I am looking to pass a list of autocomplete values to text boxes that have been appended based on a specified number of units.
function getUnits() {
var units = $("#units").val();
if (units > 1){
for (var count = 1; count < units-1; count++) {
$("<input type='text' /><br>").appendTo("#left-col");
$("#left-col").append('<input type="text">');
$(function() {
function buildTagList(availableTags) {
$( '#med' ).autocomplete({
source: availableTags
This is the code for appending the appropriate amount of text boxes based on the # of units.
function getAvailableTags() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("someID");
var s = ss.getSheetByName("someSheet");
var drug = s.getRange("A2:A").getValues();
var headers = 1;
var tagColumn = 0;
var availableTags = [];
for (var row=headers; row < drug.length; row++) {
return( availableTags );
I have tried creating the appended values with the same name/id/and class, but nothing seems to be working. A bonus question would also be: when a user goes to submit the form, how do I capture all of the appended boxes' values?
Here's a short example of adding textboxes to a dialog and submitting the data back to a spreadsheet
Run addTextBoxestoADialog(). Give it the names of the textboxes separated by forward slash. Like this: name1/name2/name3 and then it will build the form. You can fill in the values and hit submit and the names and values will be appended to the active sheet.
function addTextBoxestoADialog() {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var ui=SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
var resp=ui.prompt("Adding Text Boxes to a Dialog","Enter unique names of text boxes separate by forward slash /.",ui.ButtonSet.OK );
var tA=resp.getResponseText().split('/');
var html='<html><head><script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css"><script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>';
html+='<script>function fileUploadJs(frmData){google.script.run.upLoadForm(frmData);}</script></head><body>';
html+='<form id="myForm">';
for(var i=0;i<tA.length;i++) {
html+=Utilities.formatString('<br /><input type="text" value="%s" name="%s" /> %s',i+1,tA[i],tA[i]);//added default values
html+=Utilities.formatString('<input type="hidden" value="%s" name="NameArray" />',tA.join('~~~'));
html+='<br /><input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="fileUploadJs(this.parentNode)" />';
var userInterface=HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(html);
ui.showModelessDialog(userInterface, "Adding TextBoxes");
function upLoadForm(theForm) {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh=ss.getActiveSheet();
var nA=theForm.NameArray.split('~~~');
for(var i=0;i<nA.length;i++) {
I want to calculate 2 options from different selects in HTML and display the result in an input field. The first select will fill from a mysql database, the second select will fill with 1 option that is the pair of the first. I want to multiply them and display the result in the last input field. Here is an example:
The table of the database the field are "id product"-id quantity price type
table view
Here is the result that i want: to display
When the user selects the quantity the corresponding value is going to be displayed to the next field.
After that in the last input field i want to calculate the previous selections
the user can only select the quantity and not the price
I made a select with php and made an array which is converted to javascript array object
$sth = $conn->prepare("SELECT quantity,price FROM eb_products_price WHERE product_id = 20");
/* Fetch all of the remaining rows in the result set */
print("Fetch all of the remaining rows in the result set:\n");
$result = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN|PDO::FETCH_GROUP);
$json_array = json_encode($result);
With this code the only thing i can do is to display the quantity with a foreach
BUT the price will remain the last one and it wont change while i change the quantity.
