lightGallery.js video gallery not working - javascript

I am trying to include a video gallery of youtube videos using lightgallery but I can't get the video player to work. It instead opens youtube on a new tab. I am using cdn links to load lightgallery and it looks like i'm missing lg-video. However when I include lg-video's cdn link, I am getting console errors about something being undefined. Can someone please answer this with all the script tags that I would need to include in my HTML code?
This is what I have:
lightGallery(document.getElementById('lightgallery'), {
lightGallery(document.getElementById('video-gallery'), {});
background-color: #152836
.demo-gallery > ul {
margin-bottom: 0;
.demo-gallery > ul > li {
float: left;
margin-bottom: 15px;
margin-right: 20px;
width: 200px;
.demo-gallery > ul > li a {
border: 3px solid #FFF;
border-radius: 3px;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
float: left;
.demo-gallery > ul > li a > img {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.15s ease 0s;
-moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.15s ease 0s;
-o-transition: -o-transform 0.15s ease 0s;
transition: transform 0.15s ease 0s;
-webkit-transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1);
transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1);
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
.demo-gallery > ul > li a:hover > img {
-webkit-transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1);
transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1);
.demo-gallery > ul > li a:hover .demo-gallery-poster > img {
opacity: 1;
.demo-gallery > ul > li a .demo-gallery-poster {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
-webkit-transition: background-color 0.15s ease 0s;
-o-transition: background-color 0.15s ease 0s;
transition: background-color 0.15s ease 0s;
.demo-gallery > ul > li a .demo-gallery-poster > img {
left: 50%;
margin-left: -10px;
margin-top: -10px;
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.3s ease 0s;
-o-transition: opacity 0.3s ease 0s;
transition: opacity 0.3s ease 0s;
.demo-gallery > ul > li a:hover .demo-gallery-poster {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.demo-gallery .justified-gallery > a > img {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.15s ease 0s;
-moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.15s ease 0s;
-o-transition: -o-transform 0.15s ease 0s;
transition: transform 0.15s ease 0s;
-webkit-transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1);
transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1);
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
.demo-gallery .justified-gallery > a:hover > img {
-webkit-transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1);
transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1);
.demo-gallery .justified-gallery > a:hover .demo-gallery-poster > img {
opacity: 1;
.demo-gallery .justified-gallery > a .demo-gallery-poster {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 0;
-webkit-transition: background-color 0.15s ease 0s;
-o-transition: background-color 0.15s ease 0s;
transition: background-color 0.15s ease 0s;
.demo-gallery .justified-gallery > a .demo-gallery-poster > img {
left: 50%;
margin-left: -10px;
margin-top: -10px;
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.3s ease 0s;
-o-transition: opacity 0.3s ease 0s;
transition: opacity 0.3s ease 0s;
.demo-gallery .justified-gallery > a:hover .demo-gallery-poster {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.demo-gallery .video .demo-gallery-poster img {
height: 48px;
margin-left: -24px;
margin-top: -24px;
opacity: 0.8;
width: 48px;
.demo-gallery.dark > ul > li a {
border: 3px solid #04070a;
.home .demo-gallery {
padding-bottom: 80px;
<div class="demo-gallery">
<ul id="video-gallery">
<li class="video" data-src="" data-poster="">
<a href="">
<img class="img-responsive" src="">
<div class="demo-gallery-poster">
<img src="">
<li class="video" data-src=""
<a href="">
<img class="img-responsive" src="">
<div class="demo-gallery-poster">
<img src="">
<li class="video" data-src=""
<a href="">
<img class="img-responsive" src="">
<div class="demo-gallery-poster">
<img src="">
<li class="video" data-src=""
<a href="">
<img class="img-responsive" src="">
<div class="demo-gallery-poster">
<img src="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


How to write a javascript code for a specific audio player

I wrote this code below as an audio player, i want to make it work by javascript but i don't know where to start? i want to have a play and pause option and nothing more! since i'm new to javascripts i dont know how can i make it work on this!
How can i write a javascript for this audioplayer?
