How to make a click counter for another button function? - javascript

I made a function that checks if an input number is equal to Math.random(). I want to make another function to check how many times the button was clicked before the user got the correct answer.
function guess() {
var x = document.getElementById('this').value;
var y = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10));
if (x == y) {
} //correct answer
else if (x > y) {
} else {
<input type="number" min=1 max=2 id="this">
<button type="button" onclick="guess()">Check</button>
I expect to see the number of tries the number has done.

Taking into account Nick Parsons comment, I moved the number searched for out of the function. The counter also needs to be defined outside the function and incremented by one on each call. I also altered your code to give the number of attempts when guessed correctly.
var y = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10));
var counter = 0;
function guess() {
var x = document.getElementById('this').value;
counter += 1;
if (x == y) {
alert(`Nice. Took you ${counter} attempts`);
} //correct answer
else if (x > y) {
} else {
<input type="number" min=1 max=10 id="this">
<button type="button" onclick="guess()"> Check </button>
Also the max on the number-input field was not right.

Create a global variable (say, counter) intialized to zero, then increment it every time the button is clicked:
var counter = 0;
var y = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10));
function guess() {
var x = document.getElementById('this').value;
counter += 1;
if (x == y) {
alert("Nice. You've guessed it in " + counter + " tries.");
counter = 0;
} //correct answer
else if (x > y) {
} else {
Although you didn't ask for it, note that I placed the initialization of x and y from outside the event handler function. If you put it inside, every time you click the button, y would be set to a new random number, which makes the hints useless (and I infer you didn't want to do that anyway).

You must first declare a global variable to store click counter and every time that user try incorrect, increase the variable and finally if successful try then alert it.


Generate a new random number each time function is called in Javascript

I am trying to learn javascript, I am playing with a game that picks a random number.
I would like to have 2 functions, random and guess. Random generates a new number between 1-10. Guess is where it checks if the number was guessed, if not re-runs the random function and generates a new number to try.
var x;
function random(){
let x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
function guess(x){
if(x === 3){
alert('you are correct!');
alert('try again');
This just alerts try again every time, i'm guessing because it's not generating a new number each time the function is called?
How can you create the random function so it generates a new number each time its called?
***** Correction, it appears to generate a new number but x is undefined within the guess function**
The x in the guess() is the x that gets passed to it as a parameter. I would remove the var x; declaration and pass a value when calling like guess(x)
function random(){
const x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
function guess(x){
if(x === 3){
alert('you are correct!');
alert('try again');
The guess function's signature says that it takes a parameter x, but you're not passing any value to the function when it's called, so it's assigning undefined to x when it runs guess, which will never equal 3. You can take 2 approaches to fix this. First, you could make x a global variable by getting rid of the let where you define x in the random function and removing x from guess's function signature, like so:
var x;
function random() {
x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
function guess() {
if (x === 3) {
