i created a double click event on a div , when i click twice a heart react appears on top of the image , on the web browser vue it works fine but when i pressed F12 and switched to mobile view it didn't work
here is my javascript function :
$(document).on("dblclick", '#tesst', function (e) {
var heart = $(this).find("i");
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
here is my div :
stringMsg =
'<div class="/col-lg-4 delcd-tours animate-box/">' +
'<div id="tesst" class="hot-img-container" >' +
'<a href="#">' +
'<div class="instagram">' +
'<i id="heart" class="fa fa-heart">' + '</i>' +
'<img src="" id="myImgTag' + element.id_publication + '" class="img-fluid" alt="" />' +
'</div>' +
"</a>" +
'<div class="desc">' +
"<span>" +
"</span>" +
"<h3>" +
element.pays +
"</h3>" +
"<span>" +
"</span>" +
'<span class="price">' +
element.budget +
"</span>" +
'<a class="btn btn-primary btn-outline" href="tour-detail.html">' +
"View Trip" +
'<i class="icon-arrow-right22">' +
"</i>" +
"</a>" +
"</div>" +
"</div>" +
document.getElementById("pubslist").innerHTML += stringMsg;
document.getElementById("myImgTag" + element.id_publication).src = element.imagePub;
is there any solution for this problem to make it work on both web and mobile view
I have a page in which I have to show list of data in UI through ajax & append the list data in html table save that list data into Local Storage with Jquery, My question is that I want to implement lazy load in UI such that user clicks a button (Click to view more list), and after clicking the button the ajax calls another list with limit & offset to show more list & append the new list below the existing list in UI and also save the data into local storage along with the existing data present.
My Ajax Call for List Data
var sendingData = {
limit: "50000",
offset: "0"
type: 'POST',
url: "/Common/Item/getselleritems?SellerId=" + userid,
data: sendingData ,
crossDomain: true,
success: function (data)
localStorage.setItem("productCode", JSON.stringify(data));
//Do something
My Html design Function
function showProducts()
var productsStorage = localStorage.getItem("productCode");
var products = JSON.parse(productsStorage);
var trHTML = '';
$("table tbody").html("");
$.each(products.Data, function (key, value)
trHTML += '<tr>'
+ '<td class="d-md-flex align-items-center">' + '<figure style="' + imgStyle + '"><a href="" title="Photo title" data-effect="mfp-zoom-in">' +
'<img src="' + imgSrc + '" alt="thumb" class="lazy"></a></figure>' +
'<div class="flex-md-column">' +
'<h4 class="package_name" id="itemdescription_' + value.Id + '" onclick = "packageDetails(\'' + value.Price + '\',\'' + value.Name + '\',\'' + value.Description
+ '\',\'' + itemTimeSlotType + '\',\'' + value.ServiceName + '\',\'' + value.PreparationTime + '\',\'' + value.Quantity + '\')" >' +
'<i class="icon_box-selected" style="' + style + '; margin-right:3px"></i>' +
value.Name + '</h4>' +
'<p>' + value.Description + '</p>' +
'<em>' + "Available In: " + itemTimeSlotType + '</em>' + '<br>' +
'<span class="stars_sellerItem" style="' + starStyle + '">' + value.FoodtestAvgRating + ' <i class="icon_star"> </i> ' +
'</span>' +
'</div>' +
'</td>' + '<td style="padding: 0.75rem 0 0.75rem 0;">' +
'<strong id="itemprice_' + value.Id + '">' +
'<i class="fa fa-inr" aria-hidden="true"></i>' + value.Price +
'</strong>' +
'</td>' +
'<td class="options">' +
'<div class="dropdown dropdown-options">' +
'<i class="icon_plus_alt2"></i>' +
'<div class="numbers-row number" id="item2_' + value.Id + '" data-id="' + value.Id + '">' +
'<input type="text" value="1" class="form-control" name="quantity" id="itemvalue_' + value.Id + '" onchange="getval(' + itemId + ');" readonly>' +
'<div class="inc button_inc plus">' + '+' + '</div><div class="dec button_inc minus">' + '-' + '</div>' + '</div>' +
'</td>' + '</tr>';
$("table tbody").append(trHTML);
I have a gallery loading images from an API then showing them with the lightgallery plugin.
After calling the lightbox in the correct location (see question here) I noticed the plugin is creating three slides for each photo.
