Making byte-beats using WebAudio - javascript

Byte-beats are a fun way of making lo-fi music. I want to make some music myself using the WebAudio API. Here's my current code:
const sampleRate = 8000;
const frameCount = sampleRate * 5;
const audioCtx = new AudioContext({ sampleRate: sampleRate });
const src = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
const buf = audioCtx.createBuffer(1, frameCount, sampleRate);
buf.getChannelData(0).set(buf.getChannelData(0).map((_, t) => {
return (Math.sin(t / 10 + Math.sin(t * Math.pow(2, t >> 10)))) * 64 + 128;
src.buffer = buf;
src.start(0, 0, 100);
console.log('Reached the end :/');
My issue with this solution is that I've to create an huge buffer which has to be kept in memory. I was hoping that there would be a dynamic way of setting the sound's amplitude to save memory.
The byte-beats will be entire music compositions and can be pretty long. So, the frame counts can become pretty huge.
Can anyone please suggest me how to do this? Using other libraries is an option but I would prefer avoiding that.

That sounds like a good use case for an AudioWorklet. When using an AudioWorklet you only have to provide 128 samples at a time. It runs on another thread for performance reasons. That makes it a bit more complicated to code. Here is a basic example which uses a dynamically created URL to load the code for the AudioWorklet.
const play = async () => {
const audioContext = new AudioContext({ sampleRate: 8000 });
const source = `registerProcessor(
class extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
process (_, [ output ]) {
for (let i = 0; i < 128; i += 1) {
const t = currentFrame + i;
output[0][i] = Math.sin(t);
return true;
const blob = new Blob([ source ], { type: 'application/javascript' });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
await audioContext.audioWorklet.addModule(url);
const audioWorkletNode = new AudioWorkletNode(audioContext, 'byte-beats-processor');
Of course using Math.sin(t) is only an example. You probably want to replace that with something more interesting.
The AudioWorklet is currently only available in Chrome. That means you still need to use the deprecated ScriptProcessorNode for other browsers or you can use a polyfill such as standardized-audio-context which allows you to use the same code for all browsers.


Is there any way to not freeze up the UI when accessing the frequency data of an audio file

The following piece of code hangs up the UI when I try to refresh my page after uploading a file. Is it possibly because it's reading the file into memory that's causing the page freeze when I try to refresh? Is there anyway to avoid that if that's the case?
document.querySelector("input").oninput = e => {
let file =[0];
file.arrayBuffer().then(arrayBuffer => {
let ctx = new AudioContext();
ctx.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer, audioBuffer => {
let offlineAudioCtx = new OfflineAudioContext(audioBuffer.numberOfChannels, audioBuffer.length, audioBuffer.sampleRate);
let bufferSource = offlineAudioCtx.createBufferSource();
bufferSource.buffer = audioBuffer;
let analyser = offlineAudioCtx.createAnalyser();
analyser.fftSize = 2048;
analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.9;
let scp = offlineAudioCtx.createScriptProcessor(1024, 0, 1);
let frequencyData = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
scp.onaudioprocess = () => {
// do stuff with frequencyData
offlineAudioCtx.oncomplete = () => {
<input type="file">
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I suspect it's freezing because you use an OfflineAudioContext to get the frequency data. This will run faster (and potentially much faster) than realtime, and you set up your script processor for callbacks every 1024 frames. With an AudioContext, you get callbacks every 20ms or so. With an OfflineContext, it could be much much faster, so the main thread is spending most of it's time processing the callbacks.

Google Cloud Speech-to-Text doesn't transcribe streamed audio correctly on some iDevices

I've implemented the Google Cloud Speech to Text API using realtime streamed audio for the past few weeks. While initially everything looked really well, I've been testing the product on some more devices lately and have found some real weird irregularities when it comes to some iDevices.
First of all, here are the relevant code pieces:
Frontend (React Component)
constructor(props) {
super(props); =;
this.socket = new SocketClient();
this.bufferSize = 2048;
* Initializes the users microphone and the audio stream.
