Shopify script from receipt after checkout displays payment info - javascript

Doing some research on Shopify, to determine if I want to use it.
So, I bought something from a site that uses it, and looked at the view source at each step
I was horrified to see that in the Javascript returned with the checkout receipt, their is a horrifying amount of credit card info easily viewed and therefore easily captured by a hacker.
Here is a sample with all my data changed
Shopify.checkout = {"created_at":"2019-11-13T19:57:17- 05:00","currency":"USD","customer_id":1234566541236,"customer_locale":"en","email":""," location_id":null,"order_id":1870404943944,"payment_due":"114.33","payment_url":"https:\/\/elb.deposit.s\/sessions","phone":null,"presentment_currency":"USD","reservation_time":null,"reservation_time_left":0,"requires_shipping":true,"source_name":"checkout_next","source_identifier":null,"source_url":null,"subtotal_price":"99.00","taxes_included":false,"tax_exempt":false,"tax_lines": [{"price":"6.41","rate":0.06,"title":"OR State Tax"},
{"price":"1.07","rate":0.01,"title":"Oregon Tax"}],
"line_items": [{"id":"0d2b6dd0ad0186984480fb36817f9ed8","key":"0d2b6dd0ad0186984480fb36817f9ed8","product_id":15925165 42536,"variant_id":15850525491272,"sku":"ESI 071252","vendor":"My Shopify Store","title":" Euro High Flow S1 Male Coupler","variant_title":"3\/8\" Male","image_url":"https:\/\/\/s\/files\/1\/1239\/9256\/products\/DSC01397.jpg? v=1549034841","taxable":true,"requires_shipping":true,"gift_card":false,"price":"24.75","compare_at_pric e":null,"line_price":"49.50","properties": {},
{"id":"062af9384331b020660f9a021afb55ed","key":"062af9384331b020660f9a021afb55ed","product_id":142986457 9144,"variant_id":12867363536968,"sku":"ESI 071202","vendor":"My Shopify Store","title":" Euro High Flow S1 Female Coupler","variant_title":"3\/8\" Female","image_url":"https:\/\/\/s\/files\/1\/1239\/9256\/products\/0U9A6198.jpg? v=1568991566","taxable":true,"requires_shipping":true,"gift_card":false,"price":"24.75","compare_at_pric e":null,"line_price":"49.50","properties":{},
"shipping_rate":{"handle":"BOXIFY (2.0)-USPS%20Priority%20Mail%7CC7739467-7.85","price":"7.85","title":"USPS Priority Mail"},
"shipping_address": {"id":1234566543458,"first_name":"Tim","last_name":"Simmons","phone":"+15555555555","company":"","address1":"123 Main Street","address2":"","city":"Juxnus","province":"Oregon","province_code":"OR","country":"United States","country_code":"US","zip":"12345"},
**"credit_card": {"first_name":"Tim","last_name":"Simmons","first_digits":"123456","last_digits":"9876","brand":"american_express","expiry_month":1,"expiry_year":2085,
"billing_address": {"id":1234566543458,"first_name":"Tim","last_name":"Simmons","phone":"+19148260061","company":"","address1":"123 Main Street","address2":"","city":"Juxnus","province":"Oregon","province_code":"OR","country":"United States","country_code":"US","zip":"12345"},**
Is this standard behavior? Showing 10 digits of the CC, mobile number, the expiration info and billing address?
If someone from Shopify monitors SO
PLEASE respond if this is standard behavior or a developer error, I certainly hope its the latter!

A hacker can steal any information if the site has a security hole like some sort of XSS attack.
But the same applies for your online banking, so that's why there are security measures to prevent that.
That said Shopify has a very secure checkout flow, since it's redirecting to a new checkout every time and it's very hard to create a working XSS or CSRF attack. ( not impossible, but a lot harder then a WooCommerce checkout for example )
In addition the Checkout is a closed platform, no APPs ( they will have support for this soon ) are allowed there and only Shopify Plus members can actually edit the checkout.liquid file.
There is no difference if the card details are stored in a input field or in a JS object, if a hacker can get to the object he will be able to get to the inputs as well.
In addition Shopify is very active in the Whitehat Hacker Community any reported bug is paid for and they are quick to fix them.
There is a reason why Shopify is the preferred E-Commerce solution. From security point of view it's a lot safer then a lot of other self hosted services like Magento/WooCommerce.


Why payment implemation is consider safe in js?

Hello i'm making a small work with a e-commerce site. To make it better i thought that it was a good idea to implement payment API in the site and i'm thinking to implement Google pay and paypall. I saw the documentation and Google implements its payment method with JS. I studied that JS as HTML or CSS can be changed by the user so why is it consider safe to use JS for payments method?
My question comes when i saw this piece of code:
function getGoogleTransactionInfo() {
return {
countryCode: 'US',
currencyCode: 'USD',
totalPriceStatus: 'FINAL',
// set to cart total
totalPrice: '1.00'
cause if someone change totalPrice can not pay things. Sorry if the question can seems stupid or idiot but i used to program in PHP so this is new to me.
In few words: Why is Google using javascript to process payment info when it can be changed if you just edit it in the console?
Sorry for my bad english.
Why is Google using javascript to process payment info when it can be changed if you just edit it in the console?
In short:
It is not being used to process the payment because Google Pay does not process the payment.
Yes, it can be modified in the console, however this has no affect on the actual payment processing.
With a bit more detail:
Google Pay does not actually process the payment. It facilitates it by presenting a list of payment options for the customer to choose from and securely sharing the selected option with the payment processor. This avoids payment details (like card numbers) from being exposed and transmitted unnecessarily.
The amounts that are provided in the client side/javascript are used to improve user experience in the payment details UI (e.g. dynamically update the total amount based on shipping details). When a payment is sent to the payment processor, this is handled with server-to-server communication and should not rely on the amount provided by the client.

