LitElement remove item from list - javascript

When the page first loads, the delete buttons generated by the code below work as expected. However, if you alter the text in one of the <textarea> elements, the delete button no longer works correctly. How can I fix this?
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
class MyElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
list: { type: Array },
constructor() {
this.list = [
{ id: "1", text: "hello" },
{ id: "2", text: "hi" },
{ id: "3", text: "cool" },
render() {
return html`${ =>
html`<textarea>${item.text}</textarea><button id="${}" #click="${this.delete}">X</button>`
delete(event) {
const id =;
this.list = this.list.filter(item => !== id);
customElements.define("my-element", MyElement);

I'm not sure of the exact cause, but I think it has to do with the way lit-html decides which DOM elements to remove when rendering a list with fewer items than the previous render. The solution is to use the repeat directive. It takes as its second argument a function that helps lit-html identify which DOM elements correspond to which items in the array:
import { repeat } from 'lit-html/directives/repeat.js'
// ...
return html`
${repeat(this.list, item =>,
item => html`<textarea>${item.text}</textarea><button id="${}" #click="${this.delete}">X</button><br>`


text input (input type="text") value is not updating after changing property using an event with LitElement library

The source code:
import { LitElement, html, css } from '../vendor/lit-2.4.0/lit-all.min.js';
export class SearchInput extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
src: { type: String },
items: { type: Array }
static styles = css`
constructor() {
this.items = [
{ text: 'Hola' },
{ text: 'mundo!' }
this.selectedItem = null;
this.text = 'foo';
selectItem(item) {
this.selectedItem = item;
this.text = this.selectedItem.text;
render() {
return html`
<div class="control">
<input class="input" type="text" value="${this.text}">
<ul class="result-list">
${ => html`<li #click="${this.selectItem(item)}">${item.text}</li>`)}
customElements.define('search-input', SearchInput);
The text input (input type="text") value is not updating after changing property (this.text) using an event (this.selectItem) with LitElement library.
I tried it in browser but there is no error in browser console.
I expect that input value update after changing property with the event.
Thanks for the question! There are a few minor issues resulting in the value not updating.
One issue is that this.text is not a reactive property, so changing it isn't scheduling a re-render. Fix is to add text to the static properties.
The second issue is that your event listener click handler is the result of calling this.selectItems(item) and not a function, fixed with: #click=${() => this.selectItems(item)}.
Bonus: You may want to change the value attribute expression to a property expression using the live directive, .value="${live(this.text)}". I suggested this because the native input browser element always updates its contents if you update the value property, but only updates before a user has interacted with it when updating the value attribute. And the live directive is useful to tell Lit to dirty check the live DOM value in the input element.
Your code with the minor fixes:
or running in StackOverflow:
<script type="module">
import { LitElement, html, live } from '';
class SearchInput extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
src: { type: String },
items: { type: Array },
text: { type: String }, // <- Added this to make `this.text` a reactive property.
constructor() {
this.items = [
{ text: 'Hola' },
{ text: 'mundo!' },
{ text: 'click these' },
this.selectedItem = null;
this.text = 'foo';
selectItem(item) {
this.selectedItem = item;
this.text = this.selectedItem.text;
render() {
return html`
<div class="control">
<!-- live directive is needed because user can edit the value of the input.
This tells Lit to dirty check against the live DOM value. -->
<input class="input" type="text" .value="${live(this.text)}">
<ul class="result-list">
<!-- Click event is a function -->
${ =>
html`<li #click="${() => this.selectItem(item)}">${item.text}</li>`)}
customElements.define('search-input', SearchInput);