There are 20 photos but it creates 60 slides.
Any thoughts on this? Anyone else run into something similar?
** Edit: Here is a CodePen with the page, error happing there: http://codepen.io/nathan-anderson/pen/GqXbvK
// ----------------------------------------------------------------//
// ---------------// Unsplash Photos //---------------//
// ----------------------------------------------------------------//
function displayPhotos(data) {
var photoData = '';
$.each(data, function (i, photo) {
photoData += '<a class="tile"' + 'data-sub-html="#' + photo.id + '"'+ 'data-src="' + photo.urls.regular + '">' + '<img alt class="photo" src="' + photo.urls.regular + '">' + '<div class="caption-box" id="' + photo.id + '">' + '<h1 class="photo-title">' + 'Photo By: ' + photo.user.name + '</h1>' + '<p class="photo-description"> Description: Awesome photo by ' + photo.user.name + ' (aka:' + '<a target="_blank" href="' + photo.links.html + '">' + photo.user.username + ')</a>' + ' So far this photo has ' + '<span>' + photo.likes + '</span>' + ' Likes.' + ' You can download this photo if you wish, it has a free <a target="_blank" href="https://unsplash.com/license"> Do whatever you want </a> license. <a target="_blank" href="' + photo.links.download + '"><i class="fa fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </p>' + '</div>' + '</a>';
// Putitng into HTML
// Calling Lightbox
selector: '.tile',
download: false,
counter: false,
zoom: false,
thumbnail: false,
mode: 'lg-fade'
} // End Displayphotos function
// Show popular photos on pageload
$.getJSON(unsplashAPI, popularPhotos, displayPhotos);
<div class="content" id="photoBox"></div>
The issue was solved by separating the sections of code I wanted to generate within the function.
Here is the updated function code:
function displayPhotos(data) {
var photoData = '';
var photoInfo = '';
$.each(data, function(i, photo) {
photoData += '<a class="tile"' + 'data-sub-html="#' + photo.id + '"' + 'data-src="' + photo.urls.regular + '">' + '<img alt class="photo" src="' + photo.urls.regular + '">';
photoInfo += '<div class="caption-box" id="' + photo.id + '">' + '<h1 class="photo-title">' + 'Photo By: ' + photo.user.name + '</h1>' + '<p class="photo-description"> Description: Awesome photo by ' + photo.user.name + ' (aka:' + '<a target="_blank" href="' + photo.links.html + '">' + photo.user.username + ')</a>' + ' So far this photo has ' + '<span>' + photo.likes + '</span>' + ' Likes.' + ' You can download this photo if you wish, it has a free <a target="_blank" href="https://unsplash.com/license"> Do whatever you want </a> license. <a target="_blank" href="' + photo.links.download + '"><i class="fa fa-download" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> </p>';
// Putitng into HTML
photoData += '</a>';
photoInfo += '</div>';
$('#photoBox').html(photoData + photoInfo);
I am creating a dynamic unordered custom List view. In each element, there is one button. I am creating the list elements in the following way:
for (i = 0; i < arrayID.length; i++) {
var listElement = '<li class="has-form">' +
'<div class="row collapse">' +
'<div class="small-1 columns" style="margin: 5px">' +
'<img src="image/twitter.png">' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="small-6 columns small-only-text-center">' +
'<p>' +
'<i>' + arrayText[i] + '</i>' +
'</p>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="small-3 columns">' +
'<button type="button" class="large-10" onclick="' + onClickViewButton() + '">view</button>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="small-1 columns">' +
'<input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox">' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
The code for button click is:
function onClickViewButton() {
But unfortunately the when the page is loading, the button click is fired and not working on actual button click.
Please help.
Where you have:
you need to have:
Your current code calls the onClickViewButton function in your declaration, when what you really want to do is to just use it as a function reference so it gets called later on onclick.
Try with this snippet:
If you concat function name with parenthesis then it will be treated as function execution hence function will get called.
for (i = 0; i < arrayID.length; i++) {
var listElement = '<li class="has-form">' +
'<div class="row collapse">' +
'<div class="small-1 columns" style="margin: 5px">' +
'<img src="image/twitter.png">' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="small-6 columns small-only-text-center">' +
'<p>' +
'<i>' + arrayText[i] + '</i>' +
'</p>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="small-3 columns">' +
'<button type="button" class="large-10" onclick="onClickViewButton()">view</button>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="small-1 columns">' +
'<input id="checkbox1" type="checkbox">' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
I am trying to fetch data from json file and then attach the data as listitem in a unordered list.