* #return {void}
startAudioStream = async () => {
const AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
this.audioCtx = new AudioContext();
this.processor = this.audioCtx.createScriptProcessor(this.bufferSize, 1, 1);
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true });
/* Debug through instant playback: = stream;;
return; */
this.globalStream = stream;
this.input = this.audioCtx.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
this.processor.onaudioprocess = (e) => {
this.setState({ streaming: true });
* Processes microphone input and passes it to the server via the open socket connection.
* #param {AudioProcessingEvent} e
* #return {void}
microphoneProcess = (e) => {
const { speaking, askingForConfirmation, askingForErrorConfirmation } = this.state;
const left = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
const left16 = Helpers.downsampleBuffer(left, 44100, 16000);
if (speaking === false) {
this.socket.emit('stream', {
audio: left16,
context: askingForConfirmation || askingForErrorConfirmation ? 'zip_code_yes_no' : 'zip_code',
speechContext: askingForConfirmation || askingForErrorConfirmation ? ['ja', 'nein', 'ne', 'nö', 'falsch', 'neu', 'korrektur', 'korrigieren', 'stopp', 'halt', 'neu'] : ['$OPERAND'],
Helpers (DownsampleBuffer)
* Downsamples a given audio buffer from sampleRate to outSampleRate.
* #param {Array} buffer The audio buffer to downsample.
* #param {number} sampleRate The original sample rate.
* #param {number} outSampleRate The new sample rate.
* #return {Array} The downsampled audio buffer.
static downsampleBuffer(buffer, sampleRate, outSampleRate) {
if (outSampleRate === sampleRate) {
return buffer;
if (outSampleRate > sampleRate) {
throw new Error('Downsampling rate show be smaller than original sample rate');
const sampleRateRatio = sampleRate / outSampleRate;
const newLength = Math.round(buffer.length / sampleRateRatio);
const result = new Int16Array(newLength);
let offsetResult = 0;
let offsetBuffer = 0;
while (offsetResult < result.length) {
const nextOffsetBuffer = Math.round((offsetResult + 1) * sampleRateRatio);
let accum = 0;
let count = 0;
for (let i = offsetBuffer; i < nextOffsetBuffer && i < buffer.length; i++) {
accum += buffer[i];
result[offsetResult] = Math.min(1, accum / count) * 0x7FFF;
offsetBuffer = nextOffsetBuffer;
return result.buffer;
Backend (Socket Server)
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
logger.debug('New client connected');
const speechClient = new SpeechService(socket);
socket.on('stream', (data) => {
const audioData =;
const context = data.context;
const speechContext = data.speechContext;
speechClient.transcribe(audioData, context, speechContext);
Backend (Speech Client / Transcribe Function where data is sent to GCloud)
async transcribe(data, context, speechContext, isFile = false) {
if (!this.recognizeStream) {
logger.debug('Initiating new Google Cloud Speech client...');
let waitingForMoreData = false;
// Create new stream to the Google Speech client
this.recognizeStream = this.speechClient
config: {
encoding: 'LINEAR16',
sampleRateHertz: 16000,
languageCode: 'de-DE',
speechContexts: speechContext ? [{ phrases: speechContext }] : undefined,
interimResults: false,
singleUtterance: true,
.on('error', (error) => {
if (error.code === 11) {
this.recognizeStream = null;
this.recognizeStream = null;
logger.error(`Received error from Google Cloud Speech client: ${error.message}`);
.on('data', async (gdata) => {
if ((!gdata.results || !gdata.results[0]) && gdata.speechEventType === 'END_OF_SINGLE_UTTERANCE') {
logger.debug('Received END_OF_SINGLE_UTTERANCE - waiting 300ms for more data before restarting stream');
waitingForMoreData = true;
setTimeout(() => {
if (waitingForMoreData === true) {
// User was silent for too long - restart stream
this.recognizeStream = null;
}, 300);
waitingForMoreData = false;
const transcription = gdata.results[0].alternatives[0].transcript;
logger.debug(`Transcription: ${transcription}`);
// Emit transcription and MP3 file of answer
this.socket.emit('transcription', transcription);
const filename = await ttsClient.getAnswerFromTranscription(transcription, 'fairy', context); // TODO-Final: Dynamic character
if (filename !== null) this.socket.emit('speech', `${config.publicScheme}://${config.publicHost}:${config.publicPort}/${filename}`);
// Restart stream
if (this.recognizeStream) this.recognizeStream.destroy();
this.recognizeStream = null;
// eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-non-literal-fs-filename
if (isFile === true) fs.createReadStream(data).pipe(this.recognizeStream);
else this.recognizeStream.write(data);
Now, the behavior varies heavily throughout my tested devices. I've originally developed on an iMac 2017 using Google Chrome as a browser. Works like a charm. Then, tested on an iPhone 11 Pro and iPad Air 4, both on Safari and as a full-screen web app. Again, works like a charm.