SMS Personalization using AMPScript in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

My CRM team is running into problems when attempting to personalize SMS using AMPScript. The syntax used is as follows:
Var #subscriberKey
Set #subscriberKey = _subscriberKey
%%= v(#subscriberKey) =%%
Thank you for signing up for a 45 day risk-free hearing aid trial! One of our expert hearing consultants will call you soon to discuss next steps. During this call, we'll discuss your hearing loss situation and go over the details of the 45 day risk-free trial. We look forward to speaking with you shortly!
I have created a data extension in Marketing Cloud with just me in it, and used it on a journey that sends a text message with this content to my phone. The text message delivers, however the personalization content is not in there, just the plain text is shown. Of course, once the personalization works, we will change it so that other information is in there and not subscriberKey, but for now it would be a ton of help to know why the syntax is not working when it should.
Kind regards,
you will need to add the personalized field i.e. First Name/ Subscriber Key/etc in the following format %%FirstName%% . This field is actually picked up from the Attributed which are linked in your Contact Builder. Look for Mobile Connect Demographics, make sure these attributes which are trying to add in personalization are present there.
Now next step is how to link your information from your Master DE to the MobileConnect Demographics, for that u need to create an Import Activity from Contact Builder, and Import these details in a Mobile Connect List.
Hope this helps.
Mobile Connect Lists are different from Emails Studio Lists - Keep this in mind.

After Changes to Google Analytics Tracking Code - Returning Users Considered New Users?

I need to change a piece of code in my Universal Analytics snippet from:
ga("create", "UA-######-#", {"cookieDomain":""});
ga("create", "UA-######-#", {"cookieDomain":"auto"});
My question is - once I make this change, will all returning users (about 1/3 of my traffic) suddenly be considered brand new first-time visitors and get a whole new Analytics cookie? Or any other problems or inconsistencies with data and tracking visitors before this change vs. after? Very little info about this out there online ...

Password protection for a page with a simple function - what are the downsides?

I am doing work on an e-commerce platform, and I was asked to come up with a solution so that a certain group of customers could enter a password protected page on the site. The platform doesn't allow for this, as in the functionality is not available, so according to customer support, it's something you would have to create a custom template for and build from scratch. It doesn't need to be fancy, or hacker proof, just secure enough. So instead of doing that, I dropped the script below into the body of the page.
My first version: I use a prompt to ask for an input (password). If you click "prevent this page from creating additional dialouges", it creates sort of an infinite reload loop for that tab (not ideal, but problem?). Are there other serious problems? Easy hacks for your average person?
var passwordCheckFunction = function() {
var testPassword = window.prompt("YOU SHALL NOT PASS");
if (testPassword === "thisPredefinedPassword") {
} else {
Any advice would be much appreciated, and thank you for your time.
Create your secret page as a category.
Customize it to your heart's desire by choosing a custom template
file for it.
Finally, restrict it to only the authorized customer group
by removing it from view from guests and every group except the
authorized one.
Using this method, the customer only has to sign into his/her own customer account. BigCommerce will prevent access to the page by reading the assigned customer group of the customer.
I realize this isn't your desired method, but you might consider instead just making your page inactive in the admin area of your BC store, then instead of a password provide the direct url for users that are able to see that page.
I'm not sure about the implications for google indexing with an inactive page, but I would assume that they are set not to index it, and if not you could set it in robots.txt

Standalone Javascript layout engine?

Assuming I retrieved HTML content from a website (over which I have no control), and that content contains lots of Javascript code that's a significant part of what's actually rendered by a layout engine (e.g. WebView).
Is there a way I can render it myself?
For example, in the extreme case, suppose I am visiting a website that has almost nothing in its but displays very rich TEXT content, via a host of Javascript functions (which obviously results in HTML).
How do access/read that HTML result?
I am looking to do this on Android only.
Update, trying to provide more context to #abesto. If you go to and copy/paste rendered content into a text file, you'll receive:
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But if you look at the actual source (what you get in HttpResponse) you'll see much more monstrous text... mostly javascript.
I am only interested in the result of that Javascript. Any ideas how to accomplish this?
I think the answer is yes, but don't do that.
If I had to implement a solution for translating 'Facebook' to a mobile phone, I could set up a server, maybe on Amazon EC2 and run the browser there, using a browser automation solution, such as Watir to simulate the clicks and scrape the data off the page. I think it's too much to hope for that you could run that efficiently behind the scenes on the phone itself.
However, the better solution might be to use Firebug/Fiddler etc to reverse engineer the ajax calls being sent and find a way to get the underlying data? Or maybe you just need to reverse-engineer the JS :(.
It sounds like you want something like this :
You basically load the url and mess with it. You just need to hook something into it to do it programmatically.
Take a look at their remote debugging explanation.
Since it's hooked upto to your android over a stream you can use any old PC technology you want to sniff the HTML.

