(.getBoundingClientRect().height are giving wrong values - javascript

i am trying this code in an angular project but not working, although it does in an HTML template
the main goal of the code is to make the div to fit with its content
function resizeGridItem(x,item){
grid = $(".grid")[0];
// console.log(grid)
rowHeight = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(grid).getPropertyValue('grid-auto-rows'));
console.log('rowHeight '+rowHeight)
rowGap = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(grid).getPropertyValue('grid-row-gap'));
console.log('rowGap '+rowGap)
// console.log('item is ')
// console.log(item)
rowSpan = Math.ceil((item.querySelector('.card-content').getBoundingClientRect().height+rowGap)/(rowHeight+rowGap));
console.log('getBoundingClientRect '+item.querySelector('.card-content').getBoundingClientRect().height)
console.log('rowSpan '+rowSpan)
item.style.gridRowEnd = "span " + rowSpan;
function resizeAllGridItems(){
allItems = document.getElementsByClassName("card");;
$(document).ready(function () {
window.onload = resizeAllGridItems();
as you can see i tried to print the results
both rowGap and rowHeight have the same value in both projects
but the final one rowSpan and the query selector height are not!
the HTML Code
<div class="grid">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-content show">
<div class="card-header">
<img src="user1.jpg">
<div class="title">
<div class="publisher">
<p>Publisher name</p>
<p>1 hrs</p>
<img class="photothumb" src="cake4.jpg"/>
<div class="card-interaction">
<span>30 Comments | 512 Views </span>
<span><img src="assets/images/like.png"> 61 </span>
<span><img src="assets/images/dislike.png"> 61 </span>
<div class="card">
<div class="card-content show">
<div class="card-header">
<img src="user1.jpg">
<div class="title">
<div class="publisher">
<p>Publisher name</p>
<p>1 hrs</p>
<img class="photothumb" src="cake.jpg"/>
<div class="card-interaction">
<span>30 Comments | 512 Views </span>
<span><img src="assets/images/like.png"> 61 </span>
<span><img src="assets/images/dislike.png"> 61 </span>
photo of the view will be added if necessary


How to hide product item if the price is 0

Some of my products have 0 price. Until I fix this issue I want to hide those products from
collection pages.
How can I hide the .productItem or .ItemOrj if the .productPrice span is == ₺0,00 , else show
Look code below:
<div id="ProductPageProductList" class="ProductList sort_4">
<div class="ItemOrj col-4">
<div class="productItem" style="display: block;">
<div class="productImage">
<img class="resimOrginal lazyImage" src="/Uploads/" alt="">
<div class="productDetail videoAutoPlay" data-id="5637" data-variant-id="11091">
<div class="productName detailUrl" data-id="5637"><a title="" href="/"></div>
<div class="productPrice ">
<div class="discountPrice">
<div class="ItemOrj col-4">
<div class="productItem" style="display: block;">
<div class="productImage">
<img class="resimOrginal lazyImage" src="/Uploads/" alt="">
<div class="productDetail videoAutoPlay" data-id="5637" data-variant-id="11091">
<div class="productName detailUrl" data-id="5637"><a title="" href="/"></div>
<div class="productPrice ">
<div class="discountPrice">
<div class="ItemOrj col-4">
<div class="productItem" style="display: block;">
<div class="productImage">
<img class="resimOrginal lazyImage" src="/Uploads/" alt="">
<div class="productDetail videoAutoPlay" data-id="5637" data-variant-id="11091">
<div class="productName detailUrl" data-id="5637"><a title="" href="/"></div>
<div class="productPrice ">
<div class="discountPrice">
I have also tried but not worked:
var amount = parseFloat($('.productPrice span').html().replace(",", "."));
if(amount === 0){
$('.productItem').css("display", "none");
$('.productItem').css("display", "block");
I stripped out the additional HTML for my answer since it doesn't affect my answer.
But I loop through each item, and get the text value of the productPrice div and strip out all numeric values then parse it to a Float. Then if its under 0, I hide the parent productItem.
let price = parseFloat($(this).find(".productPrice").text().replace(/[^0-9]/g,""));
if(price == 0){
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="productItem">
<div class="productPrice ">
<div class="discountPrice">
<div class="productItem">
<div class="productPrice ">
<div class="discountPrice">

