Expand my image upload from 1 to 5 photos; map/foreach? - javascript

I am creating an app in which you can upload a photo, with some other data, to Firebase. The uploading part worked perfect with one picture. However I have now added a multiple-image picture (select 1 to 5 pictures) and would like my image upload function to upload the 5 pictures in stead of the 1.
The image upload works with 1 image provided, so how can I rearrange my code to upload the x-amount of photos in the array?
The pictures are added in the photos array with the following data (output shown below is a console.log from the images fetched);
Array [
Object {
"exists": true,
"file": "ph://8905951D-1D94-483A-8864-BBFDC4FAD202/L0/001",
"isDirectory": false,
"md5": "f9ebcab5aa0706847235887c1a7e4740",
"modificationTime": 1574493667.505371,
"size": 104533,
"uri": "ph://8905951D-1D94-483A-8864-BBFDC4FAD202/L0/001",
With this didFocus I check if the fethedImages param is set and set the photos array to the fetched images (So all the data that is shown above)
const didFocusSubscription = props.navigation.addListener(
'didFocus', () => {
let fetchedImages = props.navigation.getParam('fetchedImages')
When I save the page and start dispatching the data I run the following command the uploadImage function is ran and returns an uploadurl, this is then saved later on in the dispatch function to the Firebase Database to be fetched later;
uploadurl = await uploadImageAsync(photos)
SO the uploadImageAsync starts with the photos array forwarded. How can I make sure the function below is started for every photo.uri in the array? Can I use .map of for each for this, and in what context should I be using this?
Also I am not quite sure how I can send back an array of URLs to be saved together with the rest of the information.
async function uploadImageAsync(photos) {
console.log('uploadImage is gestart')
// Why are we using XMLHttpRequest? See:
// https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/2402#issuecomment-443726662
const blob = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function () {
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
reject(new TypeError('Network request failed'));
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.open('GET', photos, true);
const ref = firebase
const snapshot = await ref.put(blob);
// We're done with the blob, close and release it
return await snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL();
==============edited because of progress with uploading====================
Once again I am a little bit further. However the image upload function is now running, and because of is being multiple images I would like to await the response of all the images before continuing.
try {
uploadurl = await uploadImageAsync()
address = await getAddress(selectedLocation)
if (!uploadurl.lenght) {
Alert.alert('Upload error', 'Something went wrong uploading the photo, plase try again', [
{ text: 'Okay' }
At this moment when I start the uploadImageAsync function. With he help of console.log I see it uploading the images, they also show up online. But while the pictures are uploading the upload url already returns with 0 and shows the Alert and stops the function.
uploadImageAsync = async () => {
const provider = firebase.database().ref(`providers/${uid}`);
let imagesArray = [];
try {
await photos.map(img => {
let file = img.data;
const path = "Img_" + uuid.v4();
const ref = firebase
ref.putString(file).then(() => {
.then(images => {
uri: images
console.log("Out-imgArray", imagesArray);
return imagesArray <== this return imagesArray is fired to early and starts the rest of my upload function.
} catch (e) {

So a Discord chat pointed me in the way of a promise.all function for this to work. I tried that, but opened another stack overflow topic for getting this to work.
await response of image upload before continue function
The solution for my image upload function is in the topic above;
uploadImages = () => {
const provider = firebase.database().ref(`providers/${uid}`);
// CHANGED: removed 'let imagesArray = [];', no longer needed
return Promise.all(photos) // CHANGED: return the promise chain
.then(photoarray => {
console.log('all responses are resolved successfully');
// take each photo, upload it and then return it's download URL
return Promise.all(photoarray.map((photo) => { // CHANGED: used Promise.all(someArray.map(...)) idiom
let file = photo.data;
const path = "Img_" + uuid.v4();
const storageRef = firebase // CHANGED: renamed 'ref' to 'storageRef'
let metadata = {
contentType: 'image/jpeg',
// upload current photo and get it's download URL
return storageRef.putString(file, 'base64', metadata) // CHANGED: return the promise chain
.then(() => {
console.log(`${path} was uploaded successfully.`);
return storageRef.getDownloadURL() // CHANGED: return the promise chain
.then(fileUrl => ({uri: fileUrl}));
.then((imagesArray) => { // These lines can
console.log("Out-imgArray: ", imagesArray) // safely be removed.
return imagesArray; // They are just
}) // for logging.
.catch((err) => {


