Safari video element initial playback takes longer than chrome/firefox/edge - javascript

I have a video element which I'm controlling the full screen and play via a dedicated button. Otherwise the video element is hidden.
<video controls>
<source src="/video.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Plays fine. However, the initial playback on Safari 13 Catalina takes an additional few seconds over other browsers. Checking the network tab doesn't reveal any pre-loading. It seems Safari has a higher buffer threshold before playing.
Is there a workaround for this behavior?

Setting preload="auto" on the video tag should make the video seem to start faster, if you are not concerned with extra bandwidth.
A further optimization would be to try serving an HLS stream in addition to the progressive download mp4. You don't need a special server to do this, a conventional web server can serve HLS live streams if they are correctly encoded/packaged.


HTML5 video tag doesn't work on mobile

I have TV video stream (which is apparently mpeg-ts stream), if I use html5 video tags it all works find on win/mac machines using Chrome.
<video id="player1" width="640" height="360" preload="none" controls playsinline webkit-playsinline>
<source src="" type="video/webm">
But that doesn't work on Android tablet nor on iOS.
I have tried installing multiple different JS player, such as mediaelement, plyr, video.js, mpegts... And I have installed like all three browsers on Android tablet - Chrome, Opera and Mozilla for testings. Every single JS player works fine if I watch the video from my laptop (Chrome), but none of them works when I access from Android device.
The furthest I can get is using Opera+plyr(or video.js) to get an audio playing fine, but with a black screen, no video.
add this as your video starting tag and it will autoplay for android and safari mobile :
<video autoplay="" muted="" loop="" playsinline="" id="vid" preload="auto" width="100%" height="100%">
you also need mp4, ogv and webm formats for crossbrowser
This might work for you. It works fine for me.
<video autoplay="autoplay" loop="loop" muted defaultMuted playsinline>
I would try enabling controls as on iOS if your video is supposed to start automatically it will not allow it.
Another thing is to try adding an HTTP Range Header, it helps to split video into byte ranges which is something to take into mind with mobile. This is more for iOS in general but take a look at this link:
Also as mentioned by other check the format of your video you should ALWAYS have multiple types available.
Video tag doesn't work on mobile. What I've seen people do lately is use gif's as the poster of the video on mobile. I would also look into tools like Wistia for extra video support. Gifs work on mobile, but as the video assets, they take a while to load since they're usually big.
I don't recommend self-hosting as you won't have a ton of support such as slowly loading the video or dynamically switch from 320p version to HD version as it loads, etc.
For example
If you're using a separate host for your files, its server should have a valid SSL certification like my case. My android video player did not work until I added a certification.

HTML 5 AudioElement won't play mp3 Livestreams in safari on IOS 11 devices

I'm a web developer at a radio broadcaster. Since the release of IOS 11, we received several user complaints that our audio live streams can't be played on IOS 11 devices anymore. To embed the streams in our websites we use the HTML5 AudioElement. When debugging the javascript on an iPhone whit IOS 11 we recognized that calling the audio elements play() method resulted in a MediaError of ErrorCode 4 (MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED). All other devices (Android, Windows and IOS 10 and below) play the streams without any problem.
I created a little codepen example
<audio controls>
<source src="http://hr-hrinfo-"
Your browser does not support the audio element.
</audio> in which I just create an AudioElement via the AudioTag and hand the source Tag one of our stream URLs.
Devices running IOS 10 and below play the streams without any problem as well as current android or windows devices. However, a device running IOS 11.0.1 can't play the stream. I can't find any information on why this wouldn't be possible anymore. Does anybody have an idea why our streams won't work anymore and can give us advice on what we can do to make them work again?
This issue is down to Apple WebKit changing in the latest iOS release. For users running KH Icecast a fix can be expected soon (hopefully!)
Adding a simple audio control like this
<audio controls>
<source src="" type="audio/mpeg;codecs="mp3"">
…does not play.
While this one does:
<audio controls>
<source src="">
The only difference I can spot is that on an MP3 it fails while a M3U playlist works.
On iOS 10 and below as well as on current macOS Safari, it works both.
Also Chrome on iOS 11 fails (same Webkit engine?!)
I saw this same issue when trying to load a local HTML file with audio controls into a UIWebView. However, my file was an .m4a audio file. I found that just removing type did the trick. So my HTML looked like this:
<div class="audio"><audio controls><source src="my_local_audio_file.m4a"></audio></div>
Using type=audio/mp4 also worked for me. So I'm guessing it's an incompatible mime type and just removing the type would be the best option.
Hope this helps.