#musicplayer {
position: fixed;
z-index: 999999;
bottom: 25px;
margin-left: 20px;
display: flex;
-webkit-transition: all .7s ease;
-moz-transition: all .7s ease;
-o-transition: all .7s ease;
transition: all .7s ease;
.play>* {
align-self: center;
-webkit-align-self: center
.roundthing img {
margin: 8px;
width: 15px;
margin-bottom: 200px;
.midline {
width: 0px;
height: 3px;
background: #fff;
-webkit-transition: all .4s ease;
-moz-transition: all .4s ease;
-o-transition: all .4s ease;
transition-delay: .4s;
-webkit-transition-delay: .4s;
#musicplayer:hover .midline {
width: 20px;
transition-delay: 0s;
-webkit-transition-delay: 0s;
.play {
display: flex;
min-width: 124px;
height: 31px;
text-align: left;
padding: 0px 10px;
background: #fff;
/* player background */
border-left: 3px solid #16090F;
/* player border */
color: #B5A7BA;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: all .4s ease;
-moz-transition: all .4s ease;
-o-transition: all .4s ease;
transition-delay: .4s;
-webkit-transition-delay: .4s;
margin-top: -200px;
.music-controls>* {
user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
width: 11px;
font-size: 11px;
cursor: pointer;
.pausee {
display: none;
.playtext {
margin-left: 8px;
font-family: courier new;
font-size: 9px;
#musicplayer:hover .play {
opacity: 1;
transition-delay: .0s;
-webkit-transition-delay: .0s;
<div id="musicplayer" class="box fade-in one">
<div class="roundthing">
<img src=""></div>
<div class="midline"></div>
<div class="play">
<div class="music-controls">
<div class="playy">►</div>
<div class="pausee">❚❚</div>
<div class="playtext">Fairytail</div>
<audio id="tune" src="" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>
You mean something like this?
window.addEventListener("load",function() {
document.querySelector(".playy").addEventListener("click",function() {
document.querySelector(".pausee").addEventListener("click",function() {
#musicplayer {
position: fixed;
z-index: 999999;
bottom: 25px;
margin-left: 20px;
display: flex;
-webkit-transition: all .7s ease;
-moz-transition: all .7s ease;
-o-transition: all .7s ease;
transition: all .7s ease;
.play>* {
align-self: center;
-webkit-align-self: center
.roundthing img {
margin: 8px;
width: 15px;
margin-bottom: 200px;
.midline {
width: 0px;
height: 3px;
background: #fff;
-webkit-transition: all .4s ease;
-moz-transition: all .4s ease;
-o-transition: all .4s ease;
transition-delay: .4s;
-webkit-transition-delay: .4s;
#musicplayer:hover .midline {
width: 20px;
transition-delay: 0s;
-webkit-transition-delay: 0s;
.play {
display: flex;
min-width: 124px;
height: 31px;
text-align: left;
padding: 0px 10px;
background: #fff;
/* player background */
border-left: 3px solid #16090F;
/* player border */
color: #B5A7BA;
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: all .4s ease;
-moz-transition: all .4s ease;
-o-transition: all .4s ease;
transition-delay: .4s;
-webkit-transition-delay: .4s;
margin-top: -200px;
.music-controls>* {
user-select: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
width: 11px;
font-size: 11px;
cursor: pointer;
.pausee {
display: none;
.playtext {
margin-left: 8px;
font-family: courier new;
font-size: 9px;
#musicplayer:hover .play {
opacity: 1;
transition-delay: .0s;
-webkit-transition-delay: .0s;
<div id="musicplayer" class="box fade-in one">
<div class="roundthing">
<img src=""></div>
<div class="midline"></div>
<div class="play">
<div class="music-controls">
<div class="playy">►</div>
<div class="pausee">❚❚</div>
<div class="playtext">Fairytail</div>
<audio id="tune" src="" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>

Jquery SVG circle navigation

The navigation works well, but the active status should show in a better way:
-- If the circle was active it stay active.(
-- Going back the a class active goes.
so, if page down remain active if page up(going back) remove active class.
At the moment just a a class active works,
I hope makes sense. Please ask question, this is a really nice animation but need a bit of more work.
I will post the code with a Demo.
