Extend Array.push method - javascript

I'm trying to extend a specific array with custom push method:
let instance = {
'queue': []
instance.initQueue = () => {
let _this = instance;
_this['queue'].push = func => {
if (typeof func === 'function') {
// default
Array.prototype.push.apply(this, arguments);
// process
instance.processQueue = () => {
let _this = instance;
_this['queue'].forEach((func, idx, obj) => {
if (typeof func === 'function') {
obj.splice(idx, 1);
instance.queue.push(() => console.log(1))
While I'm trying to trigger the push method (instance.queue.push(() => console.log(1));, nothing happen. If I'll wrap the initQueue function with a timeout - it's work:
setTimeout(() => { instance.initQueue(); }, 100);
Any reasonable explanation of why this is happening?

After removing the obvious syntax errors, your code seems to be working:
let instance = {
'queue': []
instance.initQueue = () => {
let _this = instance;
_this['queue'].push = (func,...rest) => {
if (typeof func === 'function') {
// default
Array.prototype.push.apply(_this['queue'], [func, ...rest]);
// process
instance.processQueue = () => {
let _this = instance;
_this['queue'].forEach((func, idx, obj) => {
if (typeof func === 'function') {
obj.splice(idx, 1);
instance.queue.push(() => console.log(1))
The functions are being called as soon as they're pushed in the queue, that's because of:
// process
You can remove it to control the processing of the queue yourself.


can i chain request in vue method?

I have a button when user click on it I will send a request and receive answer. If user click 100 times on this button I want to send 100 requests to server and each request send after previous. because I need previous response in next request.
<button #click="sendRequest">send</button>
axios.post('https:/url/store-project-item', {
'id': this.project.id,
"items": this.lists,
'labels': this.labels,
'last_update_key': this.lastUpdateKey,
'debug': 'hYjis6kwW',
}).then((r) => {
if (r.data.status) {
this.change = false
this.lastUpdateKey = r.data.lastUpdateKey;
} else {
if (r.data.state == "refresh") {
} else {
}).catch(() => {
I keep a higher-order function (i.e. a function that returns a function) withMaxDOP (DOP = degrees-of-parallelism) handy for this kind of thing:
const withMaxDOP = (f, maxDop) => {
const [push, pop] = createAsyncStack();
for (let x = 0; x < maxDop; ++x) {
return async(...args) => {
const token = await pop();
try {
return await f(...args);
} finally {
The function makes use of an async stack data structure (implementation is in the attached demo), where the pop function is async and will only resolve when an item is available to be consumed. maxDop tokens are placed in the stack. Before invoking the supplied function, a token is popped from the stack, sometimes waiting if no token is immediately available. When the supplied completes, the token is returned to the stack. This has the effect of limiting concurrent calls to the supplied function to the number of tokens that are placed in the stack.
You can use the function to wrap a promise-returning (i.e. async) function and use it to limit re-entrancy into that function.
In your case, it could be used as follows:
sendRequest: withMaxDOP(async function(){ /*await axios.post...*/ }, 1)
to ensure that no call to this function ever overlaps another.
const createAsyncStack = () => {
const stack = [];
const waitingConsumers = [];
const push = (v) => {
if (waitingConsumers.length > 0) {
const resolver = waitingConsumers.shift();
if (resolver) {
} else {
const pop = () => {
if (stack.length > 0) {
const queueItem = stack.pop();
return typeof queueItem !== 'undefined' ?
Promise.resolve(queueItem) :
} else {
return new Promise((resolve) => waitingConsumers.push(resolve));
return [push, pop];
const withMaxDOP = (f, maxDop) => {
const [push, pop] = createAsyncStack();
for (let x = 0; x < maxDop; ++x) {
return async(...args) => {
const token = await pop();
try {
return await f(...args);
} finally {
// example usage
const delay = (duration) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), duration));
async function doSomething(name) {
// simulate async IO
await delay(1000);
const ret = `hello ${name}`;
console.log(`returning: ${ret}`);
return ret;
const limitedDoSomething = withMaxDOP(doSomething, 1);
//call limitedDoSomething 5 times
const promises = [...new Array(5)].map((_, i) => limitedDoSomething(`person${i}`));
//collect the resolved values and log
Promise.all(promises).then(v => console.log(v));

Is it possible to pass an argument to a variable initialized using let?