alert(x + '- you are correct!');
else {
alert(x + '- try again');
Or, you could use x as a parameter for the guess function by removing the var x; global declaration and passing x to guess when you call it in the random function, like so:
function random() {
let x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
function guess(x) {
if (x === 3) {
alert(x + '- you are correct!');
else {
alert(x + '- try again');
I personally wouldn't even have a random function. I'd just define x within guess and call guess from within itself. And, I'd use to make the randomness more readable. Here's how I'd do it:
function guess() {
let x = rando(1, 10);
if (x === 3) return alert(x + '- you are correct!');
alert(x + '- try again');
<script src=""></script>
Note that the return statement would stop the execution of the function right then and there, so it wouldn't progress to the "try again" alert if the number was guessed correctly.
Here's some detailed code that will help you understand how to run such a game in the browser.
See the comments for explanation of how it works (and search for information on MDN to learn more about any particular topic.)
Happy coding!
// Identifies HTML elements
guessInput = document.getElementById("guessInput"),
outputParagraph = document.getElementById("outputParagraph");
// Makes a global variable that all functions can access
let globalNum;
// Invokes the main function
function playGame(){
// Invokes the randomizer function and stores the result in the global variable
globalNum = getRandomNumber();
// Invokes the output function
setOutput("Guess a number from 1 to 10");
// Assigns a function that will be invoked whenever the user changes the input field
guessInput.addEventListener("change", respondToGuess);
// Puts the focus in the input element
// Defines a listener function that can automatically see the triggering event
function respondToGuess(event){
// Gets the `target` element of the event and stores it in a local variable
const localReferenceToInputElement =
// The text of an `<input>` element lives in its "value" property
const inputText = localReferenceToInputElement.value;
// Tries to convert the text string to an integer (and store it locally as 'guess')
let guess = parseInt(inputText);
// If the conversion failed, changes the output accordingly
if(!guess){ setOutput("Please enter a valid number"); }
// If the number is out of range, changes the output
else if(guess < 1 || guess > 10){ setOutput("Only numbers from 1 to 10 are allowed"); }
// If the guess doesn't match the stored number, changes the output
else if(guess !== globalNum){ setOutput("Try again..."); }
// If we got this far, the guess was correct, so changes output and ends game
setOutput("You guessed it!");
function getRandomNumber(){
// Returns a random number into whatever function called this function
const x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
return x;
function setOutput(outputText){
// The text of a paragraph element lives in its `innerHTML` property
outputParagraph.innerHTML = outputText;
function reset(){
// Clears the input and stops listening for changes
guessInput.value = "";
guessInput.removeEventListener("change", respondToGuess);
<input id="guessInput" />
<p id="outputParagraph"></p>
I have done some changes to your code.
You have problem with the concept of function calling function.
In real code it will kill your memory.. your function calls function the function not close and call the function again and again... and its fill the memory .
var x;
// flag correct will close the loop when you have right umber
var correct = false;
function random() {
x = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
function guess(x) {
if (x === 3) {
alert('you are correct!');
// if number is right flag is up
correct = true;
} else {
alert('the number is ' + x + ' try again');
// loop until the number is right
while (correct != true) {

