ajax datatable, cannot retrieve data - javascript

I Edited my code, but the problem now is i can't retrieve my data but there is no error in my code, Also i have records in my database. I can't figure it out why my data is not dislaying.
//Controller - where i getting my data in database.
public ActionResult GetEmployeeFlexiSched()
string query = "exec spdGetEmployeeFlexiSched";
string strReturn = GlobalFunction.DataTableToJSON(GlobalFunction.TableFromMSSQL(conn, query));
return Json(new { success = true, data = strReturn }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
$(document).ready(function () {
var dataTable = $('#OedTB').DataTable({
"language": {
emptyTable: "No Transaction"
ajax: {
url: '#Url.Action("GetEmployeeFlexiSched", "FlexiSchedule")',
dataType: "json",
retrieve: "true",
processing: "true",
serverSide: "true",
type: "POST",
dataSrc: "",
order: [],
columnDefs: [
orderable: false,
columns: [
{data: "TranNo"},
{data: "FullName"},
data: "TranNo",
render: function (data, type, row, meta) {
return '<button type="button" class="btn btm-sm btn-outline-danger viewdetails" id="' + data + '"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i></button>';


API in javascript is returning data, but is not being saved into an array

I am trying to fetch data from an API of WordPress. Here is my code:
column.data().unique().sort().each(function (d,j) {
var practiceArea = d.practice_area;
var jsonPacticeArea = JSON.stringify(practiceArea);
if (jsonPacticeArea !== undefined) {
var res = $.map(jsonPacticeArea.split("|"), $.trim);
for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
var str = res[i];
str = str.replace(/"/gi, '').trim();
if (arrayPracticeArea.indexOf(str) === -1) {
the "column" is the variable that is getting data through an API, and as far as I do console.log(column. data().unique().sort()), that's returning complete data as you can see in the screenshot:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]
and I want to fetch data is marked in red rectangle and store those values in an array, but as soon as I try to add "each" function to fetch the data and store it in an array (in my case its arrayPracticeArea) its returning undefined values.
Can anyone please help me out? I am just not much experienced with Javascript API.
Here is my AJAX code:
var tableAttorney = $('#table_affliate_attorney').DataTable({
destroy: true,
searching: true,
bLengthChange: false,
scrollX: true,
scrollY: 440,
autoWidth: false,
"language": {
"emptyTable": "We are sorry but there are no Affiliate Attorneys within a 150 mile radius of your requested search"
ajax: {
type: 'get',
url: "/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php",
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
data: {
'action': 'get_attorney_ajax',
'center_lat': center_lat,
'center_long': center_long,
'state': state,
'city': city,
'zip': zip
columns: [
{"data": "title"},
{"data": "city"},
{"data": "state"},
{"data": "zip"},
{"data": "distance"},
"data": "phone",
className: 'datatablePhone',
render: function (data) {
return '' + data + '';
"data": "email",
className: 'px190EM',
render: function (data) {
return '' + data + '';
className: 'js-practice-area',
"data": "practice_area"
"targets": -1,
"data": 'email',
render: function (data) {
return "<a class='contact-lawyer' href='#' data-toggle='modal' data-target='#exampleModal' data-whatever='#mdo' data-email='"+data+"'>Contact</a>";
columnDefs: [
{"width": "150px", "targets": [0]},
{"width": "130px", "targets": [5]}
So I am trying to fetch data from columns->data that has value practice_area.
Here is the fiddle link where I have hosted my whole JS code: https://jsfiddle.net/fareeboy/apor08jn/1/
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/4EOZS.png

how to convert /Date(-664768800000)/ to datetime in c#

I get item from database like this :
{8.12.1948 00:00:00}
and when i send it to datatable in view it seems like this:
how can i handle this ?
public ActionResult GetList()
context entity = new context();
var list = entity.People.Select(x =>
EmployeeID = x.EmployeeID,
BirthDate =x.BirthDate,
return Json(new { data = list }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
$(document).ready(function () {
"bDestroy": true,
"ajax": {
"url": '/Home/GetList',
"type": "GET",
"datatype": "json",
async: false,
cache: false,
"dataSrc": function (json) {
return json.data;
{ data: "EmployeeID"},
{ data: "BirthDate" },