How to autoplay HTML5 <video> and <audio> tags on iOS ?

My team and I are tying to make a web application autoplay HTML5 video/audio tags on iPad. So far no luck after many attempts with CSS and JavaScript.
The question is: What other option is there to make it autoplay ?
I'm thinking native app with integrated browser with iOS API calls to simulate a touch/click and thus making the video/audio tags autoplay.
Is it possible and if yes, how and with which iOS version ?
you can't auto-play videos and audios on iOS in normal mode, you may use trick like simulate user input to auto-play videos and audios.
Safari HTML5 Audio and Video Guide
In Safari on iOS (for all devices, including iPad), where the user may be on a cellular network and be charged per data unit, preload and autoplay are disabled. No data is loaded until the user initiates it. This means the JavaScript play() and load() methods are also inactive until the user initiates playback, unless the play() or load() method is triggered by user action. In other words, a user-initiated Play button works, but an onLoad="play()" event does not.
This plays the movie: <input type="button" value="Play" onclick="">
This does nothing on iOS: <body onload="">
Have you found solution for autoplay video on iOS device? If not, I've just find a solution here, you can use WeChat of iPhone to open it (just support WeChat of iPhone but not support iPad WeChat), it use video.js player, related code as below:
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls autoplay preload="auto" webkit-playsinline="true" x-webkit-airplay="true" width="750" height="460" poster="" data-setup="{}">
It also has solution for support video play without full screen on iOS/Android/PC.

Play video in client side

I'm developing a website using MVC5-html5(actually it will only has a limited number of user,may be 5-10 ). Now, I play video through video tag in html5.
<video width="400" controls>
<source src="myVideo.webm" type="video/webm">
Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
But in order to load the video, It takes time to get the video file from my server to clients and sometime it gets lagging. I wonder is it possible for me to let my client save these videos in their PCs and for the next time, we read direct video from there(let's say from C:\temp folder). Don't need to download from the server again.
Thank you for any though/ suggestion.

How do I minimize loading time for html5's audio tag?

Good day,
I am trying to build a simple music player using the html audio tag and some javascript. When I was coding it worked ok while the files were stored locally with both safari (on an Imac) and Firefox. Then I uploaded it to my web page to test it live and had these issues:
(1) Safari on the Imac takes about a minute to load the file and start playing
(2) Safari on the iphone doesn't autoplay the files although I used the autoplay attribute in the code....see code below)
(3) Firefox just doesn't play it! (although it played just fine when the files were local)
Seems like the files are too questions are: (1) is there a way to make the loading time shorter? and (2) any idea why the autoplay doesn't work on the iPhone Safari and how to get around it?
Here is the code I used for the songs:
<audio autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls">
<source src="../audio/3.ogv" />
<source src="../audio/3.mp3" />
Your browser does not support the audio element.
thanks for your help
I believe you cannot autoplay on the iPhone. I think this is a restriction imposed in order to prevent excess accidental data usage. There were some workarounds to create a fake click, but they seem to have been patched.
Firefox doesn't support MP3 via HTML5. ogv files are Ogg Video, not Audio (ogg), which could be why it's not playing in the audio tag.
As for loading time, the best way would be to compress the file as much as possible. This would reduce the download time.
Just a heads up ... since HTML 5 isn't XML based syntactically, you don't assign attributes like that.
use <audio autoplay controls> as the opening tag.

