Nested Object based on .(dot) - javascript

I have Object Like this
var RecuiterInfo = {}
RecruiterInfo.Quote: "1"
RecruiterInfo.CompanyName: "Imperial Innovations",
RecruiterInfo.OrganizationSize: "2",
RecruiterInfo.Person.CitizanZenship: null,
RecruiterInfo.Person.DOB: "",
RecruiterInfo.Person.Email: "Farkhonda",
RecruiterInfo.Person.FirstName: "FaiZi",
RecruiterInfo.Person.Gender: "4456565656"
RecruiterInfo.Person.LastName: "4456565656",
RecruiterInfo.Person.PhoneNo: "4456565656",
RecruiterInfo.Person.UserId.UserName: "MTIzNDU2",
RecruiterInfo.Person.UserId.Password: null
I want to convert this object to
this specific format Like
"Values": [
"AppFieldID": "Person",
"Value": [
"AppFieldID": "CitizanZenship",
"Value": "1"
"AppFieldID": "DOB",
"Value": "01/01/2019"
"AppFieldID": "Email",
"Value": ""
"AppFieldID": "FirstName",
"Value": "test"
"AppFieldID": "Gender",
"Value": "1"
"AppFieldID": "LastName",
"Value": "test last"
"AppFieldID": "PhoneNo",
"Value": "7897897895"
"AppFieldID": "UserId",
"Value": [
"AppFieldID": "UserName",
"Value": ""
"AppFieldID": "Password",
"Value": "123456"
"AppFieldID": "Quote",
"Value": "Hi Im test"
"AppFieldID": "CompanyName",
"Value": "Terst"
but it should be a generic/dynamic(I don't want any static stuff here, because in feature there will be a multiple dot/ or nested objects)
I think loop will be based on .(dot),and it will be nested not sure
can any one help me for this json convert
Thanks in advance

You can do it recursively.
const convert = (obj) => {
if (obj === null) return null
if (typeof obj !== 'object') return obj
return Object.entries(obj)
.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => acc.concat({
AppFieldId: key,
Value: convert(value), // Recursive call
}), [])
console.log(JSON.stringify(convert(RecruiterInfo), null, 2))
It's not exactly like you want, but you'd need static stuff for that first bit.
"AppFieldId": "Quote",
"Value": "1"
"AppFieldId": "CompanyName",
"Value": "Imperial Innovations"
"AppFieldId": "OrganizationSize",
"Value": "2"
"AppFieldId": "Person",
"Value": [
"AppFieldId": "CitizanZenship",
"Value": null
"AppFieldId": "DOB",
"Value": ""
"AppFieldId": "Email",
"Value": "Farkhonda"
"AppFieldId": "FirstName",
"Value": "FaiZi"
"AppFieldId": "Gender",
"Value": "4456565656"
"AppFieldId": "LastName",
"Value": "4456565656"
"AppFieldId": "PhoneNo",
"Value": "4456565656"
"AppFieldId": "UserId",
"Value": [
"AppFieldId": "UserName",
"Value": "MTIzNDU2"
"AppFieldId": "Password",
"Value": null

You could take an iterative approach.
var data = { 'RecruiterInfo.Quote': "1", 'RecruiterInfo.CompanyName': "Imperial Innovations", 'RecruiterInfo.OrganizationSize': "2", 'RecruiterInfo.Person.CitizanZenship': null, 'RecruiterInfo.Person.DOB': "", 'RecruiterInfo.Person.Email': "Farkhonda", 'RecruiterInfo.Person.FirstName': "FaiZi", 'RecruiterInfo.Person.Gender': "4456565656", 'RecruiterInfo.Person.LastName': "4456565656", 'RecruiterInfo.Person.PhoneNo': "4456565656", 'RecruiterInfo.Person.UserId.UserName': "MTIzNDU2", 'RecruiterInfo.Person.UserId.Password': null },
result = Object.entries(data).reduce((r, [s, v]) => {
var path = s.split('.'),
last = path.pop();
.reduce((o, k, i) => {
var temp = o.find(q => q[i ? 'AppFieldID' : 'QueryObjectID'] === k);
if (!temp) o.push(temp = i ? { AppFieldID: k, Value: [] } : { QueryObjectID: k, Values: [] });
return temp[i ? 'Value' : 'Values'];
}, r)
.push({ AppFieldID: last, Value: v });
return r;
}, []);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }


Javascript Json formatting

I've a json like below
"name": "Item",
"attribute_list": [
"name": "Attribute 1",
"value_list": [
"value": "1"
"value": "2"
"name": "Attribute 2",
"value_list": [
"value": "10"
"value": "60"
"value": "80"
I want to change format like below
"Item": [{
"Attribute 1": "1", "Attribute 2": "10"
What I've done already: => {
data[ /g, '_')] = items.attribute_list?
(obj, item) => Object.assign(obj, { [ /g, '_')]: item.value_list?item.value_list[0].value:null }), {})
Thanks in advance
If I understood everything correctly, you can do it like this:
const input = [
"name": "Item",
"attribute_list": [
"name": "Attribute 1",
"value_list": [
"value": "1"
"value": "2"
"name": "Attribute 2",
"value_list": [
"value": "10"
"value": "60"
"value": "80"
const result = => {
return {
[]: [entry.attribute_list.reduce((res, curr) => {
res[] = curr.value_list[0].value;
return res;
}, {})]

filter nested array with Javascript

having an array with objects and inside an options array how do I filter the inner array of objects by key value?
Here is the following example:
let test = [{
"options": [{
"label": "Audi",
"value": 10
"label": "BMW",
"value": 18
"label": "Mercedes Benz",
"value": 116
"label": "VW",
"value": 184
"label": "test1"
"options": [{
"label": "Adler",
"value": 3664
"label": "Alfa Romeo",
"value": 3
"label": "Alpine",
"value": 4
"label": "test2"
how do I get back the object:
"label": "Audi",
"value": 10
if I filter with keyword Audi
return label.toLowerCase().includes(inputValue.toLowerCase());
I tried with the following => {
res = k.options.filter((j) => {
if (j.label.toLowerCase().includes(inputValue.toLowerCase())) {
return j;
You need to return the result of filter(), not just assign it to a variable, so that map() will return the results.
let test = [{
"options": [{
"label": "Audi",
"value": 10
"label": "BMW",
"value": 18
"label": "Mercedes Benz",
"value": 116
"label": "VW",
"value": 184
"label": "test1"
"options": [{
"label": "Adler",
"value": 3664
"label": "Alfa Romeo",
"value": 3
"label": "Alpine",
"value": 4
"label": "test2"
let inputValue = "audi";
let search = inputValue.toLowerCase();
let result = => k.options.filter(j => j.label.toLowerCase().includes(search)));
This will return all options matching the search query :
function find(array, query) {
return array.reduce((prev, current) => prev.concat(current.options), []).filter(item => item.label.includes(query))
find(test, 'Audi')
Use flatMap() followed by filter():
let test=[{options:[{label:"Audi",value:10},{label:"BMW",value:18},{label:"Mercedes Benz",value:116},{label:"VW",value:184}],label:"test1"},{options:[{label:"Adler",value:3664},{label:"Alfa Romeo",value:3},{label:"Alpine",value:4}],label:"test2"}]
let result = test.flatMap(el => {
return el.options.filter(car => car.label == "Audi")
You need to go two levels deep when traversing your array.
function filterArray(needle, haystack) {
return haystack
.map(h => h.options)
.flatMap(h => h )
.filter(h => h.label.toLowerCase().includes(needle.toLowerCase()));
This might gile your answer:

transforming json using recursive function

I'm trying to transform this JSON into array so that I can simply list them as key-value pairs in html. The JSON has nested properties which I want to retain but I want to stringify only those objects that contain "units" and "value". All others should be listed as children items. Please help figure what I'm doing wrong.
Here's the json input:
"clusterName": "",
"statusProperties": {
"loadProperties": {
"loadDetail": {
"restoreWriteLoad": {
"value": 0,
"units": "sec/sec"
"totalLoad": {
"value": 0.0825921967625618,
"units": "sec/sec"
"secure": {
"value": false,
"units": "bool"
"statusDetail": {
"licenseKeyOption": [
"value": "conversion",
"units": "enum"
"value": "failover",
"units": "enum"
"connectPort": 7999,
"softwareVersion": {
"value": 9000100,
"units": "quantity"
"rateProperties": {
"rateDetail": {
"largeReadRate": {
"value": 0,
"units": "MB/sec"
"totalRate": {
"value": 67.2446365356445,
"units": "MB/sec"
"online": {
"value": true,
"units": "bool"
"cacheProperties": {
"cacheDetail": {
"tripleCachePartitions": {
"tripleCachePartition": [
"partitionSize": 768,
"partitionBusy": 0,
"partitionUsed": 0,
"partitionFree": 100
my code
function isNested(obj) {
if(!obj) return false;
let propArry = Object.keys(obj)
for(let i=0; i<propArry.length; i++){
if(obj[propArry[0]] === 'Object') return true
return false;
function getKeyValueAsChildren(obj) {
let vals = [];
for(let key in obj) {
vals.push({key:key, value: obj[key]})
return vals
function valueAsString(obj) {
if(typeof obj !== 'object') return obj;
return `${obj['value']} ${obj['units']}`
function getChildren(key, obj) {
if(Object.keys(obj).sort().toString() === "units,value"){
return {key: key, value: valueAsString(obj)}
} else {
return {key: key, children: getKeyValueAsChildren(obj) }
function getValues(properties, values = []) {
for(let key in properties) {
if(properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
let value = properties[key]
if(typeof value !== 'object') {
values.push({key: key, value: value})
} else if(Array.isArray(value)){
let children = [] => {
children.push(getChildren(key, v))
values.push({key: `${key}List`, children: children})
else if( === 'Object' && isNested(value)){
let keys = Object.keys(value)
let children = [];
keys.forEach(key => {
children.push({key: key, children: getValues(value[key])})
values.push({key: key, children: children})
else {
values.push(getChildren(key, value))
return values
this returns
"key": "clusterName",
"value": ""
"key": "statusProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadDetail",
"children": [
"key": "restoreWriteLoad",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": 0
"key": "units",
"value": "sec/sec"
"key": "totalLoad",
"value": "0.0825921967625618 sec/sec"
"key": "secure",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": false
"key": "units",
"value": "bool"
"key": "statusDetail",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOptionList",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "conversion enum"
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "failover enum"
"key": "connectPort",
"value": 7999
"key": "rateProperties",
"children": [
"key": "rateDetail",
"children": [
"key": "largeReadRate",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": 0
"key": "units",
"value": "MB/sec"
"key": "totalRate",
"value": "67.2446365356445 MB/sec"
"key": "online",
"children": [
"key": "value",
"value": true
"key": "units",
"value": "bool"
"key": "cacheProperties",
"children": [
"key": "cacheDetail",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitions",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitionList",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartition",
"children": [
"key": "partitionSize",
"value": 768
"key": "partitionBusy",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionUsed",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionFree",
"value": 100
but I need this
"key": "clusterName",
"value": ""
"key": "statusProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadProperties",
"children": [
"key": "loadDetail",
"children": [
"key": "restoreWriteLoad",
"value": "0 sec/sec"
"key": "totalLoad",
"value": "0.0825921967625618 sec/sec"
"key": "secure",
"value": "false bool"
"key": "statusDetail",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOptionList",
"children": [
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "conversion enum"
"key": "licenseKeyOption",
"value": "failover enum"
"key": "connectPort",
"value": 7999
"key": "rateProperties",
"children": [
"key": "rateDetail",
"children": [
"key": "largeReadRate",
"value": "0 MB/sec"
"key": "totalRate",
"value": "67.2446365356445 MB/sec"
"key": "online",
"value": "true bool"
"key": "cacheProperties",
"children": [
"key": "cacheDetail",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitions",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartitionList",
"children": [
"key": "tripleCachePartition",
"children": [
"key": "partitionSize",
"value": 768
"key": "partitionBusy",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionUsed",
"value": 0
"key": "partitionFree",
"value": 100
You might have to run more tests, as what you require seems quite arbitrary, but I believe this function does what you are looking for. It works in a similar way to yours, by simply recursing the tree, and checking for object types, and if the special case is matched.
function toKeyValue(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map(k => {
var value = obj[k]
var key = k
var valueName = 'children'
key = k + 'List'
value =
}else if(value !== null && typeof value === 'object'){
// check for special case
if(Object.keys(value).sort().toString() === "units,value"){
value = value.value + ' ' + value.units
valueName = 'value'
value = toKeyValue(value)
valueName = 'value'
return {
key: key,
[valueName]: value
Fiddle here

How to make subarrays containing a same string from an array?