Afterwards I've tried with an iPad Pro 12.9" 2017. Suddenly, Google Cloud sometimes doesn't return a transcription at all, some other times it returns stuff which, only using very much fantasy, sounds like the actually spoken text. Same behavior on an iPad 5 and an iPhone 6 Plus.
I don't really know where to go from here. What I've read up on so far at least is that with the iPhone 6s (no idea about iPads unfortunately) the hardware sample rate was changed from 44.1khz to 48khz. So I thought, this might be it, played around with the sample rates everywhere in the code, no success. Also, I've noticed that my iMac with Google Chrome also runs on 44.1khz like the "old" iPads where transcription doesn't work. Likewise, the new iPads run on 48khz - and here everything works fine. So this can't be it.
What I've noticed as well: When I connect some AirPods to the "broken" devices and use them as audio input, everything works again. So this must have something to do with processing of the internal microphone of those devices. I just don't know what exactly.
Could anyone lead me to the right direction? What has changed between these device generations in regards to audio and the microphone?
Update 1: I've now implemented a quick function which writes the streamed PCM data from the frontend to a file in the backend using node-wav. I think, I'm getting closer now - on the devices, where the speech recognition goes nuts, I sound like a chipmunk (extremely high-pitched). I've also noticed that the binary audio data is flowing in way slower than on the devices where everything is working fine. So this probably has to do with sample/bit rate, encoding or something. Unfortunately I'm not an audio expert, so not sure what to do next.
Update 2: After a lot of trial end error, I've found that if I set the sample rate to about 9500 to 10000 in the Google Cloud RecognizeConfig, everything works. When I set this as the sample rate for the node-wav file output, it sounds okay as well. If I reset the "outgoing" sample rate to GCloud to 16000 again and downsample the audio input to about 25000 instead of 16000 in the frontend from 44100 (see "Frontend (React Component)" in the "microphoneProcess" function), it works as well. So there seems to be some kind of ~0.6 factor in sample rate differences. However, I still don't know where this behavior is coming from: Both Chrome on the working iMac and Safari on the "broken" iPads have a audioContext.sampleRate of 44100. Therefore, when I downsample them to 16000 in the code, I'd suppose both should work, whereas only the iMac works. It seems like the iPad is working with a different sample rate internally?
After a ton of trial and error, I've found the problem (and the solution).
It seems like "older" iDevice models - like the 2017 iPad Pro - have some weird peculiarity of automatically adjusting the microphone sample rate to the rate of played audio. Even though the hardware sample rate of those devices is set to 44.1khz, as soon as some audio is played, the rate changes. This can be observed through something like this:
const audioCtx = new webkitAudioContext();
console.log(`Current sample rate: ${audioCtx.sampleRate}`); // 44100
const audio = new Audio();
audio.src = 'some_audio.mp3';
console.log(`Current sample rate: ${audioCtx.sampleRate}`); // Sample rate of the played audio
In my case I've played some synthesized speech from Google Text-to-Speech before opening the speech transcription socket. Those sound files have a sample rate of 24khz - exactly the sample rate Google Cloud received my audio input in.
