Scripts for form validation in Javascript - javascript

These are the scripts for a Form and I would like to do the followings:
To ensure date, time, no are inputted and selected (no spaces and left empty) which time is an option selection and I don't know how to validate it in myFunction1 if (isNaN(no) || isNaN(date) || date == "" || no == "" || no == " ")
After ensuring no empty fields that date, time, no are inputted and selected, run this code (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 0)) to get a result of True or False and return a message respectively

I do not know why you have used isNaN(date) for date. but you can use it as per your requirement.
Try below solution
<form action="#" method="get" onreset="return check();" ;>
<table width="300">
<td><label><input type="text" id="date" name="date" placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy"></label></td>
<select id="time" name="time:" style="width:173px; height:22px">
<option selected="selected">Please select</option>
<option>12:00 - 2:00pm</option>
<option>2:00pm - 4:00pm</option>
<option>4:00pm - 6:00pm</option>
<td>No. of Guests:</td>
<td><label><input type="text" id="no" name="no. of Guests"></label></td>
<td id="demo" colspan="2" style="display:none">Data not completed, please re-enter</td>
<td id="result" colspan="2"></td>
<td><label><button type="button" onclick="myFunction()" name="Check Availability" value="Check Availability" style="width:173px; height:25px">Check Availability</button></label></td>
<td><label><input type="reset" onclick="myFunction3()" name="Reset" value="Reset" style="width:173px; height:25px"></label></td>
function myFunction() {
function myFunction2() {
if ((arguments.length != 3) && (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 0))
return false
else return true;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = myFunction1() ? (myFunction2() ? 'Reservation done. Thank you.' : 'No table is available for the date and time.') : '';
function myFunction1() {
var date = document.getElementById("date").value;
var no = document.getElementById("no").value;
var myDiv = document.getElementById("demo");
if (isNaN(no) || isNaN(date) || date == "" || no == "" || no == " ") { = "block";
return false;
else { = "none";
return true;
function myFunction3() {
document.getElementById("demo").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "";

Return Booleans in function like this:
function myFunction(){
if(myFunction1()) return;
//If not error in inputed data then continue...
function myFunction1(){
//Check if data is correct or not?
return false;
return true; //wrong data, stop executing myFunction
<script src=""></script>
<form action="#" method="get" onreset="return check();" ;>
<table width="300">
<td><label><input type="text" id="date" name="date" placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy"></label></td>
<select id="time" name="time:" style="width:173px; height:22px">
<option selected="selected" value="0">Please select</option>
<option>12:00 - 2:00pm</option>
<option>2:00pm - 4:00pm</option>
<option>4:00pm - 6:00pm</option>
<td>No. of Guests:</td>
<td><label><input type="text" id="no" name="no. of Guests"></label></td>
<td id="demo" colspan="2" style="display:none">Data not completed, please re-enter</td>
<td id="result" colspan="2"></td>
<td><label><button type="button" onclick="myFunction()" name="Check Availability" value="Check Availability" style="width:173px; height:25px">Check Availability</button></label></td>
<td><label><input type="reset" onclick="myFunction3()" name="Reset" value="Reset" style="width:173px; height:25px"></label></td>
function myFunction() {
if(myFunction1()) return;
function myFunction2() {
if ((arguments.length != 3) && (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 0))
return false
else return true;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = myFunction2() ? 'Reservation done. Thank you.' : 'No table is available for the date and time.';
function myFunction1() {
var date = document.getElementById("date").value;
var no = document.getElementById("no").value;
var myDiv = document.getElementById("demo");
var time = document.getElementById("time");
if (isNaN(no) || isNaN(date) || date == "" || time.value == 0 || !time.value || no == "" || no == " ") { = "block";
return true; //error
else { = "none";
return false;
function myFunction3() {
document.getElementById("demo").style.display = "none";
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "";


