React useRef or module scope to store UI-independent state - javascript

Let's say there is a UI-independent state called currentSelected in React functional component. It stores the currently selected item and will be used at some time.
There are two ways to store the state, useRef hook or module scope out of component.
useRef hook:
function Example() {
const currentSelected = useRef()
useEffect(() => {
// access currentSelected state
function handleClick(item) {
currentSelected.current = item
return (
{ => <li onClick={() => handleClick(item)}></li>)}
module scope:
let currentSelected = null
function Example() {
useEffect(() => {
// access currentSelected state
function handleClick(item) {
currentSelected = item
return (
{ => <li onClick={() => handleClick(item)}></li>)}
Which method is more suitable for storing UI-independent state like currentSelected?
And what is the application scenario of useRef and module scope in storing state?
========= Update ===========
UI-independence means that you don't want to trigger re-render after updating the state. In contrast, UI related states do this.

The difference between useRef and a module-scope variable
Just for completeness sake, I'll throw in useState as well.
useState: immutable data that's tied to the component instance and triggers render on change through the setter function.
useRef: mutable data that's also tied to the component instance, but doesn't trigger any renders on change.
A module scope variable: mutable data that's tied to the module, which also doesn't trigger any renders on change since it's completely outside of React.
Use-case for useRef
If you're mounting a component more than once, e.g. using it on two pages, useRef will ensure that each component instance has its own mutable value.
// Here, the Example component could be used in multiple places
// and each instance would successfully keep its own state while
// not triggering renders on changes.
function Example() {
const currentSelected = useRef()
useEffect(() => { /* access currentSelected state */ })
return (
{ => (
<li onClick={() => { currentSelected.current = item }}>{}</li>
Use-case for a module scope variable
If you're looking for a singleton-like pattern or a static-like variable, e.g. for some kind of app-wide shared data, then a module scope variable will make this possible, like in any vanilla JS module.
// Here, the count value will be initialized once and then shared between every
// instances across the app, ever.
let count = 0;
function Example() {
// Won't trigger a render, so some Example instance could still show the old value.
count += 1;
return <span>Combined renders of all the Example components: {count}</span>;
Note that it won't trigger a render when count changes, so you shouldn't use it like that.
The caveats
If used only once in a place where the component is also only mounted once, both patterns will appear to behave similarly, but in the end, it's a matter of time until something triggers a remount and then you'll be facing a weird bug.
You could also encounter problems when unit testing a module with a module scope variable in it since it may not be properly reset in-between test cases. A quick workaround is to just export the variable and let the test cases change its value, but be careful not to change it anywhere else. Though this should be evaluated as a case-by-case basis.

First one
For myself choose the first one.Because its works as individual inside function.You could use multiple example component as same class/function .
function check(a){
let one = 'overwrite'+a;
check(2);//as individual inside only
Second one
Its overwrite currentSelected variable on each example component execute
let one = null
//second one
function check() {
one = 'overwrite';
console.log('Before =' + one)
console.log('After =' + one);

why not use the useState hook. it's perfect for this secnario.
const [currentItem, setCurrentItem] = useState();
{ => <li onClick={() => setCurrentItem(item)}></li>)}
another problem with your example is that when you change the ref current property in the handleClick it doesnt triggered render, so the useEffect in your function will not run so you cant access the ref.

Your "currentItem" may be UI-independent, but it would be component-dependent. right? If currentItem is related to this component, you should use the React.useState hook. This is just what the state is for.
Global variables(not constants) should be avoided in OOP programming. For example, there would be only one global variable in well-written OOP code, i.e. theApp.


Using useState variable outside the function in reactJs

i have a function, in which i am using a useState hook on a variable named active. This variable takes a string value, and on click it takes the value of the category which is clicked on. My goal is to use this value of category outside the function in order to perform operations on that particular category.
Is there a way in which i can export the value which this active useState variable has, outside this function anywhere in the project.
the structure of my code is as follows:
export const funct = () => {
// useState variable that will take the value of category that it gets clicked on/
const [active, setActive] = useState('');
return (
<div className='abc'>
{ =>
// Card is the category card which has a string value associated with, i.e. (
<Card key={} cardInfo={info} state={active} onClick={() => setActiveState(} />)
any help would be appreciated. thank you
Depending on what you mean by "outside" the function there are generally 4 solutions.
put the state higher in your application scope, and pass the getter/setter into the component.
use React Context, wrap all components that need the shared state
use a 3rd party library like redux or zustand
roll your own "state outside of react" solution. i.e. Just stick a variable in global scope if you're not too concerned with concurrency, or use something like react-hooks-global-state or tips from this article or similar.