LitElement maintain internal state

I am trying to build a chart with LitElement. The chart takes a data property from the user, and displays this data (the chart plot). It also gets series names from the data, in order to display a legend with a checkbox for each series that can be used to show or hide the data for that series on the chart plot.
The below is a very minimal example where the chart plot is simply divs containing the data points (3, 5, 4, 7), and the legend is just checkboxes. The expected behaviour is that when a checkbox is selected/deselected, the corresponding data in the chart plot (data divs) is shown/hidden. For example, initially both checkboxes are selected by default, and the data for both series is correctly display. However, if I deselect the first checkbox, I expect the data for "series1" to be hidden, so only 5 and 7 are displayed.
It is this checkbox behaviour that I cannot get working. When I select or deselect a checkbox, I log this.series which seems to be correctly updated reflect which checkboxes are selected, however the chart plot (data divs) is not updated.
import { LitElement, css, html } from "lit-element";
import { render } from "lit-html";
class TestElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
data: { type: Array },
series: { type: Array },
constructor() {
super(); = [];
this.series = [];
checkboxChange(e) {
const inputs = Array.from(this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("input")).map(n => n.checked);
this.series =, i) => ({ ...s, checked: inputs[i] }));
console.log("this.series", this.series);
render() {
this.series = Object.keys([0]).map(key => ({ key, checked: true }));
const data = => => (s.checked ? html`<div>${d[s.key]}</div>` : "")));
const series =
s => html`<input type="checkbox" ?checked=${s.checked} #change=${this.checkboxChange} />`
return html`${data}${series}`;
customElements.define("test-element", TestElement);
{ series1: "3", series2: "5" },
{ series1: "4", series2: "7" },
Try the following:
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
class TestElement extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
data: { attribute: false, accessors: false },
series: { attribute: false, accessors: false },
checked: { attribute: false, accessors: false },
constructor() {
super(); = [];
this.series = new Map();
this.checked = new Map();
get data() {
return this.__data || [];
set data(v) {
const oldValue = this.__data;
this.__data = Array.isArray(v) ? v : [];
this.series = new Map();
for (const row of {
for (const [series, value] of Object.entries(row)) {
this.series.set(series, [...this.series.get(series) || [], value])
for (const series of this.series.keys()) {
this.checked.set(series, this.checked.get(series) ?? true);
this.requestUpdate('data', oldValue);
this.requestUpdate('series', null);
this.requestUpdate('checked', null);
checkboxChange(e) {
this.requestUpdate('checked', null);
render() {
return [
[...this.series.entries()].map(([series, values]) => => html`
<div ?hidden="${!this.checked.get(series)}">${value}</div>
[...this.checked.entries()].map(([series, checked]) => html`
<input type="checkbox" ?checked=${checked} data-series="${series}" #change=${this.checkboxChange} />
customElements.define("test-element", TestElement);
Live Example:
This solution presents a few improvements:
cache the series and checked state when data updates, instead of on each render
use hidden attr to hide unchecked series
use data-attributes to pass serializable data on collection items to event listeners.
use attribute: false instead of type: Array (assuming you don't need to deserialize data from attributes.

How to build React checkbox tree

I'm trying to work with a checkbox tree component like this:, except I'm storing the items that I have selected in Redux. Moreover, the only items that I'm actually storing are the leaf nodes in the tree. So for example, I'd have the full options data which would be used to render the tree:
const fam = {
cuz2: {
name: 'cuz2',
children: {
cuzKid2: {
name: 'cuzKid2',
children: {
grandpa: {
name: 'grandpa',
children: {
dad: {
name: 'dad',
children: {
me: {
name: 'me',
children: {}
sis: {
name: 'sis',
children: {}
aunt: {
name: 'aunt',
children: {
cuz: {
name: 'cuz',
children: {
name: 'cuzkid',
children: {}
and a separate object that stores the items selected. The following would be the only items that would appear if every checkbox was checked:
const selected = {
cuz2: true,
me: true,
sis: true,
cuz: true
I seem to be struggling with this method for having the UI determine which boxes to have fully, partially, or un-checked based on the selected object. I was wondering if anyone can recommend another strategy of accomplishing this.
So I have used react-checkbox-tree but I have customised a bit the icons in order to use another icons library.
Check my example on sandbox:
The library provides a basic example of how to render a tree with selected and/or expanded nodes.
All you need to do is:
set up the nodes with a unique 'value'
Choose which items should be selected (it may comes from Redux)
pass nodes & checked list to the CheckBox constructor
also be sure that when user select/unselect, you update the UI properly using the state
Your code should look similar to this:
import React from 'react';
import CheckboxTree from 'react-checkbox-tree';
const nodes = [{
value: '/cuz2',
label: 'cuz2',
children: [],
// other nodes
class BasicExample extends React.Component {
state = {
checked: [
expanded: [
constructor(props) {
this.onCheck = this.onCheck.bind(this);
this.onExpand = this.onExpand.bind(this);
onCheck(checked) {
onExpand(expanded) {
render() {
const {
} = this.state;
return (<
CheckboxTree checked={
export default BasicExample;