$(document).ready(function() {
var $half = $(".circle .half"),
halfLen = $half[0].getTotalLength(),
$nav = $(".circle .active-nav"),
navLen = $nav[0].getTotalLength(),
$pages = $(".pages"),
scrolling = false,
curPage = 1,
numOfPages = $(".page").length,
headingH = $(".heading").height(),
SPHASE1 = 500,
SPHASE2 = 300,
SPHASE3 = 900,
SDUR = 500,
SDOTSRDY = SDOTS + DOTTRANSTIME + (numOfPages - 2) * 100,
PAGETRANSITION = 500;$half, .5, {strokeDasharray: halfLen, strokeDashoffset: halfLen, ease:Power1.easeOut}, 0)$nav, .5, {strokeDasharray: navLen, strokeDashoffset: navLen, ease:Power1.easeOut}, 0)
$half.delay(SDELAY).velocity({strokeDashoffset: 0}, {duration: SDUR, easing: "ease-in"});
setTimeout(function() {
$(".nav-el").addClass("showing visible");
}, SDOTS);
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
function pagination(page) {
scrolling = true;
curPage = page;
$(".nav-el-" + page).addClass("active");
var newNavLen = navLen - navLen / 5 * (page - 1);
$nav.velocity({strokeDashoffset: newNavLen}, {duration: PAGETRANSITION});
$(".numbers").css("transform", "translateY("+ (0 - (page - 1) * headingH) +"px)");
$pages.css("transform", "translate3D(0,"+ (0 - (page - 1) * 100) +"%,0)");
setTimeout(function() {
scrolling = false;
console.log('if active')
console.log('else active')
function activateHandlers() {
$(document).on("click", ".nav-el", function() {
var pg = +$(this).attr("data-page");
$(window).resize(function() {
headingH = $(".heading").height();
var diff = 0;
#font-face {
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position: relative;
height: 100%;
.circle {
z-index: 4;
position: fixed;
top: calc(50% - 20rem);
left: calc(50% - 20rem);
width: 40rem;
height: 40rem;
opacity: 1;
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
backface-visibility: hidden;
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z-index: 2;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 500rem;
height: 500rem;
-webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);
transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);
background: #020202;
border-radius: 50%;
.rotater.phase1 {
width: 0.1rem;
height: 0.1rem;
transition: width 0.5s, height 0.5s;
.rotater.phase2 {
width: 2.5rem;
height: 2.5rem;
transition: width 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46), height 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46);
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width: 1rem;
height: 1rem;
-webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(180deg);
transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(180deg);
transition: width 0.1s, height 0.1s, opacity 0.4s 1.3s, -webkit-transform 0.6s 0.87s ease-in;
transition: width 0.1s, height 0.1s, transform 0.6s 0.87s ease-in, opacity 0.4s 1.3s;
transition: width 0.1s, height 0.1s, transform 0.6s 0.87s ease-in, opacity 0.4s 1.3s, -webkit-transform 0.6s 0.87s ease-in;
opacity: 0;
.rotater.phase3 .rotater--line {
max-width: 20rem;
.rotater.phase3 .rotater--line:after {
-webkit-transform: scale(1);
transform: scale(1);
.rotater--line {
position: absolute;
top: calc(50% - 0.1rem);
left: 50%;
-webkit-transform-origin: 0% 50%;
transform-origin: 0% 50%;
width: 20rem;
max-width: 0;
height: 0.2rem;
background: #020202;
transition: max-width 0.5s 0.1s;
will-change: max-width;
.rotater--line:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: -0.4rem;
left: 19.4rem;
width: 1rem;
height: 1rem;
background: #020202;
border-radius: 50%;
-webkit-transform: scale(0);
transform: scale(0);
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transition: transform 0.2s 0.55s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46), -webkit-transform 0.2s 0.55s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46);
.rotater--line.left {
-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
transform: rotate(180deg);
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z-index: 5;
position: fixed;
top: calc(50% - 20rem);
left: calc(50% - 20rem);
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height: 40rem;
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
backface-visibility: hidden;
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position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
font-size: 9rem;
width: 40rem;
height: 9rem;
line-height: 1;
font-family: Polar;
text-transform: uppercase;
text-align: center;
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
margin-left: -3rem;
-webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(1);
transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(1);
overflow: hidden;
transition: opacity 0.3s 0.7s, -webkit-transform 0.3s 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46);
transition: opacity 0.3s 0.7s, transform 0.3s 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46);
transition: opacity 0.3s 0.7s, transform 0.3s 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46), -webkit-transform 0.3s 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46);
.heading.invisible {
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(0);
transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) scale(0);
.numbers {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 5rem;
width: 1rem;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
height: 90rem;
line-height: 1;
word-break: break-all;
transition: -webkit-transform 0.7s;
transition: transform 0.7s;
transition: transform 0.7s, -webkit-transform 0.7s;
will-change: transform;
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position: absolute;
width: 1rem;
height: 1rem;
border-radius: 50%;
background: #020202;
-webkit-transform: scale(0);
transform: scale(0);
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transition: transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46), background-color 0.7s;
transition: transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46), background-color 0.7s, -webkit-transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46);
cursor: pointer;
.nav-el:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: calc(50% - 0.2rem);
left: calc(50% - 0.2rem);
width: 0.4rem;
height: 0.4rem;
background: #020202;
border-radius: 50%;
-webkit-transform: scale(0);
transform: scale(0);
transition: -webkit-transform 0.3s;
transition: transform 0.3s;
transition: transform 0.3s, -webkit-transform 0.3s;
.nav-el.visible {
-webkit-transform: scale(1);
transform: scale(1);
.nav-el.white {
background: #fff;
}, .nav-el:hover {
-webkit-transform: scale(1.5);
transform: scale(1.5);
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-webkit-transform: scale(1);
transform: scale(1);
.nav-el-1 {
left: 19.5rem;
top: -0.4rem;
.nav-el-1.showing {
transition-delay: 0s;
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left: 38.42602rem;
top: 13.35056rem;
.nav-el-2.showing {
transition-delay: 0.1s;
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left: 31.19693rem;
top: 35.59944rem;
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transition-delay: 0.2s;
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left: 7.80307rem;
top: 35.59944rem;
.nav-el-4.showing {
transition-delay: 0.3s;
.nav-el-5 {
left: 0.57398rem;
top: 13.35056rem;
.nav-el-5.showing {
transition-delay: 0.4s;
.pages {
z-index: 1;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
-webkit-transform: translateX(0);
transform: translateX(0);
transition: -webkit-transform 0.7s;
transition: transform 0.7s;
transition: transform 0.7s, -webkit-transform 0.7s;
will-change: transform;
.pages.removed {
-webkit-transform: translateX(100%);
transform: translateX(100%);
.pages.removed .scroll-down {
-webkit-transform: scale(0);
transform: scale(0);
.page {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.page:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
display: block;
top: 0;
left: 0;
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height: 100%;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
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position: relative;
background: #F44336;
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background: #009688;
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background: #3F51B5;
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background: #FFA726;
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background: #795548;
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background: #607D8B;
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position: relative;
background: #000000;
padding: 10rem;
.scroll-down {
position: absolute;
bottom: 5rem;
left: 50%;
-webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) scale(1);
transform: translateX(-50%) scale(1);
font-size: 5rem;
font-family: Polar;
color: #fff;
transition: -webkit-transform 0.3s 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46);
transition: transform 0.3s 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46);
transition: transform 0.3s 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46), -webkit-transform 0.3s 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.72, 0.17, 0.68, 1.46);
#media (max-width: 768px) {
.scroll-down {
display: none;
#media (max-height: 610px) and (min-width: 769px) {
.scroll-down {
display: none;
.check-out {
z-index: 10;
position: relative;
font-size: 5rem;
font-family: Polar;
color: #fff;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="scene">
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<div class="rotater--line right"></div>
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<div data-page="5" class="nav-el nav-el-5"></div>
<div class="pages removed">
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<p class="scroll-down">Scroll down</p>
<div class="page page-2"></div>
<div class="page page-3"></div>
<div class="page page-4"></div>
<div class="page page-5"></div>

Change the animations oh hamburger icon when closed

I have this code which works just fine! But what I am trying to do is to add another class in JAVASCRIPT lets say non-active so in this way I can add another animations when i close the X. But I'm having problems creating that. Can i do this with toggleClass or what should I use? Can anyone help me?