Children useCallback dependency hell

From what I understand you use useCallback to prevent rerendering so I've been using it in every function and my spider senses are telling me it already sounds bad.
But the story doesn't ends there, since I've been using it everywhere I'm now passing dependencies to all my child components that they shouldn't need to worry about like in the following example :
Parent component (needs colorButtons and currentColor)
const ColorPicker = ({onChange}) => {
const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState({r: 255, g:0, b: 0})
const [colorButtons, setColorButtons] = useState({0: null})
const handleColorButtons = useCallback((isToggled, id) => {
/* code that uses colorButtons and currentColor */
}, [colorButtons, currentColor])
return <div className="color-picker">
<RgbColorPicker color={currentColor} onChange={setCurrentColor} />
<div className="color-buttons">
Object.entries(colorButtons).map(button => <ColorButton
1st child (needs style and currentColor but gets colorButtons for free from its parent)
const ColorButton = ({currentColor, onClick, id, colorButtons}) => {
const [style, setStyle] = useState({})
const handleClick = useCallback((isToggled) => {
/* code that uses setStyle and currentColor */
}, [style, currentColor, colorButtons])
return <ToggleButton
2nd child (only needs its own variables but gets the whole package)
const ToggleButton = ({children, className, onClick, style, data, id, onRef, ...dependencies}) => {
const [isToggled, setIsToggled] = useState(false)
const [buttonStyle, setButtonStyle] = useState(style)
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
/* code that uses isToggled, data, id and setButtonStyle */
}, [isToggled, data, id, ...Object.values(dependencies)])
return <button
className={className || "toggle-button"}
style={buttonStyle || {}}
Am I doing an anti-pattern and if so, what is it and how to fix it ? Thanks for helping !
React hook useCallback
useCallback is a hook that can be used in functional React components. A functional component is a function that returns a React component and that runs on every render, which means that everything defined in its body get new referential identities every time. An exception to this can be accomplished with React hooks which may be used inside functional components to interconnect different renders and maintain state. This means that if you save a reference to a regular function defined in a functional component using a ref, and then compare it to the same function in a later render, they will not be the same (the function changes referential identity between renderings):
// Render 1
const fnInBody = () => {}
const fn = useRef(null)
console.log(fn.current === fnInBody) // false since fn.current is null
fn.current = fnInBody
// Render 2
const fnInBody = () => {}
const fn = useRef(null)
console.log(fn.current === fnInBody) // false due to different identity
fn.current = fnInBody
As per the docs, useCallback returns "a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed" which is useful "when passing callbacks to optimized child components that rely on reference equality to prevent unnecessary renders".
To sum up, useCallback will return a function that maintains its referential identity (e.g. is memoized) as long as the dependencies don't change. The returned function contains a closure with the used dependencies and must thus be updated once the dependencies change.
This results in this updated version of the previous example
// Render 1
const fnInBody = useCallback(() => {}, [])
const fn = useRef(null)
console.log(fn.current === fnInBody) // false since fn.current is null
fn.current = fnInBody
// Render 2
const fnInBody = useCallback(() => {}, [])
const fn = useRef(null)
console.log(fn.current === fnInBody) // true
fn.current = fnInBody
Your use case
Keeping the above description in mind, let's have a look at your use of useCallback.
Case 1: ColorPicker
const handleColorButtons = useCallback((isToggled, id) => {
/* code that uses colorButtons and currentColor */
}, [colorButtons, currentColor])
This function will get a new identity every time colorButtons or currentColor changes. ColorPicker itself rerenders either when one of these two are set or when its prop onChange changes. Both handleColorButtons and the children should be updated when currentColor or colorButtons change. The only time the children benefit from the use of useCallback is when only onChange changes. Given that ColorButton is a lightweight component, and that ColorPicker rerenders mostly due to changes to currentColor and colorButtons, the use of useCallback here seems redundant.
Case 2: ColorButton
const handleClick = useCallback((isToggled) => {
/* code that uses setStyle and currentColor */
}, [style, currentColor, colorButtons])
This is a situation similar to the first case. ColorButton rerenders when currentColor, onClick, id or colorButtons change and the children rerender when handleClick, style, colorButtons or currentColor change. With useCallback in place, the props id and onClick may change without rerendering the children (according to the above visible code at least), all other rerenders of ColorButton will lead to its children rerendering. Again, the child ToggleButton is lightweight and id or onClick are not likely to change more often than any other prop so the use of useCallback seems redundant here as well.
Case 3: ToggleButton
const handleClick = useCallback(() => {
/* code that uses isToggled, data, id and setButtonStyle */
}, [isToggled, data, id, ...Object.values(dependencies)])
