Product upload with Dropzone and Laravel - javascript

I want to upload a product with multiple images using Dropzone, I have a form which has other fields like price, name etc. I have seen other tutorials but they only upload images not images with other fields(price, name) at once. I have set the Dropzone which shows the preview but if I submit the button I get a validation Please enter product image. How can I pass images to the controller using Dropzone?
public function store(Request $request)
$product = product::create(array_merge($formInput, [
'user_id' => Auth::user()->id
foreach ($request->file as $photo) {
$filename = $photo->store('public/photos');
'product_id' => $product->id,
'filename' => $filename
//The form
<div class="panel-body">
<input type="hidden" value="{{csrf_token()}}" id="token"/>
<label for="pro_name">Name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="pro_name" id="pro_name" placeholder="Enter product name">
<label for="pro_price">Price</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="pro_price" id="pro_price" placeholder="Enter price">
<label for="photos">Choose 5 Images</label>
<div class="needsclick dropzone" id="document-dropzone"> // Display images preview
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Submit" id="btn"/>
//This is how I submit the form
var token = $("#token").val();
$("#btn").click(function (e) {
var url = '{{ route('') }}';
var form = $('form')[0]; // You need to use standard javascript object here
var formData = new FormData(form);
formData.append('_token', token); // adding token
url: url,
data: formData, //just that without variables
type: 'POST',
cache: false,
contentType: false, // NEEDED, DON'T OMIT THIS (requires jQuery 1.6+)
processData: false, // NEEDED, DON'T OMIT THIS
$("#msg").html("Product has been added successfull");
window.location.href = "<?php echo url('seller/product') ?>";
function printErrorMsg (msg) {
$.each( msg, function( key, value ) {
var uploadedDocumentMap = {}
Dropzone.options.documentDropzone = {
url: '{{ route('') }}',
maxFilesize: 10, // MB
addRemoveLinks: true,
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': "{{ csrf_token() }}"
success: function (file, response) {
$('form').append('<input type="hidden" name="document[]" value="' + + '">')
uploadedDocumentMap[] =
removedfile: function (file) {
var name = ''
if (typeof file.file_name !== 'undefined') {
name = file.file_name
} else {
name = uploadedDocumentMap[]
$('form').find('input[name="document[]"][value="' + name + '"]').remove()
init: function () {
#if(isset($project) && $project->document)
var files =
{!! json_encode($project->document) !!}
for (var i in files) {
var file = files[i], file)
$('form').append('<input type="hidden" name="document[]" value="' + file.file_name + '">')

Some things are not right in your code AND your concept (at least in my opinion):
You need to prevent the default behavior of the #btn because you need to intercept the form submission. Otherwise, the form will just get submitted as a GET request (what is the default behavior).
$("#btn").click(function (e) {
// ...
The <form> element is not closed. Furthermore, don't override the _ token in your JavaScript but just add #csrf to the form. Larvel and jQuery will handle everything for you.
I think I understood what you were trying to achieve now. Dropzone is uploading (= POST request) the files directly, so you need a separate route (or another code branch) to handle the file upload. Then, you can get the filename of the previously uploaded file and attach it as a hidden input field like so:
success: function (file, response) {
$('form').append('<input type="hidden" name="document[]" value="' + + '">')
What you will receive in your controller's method is the pro_name, pro_price and an array document containing the names of the uploaded files. Following your logic, the file must be already existing in the storage because it was uploaded by the Dropzone action. You could then save the filename to the database or whatever and use it as a reference for accessing the file later.
Anyway, I would not recommend to use the client-provided filename for storage because it may not be unique. Laravel offers a lot of helpful tools for this scenario:


How to work with filepond plugin, ajax and php, file name not detected on the server

