Decoding payload from Byte 6 onwards - javascript

I am sending text data from a device. This text is contained in the array from Byte 6. Could anyone help me work out how to decode the array from byte 6 please?
the Base64 is:
The code i use at the moment is:
function Decode(fport, bytes) {
// Decode plain text; for testing only
return {
receivedString: String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes)
This obviously returns the full byte string in text form as below:
Picture of full byte string as text
I am not interested in returning the data from the first 5 bytes as these are stop characters etc. I am only interested in extracting the '1234Kg'
Any ideas welcome!


How can I convert from a Javascript Buffer to a String only containing 0 and 1

So I currently am trying to implement the huffman alg and it works fine for decoding and encoding. However, I store the encoded data as follows.
The result of the encoding function is a list containing many strings made up of 0 and 1 and all are varying length.
If i'd safe them in a normal txt file it would take up more space, if Id store them how they are in a binary file it could be that for example an 'e' which would have the code 101 would be stored in a full 8 bits looking like '00000101' which is wasteful and wont take up less storage then the original txt file. I took all the strings in the list and put them into one string and split it into equal parts of length 8 to store them more effectively.
However if I wanna read the data now, instead of 0 and 1 I get utf-8 chars, even some escape characters.
I'm reading the file with fs.readFileSync("./encoded.bin", "binary"); but javascript then thinks it's a buffer already and converts it to a string and it gets all weird... Any solutions or ideas to convert it back to 0 and 1?
I also tried to switch the "binary" in fs.readFileSync("./encoded.bin", "binary"); to a "utf-8" which helped with not crashing my terminal but still is "#��C��Ʃ��Ԧ�y�Kf�g��<�e�t"
To clarify, my goal in the end is to read out the massive string of binary data which would look like this "00011001000101001010" and actually get this into a string...
You can convert a String of 1s and 0s to the numerical representation of a byte using Number.parseInt(str, 2) and to convert it back, you can use nr.toString(2).
The entire process will look something like this:
const original = '0000010100000111';
// Split the string in 8 char long substrings
const stringBytes = original.match(/.{8}/g);
// Convert the 8 char long strings to numerical byte representations
const numBytes = => Number.parseInt(s, 2));
// Convert the numbers to an ArrayBuffer
const buffer = Uint8Array.from(numBytes);
// Write to file
// Read from file and reverse the process
const decoded = [...buffer].map((b) => b.toString(2).padStart(8, '0')).join('');
console.log('original', original, 'decoded', decoded, 'same', original === decoded);
var binary = fs.readFileSync("./binary.bin");
binary = [...binary].map((b) => b.toString(2).padStart(8, "0")).join("");
//Output will be like 010000111011010

JS base n string to base64

I have a string (with numbers under 128) separated by a comma:
Because there are 10 digits and one comma, that makes 11 total characters. How can I convert this string from "base 11" to "base 64"? I would like to compress this string into base64. I tried window.btoa, but it produces a larger output because the browser doesn't know that the string only has 11 characters.
Thanks in advance.
Base64 encoding never produces shorter strings. It is not intended as a compression tool, but as a means to reduce the used character set to 64 readable characters, taking into account that the input may use a larger characterset (even if not all those characters are used).
Given the format of your string, why not take those numbers and use them as ASCII, and then apply Base64 encoding on that?
let s = "127,25,34,52,46,2,34,4,6,1";
let encoded = btoa(String.fromCharCode(...s.match(/\d+/g)));
let decoded = Array.from(atob(encoded), c => c.charCodeAt()).join();

JavaScript. WebSocket server. Error during WebSocket handshake: Incorrect 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' header value [duplicate]