I found a way to display the correct price but with javascript here is the code
var arrayObjects = {"400":["0.8"],"300":["0.9"],"200":["0.95"],"100":["1.1"]}
function products() {
var quantity= document.getElementById("quantity");
var price= document.getElementById("price");
var arrprice = quantity.options[quantity.selectedIndex].value;
while (price.options.length) {
var prices = arrayObjects[arrprice];
if (prices) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
var price1 = new Option(prices[i], i);
Here is the calculate function that work without the last part of code:
calculate = function()
var quantity= document.getElementById('quantity').value;
var price= document.getElementById('price').value;
var number = parseFloat(quantity)*parseFloat(price);
var n = number.toFixed(2);
document.getElementById('result').value = n
To change a HTML-Element dynamically you need event Listeners like onChange example below:
var arrayObjects = {"400":["0.8"],"300":["0.9"],"200":["0.95"],"100":["1.1"]}
function products() {
var quantity = document.getElementById("quantity");
var factor = document.getElementById("factor"); // added
var price= document.getElementById("price");
// Fill dropdown (quantity)
while (quantity.options.length) {
// fill by key
for( var quantity_key in arrayObjects ) {
var quantity_option = new Option(
// onChange-Listener
quantity.onchange = () => {
factor.value = arrayObjects[quantity.value];
// look for factor by key in arrayObjects
price.value = Math.round(
quantity.value *arrayObjects[quantity.value]
<select id='quantity'></select>
<input type='text' id='factor' readonly="readonly">
<input type='text' id='price' readonly="readonly">
in javascript, to get the selected element (value) of a select, use :
var e = document.getElementById("quantity");
var quantity= e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;
I have this problem here
The problem has been solved, but my question is how can I get the second value from that, or the third one. The sheet will have many tables and at some point I will need a total for each table. Also, is there any solution to automatically find the the array number which contain date row for each table (instead defining this manually). Hope my explanation make sense.
Thank you!
Kind regards,
L.E. Test file
If I understood your question correctly, instead of breaking the loop when a match to "Total" is found do whatever is needed to be done within the loop like so...
var today = toDateFormat(new Date());
var todaysColumn =
var emailDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(today),"GMT+1",
for (var i=0; i<values.length; i++){
if (values[i][0]=='Total'){
nr = i;
var output = values[nr][todaysColumn];
// Do something with the output here I"m assuming you email it
The loop will keep going and find every "Total" and do the same thing. This answer assumes that the "Totals" are in the same column. You can get fancier with this if you only want certain tables to send and not others, but this should get you started.
I didn't quite understand the second part of your question...
"Also, is there any solution to automatically find the the array
number which contain date row for each table (instead defining this
manually). Hope my explanation make sense."
I'm guessing you want all the rows that contain "Total" in the specific column. You could instantiate a variable as an empty array like so, var totals = [];. Then instead of sending the email or whatever in the first loop you would push the row values to the array like so, totals.push(nr+1) . //adding 1 gives you the actual row number (rows count from 1 but arrays count from 0). You could then simply loop through the totals array and do whatever you wanted to do. Alternatively you could create an array of all the values instead of row numbers like totals.push(values[nr][todaysColumn]) and loop through that array. Lots of ways to solve this problem!
Ok based on our conversation below I've edited the "test" sheet and updated the code. Below are my edits
All edits have been made in your test sheet and verified working in Logger. Let me know if you have any questions.
Added "Validation" Tab
Edited "Table" tab so the row with "Email Address" in Column A lines up with the desired lookup values (dates or categories)...this was only for the first two tables as all the others already had this criteria.
Create table/category selector...
In the editor go to File >> New >> HTMLfile
Name the file "inputHTML"
Copy and paste the following code into that file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<form class="notice_form" autocomplete="off" onsubmit="formSubmit(this)" target="hidden_iframe">
<select id="tables" onchange="hideunhideCatagory(this.value)" required></select>
<select id="categories" style="display:none"></select>
<button class="submit" type="submit">Get Total</button>
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
console.log('Page is loaded');
<script type="text/javascript">
// The code in this function runs when the page is loaded.
$(function() {
var tableRunner = google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(buildTableList);
var catagoryRunner = google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(buildCatagoryList);
function buildTableList(tables) {
var list = $('#tables');
for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
list.append('<option>' + tables[i] + '</option>');
function buildCatagoryList(categories) {
var list = $('#categories');
for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
list.append('<option>' + categories[i] + '</option>');
function hideunhideCatagory(tableValue){
var catElem = document.getElementById("categories");
if(tableValue == "Total Calls By Date" || tableValue == "Total Appointments by Date"){
catElem.style.display = "none"
document.required = false;
catElem.style.display = "block"
document.required = true;
function formSubmit(argTheFormElement) {
var table = $("select[id=tables]").val(),
catagory = $("select[id=categories]").val();
<div id="hiframe" style="display:block; visibility:hidden; float:right">
<iframe name="hidden_iframe" height="0px" width="0px" ></iframe>
Edits to Code.gs file
Replace code in Code.gs with this...
