Input value into react-native svg uri - javascript

Hello I am trying to input a value into an SVG URI in React-Native as follows:
source={require('../tasks/images/' + {task.image} + '.png')}
I am currently iterating through an array of objects and outputting the svgs for each, so I want to do it this way but the syntax isnt accepted.
Any help or advice is welcome!

Because there is no way to make the string passed to require dynamically, you could have an image collection file that references every image you would need, for example:
Create a file ImageCollection.js with the following:
export default imageCollection={
"1": require("./image1.png"),
"2": require("./image2.png"),
"3": require("./image3.png"),
"4": require("./image4.png")
Then import it into your file where you need to require your images and do something like this:
import Images from './ImageCollection.js';
class YourComponent extends Component {
renderItem = ({item}) => (
<Text>Image: {item}</Text>
<Image source={Images[item]}/>
render () {
const data = ["1","2","3","4","5"]
return (
<FlatList data={data} renderItem={this.renderItem}/>
export default YourComponent;
But if you really need to pass dynamic image sources then you could use a package like react-native-image-progress which lets you pass a variable as an image source, I wouldn't recommend this approach unless if there is absolutely no other way for you to solve this problem.

Here, you cannot pass dynamic images path which is available locally as your assests.
Moreover if you have image URI which is coming from the server then you can just provide here and it will work like a charm. But for image Path which is present locally you have to provide actual path. More you can read here.
However, what you can do just provide nested if else for the path based on the conditions, but then please note, you have to provide the full path as well.
Example :-
Thanks....Hope it helps :)


Appending JSX in React Native

I'm searching for a way to add a JSX element programmatically in React Native. Not conditionally.
It needs to be independent function, so far I couldn't find anything about this. Let me give you code example;
const appendJSX = () => {
const jsx = <Text> Hello! </Text>
append(jsx) // <---- can we do something like this?
let's say I call this function with useEffect and it should add whatever jsx I have inside the function. Up until this point I always see things like pushing inside of an array or something like that.
Equivalent behaviour that works on web;
useEffect(() => {
const div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerText = "appended div"
}, [])
As you can see we don't have to touch any JSX in application. Reaching document.body and appending whatever we want is possible in React Web. But how can we achieve this in React Native?
Not quite sure what you want to do, but as for to add a JSX manually. Here's the answer.
JSX is already part of the language in most of the cases.
const a = <Text />
export default a
Will translates into:
const a = createElement(Text, null, null)
export default a
Therefore in most of common cases, if you continue using React somewhere else, then the variable a holds a React element without any compilation error.
You might wonder what a actually really holds, it's an object:
const a = {
$$typeof: Symbol(ReactElement),
props: null,
type: Text
So you can see the only dependencies in above piece is Text and the ReactElement Symbol. As long as you can resolve them, you are good to export this to anywhere. The latter is normally taken care by Babel.
There's a difference between Text and <Text />. If you just want to export a Text which is a function component, there'll tutorial online, also you can dig into any third party library, because essentially that's what they do, export Text so other people can use it.

Programatically creating pages in Gatsby using Json

I am using gatsby to programatically create pages but I want to do so at 2 different paths covers/{}.js and styles/{}.js.
I have it set up currently working using the gatsby-node.js file but would prefer to have them implemented using the {} convention. Currently getting all my nodes at both paths when trying the {}.js method I am under the impression filtering is impossible using this method but is there currently a work around to get it working with the above method.
Exactly, you hit the nail. Actually, using filters/custom variables is not possible using File System Route API. As you can see in the article feature announcement:
Can I use custom variables for the file name?
Defining custom variables/fields inside the file isn’t possible at the
moment, e.g. if you want to use {something}.js for your file name
and then define something as MarkdownRemark.fields__slug. Therefore
you’ll have to follow the syntax of {Model.field__nestedField}.
There's a lack of specifications in your question so I don't know if the aliasing method will fit you (I guess it doesn't). Aliasing allows you to use multiple gatsbyPath like:
import React from "react"
import { Link, graphql } from "gatsby"
export default function HomePage(props) {
return (
{ => (
<li key={}>
<Link to={product.productPath}>{}</Link> (
<Link to={product.discountPath}>Discount</Link>)
export const query = graphql`
query {
allProduct {
productPath: gatsbyPath(filePath: "/products/{}")
discountPath: gatsbyPath(filePath: "/discounts/{}")
If it doesn't fit you, you won't be able to get rid of the gatsby-node.js so the filesystem API won't be a valid option.