Below is the code snippet used in one of the tutorials I am learning from now. Can someone please help to understand how an argument 'mediastate' can be passed to a variable 'transientListen' in the 'notify' function?
function createMediaListener(queries) {
let transientListener = null;
const keys = Object.keys(queries);
const queryLists = keys.reduce((queryLists, key) => {
queryLists[key] = window.matchMedia(queries[key]);
return queryLists;
}, {});
const mediaState = keys.reduce((state, key) => {
state[key] = queryLists[key].matches;
return state;
}, {});
const notify = () => {
if (transientListener != null) transientListener(mediaState);
const listeners = keys.reduce((listeners, key) => {
listeners[key] = event => {
mediaState[key] = event.matches;
return listeners;
}, {});
const listen = listener => {
transientListener = listener;
keys.forEach(key => {
const dispose = () => {
transientListener = null;
keys.forEach(key => {
const getState = () => mediaState;
return { listen, dispose, getState };
export default createMediaListener;
How I understand, the "listen" function is called by return statement in the module. The problem is, "listen" function needs a parameter, otherwise is: transientListener = listener; => undefined.

How to convert javascript methods in this example

I have three functions structured in the following way:
const func = (arr) => {
var ch = {};
arr.map(ar => {
ar.stage_executions.map((s) => {
ch[s.stage.name] = [];
return ch;
const func2 = (arr) => {
var all = func(arr);
for(var k in all) {
arr.map((ar) => {
ar.stage_executions.map((st) => {
if (st.stage.name === k) {
all[k].push(st.stage.name, st.duration_millis)
return all;
const func3 = (arr) => {
const all = func2(arr);
for(var key in all) {
all[key] = [...new Set(all[key])]
return all;
I want to convert these into functions into methods that look like the rest of my vue.js methods.
func: function() {
return all
How do I do I convert my methods to look like the function above?
You can just remove the arrow and add the function keyword to the beginning as you don't use 'this' in any of them
From this: let name =() => {} to function name() {}

