Refresh javascript's function without using Recursion - javascript

I'm trying to create a simple form where i can add more text field after current text field.
And also i can add more field from the new field that ive added before (im using Recursion for this).
Problems come when i click the add on the first field, it creates more then 1 new fields (this happens because of recursion)
how do i refresh javascripts function without calling it again and again?
<div class="line-input">
<input type='text' class='ipt-txt'>
<input type='submit' class='btn-smt' value="add new">
JS :
function callFunction(){
JSFiddle :

Use event delegation:
$(function() {
$(document).on("click", ".btn-smt", function(e) {
That sets up an event handler at the document level that responds to clicks on your button class. You only have to add it once, and it'll work for all subsequent elements that are added dynamically.
(You don't really even have to do it in a "ready" handler; you can set it up before the DOM has been completed.)

Add true to the clone() function. From the jQuery API:
withDataAndEvents (default: false) Type: Boolean A Boolean indicating
whether event handlers should be copied along with the elements. As of
jQuery 1.4, element data will be copied as well.
$(document).ready(function() {
function callFunction() {
$(".btn-smt").click(function(e) {
<script src=""></script>
<div class="line-input">
<input type='text' class='ipt-txt'>
<input type='submit' class='btn-smt' value="add new">


How can I make a form within a tooltip?

I want to use jQuery to make a form that has a simple yes or no that shows up when you hover over it. The problem is I can't seem to get jQuery to acknowledge the creation of the tooltip as it is dynamically created (e.g. "$('#word_form').size() = 0") and the submit alert doesn't run. I tested the form alone and it was working. Here is the code:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Example 1 : Cat
Example 2 : Dog
$( document ).ready( function() {
items: '.word',
content: '
<div class="tooltip">Is this word cool?<br> \
<form id = "word_form" method="POST"> \
<input type="image" src="" style="width:50px;height:50px;"> \
<input type="image" src="" style="width:50px;height:50px;"> \
</form> \
hide: {
delay: 1000
$('#word_form').submit(function() {
alert("Why is this not popping up?");
See the Fiddle
Is using a jQuery tooltip form even possible? If so, what am I doing wrong if not, what might be an alernative? Thanks!
Basically jQuery UI tooltip HTML is not created until the tooltip is revealed so the submit event you are trying to bind is not firing because it is not attached to anything.
To bind events to elements that are created on the fly use '.on()' method. So your on submit event should look like that
$("body").on("submit", "#word_form", function() {
alert("Why is this not popping up?");
You should set an open callback in your tooltip declaration. There are events that are triggered by the jQuery UI tooltip function. So you can pass a function to the options that will be executed when the tooltip opens.
items: '.word',
open: function( event, ui ) {
$('#word_form').submit(function() {
alert("This *will* pop up!");
You can set any bindings at that point, so it'll actually bind on submit, because the form will exist once that event is triggered.
The bonus of doing it this way is that the binding is only set when a tooltip is active, so you won't have an extra binding on the body tag.