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".icon").click(function() {
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: #ff5c40;
.icon {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: transition(-50%, -50%);
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
.hamburger {
width: 50px;
height: 6px;
background: #fff;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
transition: .5s;
.hamburger:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 50px;
height: 6px;
background: #fff;
box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
transition: .5s;
.hamburger:after {
top: 16px;
.hamburger:before {
top: -16px;
} .hamburger {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
} .hamburger:before {
top: 0px;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-135deg) ;
transform: rotate(-135deg);
-webkit-transition: top .2s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, transform .3s ease-in-out .2s, -webkit-transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
} .hamburger:after {
top: 0px;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg) ;
transform: rotate(-45deg);
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, transform .3s ease-in-out .2s, -webkit-transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="icon">
<div class="hamburger">
You just have to check if the .icon has not the class .active once you toggle, then you can add any functionality you want.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".icon").click(function() {
/* Check if the icon does not have class active */
/* Do something, for example add class color-icon that changes the color of the hamburguer,
show an alert... */
$(".icon .hamburger").addClass("non-active");
$(".icon .hamburger").removeClass("non-active");
Here is your example with the added code and css:
You can use jQuery to do this effectively, say you wanted to add the 'active'class to the div with class icon element:
Hope that helps :)
Try using jquery animate:
$(".icon").click(function() {
You can also adjust the animation time
Use below script this will work:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: #ff5c40;
.icon {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: transition(-50%, -50%);
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
.hamburger {
width: 50px;
height: 6px;
background: #fff;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
transition: .5s;
.hamburger:after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
width: 50px;
height: 6px;
background: #fff;
box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
transition: .5s;
.hamburger:after {
top: 16px;
.hamburger:before {
top: -16px;
} .hamburger {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
} .hamburger:before {
top: 0px;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-135deg) ;
transform: rotate(-135deg);
-webkit-transition: top .2s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, transform .3s ease-in-out .2s, -webkit-transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
} .hamburger:after {
top: 0px;
-webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg) ;
transform: rotate(-45deg);
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
transition: top .2s ease-in-out, transform .3s ease-in-out .2s, -webkit-transform .3s ease-in-out .2s;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="icon">
<div class="hamburger">

Trigger css hover with jQuery

Is it possible to link a CSS hover action to another link with jQuery (or pure CSS for that matter)?
I have a combined hover and tooltip animation meant as an overlay over a map. What I want to achieve is having the hover firing when hovering over the city names from the list.
a {
text-decoration: none;
a:hover {
color: #d82631;
.location {
position: absolute;
.kart_dot {
position: relative;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
margin-top: -10px;
margin-left: -10px;
cursor: pointer;
.kart_dot::before {
display: block;
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
background: #d82631 none repeat scroll 0% 0%;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-top: -6px;
margin-left: -6px;
.kart_dot:active::before {
background-color: #000;
-webkit-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
-moz-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
-ms-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
-o-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
margin-top: -9px;
margin-left: -9px;
.tooltip:after {
position: absolute;
visibility: hidden;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)";
filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0);
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, visibility 0.2s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.71, 1.7, 0.77, 1.24);
-moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, visibility 0.2s ease-in-out, -moz-transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.71, 1.7, 0.77, 1.24);
transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, visibility 0.2s ease-in-out, transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.71, 1.7, 0.77, 1.24);
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
pointer-events: none;
.tooltip:focus:after {
visibility: visible;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100)";
filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100);
opacity: 1;
[data-tooltip]:after {
z-index: 1000;
padding: 15px;
width: 160px;
color: #000;
content: attr(data-tooltip);
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 0.9;
.tooltip-hoyre:after {
bottom: 50%;
left: 100%;
.tooltip-hoyre:before {
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: -8px;
border-top-color: transparent;
border-right-color: #000;
border-right-color: hsla(0, 0%, 20%, 0.9);
.tooltip-hoyre:focus:after {
-webkit-transform: translateX(12px);
-moz-transform: translateX(12px);
transform: translateX(12px);
.tooltip-hoyre:after {
margin-left: 0;
margin-bottom: -16px;
margin-left: -18px;
<div>New York</div>
<div class="location" style="top: 20%; left: 20%;">
<a href="#new_york" class="tooltip-hoyre" data-tooltip="New York">
<div class="kart_dot"></div>
<div class="location" style="top: 38%; left: 20%;">
<a href="#washington" class="tooltip-hoyre" data-tooltip="Washington">
<div class="kart_dot"></div>
I've also included this as a fiddle:
I have tried several suggested methods without any luck, such as this: Trigger hover with jQuery?
