React native: flatlists inside scrollview android performance - javascript

Since I heard this from RN docs 'Never put a flat list inside scroll view wrapper'.
But I have one huge page to make and it requires a scroll itself, and there are children flat lists as well.
Of course, this causes a horrible scroll lag user experience, so there is anyone experienced the same kind of problem as me? What was a solution to this?
This is my snippet.
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
ref={c => this.detailScrollView = c}
style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: "#f8faf9" }}
<FlatList1 goodsDetails />
<FlatList2 goodsPriceSelector />
<FlatList3 bestreviews />
<FlatList4 sellerGoods />
<FlatList5 sameCategoryGoods />
Today, thanks to #MaieonBrix I replaced my childeren flatlists to SectionLists, could feel a bit of improvement. In test android build it still janky, but I think I'm on the right track. I will keep this updated.
{descImgs && !!descImgs.length ?
ref={c => this.goodsDesc = c}
style={{ marginTop: 22, marginBottom: 22 }}
keyExtractor={item => item}
renderItem={function ({ img }) {
return (
<View style={{ alignSelf: "center" }}>
{img.includes("https://") ? (
style={{ height: width, width: width, }}
source={{ uri: img }}
) : <TextNoScailing>상세이미지가 없습니다.</TextNoScailing>}

Well thats true.Flatlist would not work fine under scrollview in android because both using same gestures in same direction.Possible solutions
1) You can define your custom gestures using pan responder library "which is a bit tough for a biggner"
2) Disable/Enable scroll using conditions.e-g: When you're touching a flatlist then disable scroll of scrollView Similarly when on scrollView then disable for Flatlist.
The above solution is for android only because for iOS it will work fine automatically.Similarly you've to provide horizontal margin for flatlist container .Becuse only then use can touch the scroll view container near the boundries.
Hope it clears


ScrollView not working in react-native app, content disappears when attempting to add flex and flexGrow

for some reason a ScrollView in one of my components isn't working despite working in every other component I've implemented it in. Attempting to implement solutions to similar problems seems to just make the content I want displayed disappear.
I'm expecting to have a scrollable list of sample restaurant dishes. I created some dummy data to pass in for now but noticed it didn't scroll after reaching the end of the phone screen.
const testFoods = [
title: "test",
description: "Lorem Ipsum",
price: "$7.77",
image: "dummyLink",
// Same as above but 4 more times, didn't want to clog up the description
export default function MenuItems() {
return (
<ScrollView showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false}>
{, index) => (
<View key={index}>
<View style={styles.menuItemStyle}>
<FoodDetails food={food} />
<FoodImage food={food} />
const FoodDetails = (props) => (
<View style={{ width: 240, justifyContent: "space-evenly" }}>
<Text style={styles.titleStyle}>{}</Text>
const FoodImage = (props) => (
source={{ uri: }}
width: 100,
height: 100,
borderRadius: 8,
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
menuItemStyle: {
flexDirection: "row",
justifyContent: "space-between",
margin: 20,
titleStyle: {
fontSize: 19,
fontWeight: "600",
The result is like so
Result with code above
The Header component with the sample restaurant image is a separate component by the way.
I have more data that can't be seen as for whatever reason the screen refuses to scroll. I'm using my actual phone for the tests but the result is the same when I use an emulator, scrolling doesn't work. After looking online I thought I would try adding a parent View with flex: 1 and a flexGrow: 1 to contentContainerStyle inside the ScrollView like so.
export default function MenuItems() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
contentContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 1 }}
{, index) => (
<View key={index} style={styles.menuItemStyle}>
<FoodDetails food={food} />
<FoodImage food={food} />
But that only resulted in the content disappearing. Reloading the app didn't change anything either Result after trying above code
Attempting to use a FlatList had the same result. I've also read that having percentage based styling values on height for any of the children components can make the scrolling stop working but all my components don't utilize such. Oddly enough when I change the styling on the outer view to height: 400, I'm able to get the scrolling to work but this is very sloppy and will likely only work on phone screens similar to mine. I know the ScrollView component is working fine, as when I add "horizontal" to it the scrolling works just fine and I'm able to scroll to the last item in the dataset. Obviously all the content is horizontal now though. After adding horizontal too ScrollView, scrolling works fine horizontally
Any ideas? Could it be some part of my styling I'm not noticing? I'm unable to test this on IOS so I'm not sure if it's an Android specific problem, would be strange though as scrolling worked fine in my other components.
Here's also the Header component code just in case it could be anything in there, although It shouldn't be.
const testImage =
const testTitle = "Sample Restaurant";
const testDescription = "Thai · Comfort · $$ · 🎫 · 4 ⭐ (217+)";
export default function About() {
return (
<RestaurantImage image={testImage} />
<RestaurantTitle title={testTitle} />
<RestaurantDescription description={testDescription} />
const RestaurantImage = (props) => (
<Image source={{ uri: props.image }} style={{ width: "100%", height: 180 }} />
const RestaurantTitle = (props) => (
fontSize: 29,
fontWeight: "600",
marginTop: 10,
marginHorizontal: 15,
const RestaurantDescription = (props) => (
marginTop: 10,
marginHorizontal: 15,
fontWeight: "400",
fontSize: 15.5,
Wrap your card with TouchableOpacity.
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0} key={index} style={styles.menuItemStyle}>
<FoodDetails food={food} />
<FoodImage food={food} />
I hope this thing will work.

