Break out of promise chain running through multiple classes/methods - javascript

Language: Typescript 3.5x
Environment: Angular 8.x, RxJS 6.x
I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of a chain of promises that looks (simplified) like this:
ClassA.methodA1 is called
-methodA1 does an if/then check and if true, calls ClassB.methodB1
--methodB1 calls a different function and combines the results with a parameter passed to it, and ultimately calls ClassC.methodC1
---methodC1 does some validation and then calls ClassD.methodD1 if valid
----methodD1 makes an async call (to a DB) and waits for it to finish before returning back the value it received (an ID).
When methodA1 receives the id, it calls ClassA.methodA2 and passes that Id in as a parameter
The method called by methodD1 is outside my control, and returns a Promise. I can't change that. However, I need methodA1 to wait until methodD1 is complete, and it receives the ID - each intervening method simply passes that return value back up to its caller.
Even this simplified version smells. NONE of the intervening methods (methodB1 or methodC1, and there are actually 2 more in the real code) need to be async. The only reason they are currently is that I need everything to wait until methodD1 finishes before continuing. Each intervening method simply returns the Promise returned from the method it calls.
I refactored with async/await and while there is less code, it is still a series of methods that simply pass the return value they receive from a method call back up the chain, and it's still a bunch of unnecessary async/await on the intervening methods.
I refactored to RxJS Subjects and having methodA1 subscribe and then methodD1 call .next(id) when it is complete but this doesn't really feel any better. I potentially have several dozen similar flows across my app and it feels like going the Subject route is a lot of extra plumbing overhead and keeping straight which subscription response belongs to which subscription instance is going to be problematic.
My gut tells me that the Subject route is the right approach, but I was wondering if there was something I was missing that makes it cleaner. Is there some built-in mechanism to tag subscription responses to a given subscription instance so that the subscription code only processes the response to ITS call and then unsubscribes?
The only other approach I can think of, which is just plain UGLY is to pass my ClassA instance all the way down to ClassD and have ClassD call methodA2 when it receives the id from the DB. But this is even worse.
Is there something I'm missing? If so, what? Any guidance or a pattern reference is appreciated.

The only other approach I can think of is to pass my ClassA instance all the way down to ClassD and have ClassD call methodA2 when it receives the id from the DB. But this is even worse.
That's essentially a callback (with an instance receiving a method call, instead of a plain function getting called), is generally considered worse than simply returning promises.
Notice there is nothing wrong with your original approach, if only component D does calls to the database (which are asynchronous) and all the other modules depend on D because they do things that use the database, then the other modules naturally become asynchronous as well. The async (promise-returning) call being in a tail position seems like a coincidence then, and might change if the components are going to do multiple db calls in sequence.
However, there is another approach that you missed. It is applicable when all of your functions just do some combination/translation/validation of parameters, and in the end pass them into a different method. Instead of having B call C itself, it could simply return the validated parameters to A, and then let A call C directly. This will make B and C completely synchronous and unit-testable, and only A calls the asynchronous method of D.

Thanks for the input. While the chain of promises is a legitimate approach, it just felt wonky, harder to test and reason about. YMMV.
I ended up going a slightly modified route with RxJS Subjects. The difference from what I had before is that the Subjects, instead of being permanent and hard-coded, are dynamically created as needed and stored in a Map. Once they are no longer needed, they are deleted. By giving each a distinct name, I don't need to verify which response "belongs" to which subscription - it is all keyed off of the distinct name as the key of the map.
The only thing I don't like about this approach is having to pass the distinct name all the way down the chain, but I can live with that. Everything flows in one direction - "down" the chain - which is easier for me to reason about.
Here is the psuedo-code version of what I ended up with (all error-checking and class instantiation removed for brevity):
export class ClassA {
const theKey = this.generateUniqueKey();
DispatcherInstance.subjects.set(theKey, new Subject<number>());
const sub = DispatcherInstance.get(theKey).subscribe( (dbId: number) => {
classBInstance.methodB1(param1, theKey);
export class ClassB {
methodB1(param1, theKey): void {
const result = this.methodB2();
classCInstance.methodC1(param1, result, theKey);
export class ClassC {
methodC1(param1, result, theKey): void {
if(this.validate(param1, result)){
ClassDInstance.methodD1(param1, theKey);
export class ClassD {
methodD1(param1, theKey: string): void {
db.someFunc(param1).then( (dbId: number) => {
export class Dispatcher {
const subjects: Map<string, Subject<number>> = new Map<string, Subject<number>>()