The solution therefore was - something I should have done anyways - to downsample everything to 16khz (see my helper function in the question), but not from hard-coded 44.1khz, rather from the current sample rate of the audio context. So I've changed my microphoneProcess() function like this:
const left = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
const left16 = Helpers.downsampleBuffer(left, this.audioCtx.sampleRate, 16000);
Conclusion: Do not trust Safari with the sample rate on page load. It might change.

NodeJS: Using Pipe To Write A File From A Readable Stream Gives Heap Memory Error

I am trying to create 150 million lines of data and write the data into a csv file so that I can insert the data into different databases with little modification.
I am using a few functions to generate seemingly random data and pushing the data into the writable stream.
The code that I have right now is unsuccessful at handling memory issue.
After a few hours of research, I am starting to think that I should not be pushing each data at the end of the for loop because it seems that the pipe method simply cannot handle garbage collection this way.
Also, I found a few StackOverFlow answers and NodeJS docs that recommend against using push at all.
However, I am very new to NodeJS and I feel like I am blocked and do not know how to proceed from here.
If someone can provide me any guidance on how to proceed and give me an example, I would really appreciate it.
Below is a part of my code to give you a better understanding of what I am trying to achieve.
P.S. -
I have found a way to write successfully handle memory issue without using pipe method at all --I used the drain event-- but I had to start from scratch and now I am curious to know if there is a simple way to handle this memory issue without completely changing this bit of code.
Also, I have been trying to avoid using any library because I feel like there should be a relatively easy tweak to make this work without using a library but please tell me if I am wrong. Thank you in advance.
// This is my target number of data
const targetDataNum = 150000000;
// Create readable stream
const readableStream = new Stream.Readable({
read() {}
// Create writable stream
const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('./database/RDBMS/test.csv');
// Write columns first
writableStream.write('id, body, date, dp\n', 'utf8');
// Then, push a number of data to the readable stream (150M in this case)
for (var i = 1; i <= targetDataNum; i += 1) {
const id = i;
const body = lorem.paragraph(1);
const date = randomDate(new Date(2014, 0, 1), new Date());
const dp = randomNumber(1, 1000);
const data = `${id},${body},${date},${dp}\n`;
readableStream.push(data, 'utf8');
// Pipe readable stream to writeable stream
// End the stream
Since you're new to streams, maybe start with an easier abstraction: generators. Generators generate data only when it is consumed (just like Streams should), but they don't have buffering and complicated constructors and methods.
This is just your for loop, moved into a generator function:
function * generateData(targetDataNum) {
for (var i = 1; i <= targetDataNum; i += 1) {
const id = i;
const body = lorem.paragraph(1);
const date = randomDate(new Date(2014, 0, 1), new Date());
const dp = randomNumber(1, 1000);
yield `${id},${body},${date},${dp}\n`;
In Node 12, you can create a Readable stream directly from any iterable, including generators and async generators:
const stream = Readable.from(generateData(), {encoding: 'utf8'})
i suggest to try a solution like the following:
const { Readable } = require('readable-stream');
class CustomReadable extends Readable {
constructor(max, options = {}) {
this.targetDataNum = max;
this.i = 1;
_read(size) {
if (i <= this.targetDataNum) {
// your code to build the csv content
this.push(data, 'utf8');
const rs = new CustomReadable(150000000);
Just complete it with your portion of code to fill the csv and create the writable stream.
With this solution you leave calling the rs.push method to the internal _read stream method invoked until this.push(null) is not called. Probably before you were filling the internal stream buffer too fast calling push manually in a loop getting the out memory error.
Try pipeing to the WritableStream before you start pumping data into the ReadableStream and yield before you write the next chunk.