This case is elaborate with a lot of dependencies but from what I see, one way or the other, most of the component props will lead to a "new version" of handleClick and with the children being lightweight components, the argument to use useCallback seems weak.
So when should I use useCallback?
As the docs say, use it in the very specific cases when you need a function to have referential equality between renders ...
You have a component with a subset of children that are expensive to rerender and that should rerender much less often than the parent component but rerender due to a function prop changing identity whenever the parent rerenders. To me, this use case also signals bad design and I would attempt to divide the parent component into smaller components but what do I know, maybe this is not always possible.
You have a function in the body of the functional component which is used in another hook (listed as a dependency) which is triggered every time due to the function changing identity whenever the component rerenders. Typically, you can omit such a function from the dependency array by ignoring the lint rule even if this is not by the book. Other suggestions are to place such a function outside the body of the component or inside the hook that uses it, but there might be scenarios where none of this works out as intended.
Good to know connected to this is ...
A function living outside a functional component will always have referential equality between renders.
The setters returned by useState will always have referential equality between renders.
I said in the comments that you can use useCallback when there is function doing expensive calculations in a component that rerenders often but I was a bit off there. Let's say you have a function that does heavy calculations based on some prop that changes less often than a component rerenders. Then you COULD use useCallback and run a function inside it that returns a function with a closure with some computed value
const fn = useCallback(
() => {
const a = ... // heavy calculation based on prop c
const b = ... // heavy calculation based on prop c
return () => { console.log(a + b) }
, [c])
/* fn is used for something, either as a prop OR for something else */
This would effectively avoid calculating a and b every time the component rerenders without c changing, but the more straightforward way to do this would be to instead
const a = useMemo(() => /* calculate and return a */, [c])
const b = useMemo(() => /* calculate and return b */, [c])
const fn = () => console.log(a + b)
so here the use of useCallback just complicates things in a bad way.
It's good to understand more complicated concepts in programming and to be able to use them, but part of the virtue is also to know when to use them. Adding code, and especially code that involves complicated concepts, comes at the price of reduced readability and code that is harder to debug with a lot of different mechanisms that interplay. Therefore, make sure you understand the hooks, but always try to not use them if you can. Especially useCallback, useMemo and React.memo (not a hook but a similar optimization) should, in my opinion, only be introduced when they are absolutely needed. useRef has its very own use cases but should also not be introduced when you can solve your problem without it.
Good work on the sandbox! Always makes it easier to reason about code. I took the liberty of forking your sandbox and refactoring it a bit: sandbox link. You can study the changes yourself if you want. Here is a summary:
It's good that you know and use useRef and useCallback but I was able to remove all the uses, making the code much easier to understand (not only by removing these uses but by also removing the contexts where they are used).
Try to work with React to simplify things. I know this is not a hands-on suggestion but the more you get into React, the more you will realize that you can do things co-operating with React, or you can do things your own way. Both will work but the latter will result in more headache for you and everybody else.
Try to isolate the scope of a component; only delegate data that is necessary to child components and constantly question where you keep your state. Earlier you had click handlers in all three components and the flow was so complicated I didn't even bother to fully understand it. In my version, there is just one click handler in ColorPicker that is being delegated down. The buttons don't have to know what happens when you click them as long as the click handler takes care of that. Closures and the ability to pass functions as arguments are strong advantages of React and Javascript.
Keys are important in React and it's good to see that you use them. Typically, the key should correspond to something that uniquely identifies a specific item. Good to use here would be ${r}_${g}_${b} but then we would only be able to have one sample of each color in the button array. This is a natural limitation but if we don't want it, the only way to assign keys is to assign a unique identifier, which you did. I prefer using but some would probably advise against it for some reason. You could use a global variable outside the functional component too if you don't want to use a ref.
Try to do things the functional (immutable) way, and not the "old" Javascript way. For example, when adding to an array, use [...oldArray, newValue] and when assigning to an object, use {...oldObject, newKey: newValue }.
There are more things to say but I think it's better for you to study the refactored version and you can let me know if you wonder about anything.