onsubmit function don't work

i want to verify my form value on submit, but it move directly to the action without executing the function onsubmit, can anyone please help me.
here is my html page:
<script src="{% static 'js/formulaire.js' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function isValide(){
var resultat = true
if (!isAlpha(document.getElementById('titre').value) || document.getElementById('titre').value == "" {
resultat = false:
else {
if (!isFloat(document.getElementById('seuil').value) || document.getElementById('seuil').value == "" {
resultat = false:
else {
return resultat;
<form id="notif-form" name="form1" action="{% url 'mgmt_notif:verif_notif' %}" method="POST" onsubmit="return isValide();">
{% csrf_token %}
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="id-form" >
<th valign="top">Titre :</th>
<td><input type="text" name="nom_notif" id="titre" class="inp-form" /></td>
<div id="err1" class="error-left"></div>
<div id="err2" class="error-inner">Verifier ce champs.</div>
<th valign="top">Seuil :</th>
<td><input type="text" name="rate" id="seuil" class="inp-form" /></td>
<div id="err3" class="error-left"></div>
<div id="err4" class="error-inner">Verifier ce champs</div>
<th valign="top">Description :</th>
<td colspan=2><textarea name="desc_notif" class="form-textarea"></textarea></td>
<th> </th>
<td valign="top">
<input type="submit" value="Enregistrer" class="form-submit" />
<input type="reset" value="Annuler" class="form-reset" />
and the formulaire.js file:
function isTel(valeurChamp){
var pattern = /^0[\d]{9}$/;
return pattern.test(valeurChamp);
function isAlpha(valeurChamp){
var pattern = /^[a-zéç| èùâëïöüâêûî\-\s]+$/i;
return pattern.test(valeurChamp);
function isMail(valeurChamp){
var pattern = /^[-+.\w]{1,64}#[-.\w]{1,64}\.[-.\w]{2,6}$/;
return pattern.test(valeurChamp);
function isFloat(valeurChamp){
var pattern = /^{0,1}d*.{0,1}d+$/;
return pattern.test(valeurChamp);
function isPassword(p1,p2) {
if (p1.value == '' || p2.value == '') {
return false;
else if (p1.value != p2.value) {
return false;
else if (p1.value != p2.value) {
return true;
else {
return false;
and thank