// Write columns first
writableStream.write('id, body, date, dp\n', 'utf8');
// Pipe readable stream to writeable stream
// Then, push a number of data to the readable stream (150M in this case)
for (var i = 1; i <= targetDataNum; i += 1) {
const id = i;
const body = lorem.paragraph(1);
const date = randomDate(new Date(2014, 0, 1), new Date());
const dp = randomNumber(1, 1000);
const data = `${id},${body},${date},${dp}\n`;
readableStream.push(data, 'utf8');
// somehow YIELD for the STREAM to drain out.
The entire Stream implementation of Node.js relies on the fact that the wire is slow and that the CPU can actually have a downtime before the next chunk of data comes in from the stream source or till the next chunk of data has been written to the stream destination.
In the current implementation, since the for-loop has booked up the CPU, there is no downtime for the actual pipeing of the data to the writestream. You will be able to catch this if you watch cat test.csv which will not change while the loop is running.
As (I am sure) you know, pipe helps in guaranteeing that the data you are working with is buffered in memory only in chunks and not as a whole. But that guarantee only holds true if the CPU gets enough downtime to actually drain the data.
Having said all that, I wrapped your entire code into an async IIFE and ran it with an await for a setTimeout which ensures that I yield for the stream to drain the data.
let fs = require('fs');
let Stream = require('stream');
(async function () {
// This is my target number of data
const targetDataNum = 150000000;
// Create readable stream
const readableStream = new Stream.Readable({
read() { }
// Create writable stream
const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('./test.csv');
// Write columns first
writableStream.write('id, body, date, dp\n', 'utf8');
// Pipe readable stream to writeable stream
// Then, push a number of data to the readable stream (150M in this case)
for (var i = 1; i <= targetDataNum; i += 1) {
console.log(`Pushing ${i}`);
const id = i;
const body = `body${i}`;
const date = `date${i}`;
const dp = `dp${i}`;
const data = `${id},${body},${date},${dp}\n`;
readableStream.push(data, 'utf8');
await new Promise(resolve => setImmediate(resolve));
// End the stream
This is what top looks like pretty much the whole time I am running this.
15213 binaek ** ** ****** ***** ***** * ***.* 0.5 *:**.** node
Notice the %MEM which stays more-or-less static.
You were running out of memory because you were pre-generating all the data in memory before you wrote any of it to disk. Instead, you need a strategy to write is as you generate so you don't have to hold large amounts of data in memory.
It does not seem like you need .pipe() here because you control the generation of the data (it's not coming from some random readStream).
So, you can just generate the data and immediately write it and handle the drain event when needed. Here's a runnable example (this creates a very large file):
const {once} = require('events');
const fs = require('fs');
// This is my target number of data
const targetDataNum = 150000000;
async function run() {
// Create writable stream
const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('./test.csv');
// Write columns first
writableStream.write('id, body, date, dp\n', 'utf8');
// Then, push a number of data to the readable stream (150M in this case)
for (let i = 1; i <= targetDataNum; i += 1) {
const id = i;
const body = lorem.paragraph(1);
const date = randomDate(new Date(2014, 0, 1), new Date());
const dp = randomNumber(1, 1000);
const data = `${id},${body},${date},${dp}\n`;
const canWriteMore = writableStream.write(data);
if (!canWriteMore) {
// wait for stream to be ready for more writing
await once(writableStream, "drain");
run().then(() => {
}).catch(err => {
console.log("got rejection: ", err);
// placeholders for the functions that were being used
function randomDate(low, high) {
let rand = randomNumber(low.getTime(), high.getTime());
return new Date(rand);
function randomNumber(low, high) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (high - low)) + low;
const lorem = {
paragraph: function() {
return "random paragraph";

Web audio api, stop sound gracefully

The web audio api furnish the method .stop() to stop a sound.
I want my sound to decrease in volume before stopping. To do so I used a gain node. However I'm facing weird issues with this where some sounds just don't play and I can't figure out why.
Here is a dumbed down version of what I do:
You'll hear that if you remove the line with setTimeout() that every sound plays. When setTimeout is there not every sound plays. What really confuses me is that I use push and shift accordingly to find the correct source of the sound, however it seems like it's another that stop playing. The only way I can see this happening is if AudioContext.decodeAudioData isn't synchronous. Just try the jsfiddle to have a better understanding and put your headset on obviously.