Scrollview with react-native-modals is not working properly on IOS

I have an issue with scroll view inside Swipe model using react-native-modals. The problem is in Android the scrolling is smooth and working perfectly. However, with iOS scrolling is with short amount only it scrolls for tiny amount then it stops meaning i have to repeat scrolling for 10 times over the screen to view the bottom with small contents only. This is the code for the model.
new SlideAnimation({
initialValue: 0, // optional
slideFrom: 'bottom', // optional
useNativeDriver: false, // optional
{maxHeight: height * this.props.height},
onTouchOutside={() => this.props.closeModal(false)}
swipeDirection={['down']} // can be string or an array
swipeThreshold={100} // default 100
onSwipeOut={(event) => {
footer={this.props.hasFooter && this.props.footerContent}>
<ModalContent style={stylesSwipeCard.modalContent}>
style={[stylesSwipeCard.container, this.props.modalContainerStyle]}>
<Image source={line_swipe} style={{alignSelf: 'center'}} />
I would appreciate any help or suggestions 😄. Thanks

React Native FlatList keyboardShouldPersistTaps not persisting

I have a very frustrating situation. Trying to get keyboard to disappear and detect onPress event handler in child row.
Here is what my code looks like:
_renderRow = (prediction) => {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
this.setState({ location: prediction.description });
<View style={styles.listItemContainer}>
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.wrapper}>
{/* style={[this.state.predictions.length > 0 ? styles.searchContainerSuggest : styles.searchContainer]} */}
<View style={styles.searchContainerSuggest}>
<View style={{paddingLeft: 10, height: 45, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center'}}>
placeholder="Enter location"
onChangeText={location => this.onChangeLocation(location)}
{this.state.predictions.length && this.state.location !== '' ?
keyExtractor={(_, index) => index.toString()}
renderItem={ ({item: prediction}) => this._renderRow(prediction) } />
: null}
I probably need a helping hand or two with regards to how to debug this issue.
Looked up several examples on how to deal with hiding the keyboard and allowing a particular selection to be pressed at the same time.
I thought that keyboardShouldPersistTaps would allow for the child selection to be selected. Upon selection, the onPress event handler will trigger and that will be where I call Keyboard.dismiss() to hide the keyboard. Does not seem to work.
In my case, besides adding keyboardShouldPersistTabs='handled' to the FlatList in question, it was also needed to add keyboardShouldPersistTabs='handled' and nestedScrollEnabled={true} to a parent ScrollView like 2 levels above, wrapping the FlatList I intended to get this behavior with. Check out this issue in react-native repo for more info.
For anyone who is running into the same problem as me. Check whether your FlatList or ScrollView is nested in another FlatList or ScrollView.
If yes, then add
to the element as a props as well.
add keyboardDismissMode="none" to FlatList