Why is my Javascript not adding data on submit?

I am building a hot and Cold App in JS and jQuery.
My issue is on form submit that user input inserts a number and the game tells them if its hold or cold or hotter or holder based on how close or far from the number.
Issue is that It only works the first time. After that it does nothing.
How do I made it so that when the user input on submit it generates a new secretNumber and based on the checker I have setup outputs either hot or cold or hotter or colder.
Seems its not generating a new secret number or it is just not inputing it.
Code here
// Global Variables.
var theSecret = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 0); // Creates Secret Number
var userGuess = $('#userGuess').val(); // User Inut Guess
var count = 0;
var addList = document.createElement("li")
// Display information modal box
// Hide information modal box
// Functions
// New Game
function newGame() {
// new gama data here
// Add To List
function addtoList() {
function preventRefresh() {
$("form").submit(function(event) {
function addGuess() {
$("ul#guessList").append("<li>" + userGuess + "</li>");
// Checks if hot or cold or correct
function veryHotGuess() {
if (userGuess < 25 && theSecret < 25) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Very Hot";
function hotGuess() {
if (userGuess < 50 && theSecret < 50) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Hot";
function veryColdGuess() {
if (userGuess < 100 && theSecret < 100) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Very Cold";
function coldGuess() {
if (userGuess < 75 && theSecret < 75) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Cold";
function correctAnswer() {
if (userGuess == theSecret) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "You Got It";
Calling theSecret(); causes a JavaScript error. You are calling the variable as a function, which it isn’t obviously.
BTW, I think your calculation of guess "temperature" might be quite wrong.
You have to redefine your definition of Global variable in javascript:
// Global Variables.
var theSecret = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 0); // Creates Secret Number
var userGuess = $('#userGuess').val(); // User Inut Guess
var count = 0;
var addList = document.createElement("li")
those ARE NOT global variables, because you made then in a scope, the document.ready scope... a Global Variable must be defined outside any scope, so it's available in all scopes, including inside the document.ready as well inside any function method you wrote.
Secondly, you need to rethink what you are doing, as a rule, you are repeating yourself over and over with
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = xxxx;
one day you need to change the feedback to something else, or also write something else, can you see in how many places you need to change your code? When you see several lines of almost the same code: You're doing it wrong...
And you need to simplify your calculations, you make it hard to code and see what's going on...
Third, as Alexander pointed out, you need to re-think how you're calculating, what you want to calculate if not the userGuess or the theSecret, but give an answer based on how close/far the user guess is from the correct value ... that I would call it the difference between 2 numbers.
something like: Math.abs(theSecret - userGuess)
Here's my approach:
(irrelevant code removed)
var theSecret = 0,
guesses = [];
$(document).ready(function() {
// Creates Secret Number
theSecret = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 0);
$("form").submit(function(evt) {
// Functions
// Add To List
function addToList(txt) {
$("ul#guessList").append("<li>" + txt + "</li>");
function write(txt) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = txt;
function checkTemperature() {
var userGuess = parseInt($('#userGuess').val()),
dif = Math.abs(theSecret - userGuess);
// for debug only
console.log("theSecret:" + theSecret);
console.log("userGuess:" + userGuess);
console.log("dif:" + dif);
if (dif < 5)
write("Vulcan Hot");
else if (dif < 25)
write("Very Hot");
else if (dif < 50)
else if (dif < 75)
else if (dif < 100)
write("Very Cold");
else if (dif === 0)
write("You Got It");
The problem isn't with theSecret but with userGuess. You were not grabbing the value on submit so it was empty. I suggest to always console.log or inspect variables to make sure they are getting populated correctly. In your submit I added this: userGuess = $('#userGuess').val(); and it will now check correctly.
However, as Alexander mentioned the math is wrong. The value will always be under 100 and so it will always be Very Cold. You have to get the absolute difference of both numbers and then do your guess check:
var difference = Math.abs(theSecret - userGuess);
if (difference < 100) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Very Cold";
if (difference < 75) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Cold";
if (difference < 50) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Hot";
if (difference < 25) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "Very Hot";
if (difference == 0) {
document.getElementById('feedback').innerHTML = "You Got It";
I forked your project here:

If function javascript not working

I'm a total javascript noob and I'm just trying to bludgeon my way through this simple project. Whats supposed to happen is the script is only meant to run while y <= 3. Each time that it runs the second IF statement, it's meant to add one to y's count and if it runs the ELIF, it's meant to subtract one from y's count. The goal is so that you can only have 3 "selected" pictures at any one time. My y does definitely change, but the IF (y <= 3) does not seem to stop the program from running. Thanks in advance, Jack
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
var y = 4; //this is a counter
function swapRoast() { //This defines the function
var x=document.images; //this automatically creates an array of all the images in the document starting with image0 and assigns them to variable'x'
if (y <= 3); { //this should check that y <= 3 before running
if (x[0].src.match('Roast_Vegetables.png')) //This tests if the source of image0 in the array matches the script
x[0].src=('Roast_Vegetables_Selected.png'); //If the source matches, then it is changed
y ++; //should add 1 to the y count
else if (x[0].src.match('Roast_Vegetables_Selected.png')) //If the source doesn't match, then it tests a different source
x[0].src=('Roast_Vegetables.png'); //If the different source matches, then the script operates in reverse to the original IF
y --; //should subtract 1 from the y count
function swapVege(obj) {
var x=document.images;
if (y <= 3); {
if (x[1].src.match('Vegetables.png'))
y ++;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = y;
else if (x[1].src.match('Vegetables_Selected.png'))
y --;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = y;
The semicolon is unfortunate and terminates the if block immediately. Change (in both places)
if (y <= 3); {
to something like
if (y <= 3) {
if (y <= 3); {
take out the ";" here

function(x) check x and for every +1 to x, add 5 to y?