I'm following rfc6455:
Concretely, if as in the example above, the |Sec-WebSocket-Key|
header field had the value "dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==", the server
would concatenate the string "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
to form the string "dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-
C5AB0DC85B11". The server would then take the SHA-1 hash of this,
giving the value 0xb3 0x7a 0x4f 0x2c 0xc0 0x62 0x4f 0x16 0x90 0xf6
0x46 0x06 0xcf 0x38 0x59 0x45 0xb2 0xbe 0xc4 0xea. This value is
then base64-encoded (see Section 4 of [RFC4648]), to give the value
"s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=". This value would then be echoed in
the |Sec-WebSocket-Accept| header field.
and fail to generate the correct "Sec-WebSocket-Accept".
In order to understand the process I'm using online SHA1 hash and Base64 Encode.
The online SHA1 hash for "dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11" give the correct result: "b37a4f2cc0624f1690f64606cf385945b2bec4ea" as described in rfc6455.
But The online Base64 Encode give me the wrong results "YjM3YTRmMmNjMDYyNGYxNjkwZjY0NjA2Y2YzODU5NDViMmJlYzRlYQ==" for input "b37a4f2cc0624f1690f64606cf385945b2bec4ea".
The result should be "s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo="
What am I doing wrong?
You need to base64-encode the raw sha1 digest.
You are encoding the hexadecimal string representation of the digest which is double the length.
Online tools work with text and don't work with raw binary data, that's why you are getting wrong results.
Python 2 example:
import hashlib, base64
h = hashlib.sha1("dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11")
print "hexdigest:", h.hexdigest() # hexadecimal string representation of the digest
print "digest:", h.digest() # raw binary digest
print "wrong result:", base64.b64encode(h.hexdigest())
print "right result:", base64.b64encode(h.digest())
This prints:
hexdigest: b37a4f2cc0624f1690f64606cf385945b2bec4ea
digest: ᄈzO,ÀbOミöFÏ8YEᄇᄒÄê
wrong result: YjM3YTRmMmNjMDYyNGYxNjkwZjY0NjA2Y2YzODU5NDViMmJlYzRlYQ==
right result: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=
Python 3 example:
import hashlib, base64
h = hashlib.sha1(b"dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11")
print("hexdigest:", h.hexdigest()) # hexadecimal string representation of the digest
print("digest:", h.digest()) # raw binary digest
print("wrong result:", base64.b64encode(h.hexdigest().encode()).decode())
print("right result:", base64.b64encode(h.digest()).decode())
This prints:
hexdigest: b37a4f2cc0624f1690f64606cf385945b2bec4ea
digest: b'\xb3zO,\xc0bO\x16\x90\xf6F\x06\xcf8YE\xb2\xbe\xc4\xea'
wrong result: YjM3YTRmMmNjMDYyNGYxNjkwZjY0NjA2Y2YzODU5NDViMmJlYzRlYQ==
right result: s3pPLMBiTxaQ9kYGzzhZRbK+xOo=

JavaScript: Remove bytes from image (base64 String)

I am working with Northwind service in SAP Web IDE. Images in this service is stored in base64 String format:FRwvAAIAAAAN.....
I found out that I can't use these images in my app directly, using given base64 String value, because Northwind DB is old and made in MS Access and there are 78 redundant bytes which represent OLE header. So I would like to remove these 78 bytes from base64 String.
Can you please help me, using JavaScript language (I am new in this language). I hope for you experts. Here is what I have done:
I created function:
photo : function (value) {
var str = "";
for (var p in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
str += value[p];
With this function I am taking base64 Sting as import parameter. I converted that import parameter from object to string.
So what should I do next? Create Array or something else? How can I remove 78 BYTES from String?
In base64 each character contains six bits of information, so four characters contains 24 bits of information, which is three bytes.
You are in luck. As 78 happens to be evenly divisble by three, the first 78 bytes corresponds exactly to the first 104 characters (78 bytes = 624 bits = 104 characters).
So, to remove the first 78 bytes of a base64 string, you remove the first 104 characters:
s = s.substr(104);
(If you hadn't been so lucky, you would have had to decode the entire string into bytes, remove the first 78 bytes, the encode the bytes into a string again.)

javascript atob("CDA=") doesn't provide the expected behaviour (at least on Chrome 32)

I'm trying to convert the base64 encoded string "CDA=" into a binary buffer, using JavaScript. I have tried calling the function atob, but the result is always an empty array.
I have tried atob with character strings, that I encoded with btoa, and atob provides the expected result. So it seems that it doesn't always fail, but probably only when the base64 string represent a binary data. From the internet, I see that binary data also should be managed... Does anyone have an explanation to this behaviour ?
atob() returns a string not an array.
Your Base64 string is 0x8 0x30 which is interpreted as <backspace><zero> when you look at it and see:
> window.atob("CDA=")
However both bytes are present:
> window.atob("CDA=").charCodeAt(0)
> window.atob("CDA=").charCodeAt(1)
If you want an array, see Creating a Blob from a base64 string in JavaScript.