Reset Image Gallery Count When Loading New Article Content

I have a lots of articles that have 1, 2, 3 or 4 pictures. On mobile I created a carousel. All images all on the same line and I have a count that is 0. And when I press on the right button(for example) that count it will be -100 and all images will have a left: -100 and so on. The problem is that, let's say, I press on the button from one article that count will be -100. but after I go to another article and if I press again the count is not -100 and is -200. How can I reset that count when I change the article. The code is something like:
var c = 0;
$('.plus').on('click', function(){
c += 100
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="article">
<div class="minus">Minu</div>
<div class="plus">Plus
</div><div class="num">0</div>
<div class="article">
<div class="minus">Minu2</div>
<div class="plus">Plus2
</div><div class="num">0</div>
<div class="article">
<div class="minus">Minu3</div>
<div class="plus">Plus3
</div><div class="num">0</div>
<div class="article">
<div class="minus">Minu4</div>
<div class="plus">Plus4
</div><div class="num">0</div>
<div class="article">
<div class="minus">Minu5</div>
<div class="plus">Plus5
</div><div class="num">0</div>
Here's what I cooked up for you.
$('.plus').on('click', function(){
c = Number($(this).siblings('.num').text()) + 100;
$('.minus').on('click', function(){
c = Number($(this).siblings('.num').text()) - 100;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="article">
<div class="minus">Minu</div>
<div class="plus">Plus</div>
<div class="num">0</div>
<div class="article">
<div class="minus">Minu2</div>
<div class="plus">Plus2</div>
<div class="num">0</div>
<div class="article">
<div class="minus">Minu3</div>
<div class="plus">Plus3</div>
<div class="num">0</div>
<div class="article">
<div class="minus">Minu4</div>
<div class="plus">Plus4</div>
<div class="num">0</div>
<div class="article">
<div class="minus">Minu5</div>
<div class="plus">Plus5</div>
<div class="num">0</div>
The Plus button will add to the total displayed for the current article and Minus will subtract from it. Every article has it's own c value that can't be changed by a button from a different article.
I hope that's what you are looking for.
Add an on('click', function() {...}) handler to your "change the article" button. If this button is just another article's text, then give them all a common class and a common class onclick handler.
<span class="article">Article 1</span>
<span class="article">Article 2</span>
<span class="article">Article 3</span>
$('.article').on('click', function() {
c = 0;

choosing and selecting from divs

I have 2 divs like this belonging to different teams. All of them has different names and ids
<div id="joinville">
<div class="gk">
<div id="john">
<img src:xxx ">
<h6 class="namejoinville ">John</h6>
<div id="jake ">
<img src:xxx">
<h6 class="namejoinville">Jake</h6>
<div id="allan">
<img src:xxx ">
<h6 class="namejoinville ">Allan</h6>
<div id="thunder ">
<div class="gk ">
<div id="amilcar ">
<img src:xxx">
<h6 class="namethunder">Amilcar</h6>
<div id="peter">
<img src:xxx ">
<h6 class="namethunder ">Peter</h6>
<div id="jm ">
<img src:xxx">
<h6 class="namethunder">James</h6>
Them I have this:
<div id="onethree">
<div id="grteam">
<img src="xxx"">
<h6 id="j1">GK</h6>
I want to whenever I click on one of the player to change the "grteam" div to the one selected.
How can i make this with js?
Sorry, if this is basic stuff but i'm still a begginner
when you click on the player name his data moves to #grteam
document.querySelectorAll('.gk div h6').forEach(player => {
player.addEventListener('click', updateSelectedPlayer, this);
function updateSelectedPlayer(player) {
let greatPlayerImg = document.querySelector('#grteam>img'),
greatPlayerName = document.querySelector('#grteam>h6'),
selectedPlayerImg = player.target.parentNode.querySelector('img').src,
selectedPlayerName = player.target.innerHTML;
greatPlayerImg.src = selectedPlayerImg;
greatPlayerName.innerHTML = selectedPlayerName;
<div id=Joinville>`
<div class="gk">
<div id="john">
<img src='xxx'>
<h6 class="namejoinville">John</h6>
<div id="jake">
<img src='xxx'>
<h6 class="namejoinville">Jake</h6>
<div id="allan">
<img src='xxx'>
<h6 class="namejoinville">Allan</h6>
<div id=Joinville>`
<div class="gk">
<div id="amilcar">
<img src='xxx'>
<h6 class="namethunder">Amilcar</h6>
<div id="peter">
<img src='xxx'>
<h6 class="namethunder">Peter</h6>
<div id="jm">
<img src='xxx'>
<h6 class="namethunder">James</h6>
<div id="onethree">
<div id="grteam">
<img src="xxx">
<h6 id="j1">GK</h6>
I suggest as a beginner that you get used to using common class names for similar elements
Here I have two class="team" and each team has a group of class="player" and each player has an inner class="player-name"
Note that the id on player elements is irrelevant this way
You can add other classes as well but this helps styling the structure and makes the javascript simpler to traverse these common items
Working example without the images. You can extend this to work with those yourself
const players = document.querySelectorAll('.player')
players.forEach(function(el) {
el.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// name of selected player
const name = el.querySelector('.player-name').textContent;
// add selected name to grteam
document.querySelector('#j1').textContent = name;
// remove active class from players
players.forEach(function(el) {
// add active class to selected player
h6{ font-size: 1em; margin:0}
.player{ border:2px solid #ccc; padding:.5em; margin-bottom:1em}
<div id="grteam">
Active: <strong id="j1">None</strong>
<div id="container">
<div class="team">
<div class="player">
<h6 class="player-name">John</h6>
<div class="player">
<h6 class="player-name">Jake</h6>
<div class="player">
<h6 class="player-name">Allan</h6>
<div class="team">
<div class="player">
<h6 class="player-name">Amilcar</h6>
<div class="player">
<h6 class="player-name">Peter</h6>
<div class="player">
<h6 class="player-name">James</h6>