I am trying to upload file to an xammp server. I'm unable to access the file it uploaded. I doubt on this link server: 'http://localhost/', because when I change it to the name of PHP file that process data on the server side it works.
But also I added another field called username on the form, look below on the code, and I want to combine them on single submit event with Ajax, but I have no idea for this combination.
//initialize file pond with jquery plugin
allowMultiple: false,
server: 'http://localhost/'
$("form").on('submit', function(e) {
url: 'send.php',
type: 'POST',
data: new FormData(this),
dataType: 'JSON',
contentType: false,
cache: false,
processData: false,
}).done(function(data) {
if (data.success == false) {
if (data.errors.username) {
$('#username').append('<span class="text-danger">' + data.errors.username + '</span>');
if (data.errors.file) {
$('#file').append('<span class="text-danger">' + data.errors.file + '</span>');
//my form field between form tag
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="username" id="username">
<input type="file" name="file" id="file">
//php code validate file and name
$errors = [];
if(empty($_FILES['username'])) {
$errors['username'] = 'Enter your name!';
//other validation goes here...
if(empty($_FILES['file']['name'])) {
$errors['file'] = 'upload file!';
//other validation goes here...
echo json_encode($errors);
I notice that the name attribute in the input type file is not available/removed by the plugin and the input ID is also overwritten every time i load the page,
//example the input look like where the id="filepond--browser-men6qus3m" change every time i load new file
<input class="filepond--browser" type="file" id="filepond--browser-men6qus3m" aria-controls="filepond--assistant-men6qus3m" aria-labelledby="filepond--drop-label-men6qus3m" accept="image/png">
Thus why i get undefine typoerror and the file not attached
You are going to send a FormData with Ajax request. The problem you've mentioned here is that you want to include the file which is attached using FilePond library. Here is my solution to append FilePond files to a FormData:
$(document).ready(function () {
pond = FilePond.create(
document.querySelector('#file'), {
allowMultiple: true,
instantUpload: false,
allowProcess: false
$("#upload_form").submit(function (e) {
var fd = new FormData(this);
// append files array into the form data
pondFiles = pond.getFiles();
for (var i = 0; i < pondFiles.length; i++) {
fd.append('file[]', pondFiles[i].file);
url: 'fileupload2.php',
type: 'POST',
data: fd,
dataType: 'JSON',
contentType: false,
cache: false,
processData: false,
success: function (data) {
// todo the logic
// remove the files from filepond, etc
error: function (data) {
// todo the logic
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<form id="upload_form" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="username" id="username">
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" class="filepond">
<input type="submit" value="Upload"/>
And on your PHP side, you need can get the files like this:
$errors = [];
if (empty($_POST["username"])) {
$errors['username'] = 'Enter your name!';
// check if file is set and uploaded.
if (!isset($_FILES['file']) || $_FILES['file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
$errors['file'] = 'upload file!';
} else {
$filesNum = count($_FILES['file']['name']);
// Looping all files
for ($i = 0; $i < $filesNum; $i++) {
// same the file
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$i], $_FILES['file']['name'][$i]);
// Other validation goes here...
// Return the proper response to the client
// I'll leave this to you
And note that:
I've disabled instantUpload and allowProcess on FilePond to prevent auto uploading and processing.
Your PHP side needs more validation and also it should return proper response to the Ajax.