How can I use environment variables properly?

Im developing a white label app and I would like to know how can I use environment variables to generate specific color values and source images for different environments/builds.
Im using react-native-config to be able to manipulate/use env variables for my code specific builds.
For color values its working fine like this:
<View styles={background: ${Config.LOGIN_BACKGROUND_COLOR}}/>
For booleans I dont know the proper way to do it.. Env variables are always string so I guess the workaround is:
<Switch value={Config.LOGIN_SOME_BOOL === "true"}/>
But im having difficulties for source images. I get:
Invalid call at line 18: require(_reactNativeConfig.default.LOGIN_LOGO_IMAGE) at C:\Users\myuser\Desktop\myproject\whitelabel\node_modules\metro\src\JSTransformer\worker.js:318:19
I have tryed all this ways:
import Logo from Config.LOGIN_LOGO_IMAGE
import Logo from `${Config.LOGIN_LOGO_IMAGE}`
const Logo = Config.LOGIN_LOGO_IMAGE
<Image source={require(Config.LOGIN_LOGO_IMAGE)}/>
<Image source={{uri: require(Config.LOGIN_LOGO_IMAGE)}}/>
I think you need to put this string in quotes: LOGIN_LOGO_IMAGE="../../images/1Logo.png". As for the booleans, print out typeof(Config.LOGIN_SOME_BOOL) and if its a bool you need to do {Config.LOGIN_SOME_BOOL === true} (no quotes)

dynamic image for autocomplete / components

I am trying to make a crypto react native app, I am trying to have icons to match with an autocomplete. So it would work very similar to the coinmarketcap search, where you can type a coin symbol and you will see the corresponding coin with its icon.
I think there could be a few ways to do this and I think this would be a good place for discussion on what is the best way.
For starters, I created a script that would take all the icons in a directory (SVG or PNG), and create a json that would have the symbol as the value and the key will be a reference to the icon.
With this method there are a few problems I have encountered. The solutions have been covered in this post.
React Native - Dynamic Image Source.
However, it has been hard for me to find a good solution to either
A. Encode all the image in a directory into a base64encoded string and put it into a json
B. Create an array on the React Native end which will have the require('path-to-image')
Relevant code examples are in the post so i dont want to repeat it, but I guess I would just like to know which one is the best practice. I think that doing it as a array of modules would be best. But I am not sure have to dynamically create something like that.
example of the dictionary I created is something like this:
Given a JSON object like this how would you extend it so it would become
const image = {
key1: 'path/to/key/one.png'
key2: 'path/to/key/two.png'
key1: require('path/to/key/one.png'),
key2: require('path/to/key/two.png')
you would it to fit into a react native component like so
source={ (images[symbol])}
You have a couple of options, and I think you nailed the best one in your case (tested in React Native 0.50.3):
import {Image} from 'react-native'
export default (props) => <Image source={icons[props.currency]} />
const icons = {
bitcoin: require('../path/to/bitcoin.png'),
ethereum: require('../path/to/ethereum.png'),
Lol that's basically exactly what you already wrote in your question. I've also gotten away with storing a bunch of require(...) statements in an array and pulled by index, e.g:
import {Image} from 'react-native'
export default (props) => <Image source={icons[props.index]} />
const icons = [
bitcoin: require('../path/to/bitcoin.png'),
ethereum: require('../path/to/ethereum.png'),
This approach is really only useful if you don't know the key to identify your target reference by (e.g if you wanted to cycle through a bunch of images randomly). For the described use case I'd go with key lookup.

React Native: require() with Dynamic String?