Toggle state of textbox with javascript using a button

I have a form as follows:
<label for="input">Input:</label>
<input type="text" id="input" maxlength="3"></input>
<button type="button" id="lock" onMouseDown="toggleInput()"></button>
And javascript code:
function toggleInput(){
if ($("#input").disabled){
$("#input").disabled = false;
else {
$("#input").disabled = true;
What I basically want to do is to check what state (enabled/disabled) the textbox is in, and then toggle the state accordingly. I don't know if the javascript portion even uses the correct syntax to check if the textbox is disabled, but it's what I could think of.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Reason as to why I've chosen to use onmousedown instead of onclick to execute the event with the button:
I have chosen to use onmousedown instead of onclick as it makes the app I'm building feel less clunky due to the presence of this feature with onclick: When you click on a button and then drag the cursor away from the button while holding the mouse button down, and subsequently lift your finger off the mouse button when the cursor is in an area away from the button on the webpage, the event will not be executed. Hence, I've chosen to use onmousedown as this is overcome.
Use .prop(), Get the value of a property for the first element in the set of matched elements or set one or more properties for every matched element
I am not sure why you are using onMouseDown. Use click instead
$("#lock").on("click", function() {
DEMO with click
To do it with jQuery try this:
$("#input").prop("disabled", function(i, v) { return !v; });
Your existing code doesn't work because DOM elements have a .disabled property, but jQuery objects do not.
I'm not sure why you're using onmousedown instead of onclick for the button, but either way if you're going to use jQuery I'd recommend removing the inline event attribute in favour of binding the handler with jQuery:
$("#lock").on("click", function() {
$("#input").prop("disabled", function(i, v) { return !v; });
(You'd need to include that code either in a script block at the end of the body or in a document ready handler.)
You should append the event handler with jQuery instead of an onMouseDown event. The syntax could look like this:
<label for="input">Input:</label>
<input type="text" id="input" maxlength="3"></input>
<button type="button" id="lock"></button>
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#lock").click(function() {
var input = $("#input");

Can't detect changed id

When I change the id of a button I cannot find the new id with on.("click"). The function console.log() does detect that it's changed but I cannot detect it with the on() function.
<form id="formName" action="" method="post">
<input type="submit" id="submitBtn" value="Submit" />
<button id="change">Change</button>
$("#change").on("click", function(){
$("#submitBtn").attr("id", "NewBtn");
$("#NewBtn").on("click", function(){
So I need it to alert "Hello" after I have clicked on change. It does change the id I checked that with inspect element.
$("#NewBtn").on("click", function(){
$(document).on("click", "#NewBtn", function(){
The reason for this is that you're wanting to use the delegate form of .on(). This call is a little different in that it takes a "string" as the second parameter. That string is the selector for your "dynamic" element while the main selector need either be a parent container (not created dynamically) or the document itself.
you are setting onclick event for newBtn on load of page for the first time but unfortunately newBtn not available that time. hence after changing the id it will not trigger onclick function for newBtn.
you can do one thing to make it work, set onclick event for newBtn inside the same function where you are changing the id like below.
$("#change").on("click", function(){
$("#submitBtn").attr("id", "NewBtn");
// set on click event for new button
$("#NewBtn").on("click", function(){
.attr() function does not have a callback and thus it cannot be checked unless you setup an interval using setInterval but the function itself executes pretty soon so you are not going to need it.
For solving the problem in hand event delegation proposed by tymeJV is the right way to do it.

Get the element triggering an onclick event in jquery?