Hooks useCallback keeps using old values when refreshing list

What is wrong with the useCallback below that I do not get the values below every time the function onRefresh is called ?
How can I make it return the expected values using Hooks?
Example when I call onRefresh 2x
values expected:
values: received
initialization of the state variables
const [refreshing, setRefreshing] = useState(false)
const [offsetQuestions, setOffsetQuestions] = useState(0)
Function call with useCallback:
const fetchSomeData = async () => {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000)) // 3 sec
const onRefresh = useCallback( async () => {
await fetchSomeData()
}, [refreshing, offsetQuestions])
Where the function is called:
What you are getting is the expected behaviour in hooks. It's all about closures. Each render in react has its own props, state, functions and event handlers and they forever stay the same for that particular render. So whats happening here is that the useCallback is closing over the state variables for that particular render, So the console.log even after a setState will always give you the value of the state for that particular render because of closure.
This situation confuses many developers who start using hooks. You would expect that React will be reactive and will change the value of the state after you called the setX, but if you think about it, you can not expect React to stop the execution flow change the state variable and continue execution.
So, what you are getting is the state variable from the scope of the creation of the useCallback (Read it again and again).
Let's break it down to two parts, the scope, and useCallback, as these are two different things you must understand to be able to use useState and useCallback.
Lets say that you have a state called age and a function that write/reads this state (For now, without using useCallback)
const [age, setAge] = useState(42);
const increaseAge = () => {
setAge(age + 1); // this "age" is the same "age" from above
console.log(age); // also this one
From this you can see that every render a new age variable is defined (The value if given by React), also a new increaseAge function is defined with access to the scope that holds the age variable.
This is how the scope works, this is why you don't get a new value of age just after calling setAge. To be able to get a new value on age React will have to re-render the component, so a new age variable will be defined on a new scope. And this is exactly what happens after calling setAge, React will trigger a new render.
Now, let's say that you don't want to define the increaseAge function again and again, you want to keep the same reference (Can help preventing useless renders). This is where you'd want to use useCallback.
When using useCallback, React provides the same function reference each render, unless one of the dependencies changes.
Without giving the useCallback the dependencies, React will not recreate the function and the function will access to the scope that it was created on (First render), when giving the useCallback the correct dependencies, it will be recreated, and now have access to the scope with the latest state variable.
This should explain why you must provide dependencies, and how state variables are accessed (scope).
You can use UseRef hook to use the current value of state instead of lexical value.
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
This how you can set value in a reference and use it wherever you want.
Below is the link where you can understand this problem in detail and with possible solutions

Props updates in setInterval not reflected when changing component [duplicate]