Can't get JavaScript method to validate my HTML form

I'm trying to use a javascript method to validate my form but it doesn't seem to be working. No dialog box pops up warning me of any errors even if an empty form is submitted. What could be the error?
(Please Note: The JS File has a method defined for a time-stamp that I am currently not using in my form tag. I need some help with calling two functions as well.)
Here's the code:
function setDate() {
document.getElementById('date').value = new Date();
function validateForm() {
var a = document.getElementById('name').value;
var b = document.getElementById("contact1").value;
var blen = b.length;
var c = document.getElementById("address1").value;
var d = document.getElementById("stblimit").value;
var dlen = d.length;
var e = document.getElementById("creditlimit").value;
var f = document.getElementById("commission").value;
var g = document.getElementById("servicecharges").value;
//DATE var h = document.forms["addRetailer"]["date"].value;
if (a == null || a == "") {
alert("Name must be filled out");
return false;
} else if (b == null || b == "" || blen == 0 || blen > 10 || blen < 10) {
alert("Enter a valid number");
return false;
} else if (c == null || c == "") {
alert("Primary Address must be filled out");
return false;
} else if (d == null || d == "" || dlen == 0 || dlen < 0) {
alert("Set Box Top Limit must be filled with a valid number");
return false;
} else if (e == null || e == "") {
alert("Credit Limit must be filled out");
return false;
} else if (f == null || f == "") {
alert("Commission Percentage must be filled out");
return false;
} else if (g == null || g == "") {
alert("Service Charges must be filled out");
return false;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<script src="formvalidation.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<title>Register Retailer</title>
<h1>Retailer Information</h1>
<form name="addRetailer" action="RetailerController" method="post" onsubmit="return validateForm()">
<input type="text" name="name" id="name"></input>
<td>Contact Number 1</td>
<input type="text" name="contact1" id="contact1"></input>
<td>Contact Number 2</td>
<input type="text" name="contact2" id="contact2"></input>
<td>Address Line 1</td>
<input type="text" name="address1" id="address1"></input>
<td>Address Line 2</td>
<input type="text" name="address2" id="address2"></input>
<input type="text" name="city" id="city"></input>
<input type="text" name="state" id="state"></input>
<td>Pin Code</td>
<input type="text" name="pin" id="pin"></input>
<td>Set Top Box Limit</td>
<input type="text" name="stblimit" id="stblimit" value="0"></input>
<td>Credit Limit</td>
<input type="text" name="creditlimit" id="creditlimit"></input>
<td>Commission Percentage</td>
<input type="text" name="commission" id="commission" value="0.0"></input>
<td>Service Charges</td>
<input type="text" name="servicecharges" id="servicecharges"></input>
<td>Date of Registration</td>
<input type="text" name="date" id="date"></input>
<td> </td>
<input type="hidden" value="registerCustomer" name="action"></input>
<input type="submit" value="Register"></input>
Home To Return To The Main Screen
Here is a screenshot of my Eclipse IDE workspace. My js file and html file aren't in the same sub-folder, although they are under 'Web Content'. Could that be the issue?
Screenshot of Eclipse IDE Workspace
You may not have linked your JS file properly.
Looking at your screenshot I noticed you're using Tomcat and Java EE, which follows Unix style syntax for it's directory on the web server.
Your directory:
So, your HTML file is in WEB-INF which is under Webcontent and the form validator is under javascript, also under webcontent.
There's three solutions I have for this:
Move the JavaScript folder into WEB-INF and change the script reference to: "JavaScript/formvalidation.js"
Change the script reference to jump 'up' a directory layer using the double-dot'..' which should end up being: "../JavaScript/formvalidator.js"
Use HTML5's form validation instead, which doesn't need JavaScript. and is much neater. You can find details on the Mozilla Dev Network here.
Using Chrome, it seems to work for me:
The only thing that I changed is that I removed the link to the external JS file. It is possible the error is there and preventing your code from running. Check that file.