I have an array like this :
"title": "name",
"value": ""
"title": "version",
"value": ""
"title": "inventory_name",
"value": ""
"title": "inventory_version",
"value": ""
"title": "differed",
"value": ""
"title": "differed_name",
"value": ""
"title": "accept_error_while_reboot",
"value": ""
"title": "setup_check",
"value": ""
"title": "setup_install",
"value": ""
"title": "setup_install_partial",
"value": ""
"title": "params_install",
"value": ""
"title": "params_install_partial",
"value": ""
"title": "results_install_ok",
"value": ""
"title": "results_install_reboot_defered",
"value": ""
"title": "results_install_reboot_immediate",
"value": ""
"title": "results_install_partial_ok",
"value": ""
"title": "results_install_partial_reboot_defered",
"value": ""
"title": "results_install_partial_reboot_immediate",
"value": ""
Is it possible to make subarrays that contains the same title field string ?
For example in this case , I will have :
array1 = [
"title": "differed",
"value": ""
"title": "differed_name",
"value": ""
array2 = [
"title": "setup_check",
"value": ""
"title": "setup_install",
"value": ""
"title": "setup_install_partial",
"value": ""
and so on...
In case of single elements , I should have :
"title": "name",
"value": ""
I'm searching for a generic approach.
I know I can use, for example, indexOf('results') with filter function, however I'd like if it's possible to avoid the hardcode since it's not always the same titles.
Any ideas ?
You can use an object to group similar items:
var groups = {};
var key = p.title.split('_')[0];
if(!groups[key]) {
groups[key] = [];
Working demo:
Group the data with .reduce()
var groups = data.reduce(function(result, currentValue) {
var key = currentValue.title.split("_")[0];
if (typeof result[key] === "undefined") {
result[key] = [];
return result;
}, {});
And then (if needed) use .map() to transform the object into "subarrays"
var subArrays = Object.keys(groups).map(function(key) {
return groups[key];
var data = [{
"title": "name",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "version",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "inventory_name",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "inventory_version",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "differed",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "differed_name",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "accept_error_while_reboot",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "setup_check",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "setup_install",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "setup_install_partial",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "params_install",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "params_install_partial",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "results_install_ok",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "results_install_reboot_defered",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "results_install_reboot_immediate",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "results_install_partial_ok",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "results_install_partial_reboot_defered",
"value": ""
}, {
"title": "results_install_partial_reboot_immediate",
"value": ""
var groups = data.reduce(function(result, currentValue) {
var key = currentValue.title.split("_")[0];
if (typeof result[key] === "undefined") {
result[key] = [];
return result;
}, {});
var subArrays = Object.keys(groups).map(function(key) {
return groups[key];
I came up with a solution using Immutable.JS, but you could probably do something similar with lodash or underscore. Note that this is a functional version, not imperative.
First create a function that gets the prefix:
function getPrefix(name) {
var substr = name.substring(0, name.indexOf('_'))
return substr ? substr : name;
Then use the groupBy function:
Immutable.fromJS(arr).groupBy(element => getPrefix( element['title']))
This will give you an array of arrays with the title as it's key.

Add new property to objects in an array based of a seperate array

I have 2 arrays with objects in them. I am trying to make a new array based on the information provided in the original 2 arrays. I have jQuery and Underscore available.
The 2 arrays look like the following:
var orgArray = [
"name": "phone",
"value": "123-456-7890"
"name": "color",
"value": "blue"
"name": "city",
"value": "San Diego"
"name": "zip",
"value": "54321"
"name": "email",
"value": ""
"name": "state",
"value": "CA"
"name": "Sale",
"value": "On Sale"
var configArray = [
"columns": ["phone", "city", "zip"],
"target": "phone"
"columns": ["email", "state"],
"target": "email"
If configArray[i].columns contains a string that is in orgArray[i].name then add the target property to the orgArray's object. Here is the new Array that I am trying to create:
var newArray = [
"name": "phone",
"value": "123-456-7890",
"target": "phone"
"name": "color",
"value": "blue"
"name": "city",
"value": "San Diego",
"target": "phone"
"name": "zip",
"value": "54321",
"target": "phone"
"name": "email",
"value": "",
"target": "email"
"name": "state",
"value": "CA",
"target": "email"
"name": "Sale",
"value": "On Sale"
Here is my current JS and a fiddle:
var newArray = [];
_.each(orgArray, function(element, index, list) {
_.each(configArray, function(elem, i) {
_.each(elem.columns, function (el, x) {
if ( === {
value: element.value,
Using $.each() you can do:
$.each(orgArray, function(i, org){
$.each(configArray, function(j, config){
if(config.columns.indexOf( > -1){
orgArray[i].target =;
You should test if the name exists in elem.column, you can do this by using the .indexOf function. The .indexOf function returns the index of the found object (starting from 0), if it isn't found it will return -1.
if(elem.columns.indexOf( > -1)
Something underscore way, not sure(didn't confirmed), should work.
Copy the array and map it to updated based on your condition.
var newArray = orgArray;, function(elem){
_.each(configArray, function(elem_config, i) {
return newArray['target'] =