//This is a simple trigger that creates the menu item in your sheet
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Run Scripts Manually')
.addItem('Get Total','fncOpenMyDialog')
//This function launches the dialog and is launched by the menu item
function fncOpenMyDialog() {
//Open a dialog
var htmlDlg = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('inputHTML')
.showModalDialog(htmlDlg, 'Select table to get total for');
//main function called by clicking "Get Total" on the dialogue...variables are passed to this function from the formSubmit in the inputHTML javascript
function getTotal(table,catagory) {
function toDateFormat(date) {
try {return date.setHours(0,0,0,0);}
catch(e) {return;}
//get all values
var values = SpreadsheetApp
//declare/instantiate your variables
var tableHeaderRow, totalRow, tableFound = false;
//begin loop through column A in Tables Sheet
for (var i = 0; i<values.length; i++){
//test to see if values have already been found if so break the loop
if(tableFound == true){break;}
//check to see if value matches selected table
if (values[i][0]==table){
//start another loop immediately after the match row
for(var x=i+1; x<values.length; x++){
if(values[x][0] == "Email Address"){ //This header needs to consistantly denote the row that contains the headers
tableHeaderRow = x;
tableFound = true;
}else if(values[x][0] == "Total"){
totalRow = x;
Logger.log("Header Row = "+tableHeaderRow)
Logger.log("Total Row = "+ totalRow)
var today = toDateFormat(new Date())
var columnToTotal;
columnToTotal = values[tableHeaderRow].map(toDateFormat).map(Number).indexOf(+today);
columnToTotal = values[tableHeaderRow].indexOf(catagory);
var output = values[totalRow][columnToTotal];
var emailDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(today),"GMT+1", "dd/MM/yyyy");
//here is where you would put your code to do something with the output
/** The functions below are used by the form to populate the selects **/
function getTables(){
var cFile = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var cSheet = cFile.getSheetByName('Validation');
var cSheetHeader = cSheet.getRange(1,1,cSheet.getLastRow(),cSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues().shift();
var tabelCol = (cSheetHeader.indexOf("Tables")+1);
var tables = cSheet.getRange(2,tabelCol,cSheet.getLastRow(),1).getValues();
return tables.filter(function (elem){
return elem != "";
function getCatagories(){
var cFile = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var cSheet = cFile.getSheetByName('Validation');
var cSheetHeader = cSheet.getRange(1,1,cSheet.getLastRow(),cSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues().shift();
var catagoriesCol = (cSheetHeader.indexOf("Catagory")+1);
var catagories = cSheet.getRange(2,catagoriesCol,cSheet.getLastRow(),1).getValues();
return catagories.filter(function (elem){
return elem != "";
I am using Data Table in jquery. So i passed one input type text box and passed the single id. This data table will take a multiple text box. i will enter values manually and pass it into the controller. I want to take one or more text box values as an array..
The following image is the exact view of my data table.
I have marked red color in one place. the three text boxes are in same id but different values. how to bind that?
function UpdateAmount() {debugger;
var id = "";
var count = 0;
$("input:checkbox[name=che]:checked").each(function () {
if (count == 0) {
id = $(this).val();
var amount= $('#Amount').val();
else {
id += "," + $(this).val();
amount+="," + $(this).val(); // if i give this i am getting the first text box value only.
count = count + 1;
if (count == 0) {
alert("Please select atleast one record to update");
return false;
Really stuck to find out the solution... I want to get the all text box values ?
An Id can only be used once; use a class, then when you reference the class(es), you can loop through them.
<input class="getValues" />
<input class="getValues" />
<input class="getValues" />
Then, reference as ...