Form validation without error on IE

I have a html code saved as a php, the form validation works in google chrome but not in IE. In IE after I hit the submit button, the page automatically goes to process form regardless of errors.
This is my code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Week 8 Lab - JavaScript DOM and Arrays</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
function validateForm() {
var errors = 0;
var fName = document.forms["orderForm"].firstName.value;//first name validation
if (fName == null || fName == "")
document.getElementById('firstNameError').innerHTML = "Please enter a first name.";
} else {
document.getElementById('firstNameError').innerHTML = "";
//var lName = document.forms["orderForm"].lastName.value;//last name validation
if (lName == null || lName == "")
document.getElementById('lastNameError').innerHTML = "Please enter a last name.";
} else {
document.getElementById('lastNameError').innerHTML = "";
//var address = document.forms["orderForm"].address.value;//address validation
if (address == null || address == "")
document.getElementById('addressError').innerHTML = "Please enter an address.";
} else {
document.getElementById('addressError').innerHTML = "";
//var city = document.forms["orderForm"].city.value;//city validation
if (city == null || city == "")
document.getElementById('cityError').innerHTML = "Please enter a city.";
} else {
document.getElementById('cityError').innerHTML = "";
//var pCodeCheck = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;//postal code validation
if (pCodeCheck)
document.getElementById('postalCoderror').innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById('postalCoderror').innerHTML = "Please enter a valid postal code.";
// makes sure you cannot order a negative number of items
var itemQTY = document.forms["orderForm"].widget1qty.value;
if (itemQTY < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError').innerHTML = "You cannot enter a negative number.";
} else {
document.getElementById('qtyError').innerHTML = "";
var itemQTY2 = document.forms["orderForm"].widget2qty.value;
if (itemQTY2 < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError2').innerHTML = "You cannot enter a negative number.";
} else {
document.getElementById('qtyError2').innerHTML = "";
var itemQTY3 = document.forms["orderForm"].widget3qty.value;
if (itemQTY3 < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError3').innerHTML = "You cannot enter a negative number.";
} else {
document.getElementById('qtyError3').innerHTML = "";
//makes sure there is at least one item ordered
var wid1Qty = document.getElementById('widget1qty').value;
var wid2Qty = document.getElementById('widget2qty').value;
var wid3Qty = document.getElementById('widget3qty').value;
if (wid1Qty + wid2Qty + wid3Qty == 0)
document.getElementById('itemQTY').innerHTML = "You must order atleast one item.";
} else {
document.getElementById('itemQTY').innerHTML = "";
var total1;
var total2;
var total3;
var total4;
total1 = document.forms['orderForm']['widget1qty'].value * 5;
total2 = document.forms['orderForm']['widget2qty'].value * 15;
total3 = document.forms['orderForm']['widget3qty'].value * 25;
total4 = (total1 + total2 + total3);
alert('Your total is: $' + total4 + '.00');
return errors;
function startValidate() {
var errors = validateForm();
if (errors == 0) {
} else {
return false;
<div id="wrapper">
<h2 class="center">Order Form</h2> <!-- action="processForm.html" "javascript:void(0)" -->
<form name="orderForm" method="post" action="processForm.html" onsubmit="return startValidate()">
<legend>Personal Information</legend>
<th colspan="3"></th>
<td><span class="required">*</span>First Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" size="30"></td>
<td id="firstNameError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Last Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="lastName" id="lastName" size="30"></td>
<td id="lastNameError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Address:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="address" id="address" size="30"></td>
<td id="addressError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>City:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="city" id="city" size="30"></td>
<td id="cityError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Province:</td>
<td><select name="province" id="province" size="1">
<option disabled>Select a province</option>
<option value="BC">British Columbia</option>
<option value="AB">Alberta</option>
<option value="SK">Saskatchewan</option>
<option value="MB">Manitoba</option>
<option value="ON">Ontario</option>
<option value="QC">Quebec</option>
<option value="NB">New Brunswick</option>
<option value="NS">Nova Scotia</option>
<option value="PE">Prince Edward Island</option>
<option value="NF">Newfoundland</option>
<option value="YK">Yukon</option>
<option value="NWT">Northwest Territories</option>
<option value="NU">Nunavut</option>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Postal Code:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="postalCode" id="postalCode" maxlength="6"></td>
<td id="postalCoderror"></td>
<legend>Order Information</legend>
<th colspan="3"></th>
<td rowspan="3">Select your products:<br>
<td>Widget #1
<input type="text" name="widget1qty" id="widget1qty" size="1" value="0">Qty # <strong>$5.00/ea</strong></td>
<td id="qtyError"></td>
<td>Widget #2
<input type="text" name="widget2qty" id="widget2qty" size="1" value="0">Qty # <strong>$15.00/ea</strong></td>
<td id="qtyError2"></td>
<td>Widget #3
<input type="text" name="widget3qty" id="widget3qty" size="1" value="0">Qty # <strong>$25.00/ea</strong></td>
<td id="qtyError3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td id="itemQTY"></td>
<td rowspan="3">Shipping Type:</td>
<td>Standard ($5.00)<input type="radio" name="shippingType" id="shippingTypeStandard" value="Standard" checked></td>
<td>Express ($10.00)<input type="radio" name="shippingType" id="shippingTypeExpress" value="Express"></td>
<td>Overnight ($20.00)<input type="radio" name="shippingType" id="shippingTypeOvernight" value="Overnight"></td>
<legend>Submit Order</legend>
<th colspan="2"></th>
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" id="btnSubmit" value="Submit Order">
<td><input type="reset" name="btnReset" id="btnReset" value="Reset Form"></td>
When you look at the console in IE’s developer tools (F12), you will see that there is an error message about undeclared variable lName. This causes the error checking to be aborted.
You have several lines like
//var lName = document.forms["orderForm"].lastName.value;//last name validation
Since // starts a comment in JavaScript, the line has no effect. The variable lName is not declared or defined elsewhere either.
So you need to remove those // comment starters. Note that the code does not work in Chrome either; you may have tested a different version in Chrome, or misinterpreted some behavior.
In the console, you can also see a message for line 237 about “unexpected identifier”. It is actually a serious HTML markup error; IE reports some of such errors, in a strange way. The error is that a tr element has an input element as child, which is forbidden in HTML syntax. This is why the Submit Order and Reset Form appear on top of each other and not on the same row as intended. (For usability, the Reset Form button should be removed, but I digress.)