I have a form where i've replaced the submit button with an input (with type=button) with an onclick which calls an existing function:
<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/admin/message_campaigns" class="new_message_campaign" id="new_message_campaign" method="post">
<!-- some fields -->
<input onclick="confirmSubmit();" type="button" value="Send" />
In the confirmSubmit, i'd like to be able to dynamically get the form object (to submit it), instead of having to hardcode the form's id, or pass it as part of the call to confirmSubmit(). I'd have thought that i could do this by first getting the dom element that was clicked on, ie something like this:
var form = $(this).parents("form");
where $(this) is the object that called the function, ie the input with the onclick. This doesn't work though. I think it would work if i'd set it up with the .click(function(){ syntax. Can i get the element that called the function in a different way?
EDIT - got the answer from #claudio below, for clarity here's the complete function and call:
<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/admin/message_campaigns" class="new_message_campaign" id="new_message_campaign" method="post">
<!-- some fields -->
<input onclick="confirmSubmit($(this));" type="button" value="Send" />
and the function itself. Note that 'jConfirm' is a method of the jquery-alerts plugin ( but that's not really relevant to this question - the key thing was just to get the form object, not what's subsequently done with it:
function confirmSubmit(caller) {
var form = caller.parents("form");
jConfirm('Are you sure?', 'Please Confirm', function(result){
if (result) {
} else {
return false;
You can pass the inline handler the this keyword, obtaining the element which fired the event.
If you don't want to pass the clicked on element to the function through a parameter, then you need to access the event object that is happening, and get the target from that object. This is most easily done if you bind the click event like this:
var SendButton = $(;
var TheForm = SendButton.parents('form');
return false;
Try this
<input onclick="confirmSubmit(event);" type="button" value="Send" />
Along with this
function confirmSubmit(event){
var domElement =$(;
I tried it in firefox, it prints the 'type' attribute of dom Element clicked. I guess you can then get the form via the parents() methods using this object.
It's top google stackoverflow question, but all answers are not jQuery related!
console.log(event, this);
'event' contains 2 important values:
event.currentTarget - element to which event is triggered ('.someclass' element) - element clicked (in case when inside '.someclass' [div] are other elements and you clicked on of them)
this - is set to triggered element ('.someclass'), but it's JavaScript element, not jQuery element, so if you want to use some jQuery function on it, you must first change it to jQuery element: $(this)
When your refresh the page and reload the scripts again; this method not work. You have to use jquery "unbind" method.
First Way: Send trigger element using this
<button id="btn01" onClick="myFun(this)">B1</button>
<button id="btn02" onClick="myFun(this)">B2</button>
<button id="btn03" onClick="myFun(this)">B3</button>
function myFun(trigger_element)
// Get your element:
var clicked_element = trigger_element
alert( + "Was clicked!!!");
This way send an object of type: HTMLElement and you get the element itself. you don't need to care if the element has an id or any other property. And it works by itself just fine.
Second Way: Send trigger element id using
<button id="btn01" onClick="myFun(">B1</button>
<button id="btn02" onClick="myFun(">B2</button>
<button id="btn03" onClick="myFun(">B3</button>
function myFun(clicked_id)
// Get your element:
var clicked_element = document.getElementById(clicked_id)
alert(clicked_id + "Was clicked!!!");
This way send an object of type: String and you DO NOT get the element itself. So before use, you need to make sure that your element already has an id.
You mustn't send the element id by yourself such as onClick="myFun(btn02)". it's not CLEAN CODE and it makes your code lose functionality.

why jquery detach element will cause a form to submit?

i wonder why in the following example, trying to detach an element (li) causes the form containing it to submit
<form id="frmToDo" name="frmToDo">
<p id="lineInput">
<input type="submit" id="btnSubmit" value="Add" />
<ul id="todolist">
<!-- added in ajax -->
$("#frmToDo").submit(function() {
// this runs after: $("#todolist").detach(...)
$("#todolist").delegate("li[id^=task-] button", "click", function() {
return false;
I guess you just want to remove the li element in which the button was clicked.
So instead of using
$("#todolist").delegate("li[id^=task-] button", "click", function() {
return false;
Try using
$("#todolist").delegate("li[id^=task-] button", "click", function() {
return false;
That's not a button, it's an input element.
$("#todolist").delegate("li[id^=task-] input:submit", "click", function() {
I am not sure if this is the cause of your problem but you are not using the detach function correctly if your intention is to detach an li element. The argument of the detach function is a selector expression that filters the set of matched element in the jQuery element that you are calling the function on. In your code you call detach on $('#todolist'), which means you want to detach the todolist element, if it matches the argument passed.
You should do something like this instead :
$('#todolist li').detach(); //this will detach all the li elements
I am not sure if this can explain the fact that your form is submitting. If it is not : what event triggers the submit event of your form ? Maybe you use a button or input element that is placed inside the form and triggers the submit of the form ?
Unless there's some relevant code missing, you seem to assign a handler to the onclick event outside a $(document).ready() block. That makes it possible to run the assignment before the #todolist is loaded, thus failing to find the buttons and attach handlers.
With no event cancelling, the default behaviur for a button is to submit the form.
Try this:
$("#frmToDo").submit(function() {
// this runs after: $("#todolist").detach(...)
$("#todolist").delegate("li[id^=task-] button", "click", function() {
return false;

