Google sheets API JavaScript: Access sheet with auth - javascript

I'm able to access a public google sheet from within my react app but am now trying access the sheet with credentials. I found a tutorial that walks me thru setting up credentials but the code isn't working for me.
const {google} = require('googleapis');
const keys = require('./interstitials-key.json');
const client = new google.auth.JWT(
client.authorize(function(err, tokens){
I'm getting this error:
"TypeError: Expected input to be a Function or Object, got undefined"

This is a known issue, you'll find reference over here:
I've reproduced it, certainly it's not fixed, you'll face this error as soon as you call the library
const {google} = require('googleapis');
Some of the resources used on the library are not available on the client side, so, it's not possible to call it from the React side, so you either use it on the server side or you have to use the google javascript client api.


'You Look Like a Robot' Error , while using puppeteer in firebase cloud functions

Im using the puppeteer package , in order to scrap a web page data that is fetched by clicking a button in this page
this are the presetting that I'm using:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-extra')
const StealthPlugin = require('puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth')
// Add adblocker plugin to block all ads and trackers (saves bandwidth)
const AdblockerPlugin = require('puppeteer-extra-plugin-adblocker')
puppeteer.use(AdblockerPlugin({ blockTrackers: true }))
those setting are made in order that I will not be detected as a robot.
here what I'm doing :
(basically , creating a request by clicking a button , then this request return a json with a data that fill up some text info in a label , then I'm reading the data from that label
here's how im clicking the button :
const box = await btn.boundingBox();
const x = box.x + (box.width/2);
const y = box.y + (box.height/2);
console.log(x, y);
await page.waitForTimeout(4000);
then afterwards ---> I'm getting the data from the data:
const [result] = await page.$x('//*[#id="content"]/div[1]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div');
// const txt = await result.evaluate.toString
let value = await page.evaluate(el => el.textContent, result);
await browser.close();
const dic = {};
dic['status'] = 200;
dic['data'] = {"message": value};
I'm also using the 'on' method in order to see if the im getting a response from the action of clicking the button , like so:
await page.on('response', async response =>{
try {
console.succ(await response.json());
} catch (error) {
// console.error(error);
and it sure get one.
the problem is ---> that when I'm deploying it to the firebase cloud functions server,
firebase deploy --only functions
and then triggering the function -->
I'm getting a json that look like this :
{ success: false, message: 'You look like a robot.' }
But when deploying the same code to my local host like so
firebase serve --only functions
and then triggering the function -->
I'm not detected as a robot
and getting the json with a successful result --> and with that data that the clicking of a button supposed to fetch.
this is so weird , I'm trying to think that there's a connections between the firebase cloud functions and reCAPTCHA , because both are a google services
but, its not seem's reasonable for it to be true .
that being said, what could be the reason for this?
all that change is the environment that the code runs from.
do you have any idea why this is happening ?
and how to solve it of course .
Since your function runs properly locally, it's almost certainly not the function itself.
Sites take a variety of different approaches to detect bots, one of which is blocking traffic from known data centers like Google Cloud's. Using a residential IP proxy like those provided by BrightData will probably circumvent this.
I'm facing the same issue while using Puppeteer in Firebase Cloud Functions.
I'm using a residential IP proxy with the following set of packages puppeteer-extra, puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth, puppeteer-extra-plugin-anonymize-ua', and user-agents`.
On localhost, all is working as expected while running Puppeteer in firebase Cloud Functions I'm getting a 404 response from the requested URL. So there must be some difference.

Connect to google search console API from Node.js

I am trying to get data from google search console but from Node backend not the front end, I have created OAuth 2.0 Client IDs and API key on the google api console. But I can find the way to connect.
I am following this guide
I just want to be able to make read requests from node.
I tried this
import { google } from 'googleapis'
const auth = new google.auth.OAuth2(
google.options({ auth })
const searchconsole = google.webmasters({ version: 'v3', auth })
const sites = await searchconsole.sites.list({})
I get this error even thou all the credentials are correct
'Error: No access, refresh token, API key or refresh handler callback is set.'
According to the comments, seems you already got the authorization pieces working, now, if you want to list the sites to get search analytics data for each owned site by the authorizing user, you can do something like the following code:
Use Google Search Console API                                                                                
Run in Fusebit
const webmasters = googleClient.webmasters('v3');
// List the owned sites
const sites = await webmasters.sites.list({});
const sitesAnalytics = [];
for await (const site of {
const response = await webmasters.searchanalytics.query({
siteUrl: site.siteUrl,
requestBody: {
startDate: '2021-01-01',
endDate: new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0],
sitesAnalytics.push({ site, analytics:});
console.log = `Got a successful response from Google Search Console: ${JSON.stringify(sitesAnalytics)}`;