Using JSON data to filll "columns" in datatable

I am getting JSON data via AJAX and my data are in a result object. The fields of which can be accessed as in success: function(result)
I would like to show name and count as two columns of my datatable.
My ajax request is written as
table = $('#_table').dataTable({
searching: false,
paging: true,
ajax: function (data, callback, settings) {
type: "post",
url: '/test/getvalues',
dataType: "json",
success: function (result) {
I am able to get data as "result" here
columns: []
what should I put in columns[] to show these fields?
columns: []
In your datatable configuration,add the following
data: [[result.map.count.name,result.map.count.count]], // make it as array of values
columns: [
"sClass": "center",
"name": "Name"
"sClass": "center",
"name": "Count"
Please check here for more details
I've found my answer.
I need to write a callback function that returns the data (array) which is found from my object.
table = $('#_table').dataTable({
searching: false,
paging: true,
ajax: function (data, callback, settings) {
type: "post",
url: '/test/getvalues',
dataType: "json",
success: function (result) {
var dataToUse = {};
dataToUse.data = result.map.count;
columns: [
"data": "name",
"data": "count"
Please try this.
table = $('#_table').dataTable({
searching: false,
paging: true,
ajax: function (data, callback, settings) {
type: "post",
url: '/test/getvalues',
dataType: "json",
success: function (result) {
// Columns
columns: [{
title: "Name",
name: "name",
}, {
title: "Count",
name: "count"

Is it possible to use Ajax success result to populate jQuery DataTable

I would like to declare my jQuery datatable without initially populating it and later when calling Ajax functions, I would like to take the results and use that as the data source for my data table, right now I am making multiple Ajax calls for the same purpose and I would like to eliminate this if possible.
type: "GET",
url: "/Receiving/GetUnorderedParts",
datatype: "html",
data: { "id": button.attr("data-ponumber") },
success: function(data) {
var orderButton = $(".js-Order");
tbl = $("#UnorderedDetail")
"destroy": true,
"searching": false,
"ordering": false,
"lengthChange": false,
"pagingType": "full_numbers",
"paging": true,
"lengthMenu": [10, 25, 50, 75, 100],
ajax: {
url: "/Receiving/GetUnorderedParts",
data: { "id": button.attr("data-ponumber") },
datasrc: ""
"columnDefs": [
targets: -1,
className: 'dt-body-center'
columns: [
data: "Description"
data: "VendorPartNumber"
data: "Quantity"
data: "CartID",
render: function(data) {
return "<button class='btn btn-danger js-delete' data-cart-id=" +
data +
] //EOColumns
}); //EODataTable
} //EOSuccess
}); //EOInnerAjax
You can call a function to build the data table on success something like:
type: "GET",
url: "/Receiving/GetUnorderedParts",
datatype: "html",
data: { "id": button.attr("data-ponumber") },
success: function(data) {
var orderButton = $(".js-Order");
and the function can take in the array of objects and create a data table:
function createTable(dataSet)
data: dataSet,
"aoColumns": [{
"sTitle": "Description",
"mData": "Description"
}, {
"sTitle": "VendorPartNumber",
"mData": "VendorPartNumber"
}, {
"sTitle": "Quantity",
"mData": "Quantity"
}, {
"sTitle": "CartID",
"mData": "CartID",
"mRender": function(data) {
return "<button class='btn btn-danger js-delete' data-cart- id=" + data + ">Delete</button>";
Check out a working example . It takes in an array of objects and create a datatable.