POST Form Submission in JQuery/AJAX and PHP

I'm a bit new to working with form submissions in JQuery/AJAX and PHP, so I've been trying to follow some tutorials online and have run into a few issues.
I am trying to build a form that handles submissions through PHP. Here's what I have for my index.html file.
<h1>Food Preference</h1>
<p>Please let us know what types of foods you would like to see on the menu.</p>
<form id="food-form">
<label for="appetizer">Appetizer</label>
<input type="text" id="appetizer" required>
<label for="entree">Entree</label>
<input name="entree" type="entree" id="entree" required>
<label for="dessert">Dessert</label>
<textarea name="dessert" id="dessert" required></textarea>
<button id="submit_button" type="submit">Send</button>
<p id="form_content">
And here is my index.js file
url: "handler.php",
data: "appetizer=" + $("#appetizer").val() +
"&entree=" + $("#entree").val() +
"&dessert=" + $("#dessert").val(),
type: "POST",
success: function(data) {
error: function() {}
And here is handler.php
class runForm {
public function handle_food_form($request) {
if(opinion($_POST["appetizer"], $_POST["entree"], $_POST["dessert"])) {
print "<p class='success'>Thank you for your opinion.</p>";
return array('post_id' => $new_post_id );
It doesn't seem like my submission saves anywhere, or if it does, I'm not sure how to find it. Can anyone give any pointers for anything I might be doing wrong?
I am wondering if this line in handler.php is correct, since I haven't really defined "opinion".
if(opinion($_POST["appetizer"], $_POST["entree"], $_POST["dessert"]))
You have many issues in this code snippet, and you should first check the errors that PHP shows to you and try to resolve them first.
The PHP file (handler.php)
opinion() function is not defined.
runForm() is not a function , it's a name of a class, if you want to call handle_food_form() function, then you can make it a static function and call it like this runForm::handle_food_form();
The final version of your PHP file should be something like this
class RunForm {
public static function opinion($appetizer, $entree, $dessert)
// do your logic here and return true or false
return true;
public static function handle_food_form() {
if (!isset($_POST["appetizer"])) $_POST["appetizer"] = null;
if (!isset($_POST["appeentreetizer"])) $_POST["entree"] = null;
if (!isset($_POST["dessert"])) $_POST["dessert"] = null;
if(SELF::opinion($_POST["appetizer"], $_POST["entree"], $_POST["dessert"])) {
$htmlMsg = "<p class='success'>Thank you for your opinion.</p>";
$con is a MySQLI object
$con->query("insert into table ........");
$new_post_id = $con->insert_id;
return array('post_id' => $new_post_id, 'htmlMsg' => $htmlMsg );
} else {
return array('post_id' => null , 'htmlMsg' => "");
echo RunForm::handle_food_form()['htmlMsg'];
The client side
You should use encodeURIComponent() to encode the paramters of the URL to prevent something like this dessert=cheesecake&pancake from corrupting the URL, or pass an object of the parameters as the data to ajax function and jquery will do the encoding for you internally
url: "handler.php",
data: {
appetizer: $("#appetizer").val(),
entree: $("#entree").val(),
dessert: $("#dessert").val()
type: "POST",
success: function(data) {
error: function() {}
Separate the variables with commas.
In jQuery.ajax, do as like:
url: "handler.php",
data: "appetizer=" + $("#appetizer").val(),
"entree=" + $("#entree").val(),
"dessert=" + $("#dessert").val(),
type: "POST",
success: function(data) {
error: function() {}

Multiple file upload using ajax in wordpress

I am trying to upload multiple images from one input field and want to send form-data with images and action via ajax. Below I am sharing my code
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var ajax_url = 'admin-ajax.php';
// When the Upload button is clicked...
jQuery(document).on('click', '#upload_multiImages', function(e){
var fd = new FormData();
var files_data = jQuery('.files-data'); // The <input type="file" /> field
// Loop through each data and create an array file[] containing our files data.
jQuery.each($(files_data), function(i, obj) {
fd.append('files[' + j + ']', file);
// our AJAX identifier
fd.append('action', 'cvf_upload_files');
type: 'POST',
url: ajax_url,
data: fd,
contentType: false,
processData: false,
success: function(response){
jQuery('.upload-response').html(response); // Append Server Response
<input name="my_file_upload[]" id="my_file_upload" type="file" multiple="multiple" accept = "image/*" class="files-data form-control multi with-preview" value="Drag and Drop" />
<input name="all_vendor_file" type="hidden" value="<?php //echo implode(',', $vendor_images);?>">
<button type="submit" name="upload" id="upload_multiImages">Upload</button>
<script src=""></script>
But in response I am only getting action files are not appending, due to which I am not able to get files data over ajax function.