Clone one span into another for each group of div

I have many sets of div and I'm trying to copy the content of a specific span into another one and repeat the same operation for all my divs.
Here is my html code:
<div class="item">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<span class="ContentGoesHere"></span>
<div class="DivWithContent">
<span class="ContentComesFromHere">This is my content 1</span>
<div class="item">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<span class="ContentGoesHere"></span>
<div class="DivWithContent">
<span class="ContentComesFromHere">This is my content 2</span>
<div class="item">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<span class="ContentGoesHere"></span>
<div class="DivWithContent">
<span class="ContentComesFromHere">This is my content 3</span>
And my jQuery code is:
$("div.item").each(function(i) {
$(this).find('span.ContentComesFromHere').clone(true, true).contents().appendTo('span.ContentGoesHere');
It almost works, right now what I get in my span.ContentGoesHere is: This is my content 1This is my content 2This is my content 3 - and it's the same content for all but the content needs to be specific to each div.item.
Thank you for your help.
Try The code below
$("div.item").each(function(i) {
To See The demo in jsFiddle
Click here to see Demo In JsFiddle
Try the code bellow.
$("div.item").each(function(i) {
var content = $(this).find('span.ContentComesFromHere').html();
If you type your function like this:
$("div.item").each(function(i) {
let content = $(this).find('span.ContentComesFromHere');
let contentTarget = $(this).find('span.ContentGoesHere');
Then the end result will looks like this:
This is my content 1
This is my content 1
This is my content 2
This is my content 2
This is my content 3
This is my content 3
See snippet for the working code.
$("div.item").each(function(i) {
let content = $(this).find('span.ContentComesFromHere');
let contentTarget = $(this).find('span.ContentGoesHere');
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div class="item">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<span class="ContentGoesHere"></span>
<div class="DivWithContent">
<span class="ContentComesFromHere">This is my content 1</span>
<div class="item">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<span class="ContentGoesHere"></span>
<div class="DivWithContent">
<span class="ContentComesFromHere">This is my content 2</span>
<div class="item">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<span class="ContentGoesHere"></span>
<div class="DivWithContent">
<span class="ContentComesFromHere">This is my content 3</span>
See it working
Your way
$("div.item").each(function(i) {
var targetElement = $(this).find('span.ContentGoesHere');
var sourceHtml = $(this).find('span.ContentComesFromHere').clone().contents()
Simpler way
$("div.item").each(function(i) {
var contents = $(this).find('span.ContentComesFromHere').html();
In your case you need find the source and target both by $(this).find()
Just replace to .appendTo($(this).find('span.ContentGoesHere')); into your JS code and I hope it will be work.

How to split the div structure in ng repeat using ng-class-even and ng-class-odd?

I want to repeat items as shown in the image. I have done repeating by using ng-repeat. All contents are repeated but not in a structure that is shown in the image. how to split the contents like this.. ???
<div class="activityCon" ng-repeat="activity in activity1">
<div class="n-col erpSub"> <a class="link brand erp-display-block fk-uppercase erp-text-center" href="#">
<div class="bg-gradient"> <span class="fa fa-chevron-down"></span> </div>
<p class="title erp-font-15">{{ activity }}<br>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<!--1st content wrap-->
<div class="col-md-6 warpLine1 msg-time-chat" ng-class="$odd ? 'col-md-6' : '' " >
<!--message content - 1 -->
<div class="message-body msg-in" ng-repeat="activityDesc in dailyActivity[$index].activityArray">
<div class="text col-md-11 firstWrap" > <img class="img-thumbnail" src="{{activityDesc.taskImage}}" alt=""> <span class="label label-info">{{activityDesc.taskName}}</span>
<p>{{ activityDesc.taskMessage }}</p>
<p class="chat_message_date">{{activityDesc.taskUser}} <span> {{activityDesc.taskDate}} , {{activityDesc.taskTime}}</span></p>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<!--message content - 1 -->
<!-- <div class="col-md-6 WarpLine2 msg-time-chatRight">
<div class="message-body msg-in" ng-if="$odd" ng-repeat="activityDesc in dailyActivity[$index].activityArray">
<div class="text col-md-11 firstWrap"> <img class="img-thumbnail" src="{{activityDesc.taskImage}}" alt=""> <span class="label label-info">{{activityDesc.taskName}}</span>
<p>{{ activityDesc.taskMessage }}</p>
<p class="chat_message_date">{{activityDesc.taskUser}} <span> {{activityDesc.taskDate}} , {{activityDesc.taskTime}}</span></p>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
</div> -->
<!-- <div class="col-md-6"></div> -->
<div class="clearfix"></div>
I think Your condition is wrong. You checked like this...
ng-class="$odd ? 'col-md-6' : '' "
Instead u can Change as
ng-class="{'pull-left':($index %2 ==0),'pull-right':($index %2 ==1)}"