Typescript RXJS Subject await async susbscriptions

Suppose I have two completely independent pieces of code in two completely unrelated classes that subscribe to the same Observable in a service class.
class MyService {
private readonly subject = new Subject<any>();
public observe(): Observable<any> {
return this.subject.pipe();
class A {
constructor(private readonly service: MyService) {
service.observe().subscribe( async (value) => {
await this.awaitAnOperation(value);
console.log('Class A subscription complete', value);
class B {
constructor(private readonly service: MyService) {
service.observe().subscribe( (value) => console.log('Class B subscription complete', value));
The issue that I am now facing is that when the service emits an event, the log of class B will come before A, even though A subscribed first. What I need is that all methods are ran and finished before going to the next one. I know if A were to be synchronously than my question would be solved, but A does need to run an async operation AND Bcan only log after A has logged.
A and B are completely unaware of eachother and should be as well. In e.g. C# we can run an async method synchrnonously by using GetAwaiter().Wait(); and is not considered a bad practice since when it needs to run on the main thread. An equivalent TS/JS option would be nice.
A subscribes before B. It is simply the chronological order of subscribing that should also execute. I know this is by default emitted in that sequence, but the fact remains that running a subscription method on a different thread would continue the main thread to the next subscription. This is what I need to avoid somehow.
I had a similar issue that I solved with an operator I called forkConcat. Instead of subscribing multiple times, I made multiple operators and chained them so that source$.pipe(operatorA) would happen and complete before source$.pipe(operatorB) started, and that would complete before source$.pipe(operatorC) started, and all three completed before dealing with the next value from source$.
My code looked like this...
) )
where forkConcat is defined as
import { merge, Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { concatMap, Operator } from 'rxjs/operators';
Creates an operator that will fork several operators from the same input, and not proceed until all those things are done.
First Argument:
If those things should be done in turn, send concat as the first argument.
If each operator should be done in parallel, use merge (or undefined) as the first argument.
To return an array of each operators' final values per value received by forkConcat, use forkJoin.
You could also use combineLatest, etc.
All other arguments are operators.
type Combiner<T> = (...array$: ObservableInput<T>[]) => Observable<T>;
export function forkConcat<T,R>(combiner: Combiner<T> = merge, ...arrayOperators: Operator<T, R>[]) {
return concatMap<T,R>((x) => {
try {
const x$ = of(x);
const o = arrayOperators
.filter(op => !!op) // ignore falsy arguments
.map(op => x$.pipe(op));
return o.length ? combiner(...o) : x$;
} catch (e) {
throw new ForkConcatError(x, e, combiner, arrayOperators);
class ForkConcatError<T> extends Error {
readonly receivedValue: T,
readonly innerError: Error,
readonly combiner: Combiner<T>,
readonly arrayOperators: Operator<T, R>[]
) {
It worked. But I've also got to tell you...
I threw it away
I slowly began to realize that the need for forkConcat was a sign that I should be doing things differently. I haven't seen your code but when you say they shouldn't know about each other yet one affects the other, I highly suspect you should consider the same. If, instead of global/shared variables, you had global/shared subjects and observables where the one that emitted to B was...
concatMap(x => concat(
of(x) // B should receive the same value A did.
... then you wouldn't have this issue and your code would be cleaner.
In my case, I went a different route. I made a State interface, and then instead of passing source values through my operators, I passed {source: Source, state: State} objects. This way, there was no longer any global variables at all! Every operator could be a pure function (or pure function plus side effects) using only the combined value/state pairs emitted into them. State errors were much harder to make! To use this tactic, start thinking of your A and B as operators (that don't know about each other) instead of subscribers (that don't know about each other) and your future self will likely be happier.
But just in case I'm wrong about that advice, you now have forkConcat.
You can do that by combining the two Observables using switchMap rxjs operator. it will be guarantied that the second Observable B will not started unless the first one A is done.
Here a good example to this scenario in the section addressed "Combining Observables in series":