Why in the following pseudo-code example Child doesn't re-render when Container changes
Container {
handleEvent() { = 123
render() {
return <Child bar={} />
Child {
render() {
return <div>{}</div>
Even if I call forceUpdate() after modifying the value in Container, Child still shows the old value.
Update the child to have the attribute 'key' equal to the name. The component will re-render every time the key changes.
Child {
render() {
return <div key={}>{}</div>
Because children do not rerender if the props of the parent change, but if its STATE changes :)
What you are showing is this:
It will pass data from parent to child through props but there is no rerender logic there.
You need to set some state to the parent then rerender the child on parent change state.
This could help.
I had the same problem.
This is my solution, I'm not sure that is the good practice, tell me if not:
state = {
value: this.props.value
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if(prevProps.value !== this.props.value) {
this.setState({value: this.props.value});
UPD: Now you can do the same thing using React Hooks:
(only if component is a function)
const [value, setValue] = useState(propName);
// This will launch only if propName value has chaged.
useEffect(() => { setValue(propName) }, [propName]);
When create React components from functions and useState.
const [drawerState, setDrawerState] = useState(false);
const toggleDrawer = () => {
// attempting to trigger re-render
This does not work
This does work (adding key)
Confirmed, adding a Key works. I went through the docs to try and understand why.
React wants to be efficient when creating child components. It won't render a new component if it's the same as another child, which makes the page load faster.
Adding a Key forces React to render a new component, thus resetting State for that new component.
Obey immutability
Quite an old question but it's an evergreen problem and it doesn't get better if there are only wrong answers and workarounds.
The reason why the child object is not updating is not a missing key or a missing state, the reason is that you don't obey the principle of immutability.
It is the aim of react to make apps faster and more responsive and easier to maintain and so on but you have to follow some principles. React nodes are only rerendered if it is necessary, i.e. if they have updated. How does react know if a component has updated? Because it state has changed. Now don't mix this up with the setState hook. State is a concept and every component has its state. State is the look or behaviour of the component at a given point in time. If you have a static component you only have one state all the time and don't have to take care of it. If the component has to change somehow its state is changing.
Now react is very descriptive. The state of a component can be derived from some changing information and this information can be stored outside of the component or inside. If the information is stored inside than this is some information the component has to keep track itself and we normally use the hooks like setState to manage this information. If this information is stored outside of our component then it is stored inside of a different component and that one has to keep track of it, its theirs state. Now the other component can pass us their state thru the props.
That means react rerenders if our own managed state changes or if the information coming in via props changes. That is the natural behaviour and you don't have to transfer props data into your own state.
Now comes the very important point: how does react know when information has changed? Easy: is makes an comparison! Whenever you set some state or give react some information it has to consider, it compares the newly given information with the actually stored information and if they are not the same, react will rerender all dependencies of that information.
Not the same in that aspect means a javascript === operator.
Maybe you got the point already.
Let's look at this:
let a = 42;
let b = a;
console.log('is a the same as b?',a === b); // a and b are the same, right? --> true
a += 5; // now let's change a
console.log('is a still the same as b?',a === b); // --> false
We are creating an instance of a value, then create another instance, assign the value of the first instance to the second instance and then change the first instance.
Now let's look at the same flow with objects:
let a = { num: 42};
let b = a;
console.log('is a the same as b?',a === b); // a and b are the same, right? --> true
a.num += 5; // now let's change a
console.log('is a still the same as b?',a === b); // --> true
The difference this time is that an object actually is a pointer to a memory area and with the assertion of b=a you set b to the same pointer as a leading to exactly the same object.
Whatever you do in a can be accesed by your a pointer or your b pointer.
Your line: = 123
actually updates a value in the memory where "this" is pointing at.
React simply can't recognize such alterations by comparing the object references. You can change the contents of your object a thousand times and the reference will always stay the same and react won't do a rerender of the dependent components.
That is why you have to consider all variables in react as immutable. To make a detectable change you need a different reference and you only get that with a new object. So instead of changing your object you have to copy it to a new one and then you can change some values in it before you hand it over to react.
let a = {num: 42};
console.log('a looks like', a);
let b = {...a};
console.log('b looks like', b);
console.log('is a the same as b?', a === b); // --> false