I know this is rookie stuff but I can't even figure out to how to look up this problem.
I want this:
y = x / 8;
z = Math.ceil(y);
time = "";
when y = 1, add 5 to time
when y = 3, time = 15..
when y = 5, time - 25, etc.
Like I said, this Javascript 101 I'm sure but I'm currently having trouble pull out of my head. I feel like this is a pretty crucial thing to know how to do.
I'm trying to build a better version of this below function. I should have initially posted this, sorry!
function cookingTime(x) {
if (x == 0){
return 0;
else {
var time = x / 8;
if (Math.ceil(time) == 1) {
return 5;
if (Math.ceil(time) == 2) {
return 10;
if (Math.ceil(time) == 3) {
return 15;
The below function works for what I was asking about for reference:
function(x) { return Math.ceil(x/8) * 5 }
Do you want to return that variable time? Instead you can write
function(x) { return Math.ceil(x/8) * 5 }
If I understand what you want the function to do, you don't need so many variables, and I don't think you even want to set time as a string ("") since you are working with numbers here.
time = 0;var a;
function fun()
var x=parseInt(document.f1.t1.value);
y = x / 8;
z = Math.ceil(y);alert(z);
<form name="f1">
<input type="text" name="t1">
<input type="button" name="b1" onclick="fun()">

JavaScript Help(It's pretty simple im a beginner)

function mathProb() {
var x = parseInt(prompt("Enter first integer", ""));
var y = parseInt(prompt("Enter the second integer", ""));
var operand = prompt("Enter type of operation", "");
if (operand == "+" || "add") {
var sum = x + y;
document.write("Your sum is " + sum);
} else if (operand == "-") {
var difference = x - y;
document.write("Your difference is " + difference);
} else if (operand == "*") {
var product = x * y;
document.write("Your product is " + product);
} else if (operand == "/") {
var quotient = x / y;
document.write("Your quotient is " + quotient);
} else {
document.write("Oops something went wrong");
Well to start I am reading a book on JavaScript and have been doing pretty well, I am now on functions and was getting those until parameters were introduced can someone explain what a parameter is in a clear simple way?
Why does this function work when named function mathProb() and function mathProb(x,y,operand)?
And a third question off of the previous one is why when I call the function in html
(<input type="button" value="Calculator" onclick="mathProb()"/>)
I have to use mathProb() even if its named mathProb(x,y,operand). If I call it using that name it wont work. Please help?
First, the line:
Will always be true, as the expression "add" will always return a true-ish value. You probably mean to use:
if(operand=="+" || operand=="add")
Your question about parameters is probably a pretty broad topic. Basically, a parameter is a variable given to a function so that the function can be generalized to work with any data. For example, if you wanted to write a function that can add two numbers, the function must know which two numbers to add. These numbers would be supplied as parameters:
function add(x, y)
return x + y; // x and y are variables known within this function
You'd then call your function as so:
var oneplusone = add(1, 1); // Adds 1 and 1
Using this knowledge, you could rewrite your code as this:
function mathProb(x, y, operand)
// No need for var x, etc as these can now be passed in..
Then call your function:
parseInt(prompt("Enter first integer","")), // This is x
parseInt(prompt("Enter the second integer","")), // This is y
prompt("Enter type of operation","") // This is operand
Keep in mind you could still call your function mathProb without the parameters:
...if you really wanted to. JavaScript does allow this (unlike many other languages). However, within your function, the variables x, y and operand will be undefined which might cause unexpected results if you don't account for that.
You need call and pass function like mathProb(1,2,'+')
<input type="button" value="Calculator" onclick="mathProb(1,2,'+')"/>
function mathProb(x,y,operand)
//var x = parseInt(prompt("Enter first integer",""));
//var y = parseInt(prompt("Enter the second integer",""));
//var operand = prompt("Enter type of operation","");
if(operand=="+"|| operand=="add")
var sum = x+y;
document.write("Your sum is " +sum);
else if(operand=="-")
var difference = x-y;
document.write("Your difference is " +difference);
else if(operand=="*")
var product = x*y;
document.write("Your product is " +product);
else if(operand=="/")
var quotient = x/y;
document.write("Your quotient is " +quotient);
document.write("Oops something went wrong");