Caching observables causing problem with mergeMap

I have a caching method in a container:
get(): Observable<T[]> {
if (!this.get$) {
this.get$ = merge(
this._config.get().pipe(shareReplay(1), tap(x =>;
return this.get$;
This works fine with normal observables, however when I cache the bellow in a myContainer2 (e.g using cached observable's result to create another cached observable) method like:
// get is assigned to _config.get in the above function
const myContainer2 = new Container({get: () => myContainer1.get().pipe(mergeMap(res1 => getObs2(res1))});
// please note, the end goal is to resolve the first observable on the first subscription
// and not when caching it in the above method (using cold observables)
myContainer2.get().subscribe(...) // getObs2 gets called
myContainer2.get().subscribe(...) // getObs2 gets called again
myContainer2.get().subscribe(...) // getObs2 gets called for a third time, and so on
every time when the second cache is subscribed to getObs2 gets called (it caches nothing).
I suspect my implementation of get is faulty, since I am merging an behavior subject (which emits at the beginning), but I cant think of any other way to implement it (in order to use cold observables).
Please note that if I use normal observable instead of myContainer.get() everything works as expected.
Do you know where the problem lies?
Using a declarative approach, you can handle caching as follows:
// Declare the Observable that retrieves the set of
// configuration data and shares it.
config$ = this._config.get().pipe(shareReplay(1));
When subscribed to config$, the above code will automatically go get the configuration if it's not already been retrieved or return the retrieved configuration.
I'm not clear on what the BehaviorSubject code is for in your example. If it was to hold the emitted config data, it's not necessary as the config$ will provide it.

Is it safe to call multiple times?

I'm using redux and redux-saga in an application to manage state and asynchronous actions. In order to make my life easier, I wrote a class that acts essentially as a saga manager, with a method that "registers" a saga. This register method forks the new saga and combines it with all other registered sagas using redux-saga/effects/all:
class SagasManager {
public registerSaga = (saga: any) => {
this._combined = all(this._sagas);
This class is then used by my store to get the _combined saga, supposedly after all sagas are registered:
const store = Redux.createStore(
compose(Redux.applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware, otherMiddleware)),
However, I ran into the problem that depending on circumstances (like import order), this doesn't always work as intended. What was happening was that some of the sagas weren't getting registered before the call to
I worked around this by providing a callback on SagasManager:
class SagasManager {
public registerSaga = (saga: any) => {
this._combined = all(this._sagas);
And then the store code can use this as
sagasManager.onSagaRegister = () =>;
This seems to work, but I can't find in the docs whether this is safe. I did see that .run returns a Task, which has methods for canceling and the like, but since my problem is only in that awkward time between when the store is constructed and the application is rendered I don't that would be an issue.
Can anyone explain whether this is safe, and if not what a better solution would be?
It may depend on what you mean by "safe". What exactly do you mean by that in this case?
First, here's the source of runSaga itself, and where it gets used by the saga middleware.
Looking inside runSaga, I see:
export function runSaga(options, saga, ...args) {
const iterator = saga(...args)
// skip a bunch of code
const env = {
stdChannel: channel,
dispatch: wrapSagaDispatch(dispatch),
const task = proc(env, iterator, context, effectId, getMetaInfo(saga), null)
if (sagaMonitor) {
sagaMonitor.effectResolved(effectId, task)
return task
What I'm getting out of that is that nothing "destructive" will happen when you call runSaga(mySagaFunction). However, if you call runSaga() with the same saga function multiple times, it seems like you'll probably have multiple copies of that saga running, which could result in behavior your app doesn't want.
You may want to try experimenting with this. For example, what happens if you have a counter app, and do this?
function* doIncrement() {
yield take("DO_INCREMENT");
put({type : "INCREMENT"});
store.dispatch({type : "DO_INCREMENT"});
// what's the value?
My guess is that the counter would be 2, because both copies of doIncrement would have responded.
If that sort of behavior is a concern, then you probably want to make sure that prior sagas are canceled.
I actually ran across a recipe for canceling sagas during hot-reloading a while back, and included a version of that in a gist for my own usage. You might want to refer to that for ideas.

What are the differences between using a Subject and an Observable, and what are the uses for each?