Getting Google Cloud Platform custom metadata " firebaseStorageDownloadToken" programmatically

I am using Firebase Cloud Storage.
I know how to get the URL of a downloaded file (tags.txt) using Firebase SDK function running on a client javascript :
storage.ref('tags.txt').getDownloadURL().then((url) => {
I want to get the downloadURL from Node.JS . I do know this function does not exists for Node.JS
However, In Google Cloud Platform you can get the following key/value pair :
firebaseStorageDownloadTokens : 0ea9a60a-7719-4c6b-9cb5-7fcf69d7c633, the value being the token you want. From this token I can easily build the downloadURL I need.
The path to get there is:
Cloud Storage / "Bucket name" / Bucket details / tags.txt / EDIT METADATA / Custom metadata.
I try this code to access this metadata :
async function getBucketMetadata() {
const bucketName = "gs://";
try {
// Get Bucket Metadata
let metadata = await'tags.txt').getMetadata();
catch (err) {
I got keys/values (not a real project though) info such as:
But nothing regarding the key/value pair I want : firebaseStorageDownloadTokens : 0ea9a60a-7719-4c6b-9cb5-7fcf69d7c633
If the key/value can be seen on Google Cloud Platform , I do believe the key/value is also accessible via some code.
Your help is appreciated.
I mixed up two projects. I re-tried it, and its work pretty nicely. Using this method I can retrieve the file token and build the file URL around it on the back-end. The front-end function getDownloadURL() is not longer required.
Thanks for your help anyway.
The code become:
async function getBucketMetadata() {
const bucketName = "gs://";
try {
// Get Bucket Metadata
let metadata = await'tags.txt').getMetadata();
catch (err) {

how can I send an IP messaging using twilio-csharp library

I just start create a live chat app with Twilio.
I have downloaded the twilio-csharp library from and started with a sample console application.
code example from Twilio:
// Download the twilio-csharp library from
using System;
using Twilio.IpMessaging;
class Example {
static void Main (string[] args) {
// Find your Account Sid and Auth Token at
const string accountSid = "accountSid";
const string authToken = "authToken";
const string serviceSid = "serviceSid";
const string channelSid = "channelSid";
// List all Messages
var client = new IpMessagingClient(accountSid, authToken);
MessageResult result = client.ListMessages(serviceSid, channelSid);
But this code doesn't work in my case, I got always an errors "type or namespace could not be found".
I have these like reference:
I tried tutorial of IP Messaging , it works. But in the tutorial, they used Javascript SDK to initialize the IP messaging client
tc.accessManager = new Twilio.AccessManager(tokenResponse.token);
tc.messagingClient = new Twilio.IPMessaging.Client(tc.accessManager);
So I just don't understand how can I use this C# library to send an IP Messaging, or maybe I can just control my IP Messaging applications from the client side?
I unstand why I got this error.
I just follow the steps of installation on twilio-csharp library gitHub. But this project's README is only for SMS project. If we want to use Library for IpMessaging, we must also import another Library, Twilio.IpMessaging.
So What I got know like reference and the project IP Messaging works.
Hope this will help the others.

Google Drive API Error Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded

Im getting error on using Google API.
having right to connect with Google Drive and add new sheet and insert data into it.
It was working till yesterday but when i run the application today.
Im getting error :
Error appears after users given token and tried to access the DRIVE API to get all the files
domain: "usageLimits"
extendedHelp: ""
message: "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
reason: "dailyLimitExceededUnreg"
I have not changed any settings.
Following API are enables for my application access token. Do i have to add / enable more API to make it work.
I was using NodeJS to download a file, but was forgetting to pass the auth.
Initially I was using:
function downloadFiles() {
const service ='v3');
const dest = fs.createWriteStream('/tmp/foo.csv');
const fileId = '12345_ID_GOES_HERE';
fileId: fileId,
mimeType: 'text/csv'
afterwards, I added an auth argument to the function, and passed it to the export method as well:
function downloadFiles(auth) {
const service ='v3');
const dest = fs.createWriteStream('/tmp/foo.csv');
const fileId = '12345_ID_GOES_HERE';
auth: auth,
fileId: fileId,
mimeType: 'text/csv'
I am getting auth by creating an instance of google-auth-library
The problem was while getting access token. I was not providing correct scopes.
When i changed the scope to
it worked fine