I have read several posts about issues that people are having with React Native and the require() function when trying to require a dynamic resource such as:
Dynamic (fails):
urlName = "sampleData.json";
data = require('../' + urlName);
vs. Static (succeeds):
data = require('../sampleData.json');
I have read on some threads that this is a bug in React Native and in others that this is a feature.
Is there a new way to require a dynamic resource within a function?
Related Posts (all fairly old in React time):
Importing Text from local json file in React native
React Native - Dynamically List/Require Files In Directory
React Native - Image Require Module using Dynamic Names
React Native: how to use require(path) with dynamic urls?
As i have heard of, react's require() only uses static url not variables, that means that you have to do require('/path/file'), take a look at this issue on github and this one for more alternative solutions, there are a couple of other ways to do it!
for e.g
const images = {
profile: {
profile: require('./profile/profile.png'),
comments: require('./profile/comments.png'),
image1: require('./image1.jpg'),
image2: require('./image2.jpg'),
export default images;
import Images from './img/index';
render() {
<Image source={Images.profile.comments} />
from this answer
Here is my solution.
File structure:
In index.js, I have this:
const images = {
logos: {
kl: require('./logos/small_kl_logo.png'),
a1: require('./logos/small_a1_logo.png'),
kc: require('./logos/small_kc_logo.png'),
nv: require('./logos/small_nv_logo.png'),
other: require('./logos/small_other_logo.png'),
export default images;
In my SearchableList.js component, I then imported the Images component like this:
import Images from './assets/images';
I then created a new function imageSelect in my component:
imageSelect = network => {
if (network === null) {
return Images.logos.other;
const networkArray = {
'KL': Images.logos.kl,
'A1': Images.logos.a1,
'KC': Images.logos.kc,
'NV': Images.logos.nv,
'Other': Images.logos.other,
return networkArray[network];
Then in my components render function I call this new imageSelect function to dynamically assign the desired Image based on the value in the
render() {
<Image source={this.imageSelect(} />
The value passed into the imageSelect function could be any dynamic string. I just chose to have it set in the state first and then passed in.
I hope this answer helps. :)
For anyone reading this that cannot work with the existing answers, I have an alternative.
First I'll explain my scenario. We have a mono repo with a number of packages (large react-native app). I want to dynamically import a bunch of locale files for i18n without having to keep a central registry in some magic file. There could be a number of teams working in the same monorepo and the DX we want is for package developers to be able to just add their local files in a known folder {{packageName}}/locales/en.json and have our core i18n functionality pick up their strings.
After several less than ideal solutions, I finally landed on as an ideal solution for us. This is how I did it:
const packageEnFiles = preval`
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const paths = [];
const pathToPackages = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../packages/');
.filter(name => fs.lstatSync(path.join(pathToPackages, name)).isDirectory())
.forEach(dir => {
if (fs.readdirSync(path.join(pathToPackages, dir)).find(name => name === 'locales')) {
const rawContents = fs.readFileSync(path.join(pathToPackages, dir, 'locales/en.json'), 'utf8');
name: dir,
contents: JSON.parse(rawContents),
module.exports = paths;
Then I can just iterate over this list and add the local files to i18next:
packageEnFiles.forEach(file => {
i18n.addResourceBundle('en',, file.contents);
If you need to switch between multiple locally stored images, you can also use this way:
var titleImg;
var textColor;
switch ( {
case 'Футбол':
titleImg = require('../res/soccer.png');
textColor = '#76a963';
case 'Баскетбол':
titleImg = require('../res/basketball.png');
textColor = '#d47b19';
case 'Хоккей':
titleImg = require('../res/hockey.png');
textColor = '#3381d0';
case 'Теннис':
titleImg = require('../res/tennis.png');
textColor = '#d6b031';
In this snippet I change variables titleImg and textColor depending of the prop. I have put this snippet directly in render() method.
I have found that a dynamic path for require() works when it starts with a static string. For example require("./" + path) works, whereas require(path) doesn't.
Simple to dynamic images (using require)
Example array(into state)
newimage: require('../../../src/assets/group/kids_room.png'),
Trigger image( like when press button(i select image random number betwenn 0-2))
let setImage=>(){
this.setState({newimage:this.state.randomImages[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)];
style={{ width: 30, height: 30 ,zIndex: 500 }}
Hey lads I rounded another way to require It's ugly but works. Images dynamically. Instead of storing your URL in the state you store the entire JSX. For an example:
state = {
image: []
Instead of
let imageURL = `'../assets/myImage.png'`
this.state.image = imageURL
You use
let greatImage = (<Image source={require(../assets/myImage.png)}></Image>)
this.state.image = greatImage
To render in the JSX
You can style your image in the variable too. I had to use some if statements to render some images dynamically and after break my head for 2 hours this was the way that solved my problem. Like I said It's ugly and probably wrong.
Are you using a module bundler like webpack?
If so, you can try require.ensure()
Reading through the docs, I've found a working answer and I'm able to use dynamic images, in the docs they refer to it as Network Images here
Not sure if this can be applied to other file types, but as they list require with non image types
You would need to use the uri: call
data = {uri: urlName}
For me I got images working dynamically with this
<Image source={{uri: image}} />
Try the solution mentioned in this thread for Android. This solves the issue but unfortunately, it's only for android.
But make sure to run react-native run-android after every update. Else, the added images won't appear in the app.
This seems to work :
const {
} = require(`../${dynamicPath}/messages.specific`);