Loop through as ...
var allValues = [];
var obs = $(".getValues");
for (var i=0,len=obs.length; i<len; i++) {
... and you now have an array of the values.
You could also use the jQuery .each functionality.
var allValues = [];
var obs = $(".getValues");
obs.each(function(index, value) {
So, the fundamental rule is that you must not have duplicate IDs. Hence, use classes. So, in your example, replace the IDs of those text boxes with classes, something like:
<input class="amount" type="text" />
Then, try the below code.
function UpdateAmount() {
var amount = [];
$("input:checkbox[name=che]:checked").each(function () {
var $row = $(this).closest("tr");
var inputVal = $row.find(".amount").val();
console.log (amount); // an array of values
console.log (amount.join(", ")); // a comma separated string of values
if (!amount.length) {
alert("Please select atleast one record to update");
return false;
See if that works and I will then add some details as to what the code does.
First if you have all the textbox in a div then you get all the textbox value using children function like this
function GetTextBoxValueOne() {
$("#divAllTextBox").children("input:text").each(function () {
Now another way is you can give a class name to those textboxes which value you need and get that control with class name like this,
function GetTextBoxValueTwo() {
$(".text-box").each(function () {
I have dynamic multiple check boxes which is used to restore multiple files. It works perfectly when I have more than 1 check boxes. Here is my php code for check boxes:
<form name="RestoreFile">
<input type="checkbox" title="'.$FldDoc['FldDocumentName'].'" name="restore_checkbox" value="'.$FldDoc['FldDocumentID'].'" id="restore_'.$NodeId.'_'.$FldDoc['FldDocumentID'].'"/>
<input type="button" value="Restore" onclick="RestoreDocFile(\''.$NodeId.'\',this.form.restore_checkbox);" />
And the definition of function RestoreDocFile() is given below:
function getSelected(opt)
var selected = new Array();
var index = 0;
for (var intLoop = 0; intLoop < opt.length; intLoop++) {
if (opt[intLoop].checked)
index = selected.length;
selected[index] = new Object;
selected[index].value = opt[intLoop].value;
selected[index].index = intLoop;
return selected;
function RestoreDocFile(nodeid, opt)
var getSelectDocIds = getSelected(opt);
var strSelectedDocIds = "";
var i=0;
for (var item in getSelectDocIds)
strSelectedDocIds += getSelectDocIds[item].value ;
The problem is that if there has 1 checkbox at the time of form load it doesn't work properly.
Try replacing
This will ensure you get a NodeList regardless of how many checkboxes there are.
I've an html page which has many dynamically created input boxes. The number of text boxes vary each time.
I want to calculate the sum of the numbers the user has entered, and disply it. When the user delete one number the sum should auto calculate.
How can i do it with javascript?
In jQuery something like this should work with a few assumptions:
$('.toAdd').live('change', function() {
var total = 0;
$('.toAdd').each(function () {
total += $(this).val();
The assumptions being that your input fields all have the class 'toAdd' and that your final input field has an ID of 'total'.
In pure JS:
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName('toAdd');
var myLength = elems.length,
total = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < myLength; ++i) {
total += elems[i].value;
document.getElementById('total').value = total;
Let me elaborate when I review my notes but here is a high level answer that I believe will work... (My Java Script is very rusty)...
Make the input boxes share an attribute (or use tag) so you can get a collection to walk through no matter the size... Then on the onkeyup event on every input call this function that will sum the totals. Put the result into another entry with the ID you know beforehand...
You will have to validate input because if one of them is not a number then the total will also be "NAN"
Okay here is a complete working example you can build off of that I just threw together: It obviously needs a great deal of polishing on your end...
<script language="javascript">
function AddInputs()
var total = 0;
var coll = document.getElementsByTagName("input")
for ( var i = 0; i<coll.length; i++)
var ele = coll[i];
total += parseInt(ele.value);
var Display = document.getElementById("Display");
Display.innerHTML = total;
<input onkeyup="AddInputs()" />
<input onkeyup="AddInputs()" />
<input onkeyup="AddInputs()" />
<span id="Display"></span>