I have learned of two different ways of making an Observable. First one was with a Subject, like so:
// file A
const message$ = new Subject();
// file B
message$.subscribe( (message) => console.log(message) );
// file C
message$.next("Hello there!");
This method of creating an Observable allows me to have a way to exchange data from file B to file C.
The second way is via the Observable class, like so:
// file A
const click$ = new Observable( function(observer) {
//Alternatively, I can use Observable.create()
document.addEventListener('click', (e) =>;
// file B
click$.subscribe( (cl) => console.log(cl) );
The main difference that I can gather between the Subject way and the Observable way is that I am not sure how to have some sort of communication between some file C, to the subscribers of the Observable. Basically, click$ does not have a .next() method, and the observer methods are in the function that we pass to the observable.
Other than this difference in behavior, is there another difference between observables made with Subject, and those made with Observable
A Subject is both Observable and Observer at the same time. That makes it so tempting to use, because you get a reference to an Observer that you can pass around in your code and emit items from wherever you want. However, that increases the error-proneness of your code by a lot, as you switch from a declarative definition of your Observable to a imperative one.
Generally speaking, you should use Observable creation functions (of, from, create) wherever possible. I'd say most cases can be solved without Subjects. There is a steep learning-curve though, as you must get to know most of the Observable creation functions in order to follow that pattern.
Subject might come more natural to developers who are used to code imperatively (that is: with a script language like JS), as it kind of resembles a simple wrapper object for a callback function. And one might ask, why is there a Subject anyway if its not desirable.
According to this article, Subjects are to be used in one case only:
To generate a hot observable imperatively and statefully, without any direct external source.
In short, that means: Use Subject when you don't have any external source (like an Observable, Promise or Event) and need to multicast the state of a class from inside a function. You shouldn't expose that Subject to others, though!
I suggest reading this article to you, it will clear up things.
Subject implements both the Observable and the Observer interface.
Implementing the Observable interface means, among other things, that you can subscribe to a Subject.
Implementing the Observer interface means, among other things, that with a Subject you can call the methods next error and complete.
You create Observables using Subject in the case you want to control programmatically the flow of events of that Observable, which is the case you mentioned of managing communication between C and B.
The relation between Subject and Observable goes like this:
class Observable {}
class Subject extends Observable {}
Subject implements Subscriber interface. So you can use Subject as a Subscriber (Observable cannot be used like this):
const subj = new Subject()
Subject can hide it's Subscriber interface by calling asObservable method - turning Subject into plain Observable;
I generally use Subject when my code is going to generate events and I use Observable when I already have some source of events
For example using Subject as a queue:
const queue = new Subject();
).subscribe()'do this')'do that')
or using Subject as a signaller to stop other Observable
const stop = new Subject();
map(x => x + 1)
// somewhere in my code
Other than this difference in behavior, is there another difference between observables made with Subject, and those made with Observable
I wouldn't say there are differences - It is more like Subject is a complement to plain Observable - allowing us to do more things when needed.

