How to effectively concat Uint8Array? - javascript

I'm trying to create a GIF image from scratch on the browser. It all works, but it get a lot of time to build small image which feels underwhelming. (2.6s for a 300x200 with 100 frames on a high-end proc)
Currently, I'm concatenating all my data into a simple Array and turn everything into a Uint8Array when done. I guess using Uint8Array would be better memory and efficiency wise, but I didn't figured out how to concat my data as I create it.
I tried to recreate the Uint8Array each times, but it obviously reduces performances. I tried to use Stream, but never manage to make it work.
// kinda concat
stream = new Uint8Array([,
MDN Stream example are just confusing, so if someone could point me to the right direction it would be dope. =D

if all of your variables are uint 8 arrays(stream, graphicControlExtension, imageDescriptor) use the set method.
uint8stream = new Uint8Array(stream.length + graphicsControlExtension.length + imageDescriptor.length);
uint8stream.set(graphicControlExtension, stream.length);
uint8stream.set(imageDescriptor, stream.length + graphicControlExtension.length);
Otherwise you should to convert them first
to boost it up you can:
try to use push instead of concat
try to use lodash.concat (it is faster than Array.prototype.concat)
write your own concat method like in this article


Node - safest way to execute code from a string during runtime

My Node app gets an HTML page via axios, parses it via htmlparser2 then sends the valuable information to a frontend JS app as JSON.
The HTML page has some JavaScript in it that creates an array, and I need to work with that array in my code. htmlparser2 gets the content of the script as a string. I have two options to handle it as far as I know:
Write a parser that goes through the string and extracts the required info (doable, but complicated)
Run string as some JavaScript code and handle the values from that.
Assume I want to go with option 2. According to this StackOverflow question, using Node's VM module is possible, but the official documentation says "The node:vm module is not a security mechanism. Do not use it to run untrusted code."
I consider the code in my use case untrusted. What would be a safe solution for this?
EDIT: A snippet from the string:
hatizsakCucc = new Array();
hazbanCucc = new Array();
function adatokMessage(targyIndexStr,tomb) {
var targyIndex = parseInt(targyIndexStr);
if (tomb.length<1) alert("Nincs semmi!");
else alert(tomb[targyIndex]);
hatizsakCucc[0]="Név: ezüst\nSúly: 0.0001 kg.\nMennyiség: 453\nÖsszsúly: 0.0453 kg.\n";
hatizsakCucc[1]="Név: kaja\nSúly: 0.4 kg.\nÁr: 2 ezüst\nMennyiség: 68\nÖsszár: 136 ezüst\nÖsszsúly: 27.2 kg.\n";
hatizsakCucc[2]="Típus: fegyver\nNév: bot\nSúly: 2 kg.\nÁr: 6 ezüst\nMin. szint: 1\nMaximum sebzés: 6\nSebzés szórás: 5\nFajta: ütő/zúzó\n";
hatizsakCucc[3]="Típus: fegyver\nNév: parittya\nSúly: 0.3 kg.\nÁr: 14 ezüst\nMin. szint: 1\nMaximum sebzés: 7\nSebzés szórás: 4\nFajta: távolsági\n";
hatizsakCucc[4]="Név: csodatarisznya\nSúly: 4 kg.\nÁr: 1000 ezüst\nExtra: templomi árú\n";
hatizsakCucc[5]="Név: imamalom\nSúly: 5 kg.\nÁr: 150 ezüst\nExtra: templomi árú\n";
The whole string is about 100 lines of this, so it's not too much data.
What I need is the contents of the hatizsakCucc array. Actually, getting an array of that it not too difficult with a regex, I'm realizing now.
This gives me an array of the hatizsakCucc elements, so I guess my problem is solved.
That said, I'm still curious about the possibility of running "untrusted" code safely.
Further context:
I plan parse each array element so it will be an object, the object elements will be the substring separated by the \n-s
So the expected result for the first array element will be:
nev: "ezüst",
suly: 0.0001,
mennyiseg: ...
I'll write a function that splits the string to substrings at the \n then parse the data with a match().

JS String concatenation explodes memory consumption

I was extensively profiling a code till I found out that following code allocates more than 1GB of RAM on the latest Chrome version in private mode when the size of "array" is about 33MB, the size doesn't really matter, it's only a file that had this size with which I was running my tests.
I don't know how to generate such a big Uint8Array in the code for you test so the code below cannot be run as is, but maybe you can understand it anyways and help me with this.
const bytesToString = function (array) {
let uint8Array = new Uint8Array(array);
let length = uint8Array.byteLength;
let stringToEncode = "";
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
stringToEncode += String.fromCharCode(uint8Array[i]);
return stringToEncode;
When uncommenting the "for loop", the RAM consumption stays at the same level while running my code, as soon as the "for loop" is active the consumption explodes to over 1GB. This of course gets at some point GC, but I have a general memory problem where the browser will crash eventually because of excessive memory consumption and I am trying to figure out if this function is the problem.
I could see with the performance analyzer from Chrome that GC is being called many times, I don't know how the GC from Chrome works, because you can read many "Minor GC" and at some point at the end "Major GC" and I was wondering if "Minor GC" does not really mean that the RAM is being freed but rather being "collected" and only at a later point the "Major GC" really frees RAM. If this is the case I suppose that between calling this function and "Major GC" my code runs something that also needs more RAM than usual and then the browser crashes. If this is the case it is the question if there is a better implementation for my function or can I manipulate the GC? As far as I could read, I cannot.
Strings in JS are immutable, so every time you add a character, it will create a new string that is 1 character longer than the previous one. GC will not run until everything is done, so you're stuck with tons of strings of various lengths.
You need other ways of combining strings. In this case your whole function could be written as String.fromCharCode(...array) (though if you actually want to make a string from binary data, you should consider using TextDecoder instead, which supports various encodings, caveat being that it is not available in environments such as Node.js).
Update: String.fromCharCode doesn't seem to work for very large arrays (there is a limit to number of parameters to any function), so instead you could try to map the array into 1-character strings, and then join them together:, c => String.fromCharCode(c)).join("")
(Note the use of instead of, since the latter will truncate your results to Uint8)
I think TextDecoder is probably the proper solution. But if you insist, you could also try creating a blob and then reading from it.
let blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer], {type: 'application/octet-stream'});
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (event) {
// Use if you want the UTF-8 encoded version
// Use if you for example need to use the result with "window.btoa" as it was in my case.

