case - return as soon as you had removed item.
Create a set given an array, the original array is unmodified
Demo on Fiddle
var array=["hello","hello","world",1,"world"];
function removeDups(items) {
var i,
setObj = {},
setArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < items.length; i += 1) {
if (!setObj.hasOwnProperty(items[i])) {
setObj[items[i]] = true;
return setArray;
console.log(removeDups(array)); // ["hello", "world", 1]
I must say that my approach does not make use of splice feature and you need another array for this solution as well.
First of all, I guess your way of looping an array is not the right. You are using for in loops which are for objects, not arrays. You'd better use $.each in case you are using jQuery or Array.prototype.forEach if you are using vanila Javascript.
Second, why not creating a new empty array, looping through it and adding only the unique elements to the new array, like this:
var newArray = [];
$.each(array, function(i, element) {
if ($.inArray(element, newArray) === -1) {
SECOND APPROACH (Vanila Javascript):
var newArray = [];
array.forEach(function(i, element) {
if (newArray.indexOf(element) === -1) {
I needed a slight variation of this, the ability to remove 'n' occurrences of an item from an array, so I modified #Veger's answer as:
function removeArrayItemNTimes(arr,toRemove,times){
times = times || 10;
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if(arr[i]==toRemove) {
i--; // Prevent skipping an item
if (times<=0) break;
return arr;
An alternate approach would be to sort the array and then playing around with the indexes of the values.
function(arr) {
var sortedArray = arr.sort();
//In case of numbers, you can use arr.sort(function(a,b) {return a - b;})
for (var i = 0; sortedArray.length; i++) {
if (sortedArray.indexOf(sortedArray[i]) === sortedArray.lastIndexOf(sortedArray[i]))
sortedArray.splice(sortedArray.indexOf(sortedArray[i]), (sortedArray.lastIndexOf(sortedArray[i]) - sortedArray.indexOf(sortedArray[i])));
You can use the following piece of code to remove multiple occurrences of value val in array arr.
arr.splice(arr.indexOf(val), 1);
I thinks this code much simpler to understand and no need to pass manually each element that what we want to remove
ES6 syntax makes our life so simpler, try it out
const removeOccurences = (array)=>{
const newArray= array.filter((e, i ,ar) => !(array.filter((e, i ,ar)=> i !== ar.indexOf(e)).includes(e)))
console.log(newArray) // output [1]