You can do this with pure CSS and no jQuery by using the adjacent selector (~). I've implemented it in the snippet below and had to add a few HTML classes. Here's an example of how that works:
.list-ny:hover ~ .location .dot-ny:before,
.list-ny:hover ~ .location .dot-ny:after,
.list-wa:hover ~ .location .dot-wa:before,
.list-wa:hover ~ .location .dot-wa:after
The above snippet says... if you hover the .list-ny menu item, then select an adjacent .location element that has a .dot-ny:before in it and apply the relevant styles.
Here's the full example with the hover implemented for all relevant properties:
a {
text-decoration: none;
a:hover {
color: #d82631;
.location {
position: absolute;
.kart_dot {
position: relative;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
margin-top: -10px;
margin-left: -10px;
cursor: pointer;
.kart_dot::before {
display: block;
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
background: #d82631 none repeat scroll 0% 0%;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-top: -6px;
margin-left: -6px;
.list-ny:hover ~ .location .dot-ny .kart_dot:before,
.list-wa:hover ~ .location .dot-wa .kart_dot:before {
background-color: #000;
-webkit-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
-moz-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
-ms-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
-o-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
margin-top: -9px;
margin-left: -9px;
.tooltip:after {
position: absolute;
visibility: hidden;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)";
filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0);
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, visibility 0.2s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.71, 1.7, 0.77, 1.24);
-moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, visibility 0.2s ease-in-out, -moz-transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.71, 1.7, 0.77, 1.24);
transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, visibility 0.2s ease-in-out, transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.71, 1.7, 0.77, 1.24);
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
pointer-events: none;
.list-ny:hover ~ .location .dot-ny:before,
.list-ny:hover ~ .location .dot-ny:after,
.list-wa:hover ~ .location .dot-wa:before,
.list-wa:hover ~ .location .dot-wa:after {
visibility: visible;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100)";
filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100);
opacity: 1;
[data-tooltip]:after {
z-index: 1000;
padding: 15px;
width: 160px;
color: #000;
content: attr(data-tooltip);
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 0.9;
.tooltip-hoyre:after {
bottom: 50%;
left: 100%;
.tooltip-hoyre:before {
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: -8px;
border-top-color: transparent;
border-right-color: #000;
border-right-color: hsla(0, 0%, 20%, 0.9);
.list-ny:hover ~ .location .dot-ny:before,
.list-ny:hover ~ .location .dot-ny:after,
.list-wa:hover ~ .location .dot-wa:before,
.list-wa:hover ~ .location .dot-wa:after {
-webkit-transform: translateX(12px);
-moz-transform: translateX(12px);
transform: translateX(12px);
.tooltip-hoyre:after {
margin-left: 0;
margin-bottom: -16px;
margin-left: -18px;
<div class="list-ny">New York</div>
<div class="list-wa">Washington</div>
<div class="location" style="top: 20%; left: 20%;">
<a href="#new_york" class="tooltip-hoyre dot-ny" data-tooltip="New York">
<div class="kart_dot"></div>
<div class="location" style="top: 38%; left: 20%;">
<a href="#washington" class="tooltip-hoyre dot-wa" data-tooltip="Washington">
<div class="kart_dot"></div>
Jon's answer is good but if you have many cities you can try mine with jquery.