The spread operator (the one with the three dots) or the map-function are common ways to copy data to a new object or array.
If you obey immutability all child nodes update with new props data.
According to React philosophy component can't change its props. they should be received from the parent and should be immutable. Only parent can change the props of its children.
nice explanation on state vs props
also, read this thread Why can't I update props in react.js?
You should use setState function. If not, state won't save your change, no matter how you use forceUpdate.
Container {
handleEvent= () => { // use arrow function
// = 123
//You should use setState to set value like this:
this.setState({foo: {bar: 123}});
render() {
return <Child bar={} />
Child {
render() {
return <div>{}</div>
Your code seems not valid. I can not test this code.
You must have used dynamic component.
In this code snippet we are rendering child component multiple time and also passing key.
If we render a component dynamically multiple time then React doesn't render that component until it's key gets changed.
If we change checked by using setState method. It won't be reflected in Child component until we change its key. We have to save that on child's state and then change it to render child accordingly.
class Parent extends Component {
state = {
checked: true
render() {
return (
<div className="parent">
[1, 2, 3].map(
n => <div key={n}>
<Child isChecked={this.state.checked} />
My case involved having multiple properties on the props object, and the need to re-render the Child on changing any of them.
The solutions offered above were working, yet adding a key to each an every one of them became tedious and dirty (imagine having 15...). If anyone is facing this - you might find it useful to stringify the props object:
This way every change on each one of the properties on props triggers a re-render of the Child component.
Hope that helped someone.
I have the same issue's re-rendering object props, if the props is an object JSON.stringify(obj) and set it as a key for Functional Components. Setting just an id on key for react hooks doesn't work for me. It's weird that to update the component's you have to include all the object properties on the key and concatenate it there.
function Child(props) {
const [thing, setThing] = useState(props.something)
return (
function Caller() {
const thing = [{a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 3, b: 4}] => (
<Child key={JSON.stringify(t)} something={thing} />
Now anytime the thing object changes it's values on runtime, Child component will re-render it correctly.
You should probably make the Child as functional component if it does not maintain any state and simply renders the props and then call it from the parent. Alternative to this is that you can use hooks with the functional component (useState) which will cause stateless component to re-render.
Also you should not alter the propas as they are immutable. Maintain state of the component.
Child = ({bar}) => (bar);
export default function DataTable({ col, row }) {
const [datatable, setDatatable] = React.useState({});
useEffect(() => {
columns: col,
rows: row,
/// do any thing else
}, [row]);
return (
entriesOptions={[5, 20, 25]}
this example use useEffect to change state when props change.
I was encountering the same problem.
I had a Tooltip component that was receiving showTooltip prop, that I was updating on Parent component based on an if condition, it was getting updated in Parent component but Tooltip component was not rendering.
const Parent = () => {
let showTooltip = false;
if(....){ showTooltip = true; }
<Tooltip showTooltip={showTooltip}></Tooltip>
The mistake I was doing is to declare showTooltip as a let.
I realized what I was doing wrong I was violating the principles of how rendering works, Replacing it with hooks did the job.
const [showTooltip, setShowTooltip] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
define changed props in mapStateToProps of connect method in child component.
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
chanelList: state.messaging.chanelList,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ChannelItem);
In my case, channelList's channel is updated so I added chanelList in mapStateToProps
In my case I was updating a loading state that was passed down to a component. Within the Button the props.loading was coming through as expected (switching from false to true) but the ternary that showed a spinner wasn't updating.
I tried adding a key, adding a state that updated with useEffect() etc but none of the other answers worked.
What worked for me was changing this:
To this:
setTimeout(() => { handleOtherCPUHeavyCode() }, 1)
I assume it's because the process in handleOtherCPUHeavyCode is pretty heavy and intensive so the app freezes for a second or so. Adding the 1ms timeout allows the loading boolean to update and then the heavy code function can do it's work.
You can use componentWillReceiveProps:
componentWillReceiveProps({bar}) {
this.setState({...this.state, bar})
Credit to Josh Lunsford
Considering the rendering limitations with props and the gains we have with states, if you use reaction hooks, there are a few tricks you can use. For example, you can convert props to state manually using useEffect. It probably shouldn't be the best practice, but it helps in theses cases.
import { isEqual } from 'lodash';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
export const MyComponent = (props: { users: [] }) => {
const [usersState, setUsersState] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isEqual(props.users, usersState)) {
}, [props.users]);
<OtherComponent users={usersState} />;