NodeJS: Download file from url and upload to S3 Strorage

I'm trying to accomplish the following task: I need to download image from url, then upload it to S3 storage and return the location of the uploaded file. I'm using async/await functions to do the task, but it returns Promise { pending } and after few seconds returns the location, i want to return location after promise is resolved. Here is my code:
// Space config
const spaceEndPoint = new AWS.Endpoint("fra1.digitaloceanspaces.com");
const s3 = new AWS.S3({
endpoint: spaceEndPoint,
accessKeyId: "xxxxxxxxx",
secretAccessKey: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
// Download image from url
const downloadImage = async (url) => {
try {
const file = axios
.get(url, {
responseType: "stream",
.then((res) => res.data)
.catch((err) => console.log(err));
return file;
} catch (err) {
// Upload to space
const upload = async (fileUrl) => {
// Get file name from url
const fileName = path.basename(fileUrl);
// Path to save tmp file
const localFilePath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../downloads", fileName);
// Download file
const file = await downloadImage(fileUrl);
// Write file to disk
await file.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(localFilePath));
// Upload params
const params = {
Bucket: "sunday",
Body: fs.createReadStream(localFilePath),
Key: path.basename(fileName),
ContentType: "application/octet-stream",
ACL: "public-read",
const { Location } = await s3.upload(params).promise();
return Location;
).then((data) => data)
// Result:
Promise { <pending> }
So i want to return location when promise is resolved.
Thanks in advance for help!
Your function upload is async and thus always returns a promise that should be awaited too. await your upload call. If you're in environment that doesn't support top level await, use .then to log results instead or put outer logging code in helper function.

Upload .vhd as Page-Blob to azure-blob-storage from Url

i have a bunch of VHD files stored on a private Server, which are accessible through a url.
I am trying upload these vhd files directly to my azure storage account using the azure javascript npm libraries. The vhds have to be uploaded as page-blobs. I tried using the method uploadPagesFromURL() of the pageblobClient but with no success. My code looks roughly like this:
async function uploadVHD(accessToken, srcUrl)
try {
// Get credentials from accessToken
const creds = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccount.name, storageAccount.key);
// Get blobServiceClient
const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(`https://${storageAccount.name}.blob.core.windows.net`, creds);
// Create Container
const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient("vhd-images");
await containerClient.createIfNotExists();
const src = srcUrl.replace('https://', 'https://username:password#');
// Upload to blob storage
const pageBlobClient = containerClient.getPageBlobClient("Test.vhd");
// Get fileSize of vhd
const fileSize = (await axiosRequest(src, { method: "HEAD" })).headers["content-length"];
const uploadResponse = await pageBlobClient.uploadPagesFromURL(src, 0, 0, fileSize);
return uploadResponse;
} catch (error) {
return error;
It is not possible to upload the Page Blob with your URL directly. You need to read data from the url. Then upload using uploadPages method.
axios.get(URL, {
responseType: 'arraybuffer'
.then((response) => {
// upload page blob...
}).catch((error) => {
//handle error
// uploadPages method
const uploadResponse = pageBlobClient.uploadPages(data, 0, dataLength);

VueJS and Firebase Storage: How to wait until image done uploading before submitting URI to database?