Error Handling on API Call with FetchJsonP / Redux / React

Hey I am trying to figure out a way to handle error and api call inside an redux epic, I have checked at this doc:
I don't have any error, but nothing happens the code seems looping
* Request the JSON guide to the API
* and then dispatch requestGuideFulfilled & requestGameTask actions
* #param action$
export function requestGuide(action$) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST_GUIDE)
.mergeMap(({id}) => fetchJsonp(`${API_URL}/guide/${id}/jsonp`)
.catch(error => requestGuideFailed(error))
.mergeMap(response => response.json())
.mergeMap(json => requestGuideFulfilled(json))
.map(json => requestGameTask(json))
export function manageRequestGuideError(action$) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST_GUIDE_FAILED)
.subscribe(({error}) => {
Any Idea ? Thank you !
[UPDATE]: I have an error even on the fetching:
You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected. You can
provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
There are a number of issues, so I'll try and elaborate as best I can. To be frank, RxJS is not easy. I would encourage you to spend some solid time learning the fundamentals before using redux-observable, unless of course you're just experimenting in your free time for fun and you like pain lol.
It's also critical to not bring in things like redux-observable unless you really need complex side effect management. Somewhat unfortunately, the docs currently only have simple examples, but redux-observable is really intended to make complex stuff like multiplex websockets, elaborate time-based sequencing, etc much easier at the expense of needing to know RxJS really well. So I guess I'm saying is, if you do need redux, make sure you need redux-observable too or could get away with redux-thunk. It might seem funny that one of the makers of redux-observable sorta talks people out of using it, but I just see a crazy number of people using things like redux-observable/redux-saga for things that simply don't justify the complexity they bring. You know your needs best though, so don't take this as doctrine or be unreasonably discouraged <3
None of the code in this answer has been tested, so it may need minor corrections.
You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
This error is likely caused by .mergeMap(json => requestGuideFulfilled(json)). It looks like requestGuideFulfilled is an action creator, but the source isn't included here so I can't be sure. mergeMap aka flatMap expects you to return another stream (usually an Observable), so an action POJO would need to be wrapped in an Observable, like Observable.of(requestGuideFulfilled(json)) but in this case using mergeMap is unnecessary. It could have just been a regular map().
export function manageRequestGuideError(action$) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST_GUIDE_FAILED)
.subscribe(({error}) => {
In redux-observable all Epics must return an Observable. This Epic is returning a subscription observable (the return value of subscribe()). This actually does produce an error, however due to a bug in RxJS it's been silently swallowed.
Instead you can use do and ignoreElements to create an Observable that listens for that action, logs that property out, then ignores it (never emitting anything itself). So it's "read only" basically.
export function manageRequestGuideError(action$) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST_GUIDE_FAILED)
.do(({error}) => {
The next and biggest issue is where you've placed your catch. It's important to learn about how using RxJS means we are chaining Observables together--"operators" basically take a source and return another Observable which will lazily apply some operation on data piped through them. This is very similar to functional programming with Arrays (e.g. with two major differences: Observables are lazy and they have a time-dimension.
How operators work
So consider this Observable chain:
Observable.of(1, 2, 3)
.map(num => num.toString())
.filter(str => str !== '2');
.subscribe(value => console.log(value));
We create an Observable that, when subscribed to, will synchronously emit 1, then 2, then 3.
We apply the map operator to that source which creates a new Observable that, when subscribed to, will itself subscribe to source we applied it to: our Observable of 1, 2, 3.
We then apply the filter operatorto the Observable returned bymap. As you might have guessed,filterreturns a new Observable that, when subscribed to, will itself subscribe to the source we applied it to: our Observable of strings we mapped. Because thatmap` Observable itself was applied to a source, it too will then subscribe to its source, pulling in the first number and kicking off the map -> filter operation.
It may be helpful to store those intermediate Observables as variables, to demystify things a bit.
const source1: Observable<number> = Observable.of(1, 2, 3);
const source2: Observable<string> = => num.toString());
const result: Observable<string> = source2.filter(str => str !== '2');
Inner Observables
When we use operators like mergeMap, switchMap, concatMap, we are saying we want to map each value to another "inner" Observable who's values will be either merged, switched to, or queued (concat) after the previous inner Observable. These have different important differences, but there's lots of resources on them if you're unfamiliar.
In your case we're using mergeMap, which also has an alias of flatMap, which is the more widely known term used in functional programming. mergeMap will provide each value to your projection function and concurrently subscribe to the Observable you return for each. The values of each of those inner Observables are merged together.
In functional programming they more often call this flattening, instead of merging. So it may again be helpful to first consider this merging/flattening in the context of Arrays
[1, 3, 5].map(value => {
return [value, value + 1];
// [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]] Array<Array<number>>
This resulted in an array of arrays of numbers Array<Array<number>>, but what if we instead wanted a single, flattened array? Enter flatMap.
Array.prototype.flatMap (stage 2 TC39 proposal)
[1, 3, 5].flatMap(value => {
return [value, value + 1];
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Array<number>
JavaScript arrays do yet officially have flatMap, but it's a stage 2 TC39 proposal as of this writing. It follows the same semantics as the typical flatMap: for each item in the array map it to another array provided by your projection function, then flatten each of those into a single new array.
