Chai: throwing error on async/await when no parameter is passed - javascript

I am trying to test my code (Typescript) and it should throw when no parameter is passed
getID(ID) { if(!ID){throw new Error('stop js')} ....}
it('should fail if no ID', async () => {
expect(async () => await myService.getID() ).to.throw("stop js");
Based on the documentation the above should work however when I run the test I get
1) myTest
should fail if no groupId is passed:
AssertionError: expected [Function] to throw an error

You are operating on Promises; async/await is just syntactic sugar for Promises as well.
When you run code like this:
it('should fail if no ID', () => {
expect(/* not async */ myService.getID()).to.throw("stop js");
...the call to getID will synchronously throw an Error. However, when you run code like this:
it('should fail if no ID', async () => {
expect(async () => await myService.getID()).to.throw("stop js");
...the call to async will pass a Promise into expect, which will asynchronously be rejected with your Error.
As mentioned by NineBerry in the comments, you can install and use the library chai-as-promised to operate on Promises:
return expect(async () => await myService.getID()).to.eventually.throw("stop js");
// or
return expect(async () => await myService.getID())"stop js");
You will either need to return the result of expect, or await it; otherwise your test will not wait for the expect result before determining whether it succeeds.


Jest test expecting specific error to be thrown [duplicate]

I'm writing an async test that expects the async function to throw like this:
it("expects to have failed", async () => {
let getBadResults = async () => {
await failingAsyncTest()
expect(await getBadResults()).toThrow()
But jest is just failing instead of passing the test:
FAIL src/failing-test.spec.js
● expects to have failed
Failed: I should fail!
If I rewrite the test to looks like this:
expect(async () => {
await failingAsyncTest()
I get this error instead of a passing test:
Expected the function to throw an error.
But it didn't throw anything.
You can test your async function like this:
it('should test async errors', async () => {
await expect(failingAsyncTest())
.toThrow('I should fail');
'I should fail' string will match any part of the error thrown.
I'd like to just add on to this and say that the function you're testing must throw an actual Error object throw new Error(...). Jest does not seem to recognize if you just throw an expression like throw 'An error occurred!'.
await expect(async () => {
await someAsyncFunction(someParams);
}).rejects.toThrowError("Some error message");
We must wrap the code in a function to catch the error. Here we are expecting the Error message thrown from someAsyncFunction should be equal to "Some error message". We can call the exception handler also
await expect(async () => {
await someAsyncFunction(someParams);
}).rejects.toThrowError(new InvalidArgumentError("Some error message"));
Read more
Custom Error Class
The use of rejects.toThrow will not work for you. Instead, you can combine the rejects method with the toBeInstanceOf matcher to match the custom error that has been thrown.
it("should test async errors", async () => {
await expect(asyncFunctionWithCustomError()).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(
To be able to make many tests conditions without having to resolve the promise every time, this will also work:
it('throws an error when it is not possible to create an user', async () => {
const throwingFunction = () => createUser(createUserPayload)
// This is what prevents the test to succeed when the promise is resolved and not rejected
await throwingFunction().catch(error => {
expect(error.message).toMatch(new RegExp('Could not create user'))
details: new RegExp('Invalid payload provided'),
I've been testing for Firebase cloud functions and this is what I came up with:
test("It should test async on failing cloud functions calls", async () => {
await expect(async ()=> {
await failingCloudFunction(params)
.toThrow("Invalid type"); // This is the value for my specific error
This is built on top of lisandro's answer.
If you want to test that an async function does NOT throw:
it('async function does not throw', async () => {
await expect(hopefullyDoesntThrow()).resolves.not.toThrow();
The above test will pass regardless of the value returned, even if undefined.
Keep in mind that if an async function throws an Error, its really coming back as a Promise Rejection in Node, not an error (thats why if you don't have try/catch blocks you will get an UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning, slightly different than an error). So, like others have said, that is why you use either:
.rejects and .resolves methods, or a
try/catch block within your tests.
This worked for me
it("expects to have failed", async () => {
let getBadResults = async () => {
await failingAsyncTest()
// or in my case
expect(getBadResults()).reject.toMatchObject({ message: 'foo' })
You can do like below if you want to use the try/catch method inside the test case.
test("some test case name with success", async () => {
let response = null;
let failure = null;
// Before calling the method, make sure someAsyncFunction should be succeeded
try {
response = await someAsyncFunction();
} catch(err) {
error = err;
test("some test case name with failure", async () => {
let response = null;
let error = null;
// Before calling the method, make sure someAsyncFunction should throw some error by mocking in proper way
try {
response = await someAsyncFunction();
} catch(err) {
error = err;
As my given solution is not taking the advantage of inbuilt jest tests with the throwing feature, please do follow the other solution suggested by #Lisandro
it('should test async errors', async () => {
await expect(failingAsyncTest())
.toThrow('I should fail');
test("It should test async on failing cloud functions calls", async () => {
failingCloudFunction(params).catch(e => {
expect(e.message).toBe('Invalid type')