I have a comment system I built that allows a user to add an image along with their comment.
I am trying to wait until an image upload is finished before adding a comment to firestore, but my attempt is not working. I have a method named photoUpload() that uploads the image to firebase storage. That method contains an uploadTask listener for progress details. However, my comment is being added to the database before the image is done uploading.
How to delay and wait until it's finished before submitting the comment?
Here's my code:
data function:
data() {
return {
text: '',
image: null,
overlayShow: false,
progress: 0,
downloadUrl: null
Here is my image upload task:
photoUpload() {
this.filename = uuidv4()
const storageRef = this.$fireStorage.ref()
this.photoRef = storageRef.child(
// uploads string data to this reference's location
const uploadTask = this.photoRef.putString(this.image, 'data_url')
// set the callbacks for each event
const next = (uploadTaskSnapshot) => {
this.progress =
(uploadTaskSnapshot.bytesTransferred /
uploadTaskSnapshot.totalBytes) *
console.log('Upload is ' + this.progress + '% done')
const error = (error) => {
const complete = async () => {
// Upload completed successfully, now we can get the download URL
this.downloadUrl = await uploadTask.snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL()
// listens for events on this task
// 3 callbacks available for each event
To add a comment to firestore, I run this method:
async addComment() {
this.overlayShow = true
if (this.hasImage) {
this.photoUpload() // <---------I need to wait on this to finish!
try {
console.log(this.downloadUrl) //<-----this is returning null even after image is uploaded
// create comment
const docRef = this.$fireStore.collection('comments').doc()
await docRef.set({
createdAt: this.$fireStoreObj.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
id: docRef.id,
content: this.text,
attachment: this.downloadUrl, //<---- because photo upload is not finished, this gets null
console.log('comment added!')
// update comment count on photo doc
await this.$fireStore
comments: this.$fireStoreObj.FieldValue.increment(1)
{ merge: true }
this.text = ''
this.downloadUrl = null
this.overlayShow = false
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error adding new comment', error)
You should make uploadComplete async, and return a promise that resolves only after the upload is complete and the download URL is available. Since all of its work is asynchronous, you must build a way for the caller to know that, otherwise the function will return immediately before anything is complete.
It might be easier if you also await the await the uploadTask (it acts like a promise) to know when it's complete, instead of using the callbacks.

React FirebaseError DocumentReference.set()

Please can someone help me. I think the way I am handling the promise is wrong and really need someone to help me.
I am letting the user upload a picture . When the user presses submit the image is uploaded to firebase-storage. However I don't think I am handling the wait period to upload the image and setting the data to firebase-database. What I mean is when I press submit I get the error FireBase Function DocumentReference.set() called with invalid data Because it is setting the image to undefined
However if I wait a couple of seconds I get the console.log("File available at" + downloadUrl) which means the image was uploaded.
Basically I just need to add a waiting period to my code between when the image is uploaded and when to send the data to the firebase-database
This is my code any help will be much appreciated !!!!!
const uploadImage = async (uri, imageName) => {
const response = await fetch(uri)
const blob = await response.blob()
var ref = firebase.storage().ref().child(`images/${imageName}`)
// Upload completed successfully, now we can get the download URL
var storageRef = firebase.storage().ref('images/' + imageName)
console.log(`File available at ${downloadUrl}`)
.catch(error => {
setRefreshing(false) // false isRefreshing flag for disable pull to refresh
Alert.alert("An error occured", "Please try again later")
const handleSubmit = useCallback(() => {
if (postImage !== undefined) {
const fileExtention = postImage[0].split('.').pop()
const fileName = `${uniqid}.${fileExtention}`
uploadImage(postImage, fileName)
id: currentUser,
name: postName[0],
image: downloadImage,
Thank you in advance for all your help!!!!!
To use await inside useCallback you can try to wrap the code inside it in a self invoking function like this:
const handleSubmit = useCallback(() => {
(async () =>{ if (postImage !== undefined) {
const fileExtention = postImage[0].split('.').pop()
const fileName = `${uniqid}.${fileExtention}`
uploadImage(postImage, fileName)
await firebase.firestore()
id: currentUser,
name: postName[0],
image: downloadImage,