With Observables, it's pretty much the same except again they are lazy and have a time dimension:
Observable.of(1, 3, 5).map(value => {
return Observable.of(value, value + 1);
// Observable.of(1, 2)..Observable.of(3, 4)..Observable.of(5, 6) | Observable<Observable<number>>
We mapped each number into their own Observable of two numbers. So a higher-order Observable Observable<Observable<number>> and probably not what we wanted in most cases.
Observable.of(1, 3, 5).flatMap(value => {
return Observable.of(value, value + 1);
// 1..2..3..4..5..6 | Observable<number>
Now we just have a stream of all the numbers. Perfect!
Error Handling
Putting together our understanding of operating chaining and Observable flattening, we come to error handling. Hopefully that primer makes this next part easier to grok.
If an error is thrown in any one of our chained Observables it will propagate through the chain in the same fashion as values do, but in its own "channel" basically. So we if we have an Observable chain a -> b -> c and an error occurs in a, it will be sent to b then c. When each Observable receives the error it can either handle it in some way, or choose to pass it along to whatever is subscribing to it. When it does, that subscription terminates and no longer listens for future messages from its source.
Most operators just pass along errors (while terminating), so if you aren't using a special error handling operator like catch the error propagates until it reaches your observer--the one you yourself passed to .subscribe(next, error, complete). If you provided that error handler, it's called, if not, it's rethrown as a normal JavaScript exception.
To finally get to your code, let's start with the end; what I think you actually want:
function getGuide(id) {
const promise = fetchJsonp(`${API_URL}/guide/${id}/jsonp`)
.then(res => res.json());
return Observable.from(promise);
export function requestGuide(action$) {
return action$.ofType(REQUEST_GUIDE)
.mergeMap(({id}) =>
.mergeMap(json => Observable.of(
.catch(error => Observable.of(
Now let's break it down.
Promise vs. Observable
First thing you'll see is that I abstracted out your fetchJsonp into the getGuide function. You could just as well put this code inside the epic, but having it separate will make it easier for you to mock it if you decide to test.
As quickly as possible I wrap that Promise in an Observable. Mostly because if we're choosing to use RxJS we should go all-in, especially to prevent confusion later. e.g. both Promise and Observable instances have catch methods so it's easy to cause bugs if you start mixing the two.
Ideally we'd use Observables instead of Promises entirely, as Promises cannot be cancelled (so you cannot cancel the actual AJAX request + JSON parsing itself), although if you wrap it in an Observable and unsubscribe before the promise resolves, the Observable will correctly just ignore what the promise later resolves or rejects.
Emitting multiple actions?
It's not 100% clear, but it appeared you intended to emit two actions in response to successfully getting back the JSON. Your previous code actually maps the JSON to the requestGuideFulfilled() action, but then the next operator maps that action to requestGameTask() (which doesn't receive the JSON, it receives the requestGuideFulfilled() action). Remember above, about how operators are chains of Observables, the values flow through them.
To solve this, we need to think think "in streams". Our getGuide() Observable will emit a single value, the JSON. Given that single (1) value we want to map it to more than one other values, in this case two actions. So we want to transform one-to-many. We need to use one of mergeMap, switchMap, or concatMap then. In this case, since our getGuide() will never emit more than one item all three of these operators will have the same result, but it's critical to understand them cause it often does matter so keep that in mind! Let's just use mergeMap in this case.
.mergeMap(json => Observable.of(
Observable.of supports an arbitrary number of arguments, and will emit each of them sequentially.
catching errors
Because our Observable chains are...well..chains hehe the values are piped between them. As we learned above, because of this where you place error handling in these chains is important. This is actually not very different between error handling with traditional exceptions, or even promises, but Promises do not have "operators", so people don't usually run into this confusion.
The catch operator is the most common, and it's pretty similar to the catch Promises have except you must return an Observable of the value you want, not the value itself. Observable.of is common here since most often we just want to emit one or more items sequentially.
.catch(error => Observable.of(
Whenever a error is emitted by the source we apply this operator to, it will catch it and instead emit requestGuideFailed(error) and then complete().
Because it emits an action on error, any operators we apply to the result of this .catch() **could also be operating on the value our catch emits.
.catch(error => Observable.of(
.map(json => {
// might be the JSON, but also might be the
// someErrorAction() action!
return someSuccessAction();
Although not unique to redux-observable (since redux-observable is mostly just a tiny library and a convention, using RxJS) you'll often see Epics follow a similar pattern.
Listens for an particular action
Then merges or switches that action into an inner Observable that performs a side effect
When that side effects is successful we map it to an success action
In case it errors we place a catch inside our mergeMap/switchMap but most often at the end of the inner chain, so that any actions we emit aren't transformed on accident.
You'll hopefully recognize that general pattern from the redux-observable docs:
function exampleEpic(action$) {
return action$.ofType(EXAMPLE)
.mergeMap(action =>
.map(resp => exampleSuccess(resp))
.catch(resp => Observable.of(
Applying that knowledge to our previous work:
.mergeMap(json => Observable.of(
.catch(error => Observable.of(
And that's about it, I think.
PHEW! Sorry that was so long-winded. It's entirely possible you knew some or all of this, so forgive me if I'm preaching the choir! I started writing something short, but kept adding clarification, after clarification. lol.
If you're struggling, definitely make sure using RxJS and redux-observable (or any complex middleware) is a neccesary complexity for your app.