$('.city a').mouseover(function () {
}).mouseleave(function () {
a {
text-decoration: none;
a:hover {
color: #d82631;
.location {
position: absolute;
.kart_dot {
position: relative;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
margin-top: -10px;
margin-left: -10px;
cursor: pointer;
.kart_dot::before {
display: block;
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
width: 12px;
height: 12px;
background: #d82631 none repeat scroll 0% 0%;
border-radius: 50%;
margin-top: -6px;
margin-left: -6px;
.hovered .kart_dot::before,
.kart_dot:active::before {
background-color: #000;
-webkit-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
-moz-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
-ms-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
-o-transition: all 0.20s ease-in-out !important;
width: 18px;
height: 18px;
margin-top: -9px;
margin-left: -9px;
.tooltip:after {
position: absolute;
visibility: hidden;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)";
filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0);
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, visibility 0.2s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.71, 1.7, 0.77, 1.24);
-moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, visibility 0.2s ease-in-out, -moz-transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.71, 1.7, 0.77, 1.24);
transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, visibility 0.2s ease-in-out, transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.71, 1.7, 0.77, 1.24);
-webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
-moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
pointer-events: none;
.tooltip:focus:after {
visibility: visible;
-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100)";
filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100);
opacity: 1;
[data-tooltip]:after {
z-index: 1000;
padding: 15px;
width: 160px;
color: #000;
content: attr(data-tooltip);
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 0.9;
.tooltip-hoyre:after {
bottom: 50%;
left: 100%;
.tooltip-hoyre:before {
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: -8px;
border-top-color: transparent;
border-right-color: #000;
border-right-color: hsla(0, 0%, 20%, 0.9);
-webkit-transform: translateX(12px);
-moz-transform: translateX(12px);
transform: translateX(12px);
.tooltip-hoyre:after {
margin-left: 0;
margin-bottom: -16px;
margin-left: -18px;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="list-ny city">New York</div>
<div class="list-wa city">Washington</div>
<div class="location" style="top: 20%; left: 20%;">
<a href="#new_york" class="tooltip-hoyre dot-ny" data-tooltip="New York">
<div class="kart_dot"></div>
<div class="location" style="top: 38%; left: 20%;">
<a href="#washington" class="tooltip-hoyre dot-wa" data-tooltip="Washington">
<div class="kart_dot"></div>

jQuery add/remove class or toggle class

Im just curious to know the best practice for either toggling a class or just adding and removing it during a mouseenter/mouseleave state using jquery. Both seem to work fine im just not to sure which is best to go with.
Thank you
$('#image1').mouseenter(function() {
$('#image1 .images-color-overlay').toggleClass('transparent');
$('#image1 .images-text').toggleClass('show-images-text');
$('#image1').mouseleave(function() {
$('#image1').toggleClass('transform show-images-text');
$('#image1 .images-color-overlay').toggleClass('transparent');
$('#image1 .images-text').toggleClass('show-images-text');
.images-color-overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
.images {
width: 33.333%;
float: left;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
#image1 {
background-image: url("");
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
width: 100%;
height: 100px;
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
.images-text {
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
bottom: -20px;
color: #fff;
font-size: 10px;
line-height: normal;
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
transition: all 1s;
.show-images-text {
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
transition: all 1s;
bottom: 20px;
.transform {
-webkit-transform: scale(1.25);
transform: scale(1.25);
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
.transparent {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="images">
<div id="image1">
<div class="images-color-overlay">
<p class="images-text">hidden-text</p>
Well a lot of this style question get shot down here on SO, because it seems it comes down to preference. But HERE is a way to do it all without javascript, only CSS, which some might consider more efficient.
.images-color-overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
.images {
width: 33.333%;
float: left;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
#image1 {
background-image: url("");
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
width: 100%;
height: 100px;
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
.images-text {
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
bottom: -20px;
color: #fff;
font-size: 10px;
line-height: normal;
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
transition: all 1s;
#image1:hover {
-webkit-transform: scale(1.25);
transform: scale(1.25);
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
#image1:hover .images-text {
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
transition: all 1s;
bottom: 20px;
.images-color-overlay:hover {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="images">
<div id="image1">
<div class="images-color-overlay">
<p class="images-text">hidden-text</p>
Your code is technically fine, however you can shorten it to just use the hover() method, as the function you provide will be called for both mouseenter and mouseleave events.
You can also use the this reference in the function to save DOM accesses, and also cache the jQuery object created from $(this) in a variable for re-use. Try this:
$('#image1').hover(function() {
var $image = $(this).toggleClass('transform');
.images-color-overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
.images {
width: 33.333%;
float: left;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
#image1 {
background-image: url("");
background-size: cover;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
width: 100%;
height: 100px;
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
.images-text {
text-align: center;
width: 100%;
position: absolute;
bottom: -20px;
color: #fff;
font-size: 10px;
line-height: normal;
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
transition: all 1s;
.show-images-text {
-webkit-transition: all 1s;
transition: all 1s;
bottom: 20px;
.transform {
-webkit-transform: scale(1.25);
transform: scale(1.25);
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
.transparent {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease;
transition: all 1s ease;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="images">
<div id="image1">
<div class="images-color-overlay">
<p class="images-text">hidden-text</p>
The toggleClass is the bast practice in your case.
Internally it's also doing same thing if the class exist then remove it and if not then add it. See it yourself , goto this github link and search for toggleClass.
// Check each className given, space separated list
if (self.hasClass(className)) {
} else {