Firebase Cloud Function Too Slow

I have a cloud function that receives the uid of an image and associate it to the user who calls it after validating its dimensions and generate its thumbnail. It looks simple but I have to wait around 40 seconds to see the results, and sometimes it gets congested or something and I have to call the function again to see previous results.
Has anyone experience it before? How can I fix that?
exports.validateImageDimensions = functions
.runWith({ memory: "2GB", timeoutSeconds: 120 })
.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
As you can see the CPU used is high...
Code of the function:
exports.validateImageDimensions = functions
.runWith({ memory: "2GB", timeoutSeconds: 120 })
.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
// Libraries
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const sizeOf = require("image-size");
const url = require("url");
const https = require("https");
const sharp = require("sharp");
const path = require("path");
const os = require("os");
const fs = require("fs");
// Lazy initialization of the Admin SDK
if (!is_validateImageDimensions_initialized) {
is_validateImageDimensions_initialized = true;
// Create Storage
const storage = admin.storage();
// Create Firestore
const firestore = admin.firestore();
// Get the image's owner
const owner = context.auth.token.uid;
// Get the image's info
const { id, description, location, tags } = data;
// Photos's bucket
const bucket = storage.bucket("bucket");
// File Path
const filePath = `photos/${id}`;
// Get the file
const file = getFile(filePath);
// Check if the file is a jpeg image
const metadata = await file.getMetadata();
const isJpgImage = metadata[0].contentType === "image/jpeg";
// Get the file's url
const fileUrl = await getUrl(file);
// Get the photo dimensions using the `image-size` library
https.get(url.parse(fileUrl), (response) => {
let chunks = [];
.on("data", (chunk) => {
.on("end", async () => {
// Check if the image has valid dimensions
let dimensions = sizeOf(Buffer.concat(chunks));
// Create the associated Firestore's document to the valid images
if (isJpgImage && hasValidDimensions(dimensions)) {
// Create a thumbnail for the uploaded image
const thumbnailPath = await generateThumbnail(filePath);
// Get the thumbnail
const thumbnail = getFile(thumbnailPath);
// Get the thumbnail's url
const thumbnailUrl = await getUrl(thumbnail);
try {
await firestore
uri: fileUrl,
thumbnailUri: thumbnailUrl, // Useful for progress images
date: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
likes: [], // At the first time, when a post is created, zero users has liked it
comments: [], // Also, there aren't any comments
width: dimensions.width,
height: dimensions.height,
// TODO: Analytics posts counter
} catch (err) {
`Error creating the document in 'posts/{owner}/userPosts/' where 'id === ${id}': ${err}`
} else {
// Remove the files that are not jpeg images, or whose dimensions are not valid
try {
await file.delete();
`The image '${id}' has been deleted because it has invalid dimensions.
This may be an attempt to break the security of the app made by the user '${owner}'`
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error deleting invalid file '${id}': ${err}`);
/* ---------------- AUXILIAR FUNCTIONS ---------------- */
function getFile(filePath) {
/* Get a file from the storage bucket */
return bucket.file(filePath);
async function getUrl(file) {
/* Get the public url of a file */
const signedUrls = await file.getSignedUrl({
action: "read",
expires: "01-01-2100",
// signedUrls[0] contains the file's public URL
return signedUrls[0];
function hasValidDimensions(dimensions) {
// Posts' valid dimensions
const validDimensions = [
width: 1080,
height: 1080,
width: 1080,
height: 1350,
width: 1080,
height: 750,
return (
({ width, height }) =>
width === dimensions.width && height === dimensions.height
) !== undefined
async function generateThumbnail(filePath) {
/* Generate thumbnail for the progressive images */
// Download file from bucket
const fileName = filePath.split("/").pop();
const tempFilePath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), fileName);
const thumbnailPath = await bucket
destination: tempFilePath,
.then(() => {
// Generate a thumbnail using Sharp
const size = 50;
const newFileName = `${fileName}_${size}_thumb.jpg`;
const newFilePath = `thumbnails/${newFileName}`;
const newFileTemp = path.join(os.tmpdir(), newFileName);
.resize(size, null)
.toFile(newFileTemp, async (_err, info) => {
// Uploading the thumbnail.
await bucket.upload(newFileTemp, {
destination: newFilePath,
// Once the thumbnail has been uploaded delete the temporal file to free up disk space.
// Return the thumbnail's path
return newFilePath;
return thumbnailPath;
Pd: In the console I can read this record:
"Function execution took 103 ms, finished with status code: 200"
but I have to wait, as I said before, around 40 seconds to see the new doc on my firestore
You're not dealing with promises correctly. A callable function must return a promise that:
Resolves when all of the async work is complete
Resolves with the data to send back to the client
Right now, your function returns nothing, so it returns to the caller immediately, and the future of the async work that you kicked off is uncertain.
Note that https.get() is asynchronous and returns immediately, before its callback is invoked. You will need to find a way to instead return a promise that resovles when all of the callback's work is complete. (Consider that there are other HTTP client libraries that make it easier to get a promise instead of having to deal with callbacks.)