How to Update Datatable automatically after dialog box is closed in Javascript

Here I have two JS files in which one is main JS file for parent page which contains Datatable which gets populated through ajax call. And other one is specifically for update functionality in which function is defined to update required values into database. That update is done in dialog box. So after successful update sweet alert comes which shows product is successfully updated. So what I want is updated values should be immediately reflected in Datatable of Parent Page. Currently it is showing old value only untill I refresh my page manually. Below are both JS files. And I am new in Javascript and Jquery. So Please help
var oTable;
var url_data_source;
(function(window, undefined) {
window.lastQuery = null;
function initDataSource(after_id) {
url_data_source = '/event/productlocation/ajax?action=data_source';
oTable = $('#datatable').dataTable({
"sAjaxSource": url_data_source,
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"bFilter": false,
"bRetrieve": true,
"bScrollCollapse": true,
"iCookieDuration": 60*60*24,
"sCookiePrefix": "tkpd_datatable_",
"sPaginationType": "simple",
"scrollX": true,
"aaSorting": [ [0,'desc'] ],
"iDisplayLength": 20,
"aLengthMenu": [[20, 40, 60, 80, 100], [20, 40, 60, 80, 100]],
"oLanguage": {
"sInfoFiltered": "",
"sProcessing": " "
"aoColumns": [
{ "sName": "id", "mDataProp": "id"},
{ "sName": "location_id", "mDataProp": "location_id"},
{ "sName": "product_id", "mDataProp": "product_id"},
{ "sName": "status_str", "mDataProp": "status_str"},
{ "sName": "actions", "mDataProp": "actions"},
"initComplete": function(settings, json) {
$("#datatable_paginate").on("click", "#datatable_next", function(){
var after_id = ""
url_data_source = '/event/productlocation/ajax?action=data_source';
after_id_url = $("#after_id_url").val();
after_id = after_id_url.split("after_id=")
url_data_source += "&after_id="+after_id[1];
"fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback ) {
aoData.push( {"name": "email", "value": $('#search_email').val()} );
if (after_id != "") {
aoData.push( {"name": "after_id", "value": after_id} );
if ($('#search_id_product').val()) {
aoData.push( {"name": "product_id", "value": $('#search_id_product').val()} );
"dataType": 'json',
"type": "GET",
"url": url_data_source,
"data": aoData,
"success": function(result) {
var message_error = result.message_error
if (message_error) {
swal({ title: message_error, type: "error"});
} else if (result.status == "OK") {
result.data = formatingDatatable(result.data)
lastQuery = aoData;
} else {
swal({ title: "Tidak ada hasil", type: "info"});
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
swal({ title: manager.getAjaxError(XMLHttpRequest), type: "error"});
beforeSend: function() {
complete: function() {
function redraw() {
function formatingDatatable(events) {
var result = [];
var uri_next;
$.each(events.location_products, function(i, productlocation) {
id: productlocation.id,
location_id: productlocation.location_id,
product_id: productlocation.product_id,
status_str: productlocation.status_str,
actions:'<button class="btn btn-primary waves-effect waves-light m-b-5 btn-sm m-r-5 btn-sm detail-productlocation" data-target="#modal-event-productlocation-detail" data-toggle="modal" data-id="' + productlocation.id + '" product-id="' + productlocation.product_id + '" location-id="' + productlocation.location_id + '" status-str="' + productlocation.status_str + '"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-list"></i> Details</button>'
uri_next = events.page.uri_next
result.after_id_url = uri_next
return result
function initFilter() {
$("#filter-form").submit(function() {
url_data_source = '/event/productlocation/ajax?action=data_source';
if(oTable == null){
} else {
return false;
$('#datatable_paginate').on('click', '#datatable_next', function() {
$('#datatable').on('click', '.detail-productlocation', function() {
$(this).removeAttr("data-target", "#modal-event-productlocation-detail");
$(this).removeAttr("data-toggle", "modal");
//var id = $(this).attr("data-id");
var dt = {
"id": $(this).attr("data-id"),
"product_id": $(this).attr("product-id"),
"location_id": $(this).attr("location-id"),
"status": $(this).attr("status-str"),
"url": '/event/productlocation/ajax?action=show_dialog_details',
"type": 'GET',
"data": dt,
success: function (result) {
$(this).attr("data-target", "#modal-event-productlocation-detail");
$(this).attr("data-toggle", "modal");
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
swal({ title: manager.getAjaxError(XMLHttpRequest), type: "error", });
$(document).ready(function() {
var after_id = "";
function sendProductLocationData() {
var jsonData = {};
var formFields = $(":input");
jQuery.each(formFields, function(i, field) { //Accessing all the element of form and get Key and Value
var key = field.name; //Keyname of each Field
var elementid = field.id; //Id of each Field
elementid = "#" + elementid;
var value = $(elementid).val();
jsonData[key] = parseInt(value);
if (key == "status") {
if ($("#event_checkbox_status").is(':checked') == true) {
jsonData.status = 1;
} else {
jsonData.status = 0;
productlocationdetail = JSON.stringify(jsonData); //Creating json Object
url: '/update/product/productlocation',
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: productlocationdetail,
"success": function(result) {
var message_error = result.message_error
if (message_error) {
$('#modal-event-productlocation-detail').css("visibility", "hidden")
title: message_error,
type: "error"
} else {
$('#modal-event-productlocation-detail').css("visibility", "hidden")
title: "Product Location Updated Successfully",
type: "info"
error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
title: manager.getAjaxError(XMLHttpRequest),
type: "error"
$('#modal-event-productlocation-detail').css("visibility", "hidden")
beforeSend: function() {
$('#modal-event-productlocation-detail').css("visibility", "visible")
complete: function() {
title: "Product Location Updated Successfully",
type: "info"
$('#modal-event-productlocation-detail').css("visibility", "hidden")
There are a few way you could handle this.
One way you could handle this is to store the item/s in a variable in a jSON array.
When get confirmation back from the server that that the the update was successful you could then create function to update the dataTable with with this function.
function updateDataTable(dataTableObj,jsonArray)
Clears and populates the dataTable with JSON array
The other way you could update the table is to create a route on your server that sends the jsonArray but this requires an additional request to the server.
Note: If you use the Ajax call be sure to invoke the function inside the the ajax callback function