Javascript submit function returns Object is not a function error

Am using this function for the form submission just after one last check of 2 fields. But when submitting the form using javascript it returns the Object is not a function error. Didnt pasted the entire code of this page. pasted the required fields for this function. Any helps appreciated
<script type="text/javascript">
function validamt(strval){
var letters = /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{1,2})?$/;
if (letters.test(strval)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function validno(strval){
var letters = /^\d+$/;
if (letters.test(strval)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function finalcheck(){
var discount=$("#discount").val();
var stax=$("#stax").val();
var err=0;
if(discount!="In Rupees only" || stax!="(%)"){
if(!validno(stax)){err=1; alert('Invalid Service Tax');$("#stax").focus();}
if(!validamt(discount)){err=1;alert('Invalid Discount Amount');$("#discount").focus();}
<form name="billsetupprocess" id="billsetupprocess" method="post" action="storebilling.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" >
<td><input name="discount" type="text" class="txtclass" id="discount" value="<?php if($discount!=""){echo $discount;} else {echo("In Rupees only");}?>" autocomplete="off" onfocus="Javascript:if(this.value=='In Rupees only'){'rgb(193,193,193)';this.value='';}" onblur="Javascript:if(this.value==''){'rgb(193,193,193)';this.value='In Rupees only';}" onkeyup="Javascript:if(this.value!=''){'rgb(0,133,189)';}"/></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input name="stax" type="text" class="txtclass" id="stax" value="<?php if($discount!=""){echo $servicetax;}else {echo("(%)");}?>" autocomplete="off" onfocus="Javascript:if(this.value=='(%)'){'rgb(193,193,193)';this.value='';}" onblur="Javascript:if(this.value==''){'rgb(193,193,193)';this.value='(%)';}" onkeyup="Javascript:if(this.value!=''){'rgb(0,133,189)';}"/>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td><input name="submit" id="submit" type="button" value="Save Setup" onclick="finalcheck()" class="btnclass" /></td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>