Here is the code of the jsfiddle:
let url = "";
let soundContainer = {};
let notesMap = {"A4": [] };
let _AudioContext_ = AudioContext || webkitAudioContext;
let audioContext = new _AudioContext_();
var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
oReq.responseType = "arraybuffer";
oReq.onload = function (oEvent) {
var arrayBuffer = oReq.response;
function makeLoop(arrayBuffer){
soundContainer["A4"] = arrayBuffer;
let currentTime = audioContext.currentTime;
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
//playing at same intervals
play("A4", currentTime + i * 0.5);
setTimeout( () => stop("A4"), 500 + i * 500); //remove this line you will hear all the sounds.
function play(notePlayed, start) {
audioContext.decodeAudioData(soundContainer[notePlayed], (buffer) => {
let source;
let gainNode;
source = audioContext.createBufferSource();
gainNode = audioContext.createGain();
// pushing notes in note map
notesMap[notePlayed].push({ source, gainNode });
source.buffer = buffer;
gainNode.gain.value = 1;
function stop(notePlayed){
let note = notesMap[notePlayed].shift();
This is just to explain why I do it like this, you can skip it, it's just to explain why I don't use stop()
The reason I'm doing all this is because I want to stop the sound gracefully, so if there is a possibility to do so without using setTimeout I'd gladly take it.
Basically I have a map at the top containing my sounds (notes like A1, A#1, B1,...).
soundMap = {"A": [], "lot": [], "of": [], "sounds": []};
and a play() fct where I populate the arrays once I play the sounds:
play(sound) {
// sound is just { soundName, velocity, start}
let source;
let gainNode;
// sound container is just a map from soundname to the sound data.
this.audioContext.decodeAudioData(this.soundContainer[sound.soundName], (buffer) => {
source = this.audioContext.createBufferSource();
gainNode = this.audioContext.createGain();
gainNode.gain.value = sound.velocity;
// pushing sound in sound map
this.soundMap[sound.soundName].push({ source, gainNode });
source.buffer = buffer;
And now the part that stops the sounds :
//remember above, soundMap is a map from "soundName" to {gain, source}
let dasound = this.soundMap[sound.soundName].shift();
let gain = dasound.gainNode.gain.value - 0.1;
// we lower the gain via incremental values to not have the sound stop abruptly
let i = 0;
for(; gain > 0; i++, gain -= 0.1){ // watchout funky syntax
((gain, i) => {
setTimeout(() => dasound.gainNode.gain.value = gain, 50 * i );
})(gain, i)
// we stop the source after the gain is set at 0. stop is in sec
setTimeout(() => note.source.stop(), i * 50);
Aaah, yes, yes, yes! I finally found a lot of things by eventually bothering to read "everything" in the doc (diagonally). And let me tell you this api is a diamond in the rough. Anyway, they actually have what I wanted with Audio param :
The AudioParam interface represents an audio-related parameter, usually a parameter of an AudioNode (such as GainNode.gain). An
AudioParam can be set to a specific value or a change in value, and
can be scheduled to happen at a specific time and following a specific
It has a function linearRampToValueAtTime()
And they even have an example with what I asked !
// create audio context
var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var audioCtx = new AudioContext();
// set basic variables for example
var myAudio = document.querySelector('audio');
var pre = document.querySelector('pre');
var myScript = document.querySelector('script');
pre.innerHTML = myScript.innerHTML;
var linearRampPlus = document.querySelector('.linear-ramp-plus');
var linearRampMinus = document.querySelector('.linear-ramp-minus');
// Create a MediaElementAudioSourceNode
// Feed the HTMLMediaElement into it
var source = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(myAudio);
// Create a gain node and set it's gain value to 0.5
var gainNode = audioCtx.createGain();
// connect the AudioBufferSourceNode to the gainNode
// and the gainNode to the destination
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0, audioCtx.currentTime);
// set buttons to do something onclick
linearRampPlus.onclick = function() {
gainNode.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(1.0, audioCtx.currentTime + 2);
linearRampMinus.onclick = function() {
gainNode.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, audioCtx.currentTime + 2);
Working example here
They also have different type of timings, like exponential instead of linear ramp which I guess would fit this scenario more.