Mocha Dynamic test generation in before block not getting executed

As suggested in this post , I tried the steps to create dynamic tests , but I see the actual test(test.getMochaTest()in my below implementation) not getting executed. What's that I'm missing here, the call on test.getMochaTest() does not get executed in the before block.
describe('Dynamic Tests for Mocha', async () => {
let outcome ;
before(async() => {
await init().catch(() => console.error('Puppeteer environment initialization failed'));
return collectTests().then(async(collectTests) => {'4.Executing tests :');
describe('Dynamic test execution', async() => {
collectTests.forEach(async(test) => {`\tModule under test : ${}`);
// impl. of test.getMochaTest() DOES NOT get executed.
it(, async() => outcome = await test.getMochaTest().catch(async () => {
console.error(`error while executing test:\t${}`);
}) ;
after(async () => {'5. Exiting tests...');
await HelperUtils.delay(10000).then(async () => { await browser.close(); });
console.log('executing after block');
it('placeholder', async() => {
console.log('place holder hack - skip it');
Array of tests is returned here :
async function collectTests():Promise<Array<ITest>> {'3.Collecting tests to execute ...');
testArray = new Array<ITest>();
const login:ITest = new SLogin('Login Check');
return testArray;
The below implementation of getMochaTest in SLogin -> does not get executed .
export default class SLogin extends BTest implements ITest {
constructor(name: string) {
async getMochaTest():Promise<Mocha.Func> {
return async () => {
console.log('Running Login check');
It doesn't look like you're actually invoking the test.
Calling test.getMochaTest() only returns the async test function in a Promise, it doesn't execute it. So your catch block is catching errors while obtaining the function, not while executing it.
Breaking it out across multiple lines will hopefully make things clearer.
Here's what your code sample does. Notice it never executes the returned test function:
it(, async () => {
const testFn = await test.getMochaTest().catch(() =>
console.error(`error while ***obtaining*** test: \t${}`));
// oops - testFn never gets called!
And here's a corrected version where the test actually gets called:
it(, async () => {
const testFn = await test.getMochaTest().catch(() =>
console.error(`error while ***obtaining*** test: \t${}`));
const outcome = await testFn().catch(() =>
console.error(`error while ***executing*** test: \t${}`));
Note: I wrote it that way with await and catch() to better match the format of your code sample. However, it's worth pointing out that it mixes async/await and Promise syntax. More idiomatic would be to catch errors with a try/catch block when using async/await.

Jest cleanup after test case failed

What is a good and clean way to cleanup after a test case failed?
For a lot of test cases, I first create a clean database environment, which needs to be cleaned up after a test case finishes.
test('some test', async () => {
const { sheetService, cleanup } = await makeUniqueTestSheetService();
// do tests with expect()
await cleanup();
Problem is: If one of the expects fails, cleanup() is not invoked and thus the database environment is not cleaned up and jest complains Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed. because the connection is not closed.
My current workaround looks like this, but it doesn't feel good and clean to push the cleanup hooks to an array which than is handled in the afterAll event.
const cleanUpHooks: (() => Promise<void>)[] = [];
afterAll(async () => {
await Promise.all( => hook()));
test('some test', async () => {
const { sheetService, cleanup } = await makeUniqueTestSheetService();
// do tests with expect()
await cleanup();
Use try/finally block for such cases.
For example:
it("some test case", async done => {
try {
// cleanup code below...
Above code would just execute the finally block (hence "finally" gets printed in console instead of "abc".
Note that the catch block gives a timeout so just use finally.
This answer must be useful.
What if you use afterEach()? it will execute after each test
test('some test', async () => {
const { sheetService, cleanup } = await makeUniqueTestSheetService();
// do tests with expect()
await cleanup();

why is using .then() 3x faster then await in my test?