How to render Container Classes conditionally

firstly, this is what is given to me from designer
Basically, there is a category which is passed from previous screen. and with some ui interactions, i need to render this screen again and again. the flow is like that: you select a category, if it has subCategories, let user select one of those subCategories before rendering input components. i can make it work with if and else clauses but i feel that this is some how not best practice at all. I just need an advice from experieced developer(i am reletively new to react native.)
So before writing any code with native way, i just want to ask it here so maybe i can learn more about it.
Here is my Screen:
contentText={'Kategori Secimi'}
<View style={styles.container}>
{currentCategory !== null
? (
<View style={{ ...styles.flatListContainer, paddingLeft: undefined, paddingRight: undefined }}>
<View style={{ marginHorizontal: 20 }}>
text={'Ilan Turu'}
style={{ paddingHorizontal: 20 }}
{ => (
<View style={{ marginHorizontal: 20 }}>
) : null}
right now, i am rendering a category, a <Seperator/> between category and subcategories, and subcategories. what i want is that, when user click on one of the subCategories, i will change the state to isSubCategorySelected = true, selectedSubCategory= subCategoryId and then need to render the whole screen like in gif i provided above.
the For those who came here for answer:
What i did is basically divide and conquer paradigm. I firstly divide my sitution into two main state.
those two rendering functions handle the whole process. when a TouchableOpacity is clicked, i setState with two variables: isSubCategorySelected = true, selectedSubCategory = subCategory
and in my main render() function:
render() {
const { currentCategory, isSubCategorySelected, selectedSubCategory } = this.state
return (
contentText={'Kategori Secimi'}
<View style={styles.container}>
{currentCategory !== null
? isSubCategorySelected
? this.renderAfterSubCategorySelected()
: this.renderInitialForm()
: null}
if you have any suggestion with my solution, please feel free to contact me.

How to put a sticky Touchable within an horizontal ScrollView in React Native?

I am trying to make a simple application/game to learn and practice React Native. Currently, I am trying to create a sticky TouchableNativeFeedback that moves with the screen as I am using the ScrollView.
The idea is that left half of the screen would move the character to the left and the right half of the screen would move it to the right. I want these controls to be fixed in the display and not move.
This is how it starts
This is after moving the scrollView a bit
I've initially tried to change value of style.left as I scrolled but that doesn't seem to be a good/stable solution.
Here is the current code:
render() {
return (
ref={(scrollView) => { this.scrollView = scrollView; }}
horizontal= {true}
<View style={styles.wrapperView}>
<TouchableNativeFeedback onPressIn={this._onPressButton} onPressOut={this._onPressButton}>
<View style={
width: width/2,
height: '100%',
position: 'absolute',
left: this.state.touchableLeft,
backgroundColor: 'red',
... (code about the character)
and the styles code
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
width: width*3 + 300,
and just to have it as a reference, this is what I originally tried:
_onScroll = (event) => {
this.setState( {
touchableLeft: this.state.touchableLeft + event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.x
} )
I've looked at the following questions and articles but I couldn't really get to a solution that would help me. Usually people use flex to make their headers sticky above a ScrollView and that is incredibly handy but in this situation I am unsure about how to continue. Articles/Questions:
How to Get ListView Section Header to Stick
Sticky Component inside scrollview
What solved my problem was to take the TouchableNativeFeedback outside of the class. The class in the question was called Background and it was rendered in the class called App.
<View style={styles.container}>
<Background />
<TouchableNativeFeedback onPressIn={this._onPressButton} onPressOut={this._onPressButton}>
<View style={
width: '50%',
height: '100%',
position: 'absolute',
//left: this.state.touchableLeft,
//backgroundColor: 'red',
As you can see once I moved it to here, it was positioned right where I wanted, even if I move the screeen. What would be good practice, is to take it to another component class and then just call an instance of it.
Thanks to John Ruddell for the help while coming up with the solution