how to show an alert after validation but before submission

I have all of my validation code figured out but I'm not quite sure on how to code an alert to pop up before the form is submitted but after the validation is complete.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Week 8 Lab - JavaScript DOM and Arrays</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
function validate()
var fName = document.forms["orderForm"].firstName.value;//first name validation
if(fName==null || fName=="")
document.getElementById('firstNameError').innerHTML= "Please enter a first name.";
return false;
var lName = document.forms["orderForm"].lastName.value;//last name validation
if(lName==null || lName=="")
document.getElementById('lastNameError').innerHTML= "Please enter a last name.";
return false;
var address = document.forms["orderForm"].address.value;//address validation
if(address==null || address=="")
document.getElementById('addressError').innerHTML= "Please enter an address.";
return false;
var city = document.forms["orderForm"].city.value;//city validation
if(city==null || city=="")
document.getElementById('cityError').innerHTML= "Please enter a city.";
return false;
var pCodeCheck = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;//postal code validation
//do nothing
return true;
document.getElementById('postalCoderror').innerHTML= "Please enter a valid postal code.";
return false;
// makes sure you cannot order a negative number of items
var itemQTY = document.forms["orderForm"].widget1qty.value;
if(itemQTY < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError').innerHTML= "You cannot enter a negative number.";
return false;
var itemQTY2 = document.forms["orderForm"].widget2qty.value;
if(itemQTY2 < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError2').innerHTML= "You cannot enter a negative number.";
return false;
var itemQTY3 = document.forms["orderForm"].widget3qty.value;
if(itemQTY3 < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError3').innerHTML= "You cannot enter a negative number.";
return false;
//makes sure there is at least one item ordered
var wid1Qty = document.getElementById('widget1qty').value;
var wid2Qty = document.getElementById('widget2qty').value;
var wid3Qty = document.getElementById('widget3qty').value;
if(wid1Qty + wid2Qty + wid3Qty == 0)
document.getElementById('itemQTY').innerHTML= "You must order atleast one item.";
return false;
// trying to send alert with the order total.
// not sure how to call it after the validation is done.
var total1;
var total2;
var total3:
var total4;
if(document.getElementById('widget1qty').value == 0)
total1 = 0;
else(document.getElementById('widget1qty').value != 0)
total1 = document.getElementById('widget1qty').value * 5;
if(document.getElementById('widget2qty').value == 0)
total2 = 0;
else(document.getElementById('widget2qty').value != 0)
total2 = document.getElementById('widget2qty').value * 15;
if(document.getElementById('widget3qty').value == 0)
total3 = 0;
else(document.getElementById('widget3qty').value != 0)
total3 = document.getElementById('widget3qty').value * 25;
total4 = (total1 + total2 + total3)
alert('Your total is: $' + total4 + '.00');
<div id="wrapper">
<h2 class="center">Order Form</h2> <!-- action="processForm.html" "javascript:void(0)" -->
<form name="orderForm" method="post" onsubmit="validate();" action="processForm.html">
<legend>Personal Information</legend>
<th colspan="3"></th>
<td><span class="required">*</span>First Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" size="30"></td>
<td id="firstNameError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Last Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="lastName" id="lastName" size="30"></td>
<td id="lastNameError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Address:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="address" id="address" size="30"></td>
<td id="addressError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>City:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="city" id="city" size="30"></td>
<td id="cityError"></td>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Province:</td>
<td><select name="province" id="province" size="1">
<option disabled>Select a province</option>
<option value="BC">British Columbia</option>
<option value="AB">Alberta</option>
<option value="SK">Saskatchewan</option>
<option value="MB">Manitoba</option>
<option value="ON">Ontario</option>
<option value="QC">Québec</option>
<option value="NB">New Brunswick</option>
<option value="NS">Nova Scotia</option>
<option value="PE">Prince Edward Island</option>
<option value="NF">Newfoundland</option>
<option value="YK">Yukon</option>
<option value="NWT">Northwest Territories</option>
<option value="NU">Nunavut</option>
<td><span class="required">*</span>Postal Code:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="postalCode" id="postalCode" maxlength="6"></td>
<td id="postalCoderror"></td>
<legend>Order Information</legend>
<th colspan="3"></th>
<td rowspan="3">Select your products:<br>
<td>Widget #1