WebAudio - seamlessly playing sequence of audio chunks

I have a live, constant source of waveform data that gives me a second of single-channel audio with constant sample rate every second. Currently I play them this way:
// data : Float32Array, context: AudioContext
function audioChunkReceived (context, data, sample_rate) {
var audioBuffer = context.createBuffer(2, data.length, sample_rate);
var source = context.createBufferSource(); // creates a sound source
source.buffer = audioBuffer;
Audio plays fine but with noticeable pauses between consecutive chunks being played (as expected). I'd like to get rid of them and I understand I'll have to introduce some kind of buffering.
Is there a JS library that can do this for me? (I'm in the process of searching through them)
If there is no library that can do this, how should I do it myself?
Detecting when playback finished in one source and have another one ready to play it immediately afterwards? (using AudioBufferSourceNode.onended event handler)
Create one large buffer and copy my audio chunks one after another and control the flow using AudioBufferSourceNode.start AudioBufferSourceNode.stop functions?
Something different?
I've written a small class in TypeScript that serves as buffer for now. It has bufferSize defined for controlling how many chunks it can hold. It's short and self-descriptive so I'll paste it here. There is much to improve so any ideas are welcome.
( you can quickly convert it to JS using: )
class SoundBuffer {
private chunks : Array<AudioBufferSourceNode> = [];
private isPlaying: boolean = false;
private startTime: number = 0;
private lastChunkOffset: number = 0;
constructor(public ctx:AudioContext, public sampleRate:number,public bufferSize:number = 6, private debug = true) { }
private createChunk(chunk:Float32Array) {
var audioBuffer = this.ctx.createBuffer(2, chunk.length, this.sampleRate);
var source = this.ctx.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = audioBuffer;
source.onended = (e:Event) => {
if (this.chunks.length == 0) {
this.isPlaying = false;
this.startTime = 0;
this.lastChunkOffset = 0;
return source;
private log(data:string) {
if (this.debug) {
console.log(new Date().toUTCString() + " : " + data);
public addChunk(data: Float32Array) {
if (this.isPlaying && (this.chunks.length > this.bufferSize)) {
this.log("chunk discarded");
return; // throw away
} else if (this.isPlaying && (this.chunks.length <= this.bufferSize)) { // schedule & add right now
this.log("chunk accepted");
let chunk = this.createChunk(data);
chunk.start(this.startTime + this.lastChunkOffset);
this.lastChunkOffset += chunk.buffer.duration;
} else if ((this.chunks.length < (this.bufferSize / 2)) && !this.isPlaying) { // add & don't schedule
this.log("chunk queued");
let chunk = this.createChunk(data);
} else { // add & schedule entire buffer
this.log("queued chunks scheduled");
this.isPlaying = true;
let chunk = this.createChunk(data);
this.startTime = this.ctx.currentTime;
this.lastChunkOffset = 0;
for (let i = 0;i<this.chunks.length;i++) {
let chunk = this.chunks[i];
chunk.start(this.startTime + this.lastChunkOffset);
this.lastChunkOffset += chunk.buffer.duration;
You don't show how audioChunkReceived, but to get seamless playback, you have to make sure you have the data before you want to play it and before the previous one stops playing.
Once you have this, you can schedule the newest chunk to start playing when the previous one ends by calling start(t), where t is the end time of the previous chunk.
However, if the buffer sample rate is different from the context.sampleRate, it's probably not going to play smoothly because of the resampling that is needed to convert the buffer to the context rate.
I think it is because you allocate your buffer for 2 channel.
change that to one.
context.createBuffer(2, data.length, sample_rate);
context.createBuffer(1, data.length, sample_rate);