How to notify array mutation to parent component in polymer 3

I have 2 components using same array binding for example:
title: "food",
data : ["data1", "data2", "data3"]
title is on parent component and data is binded from parent to child component to child works with the array.
how can i do to when i remove a array data element notify to parent component?
Here the example.
In the example i have a children with binded array and one method to remove array elements and notify. And parent compontent has a observer named arrayChanges.
if code works parent component has to know about child array length, but it doesnt works.
<script type='module'>
import {PolymerElement, html} from '';
import {} from '';
class ParentComp extends PolymerElement {
static get properties() {
return {
myArr: {
type: Array,
observer: "arrayChanges"
changes: {
type: String
static get template() {
return html`
<children-comp data='[[]]'></children-comp>
this.myArr = {
title : "My component",
data : [
{titulo: "titulo1", comment : "im comment number 1"},
{titulo: "titulo2", comment : "im comment number 2"}
this.changes = "Array length : ";
console.log("the Array has been changed");
class ChildrenComp extends PolymerElement {
static get properties() {
return {
data: {
type: Array,
notify: true
static get template() {
return html`
<dom-repeat items='[[data]]' >
[[index]] )
<button data-index$='[[index]]' on-click='handle_button'>Borrar</button>
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
this.splice("data", index, 1);
customElements.define('children-comp', ChildrenComp);
customElements.define('parent-comp', ParentComp);
The parent component would only handle change-notifications in two-way bindings (using curly brackets). Your data binding incorrectly uses one-way binding (square brackets).
<children-comp data='[[]]'></children-comp>
^^ ^^ square brackets: one-way binding
<children-comp data='{{}}'></children-comp>
^^ ^^ curly brackets: two-way binding
Also note the simple observer (specified in myArr-property declaration) does not detect array mutations. You should use a complex observer instead. You could observe data/length changes and/or array mutations:
static get properties() {
return {
myArr: {
// type: Array, // DON'T DO THIS (myArr is actually an object)
type: Object,
// observer: 'arrayChanges' // DON'T DO THIS (doesn't detect array splices)
static get observers() {
return [
'arrayChanges(,', // observe data/length changes
'arraySplices(', // observe array mutations
arrayChanges(myArrData, myArrDataLength) {
arraySplices(change) {
if (change) {
for (const s of change.indexSplices) {
sliceIndex: s.index,
removedItems: s.removed,
addedItems: s.addedCount && s.object.slice(s.index, s.index + s.addedCount)
<script src=""></script>
<script type='module'>
import {PolymerElement, html} from '';
import {} from '';
class ParentComp extends PolymerElement {
static get properties() {
return {
myArr: {
type: Array,
changes: {
type: String
static get observers() {
return [
static get template() {
return html`
<children-comp data='{{}}'></children-comp>
this.myArr = {
title : "My component",
data : [
{titulo: "titulo1", comment : "im comment number 1"},
{titulo: "titulo2", comment : "im comment number 2"}
arrayChanges(myArr, myArrLength){
this.changes = "Array length : " + myArrLength;
console.log("the Array has been changed", myArr);
arraySplices(change) {
if (change) {
for (const s of change.indexSplices) {
sliceIndex: s.index,
removedItems: s.removed,
addedItems: s.addedCount && s.object.slice(s.index, s.index + s.addedCount)
class ChildrenComp extends PolymerElement {
static get properties() {
return {
data: {
type: Array,
notify: true
static get template() {
return html`
<dom-repeat items='[[data]]' >
[[index]] )
<button data-index$='[[index]]' on-click='handle_button'>Borrar</button>
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
this.splice("data", index, 1);
customElements.define('children-comp', ChildrenComp);
customElements.define('parent-comp', ParentComp);

How would I change the background color of a list item upon click? (ES6 & Polymer)

I've cloned a repository which focuses on creating a To-Do application using ES6 and Polymer 3. I'm trying to implement a button which turns the background color containing a string green upon click. I've tried doing this, but I keep failing to get the desired result.
Example code:
static get properties() {
return {
list: {type: Array},
todo: {type: String},
constructor() {
this.list = [
this.todoItem('buy cereal'),
this.todoItem('buy milk')
this.todo = '';
this.createNewToDoItem = this.createNewToDoItem.bind(this);
this.handleKeyPress = this.handleKeyPress.bind(this);
this.handleInput = this.handleInput.bind(this);
todoItem(todo) {
return {todo}
createNewToDoItem() {
this.list = [
this.todo = '';
//Right here is where I tried to implement the background color change.
checkItem() {
checkItem = document.getElementById('checkItem'),
checkItem.addEventListener('click', () => {
this.list = this.list.filter(this.todo) = 'green';
deleteItem(indexToDelete) {
this.list = this.list.filter((toDo, index) => index !== indexToDelete);
render() {
return html`
<div class="ToDo">
<h1>Grocery List</h1>
<h1 class="ToDo-Header">What do I need to buy today?</h1>
<div class="ToDo-Container">
<div class="ToDo-Content">
(item, key) => {
return html`
.deleteItem=${this.deleteItem.bind(this, key)}
I'd be eternally thankful if someone helped me out. I've created two JSFiddle links which show the code I've worked on thus far:
Link 1: (Check line 42-49)
Link 2: (Check line 13 & 22-24)
I'm not sure about the approach. But this link might help you
from this guy:
You should try to make the reactive templating work for you by defining presentation details in terms of your element's properties.
For example, this is a stripped-down approach to the same problem:
class TestElement extends LitElement{
static get properties() {
return {
'items': { 'type': Array }
constructor() {
// set up a data structure I can use to selectively color items
this.items = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ].map((name) =>
({ name, 'highlight': false }));
render() {
return html`<ol>${, idx) =>
#click="${ () => this.toggle(idx) }"
style="background: ${ item.highlight ? '#0f0' : '#fff' }">
${ }
toggle(idx) {
// rendering won't trigger unless you replace the whole array or object
// when using properties of those types. alternatively, mutate with the
// usual .push(), .splice(), etc methods and then call `this.requestUpdate()`
this.items =, jdx) =>
jdx === idx ? { ...item, 'highlight': !item.highlight } : item
I define the template such that the elements are colored the way I want depending on an aspect of their state (the "highlight" attribute of each entry in the list), and then I focus the interaction on updating the state to reflect what the user is doing.