This could totally be me misunderstanding something about the way async/await works in Javascript, but I haven't figured it out yet.
I have a simple test that uses some helpers to generate mock data before actually running the test.
Here's the helper function:
async create(numCustomers, businessId, options) {
options = _.assign({ type: 'customer' }, options);
const customers = await Factory.createMany('user', options, numCustomers);
return Promise.all( (c) => {
await AccountHelper.create(businessId, c.get('id'));
return c;
and here's two versions of the test:
async/await version:
const customers = await CustomerHelper.create(10, Constants.fakeBusinessId);
await Promise.all( (c) => {
await PetHelper.create(1, c.get('id'));
const res = await server.inject(request);
.then() version:
CustomerHelper.create(10, Constants.fakeBusinessId).then(async (customers) => {
await Promise.all( (c) => {
await PetHelper.create(1, c.get('id'));
const res = await server.inject(request);
The .then() version finishes in about 2 seconds, where the async/await version finishes in almost 7 seconds. Changing between these two forms seems to be the only variable.
I'm running Node 8.9.4 on OSX.
I appreciate any insights or education :)
Both methods should be roughly the same duration, as long as you are properly signaling your test framework that the test is done. (Either by returning a promise or calling the done callback, in most test frameworks)
If you do not signal the framework properly, then the test will exit before the async processing is finished (or even started, in many cases). Also, if your assertions / expectations wait for an asynchronous event, then they will not even be made, and a test with no assertions is (in most frameworks) a passing test. Because of this, async/await is becoming the preferred style for tests, because it is harder (though not impossible) to incorrectly signal the test framework (as your example illustrates).
Proper ways to signal a test framework the test is done (for mocha/jest style frameworks):
it('does async work with await', async function (){
let result = await asyncWork()
it('does async work with returned promise', function (){
return asyncWork().then(function (result) {
it('does async work with promise and callback', function (done){
asyncWork().then(function (result) {
done() // note that this method will timeout if it fails, instead of displaying the error message, but you still get a failure
it('does async work with promise and chained callback', function (done){
asyncWork().then(function (result) {
Improper ways that almost look right:
it('does async work but does not wait', function (done){
asyncWork().then(function (result) {
done() // this gets called before async work is done, and no assertions are made
it('does async work with promise and chained callback, but calls callback too soon', function (done){
asyncWork().then(function (result) {
}).then(done()) // this is effectively identical to the previous example, because done gets called immediately
also note that the async/await style fully catches thrown errors/rejections from asyncWork, although with more code the other styles could as well.

jest mocking promise method called wrong number of times

As part of my redux action, it makes several sequential api requests. The apiCall method returns a Promise with some value, and that value is used by a subsequent apiCall to make another request, and so on. I'm using Jest to test these api calls.
const myAPI = {
apiCall(param: any): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const serialAPIRequests = () => {
.then((result) => {
return myAPI.apiCall(result);
.then((result) => {
return myAPI.apiCall(result);
.then((result) => {
return Promise.resolve(result);
I am trying to write a test to ensure apiCall has been called the correct number of times and with the right parameters.
describe.only('my test', () => {
it('should test api stuff', () => {
myAPI.apiCall = jest.fn()
What happens is that Jest report Expected mock function to have been called three times, but it was called one time.
Jest test result shows that
● Console
● my test › should test api stuff
Expected mock function to have been called three times, but it was called one time.
The fact that console.log showed different values means the mocked return was properly passed through the mock function and it was called 3 times.
What could be causing this and how do I properly test this function?
Use async/await to test async code. Read more here:
describe.only('my test', () => {
it('should test api stuff', async () => {
myAPI.apiCall = jest.fn()
await serialAPIRequests();
Promises are async so by the time you do you check the mock was actually called once.
You could do this instead. Wait for all calls to be done and return a promise to indicate the test is async.
return serialAPIRequests().then(() => {