Upload/resize image via Ajax on button click, not submit

I have this HTML form that works currently. It lets you choose an image and it uploads to my server (changing it to have a max height or width of 200) and then displays the image back on the form to show the user...
<div id="preview"><img id="image" src="no-image.jpg" /></div>
<form id="form" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input id="uploadImage" type="file" accept="image/*" name="image" />
<input id="button" type="submit" value="Upload">
<div id="err"></div>
Here is the Jquery...
$(document).ready(function (e) {
$("#form").on('submit',(function(e) {
url: "upload-image-ajax.php",
type: "POST",
data: new FormData(this),
contentType: false,
cache: false,
beforeSend : function()
success: function(data) {
if(data=='invalid file') {
// invalid file format.
$("#err").html("Invalid File !").fadeIn();
} else {
// view uploaded file.
$("#image").attr('src', data);
/* $("#preview").html(data).fadeIn();*/
error: function(e)
And here is the PHP the Jquery calls...
$poolid=strtolower($_SESSION['poolid']); //lowercase it first so we get exact matches
$valid_extensions = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'); // valid extensions
$path = 'uploads/'; // upload directory
$img = $_FILES['image']['name'];
$tmp = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
// get uploaded file's extension
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($img, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
//checking if image exists
if(file_exists("uploads/".$poolid.".png")) {
// check's valid format
if(in_array($ext, $valid_extensions)) {
//re-size the image and make it a PNG before sending to server
$final_image = $poolid. ".png";
$path = $path.strtolower($final_image);
$size = getimagesize($tmp);
$ratio = $size[0]/$size[1]; // width/height
if( $ratio > 1) {
$width = 200;
$height = 200/$ratio;
else {
$width = 200*$ratio;
$height = 200;
$src = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($tmp));
$dst = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);
imagepng($dst, $path); // adjust format as needed
echo $path ."?".rand(1,32000);
} else {
echo 'invalid file';
Again this all works fine when this form is by itself on a page. However, I now want this Image Upload area to be part of a much larger form. I tried adding the exact HTML inside another larger form and as you might have guessed, when I click "upload" to upload the image, it tries to submit the larger form.
I would like it to simply upload/resize the image without submitting the larger form, display the image back to the user and let them continue filling out other form inputs.
I tried removing the form elements (so there was no more nesting of form tags), so the HTML was reduced to this (notice I changed the input type of "submit" to now be "button")...
<div id="preview"><img id="image" src="no-image.jpg" /></div>
<input id="uploadImage" type="file" accept="image/*" name="image" />
<input id="button" type="submit" value="Upload">
<div id="err"></div>
Then in the Jquery, I removed the .on submit stuff and replaced it with .click, since I just want this image stuff to happen on click, not on any type of submit.
$(document).ready(function () {
var imageData = new FormData();
imageData.append('image', $('#uploadImage')[0].files[0]);
//Make ajax call here:
url: 'upload-image-ajax.php',
type: 'POST',
processData: false, // important
contentType: false, // important
dataType : 'json',
data: imageData,
beforeSend : function() {
success: function(result) {
if(result=='invalid file') {
// invalid file format.
$("#err").html("Invalid File !").fadeIn();
} else {
// view uploaded file.
$("#image").attr('src', result);
/* $("#preview").html(data).fadeIn();*/
error: function(result) {
Again, I am reading about the data and dataType settings at, but I cannot grasp it for the life of me (no experience with JSON probably isn't helping me).
Can someone please speak towards the var imageData and .append part of my new Jquery, as I assume that must be where things are going off the rails. As is often the case, this seems like it should be super easy to accomplish since I have it working fine on its own, but it's driving me insane.

Image upload via ajax POST without using HTML form

I am trying to send some data via POST method to a PHP file without using form in HTML. This is the code I have. Why doesn't it do anything?
<input type="file" name="fileToUpload" id="fileToUpload">
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $row['Gallery_Id']; ?>" name="gid" id="gid">
<input type="hidden" value="User" name="user" id="user">
<button onclick="myFormData()">Upload Image</button>
$('#fileToUpload').on('change', function() {
var myFormData = new FormData();
var file = document.getElementById('fileToUpload').value;
var gid = document.getElementById('gid').value;
var user = document.getElementById('user').value;
myFormData.append('file', file);
myFormData.append('gid', gid);
myFormData.append('user', user);
url: 'imgupload.php',
type: 'POST',
processData: false, // important
contentType: false, // important
dataType : 'json',
data: myFormData
On imgupload.php I get the POST data like this
$gid = $_POST['gid'];
$user = $_POST['user'];
It worked when I used the HTML form method. What's wrong here?
FormData.append() takes key-value pairs, so this is wrong:
You need something like:
myFormData.append('file', file);
myFormData.append('gid', gid);
myFormData.append('user', user);
Appart from that you need to put this code inside an event handler so that it triggers when you need it to.
For example:
$('#fileToUpload').on('change', function() {
// your javascript code
And you should probably also put it inside a document.ready block.