<input type="text" name="widget1qty" id="widget1qty" size="1" value="0">Qty # <strong>$5.00/ea</strong></td>
<td id="qtyError"></td>
<td>Widget #2
<input type="text" name="widget2qty" id="widget2qty" size="1" value="0">Qty # <strong>$15.00/ea</strong></td>
<td id="qtyError2"></td>
<td>Widget #3
<input type="text" name="widget3qty" id="widget3qty" size="1" value="0">Qty # <strong>$25.00/ea</strong></td>
<td id="qtyError3"></td>
<td rowspan="3"></td>
<td id="itemQTY"></td>
<td rowspan="3">Shipping Type:</td>
<td>Standard ($5.00)<input type="radio" name="shippingType" id="shippingTypeStandard" value="Standard" checked></td>
<td>Express ($10.00)<input type="radio" name="shippingType" id="shippingTypeExpress" value="Express"></td>
<td>Overnight ($20.00)<input type="radio" name="shippingType" id="shippingTypeOvernight" value="Overnight"></td>
<legend>Submit Order</legend>
<th colspan="2"></th>
<td><input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" id="btnSubmit" onclick="return validate();" value="Submit Order"></td>
<td><input type="reset" name="btnReset" id="btnReset" value="Reset Form"></td>
I just don't know how to code it to pop up after the validation is complete.
In your form, you could put anid = "myForm"and then do this in javascript:
function validateForm() {
var fName = document.forms["orderForm"].firstName.value;//first name validation
if(fName==null || fName=="")
document.getElementById('firstNameError').innerHTML= "Please enter a first name.";
return false;
var lName = document.forms["orderForm"].lastName.value;//last name validation
if(lName==null || lName=="")
document.getElementById('lastNameError').innerHTML= "Please enter a last name.";
return false;
var address = document.forms["orderForm"].address.value;//address validation
if(address==null || address=="")
document.getElementById('addressError').innerHTML= "Please enter an address.";
return false;
var city = document.forms["orderForm"].city.value;//city validation
if(city==null || city=="")
document.getElementById('cityError').innerHTML= "Please enter a city.";
return false;
var pCodeCheck = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;//postal code validation
//do nothing
return true;
document.getElementById('postalCoderror').innerHTML= "Please enter a valid postal code.";
return false;
// makes sure you cannot order a negative number of items
var itemQTY = document.forms["orderForm"].widget1qty.value;
if(itemQTY < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError').innerHTML= "You cannot enter a negative number.";
return false;
var itemQTY2 = document.forms["orderForm"].widget2qty.value;
if(itemQTY2 < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError2').innerHTML= "You cannot enter a negative number.";
return false;
var itemQTY3 = document.forms["orderForm"].widget3qty.value;
if(itemQTY3 < 0)
document.getElementById('qtyError3').innerHTML= "You cannot enter a negative number.";
return false;
//makes sure there is at least one item ordered
var wid1Qty = document.getElementById('widget1qty').value;
var wid2Qty = document.getElementById('widget2qty').value;
var wid3Qty = document.getElementById('widget3qty').value;
if(wid1Qty + wid2Qty + wid3Qty == 0)
document.getElementById('itemQTY').innerHTML= "You must order atleast one item.";
return false;
var total1;
var total2;
var total3;
var total4;
total1 = document.forms['orderForm']['widget1qty'].value * 5;
total2 = document.forms['orderForm']['widget2qty'].value * 15;
total3 = document.forms['orderForm']['widget3qty'].value * 25;
total4 = (total1 + total2 + total3)
alert('Your total is: $' + total4 + '.00');
function startValidate(){
Just add all the other info in the validateForm() function.
I did't seen it because I started my edit before you added the HTML and the other JS.
According to War10ck's post you should change this :
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" id="btnSubmit" onsubmit="startValidate()" value="Submit Order">
You can make another function called FireOnSubmit and do something like this:
function FireOnSubmit(){
if(validate()==true) alert(""form being redirected")
else {
alert("invalid form data");
return false;
You can put FireOnSubmit on the onsubmit of the form instead of the validate function.
Also, you will need to return true or false from your validate function.
Instead of all that JavaScript, this should work just as well.
The submit button cannot be clicked until all fields you pick have been filled.
Then a alert pops up with your message.
This Goes In The Head Section
function checkform()
var f = document.forms["testform"].elements;
var cansubmit=true;
for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) {
if (f[i].value.length==0) cansubmit=false;
if (cansubmit)
Here Is The Form. The Submit Button Is Disabled Until All Fields Are Filled.
<form name="testform">
<input type="text" onKeyup="checkform()" placeholder="First Name"required/><br>
<input type="text" onKeyup="checkform()" placeholder="Last Name" required/><br>
<input id="submit" type="submit" disabled="disabled" value="Submit" onclick="alert('Your Alert Here...')"/>