React: why child component doesn't update when prop changes

Why in the following pseudo-code example Child doesn't re-render when Container changes
Container {
handleEvent() { = 123
render() {
return <Child bar={} />
Child {
render() {
return <div>{}</div>
Even if I call forceUpdate() after modifying the value in Container, Child still shows the old value.
Update the child to have the attribute 'key' equal to the name. The component will re-render every time the key changes.
Child {
render() {
return <div key={}>{}</div>
Because children do not rerender if the props of the parent change, but if its STATE changes :)
What you are showing is this:
It will pass data from parent to child through props but there is no rerender logic there.
You need to set some state to the parent then rerender the child on parent change state.
This could help.
I had the same problem.
This is my solution, I'm not sure that is the good practice, tell me if not:
state = {
value: this.props.value
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if(prevProps.value !== this.props.value) {
this.setState({value: this.props.value});
UPD: Now you can do the same thing using React Hooks:
(only if component is a function)
const [value, setValue] = useState(propName);
// This will launch only if propName value has chaged.
useEffect(() => { setValue(propName) }, [propName]);
When create React components from functions and useState.
const [drawerState, setDrawerState] = useState(false);
const toggleDrawer = () => {
// attempting to trigger re-render
This does not work
This does work (adding key)
Obey immutability
Quite an old question but it's an evergreen problem and it doesn't get better if there are only wrong answers and workarounds.
The reason why the child object is not updating is not a missing key or a missing state, the reason is that you don't obey the principle of immutability.
It is the aim of react to make apps faster and more responsive and easier to maintain and so on but you have to follow some principles. React nodes are only rerendered if it is necessary, i.e. if they have updated. How does react know if a component has updated? Because it state has changed. Now don't mix this up with the setState hook. State is a concept and every component has its state. State is the look or behaviour of the component at a given point in time. If you have a static component you only have one state all the time and don't have to take care of it. If the component has to change somehow its state is changing.
Now react is very descriptive. The state of a component can be derived from some changing information and this information can be stored outside of the component or inside. If the information is stored inside than this is some information the component has to keep track itself and we normally use the hooks like setState to manage this information. If this information is stored outside of our component then it is stored inside of a different component and that one has to keep track of it, its theirs state. Now the other component can pass us their state thru the props.
That means react rerenders if our own managed state changes or if the information coming in via props changes. That is the natural behaviour and you don't have to transfer props data into your own state.
Now comes the very important point: how does react know when information has changed? Easy: is makes an comparison! Whenever you set some state or give react some information it has to consider, it compares the newly given information with the actually stored information and if they are not the same, react will rerender all dependencies of that information.
Not the same in that aspect means a javascript === operator.
Maybe you got the point already.
Let's look at this:
let a = 42;
let b = a;
console.log('is a the same as b?',a === b); // a and b are the same, right? --> true
a += 5; // now let's change a
console.log('is a still the same as b?',a === b); // --> false
We are creating an instance of a value, then create another instance, assign the value of the first instance to the second instance and then change the first instance.
Now let's look at the same flow with objects:
let a = { num: 42};
let b = a;
console.log('is a the same as b?',a === b); // a and b are the same, right? --> true
a.num += 5; // now let's change a
console.log('is a still the same as b?',a === b); // --> true
The difference this time is that an object actually is a pointer to a memory area and with the assertion of b=a you set b to the same pointer as a leading to exactly the same object.
Whatever you do in a can be accesed by your a pointer or your b pointer.
Your line: = 123
actually updates a value in the memory where "this" is pointing at.
React simply can't recognize such alterations by comparing the object references. You can change the contents of your object a thousand times and the reference will always stay the same and react won't do a rerender of the dependent components.
That is why you have to consider all variables in react as immutable. To make a detectable change you need a different reference and you only get that with a new object. So instead of changing your object you have to copy it to a new one and then you can change some values in it before you hand it over to react.
let a = {num: 42};
console.log('a looks like', a);
let b = {...a};
console.log('b looks like', b);
console.log('is a the same as b?', a === b); // --> false
The spread operator (the one with the three dots) or the map-function are common ways to copy data to a new object or array.
If you obey immutability all child nodes update with new props data.
Confirmed, adding a Key works. I went through the docs to try and understand why.