So its getting listed successfully, but I cannot scroll again through it.
Here is how my Javascript looks like:
function ListViewData(allpost) {
allposts = allpost;
$.each(allpost.posts, function (i, row) {
if (row.thumbnail_images) {
$(".list__container").append('<li class="list__item list__item--tappable list__item__line-height list-item-container">' +
'<div class="list-item-main">' +
'<div class="list-item-left">' +
'<img src="' + row.thumbnail_images['full'].url + '" class="thumbnail" width="80" height="80">' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="list-item-right">' +
'<div class="list-item-content">' +
'<span class="list-item-name">' + row.title + ' ' +
'<br/>' +
'<span class="lucent">' +
'<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i> Paris, France' +
'</span>' +
'</span>' +
'<br/>' +
'<span class="list-item-text" style="margin-top:16px;">Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris and named by Gustave Eiffel.' +
'</span>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<span class="list-item-action" >' +
'<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i>' +
'</span>' +
scrollTop: $('.list__container').prop("scrollHeight")
}, 500);
and here is how my HTML code looks like:
<div class="list list-top">
<ul class="list__container">
//here append data comes in place
Instead of
scrollTop: $('.list__container').prop("scrollHeight")
}, 500);
scrollTop: $('.list__container').prop("scrollHeight")
}, 500);
I am writing an HTML loop using javascript. It will loop through a series of images and display them with additional information. It appears that there is always a NaN showing on the HTML output as shown here.
Here is the javascript in question:
var caption = '<p></p>';
if($.isEmptyObject(data[i].caption) !== true)
caption = '<p class="caption" style="top:'+data[i].height+'px;">'+
data[i].caption +
var li = '<li data-uk-modal="{target:#modal-open-image}"'
+ 'class="open"'
+ 'image="'+ data[i].photo +'"'
+ 'caption_height="'+ data[i].height +'"'
+ 'caption="'+ data[i].caption +'">'
+ '<a href="#" class="uk-thumbnail uk-overlay-toggle">'
+ '<div class="uk-overlay">'
+ '<img src="'+ data[i].photo +'" width="250px"/>'
+ caption +
+ '<div class="uk-overlay-caption">'
+ '<p> Sender: ' + data[i].sender + '</p>'
+ '<p> Date: ' + data[i].date + '</p>'
+ '<p> limit: '+ data[i].limit + '</p>'
+ '<p> counter: ' + data[i].counter + '</p>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</a>'
I would think the problem would lie on the caption variable. the data[i] is an array of from a database query.
I need to check if there is something on the data[i].caption. I tried using length, but that doesn't work, so I check if the object exist. Though I am not sure if that works.
My question, is how to display properly check if the caption is empty, and if none it will not add anything on the var li.
You can code it in one line:
( (data && data[i] && data[i].caption) ? " your stuff " : "")
But pay attention that checking 'data[i].caption' in javascript means that: zero is false, empty string is false.
Furthermore if you referring a number you can add a condition using the method isNaN
Please use this one in place of the '+ caption +'
isNaN(data[i].caption) ? '' : data[i].caption
or if(isNaN(data[i].caption)==true){
//do somthing
//do somthing
Thanks for the feedback. I manage to gobble up the solutions you game me and I ended up with this.
var height = (data[i].height == null)?0:data[i].height;
var caption= (data[i].caption== null)?'':data[i].caption;
var li = '<li data-uk-modal="{target:\'#modal-open-image\'}"'
+ 'class="open"'
+ 'image="'+ data[i].photo +'"'
+ 'caption_height="'+ height +'"'
+ 'caption="'+ caption +'">'
+ '<a href="#" class="uk-thumbnail uk-overlay-toggle">'
+ '<div class="uk-overlay">'
+ '<img src="'+ data[i].photo +'" width="250px"/>'
+ '<p class="caption" style="top:' + height +'px;">'
+ caption
+ '</p>'
+ '<div class="uk-thumbnail-caption">'
+ '<p> Sender: ' + data[i].sender + '</p>'
+ '<p> Reciever: '+ data[i].reciever + '</p>'
+ '<p> Date: ' + data[i].date + '</p>'
+ '<p> limit: '+ data[i].limit + '</p>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</div>'
+ '</a>'