Testing localStorage/sessionStorage max data amount

I'm writing a page to test how much data localStorage and sessionStorage can save in the browser.
It works somewhat but the browser gets unresponsive and the process bar/text is not updated progressively but mostly all at onces at the end or when the unresponsive dialogbox apears.
One of the reasons for the unresponsiveness if when i create a really large string.
blablaantal might be 1048576 to create a string with 1048576 x-charachers.
data = '';
for (i = 0; i < blablaantal; i++) {
data += 'x';
Code and Demo :
localStorage.remainingSpace will tell you how many bytes you can store.
EDIT: In a more general case, try this:
blablaantal = 1048576;
data = new Array(blablaantal+1).join("x");
Yeah, i played around a few years ago to see if i could find a safe, performant way to test this in all browsers. I didn't. The best i achieved at the time is here:
as a plugin for my store2.js wrapper. It'll work faster than your method, but it will still crash/freeze things up sometimes. Though, i haven't tried in a few years, things may be better or, i suppose, worse.

Simple string-based one-way hashing algorithm for JavaScript

I've been searching around for a simple-lightweight hashing algorithm for JavaScript. I did find this numerically-based answer on Stack Overflow here.
Unfortunately, I am unable to use this since it's numerically based and I'll need to use this hash as a unique index elsewhere in my code. Often this function returns negative numbers and that would be a big no-no (try 'hello world!'.hashCode() from the snippet linked above to see what I mean).
I've been tempted to use the md5 hashing libraries out there for JS but they're simply to bulky for my purpose and encryption libraries (such as this) are overkill.
It's worth noting that the information within this hash isn't sensitive in anyway and it wouldn't necessarily matter if it was decrypted. The purpose of this function would be to simply generate fixed-length output data that acts as a shortened reference to the original data that I would pass in.
Any help, tips and comments are much appreciated :)
The solution proposed by Kooilnc, to use the absolute value, should do the tric for you. However, if you want to use a hashing function to generate a reference, i assume that the reference you get should be unique as to match the exact element it was generated from. If this is the case, be aware of collisions. Hashing function can create hashes that are similar even though the original messages are different and we call this a collision. If i remember correctly, SHA-1 is also available for java script and is not all that bulk. Good luck
I am unable to use this since it's numerically based and I'll need to use this hash as a unique index elsewhere in my code.
Hash functions are normally numerically based and are rarely perfect (produce unique keys). I think you need something different:
function GuidGen()
this.items = {};
this.size = 0;
GuidGen.prototype.get = function(str)
if (!(str in this.items))
this.items[str] = this.size++;
return this.items[str];
// usage:
id = new GuidGen();
id.get("hello world"); // 0
id.get("spam"); // 1
id.get("eggs"); // 2
id.get("hello world"); // 0

I need a Javascript literal syntax converter/deobfuscation tools

I have searched Google for a converter but I did not find anything. Is there any tools available or I must make one to decode my obfuscated JavaScript code ?
I presume there is such a tool but I'm not searching Google with the right keywords.
The code is 3 pages long, this is why I need a tools.
Here is an exemple of the code :
Thank you
This code is fascinating because it seems to use only nine characters ("[]()!+,;" and empty space U+0020) yet has some sophisticated functionality. It appears to use JavaScript's implicit type conversion to coerce arrays into various primitive types and their string representations and then use the characters from those strings to compose other strings which type out the names of functions which are then called.
Consider the following snippet which evaluates to the array filter function:
(![]+[])[+[]] // => "f"
+ ([![]]+[][[]])[+!+[]+[+[]]] // => "i"
+ (![]+[])[!+[]+!+[]] // => "l"
+ (!![]+[])[+[]] // => "t"
+ (!![]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]] // => "e"
+ (!![]+[])[+!+[]] // => "r"
]) // => function filter() { /* native code */ }
Reconstructing the code as such is time consuming and error prone, so an automated solution is obviously desirable. However, the behavior of this code is so tightly bound to the JavaScript runtime that de-obsfucating it seems to require a JS interpreter to evaluate the code.
I haven't been able to find any tools that will work generally with this sort of encoding. It seems as though you'll have to study the code further and determine any patterns of usage (e.g. reliance on array methods) and figure out how to capture their usage (e.g. by wrapping high-level functions [such as]) to trace the code execution for you.
This question has already an accepted answer, but I will still post to clear some things up.
When this idea come up, some guy made a generator to encode JavaScript in this way. It is based on doing []["sort"]["call"]()["eval"](/* big blob of code here */). Therefore, you can decode the results of this encoder easily by removing the sort-call-eval part (i.e. the first 1628 bytes). In this case it produces:
if (document.cookie=="6ffe613e2919f074e477a0a80f95d6a1"){ alert("bravo"); }
else{ document.location=""; }
(Funny enough the creator of this code was not even able to compress it properly and save a kilobyte)
There is also an explanation of why this code doesn't work in newer browser anymore: They changed Array.prototype.sort so it does not return a reference to window. As far as I remember, this was the only way to get a reference to window, so this code is kind of broken now.