React wants to be efficient when creating child components. It won't render a new component if it's the same as another child, which makes the page load faster.
Adding a Key forces React to render a new component, thus resetting State for that new component.
According to React philosophy component can't change its props. they should be received from the parent and should be immutable. Only parent can change the props of its children.
nice explanation on state vs props
also, read this thread Why can't I update props in react.js?
You should use setState function. If not, state won't save your change, no matter how you use forceUpdate.
Container {
handleEvent= () => { // use arrow function
// = 123
//You should use setState to set value like this:
this.setState({foo: {bar: 123}});
render() {
return <Child bar={} />
Child {
render() {
return <div>{}</div>
Your code seems not valid. I can not test this code.
You must have used dynamic component.
In this code snippet we are rendering child component multiple time and also passing key.
If we render a component dynamically multiple time then React doesn't render that component until it's key gets changed.
If we change checked by using setState method. It won't be reflected in Child component until we change its key. We have to save that on child's state and then change it to render child accordingly.
class Parent extends Component {
state = {
checked: true
render() {
return (
<div className="parent">
[1, 2, 3].map(
n => <div key={n}>
<Child isChecked={this.state.checked} />
My case involved having multiple properties on the props object, and the need to re-render the Child on changing any of them.
The solutions offered above were working, yet adding a key to each an every one of them became tedious and dirty (imagine having 15...). If anyone is facing this - you might find it useful to stringify the props object:
This way every change on each one of the properties on props triggers a re-render of the Child component.
Hope that helped someone.
I have the same issue's re-rendering object props, if the props is an object JSON.stringify(obj) and set it as a key for Functional Components. Setting just an id on key for react hooks doesn't work for me. It's weird that to update the component's you have to include all the object properties on the key and concatenate it there.
function Child(props) {
const [thing, setThing] = useState(props.something)
return (
function Caller() {
const thing = [{a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 3, b: 4}] => (
<Child key={JSON.stringify(t)} something={thing} />
Now anytime the thing object changes it's values on runtime, Child component will re-render it correctly.
You should probably make the Child as functional component if it does not maintain any state and simply renders the props and then call it from the parent. Alternative to this is that you can use hooks with the functional component (useState) which will cause stateless component to re-render.
Also you should not alter the propas as they are immutable. Maintain state of the component.
Child = ({bar}) => (bar);
export default function DataTable({ col, row }) {
const [datatable, setDatatable] = React.useState({});
useEffect(() => {
columns: col,
rows: row,
/// do any thing else
}, [row]);
return (
entriesOptions={[5, 20, 25]}
this example use useEffect to change state when props change.
I was encountering the same problem.
I had a Tooltip component that was receiving showTooltip prop, that I was updating on Parent component based on an if condition, it was getting updated in Parent component but Tooltip component was not rendering.
const Parent = () => {
let showTooltip = false;
if(....){ showTooltip = true; }
<Tooltip showTooltip={showTooltip}></Tooltip>
The mistake I was doing is to declare showTooltip as a let.
I realized what I was doing wrong I was violating the principles of how rendering works, Replacing it with hooks did the job.
const [showTooltip, setShowTooltip] = React.useState<boolean>(false);
define changed props in mapStateToProps of connect method in child component.
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
chanelList: state.messaging.chanelList,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ChannelItem);
In my case, channelList's channel is updated so I added chanelList in mapStateToProps
In my case I was updating a loading state that was passed down to a component. Within the Button the props.loading was coming through as expected (switching from false to true) but the ternary that showed a spinner wasn't updating.
I tried adding a key, adding a state that updated with useEffect() etc but none of the other answers worked.
What worked for me was changing this:
To this:
setTimeout(() => { handleOtherCPUHeavyCode() }, 1)
I assume it's because the process in handleOtherCPUHeavyCode is pretty heavy and intensive so the app freezes for a second or so. Adding the 1ms timeout allows the loading boolean to update and then the heavy code function can do it's work.
You can use componentWillReceiveProps:
componentWillReceiveProps({bar}) {
this.setState({...this.state, bar})
Credit to Josh Lunsford
Considering the rendering limitations with props and the gains we have with states, if you use reaction hooks, there are a few tricks you can use. For example, you can convert props to state manually using useEffect. It probably shouldn't be the best practice, but it helps in theses cases.
import { isEqual } from 'lodash';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
export const MyComponent = (props: { users: [] }) => {
const [usersState, setUsersState] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isEqual(props.users, usersState)) {
}, [props.users]);
<OtherComponent users={usersState} />;