Fluent async api with ES6 proxy javascript

So... I have some methods. Each method returns a promise.
myAsyncMethods: {
myNavigate () {
// Imagine this is returning a webdriverio promise
return new Promise(function(resolve){
setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
myClick () {
// Imagine this is returning a webdriverio promise
return new Promise(function(resolve){
setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
I'm trying to make end to end tests, so the prom chain must be linear (first click, next navigate, etc)
For now, I can do this...
.then(() => myAsyncMethods.otherMethod())
.then(() => /*do other stuff*/ )
...with ES6 proxy feature:
function makeItFluent (actions) {
let prom = Promise.resolve();
const builder = new Proxy(actions, {
get (target, propKey) {
const origMethod = target[propKey];
return function continueBuilding (...args) {
// keep chaining promises
prom = prom.then(() => (typeof origMethod === 'function') && origMethod(...args));
// return an augmented promise with proxied object
return Object.assign(prom, builder);
return builder;
But, the thing I cannot do is the following:
.then(() => myAsyncMethods.otherMethod())
.then(() => /*do other stuff*/ )
Because then is not a proxied method, and thus it does not return myAsyncMethods. I tried to proxy then but with no results.
Any idea?
thanks devs ;)
I would return wrapped Promises from yourAsyncMethods which allows mixing of sync and async methods with Proxy and Reflect and executing them in the correct order :
let handlers;
const wrap = function (target) {
if (typeof target === 'object' && target && typeof target.then === 'function') {
// The target needs to be stored internally as a function, so that it can use
// the `apply` and `construct` handlers.
var targetFunc = function () { return target; };
targetFunc._promise_chain_cache = Object.create(null);
return new Proxy(targetFunc, handlers);
return target;
// original was written in TS > 2.5, you might need a polyfill :
if (typeof Reflect === 'undefined') {
handlers = {
get: function (target, property) {
if (property === 'inspect') {
return function () { return '[chainable Promise]'; };
if (property === '_raw') {
return target();
if (typeof property === 'symbol') {
return target()[property];
// If the Promise itself has the property ('then', 'catch', etc.), return the
// property itself, bound to the target.
// However, wrap the result of calling this function.
// This allows wrappedPromise.then(something) to also be wrapped.
if (property in target()) {
const isFn = typeof target()[property] === 'function';
if (property !== 'constructor' && !property.startsWith('_') && isFn) {
return function () {
return wrap(target()[property].apply(target(), arguments));
return target()[property];
// If the property has a value in the cache, use that value.
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target._promise_chain_cache, property)) {
return target._promise_chain_cache[property];
// If the Promise library allows synchronous inspection (bluebird, etc.),
// ensure that properties of resolved
// Promises are also resolved immediately.
const isValueFn = typeof target().value === 'function';
if (target().isFulfilled && target().isFulfilled() && isValueFn) {
return wrap(target().constructor.resolve(target().value()[property]));
// Otherwise, return a promise for that property.
// Store it in the cache so that subsequent references to that property
// will return the same promise.
target._promise_chain_cache[property] = wrap(target().then(function (result) {
if (result && (typeof result === 'object' || typeof result === 'function')) {
return wrap(result[property]);
const _p = `"${property}" of "${result}".`;
throw new TypeError(`Promise chain rejection: Cannot read property ${_p}`);
return target._promise_chain_cache[property];
apply: function (target, thisArg, args) {
// If the wrapped Promise is called, return a Promise that calls the result
return wrap(target().constructor.all([target(), thisArg]).then(function (results) {
if (typeof results[0] === 'function') {
return wrap(Reflect.apply(results[0], results[1], args));
throw new TypeError(`Promise chain rejection: Attempted to call ${results[0]}` +
' which is not a function.');
construct: function (target, args) {
return wrap(target().then(function (result) {
return wrap(Reflect.construct(result, args));
// Make sure all other references to the proxied object refer to the promise itself,
// not the function wrapping it
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Reflect).forEach(function (handler) {
handlers[handler] = handlers[handler] || function (target, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
return Reflect[handler](target(), arg1, arg2, arg3);
You would use it with your methods like
myAsyncMethods: {
myNavigate () {
// Imagine this is returning a webdriverio promise
var myPromise = new Promise(function(resolve){
setTimeout(resolve, 1000);
return wrap(myPromise)
// ...
Please note two things :
You might need a polyfill for Reflect : https://www.npmjs.com/package/harmony-reflect
We need to check proxy get handlers for built-in Symbols, e.g. : https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/10731 (but also some browsers)
You can now mix it like
FOO.myNavigate().mySyncPropertyOrGetter.myClick().mySyncMethod().myNavigate() ...
A promise is nothing more than a "thenable" (an object with a then() method), which conforms to the specs. And await is simply a wrapper around promises to provide cleaner, concise syntax.
class NiceClass {
promises = [];
doOne = () => {
this.promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.one = 1;
return this;
doTwo = () => {
this.promises.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.two = 2;
return this;
async then(resolve, reject) {
let results = await Promise.all(this.promises);
build = () => {
return Promise.all(this.promises)
Them you can call it in both ways.
(async () => {
try {
let nice = new NiceClass();
let result = await nice
let nice2 = new NiceClass();
let result2 = await nice2
console.log(nice2, result2);
} catch(error) {
console.log('Promise error', error);

Is this a valid recursive function?

I found a recursive expression in a library very confused.
The code is here :
export function batchedSubscribe(batch) {
if (typeof batch !== 'function') {
throw new Error('Expected batch to be a function.');
const listeners = [];
function subscribe(listener) {
return function unsubscribe() {
const index = listeners.indexOf(listener);
listeners.splice(index, 1);
function notifyListenersBatched() {
batch(() => listeners.slice().forEach(listener => listener()));
return next => (...args) => {
const store = next(...args);
const subscribeImmediate = store.subscribe;
function dispatch(...dispatchArgs) {
const res = store.dispatch(...dispatchArgs);
return res;
return {
Specifically this part:
return next => (...args) => {
const store = next(...args);
const subscribeImmediate = store.subscribe;
function dispatch(...dispatchArgs) {
const res = store.dispatch(...dispatchArgs);
return res;
return {
How is this not infinite recursion?
How is this not infinite recursion?
There is absolutely no recursion here. The syntax next => (...args) => … does not translate to
return function next(...args) {
const store = next(...args);
but rather to
return function(next) {
return function(...args) {
const store = next(...args);
So unless the caller of that function does something weird like var f = batchedSubscribe(…); f(f)(f)…;, it won't call itself.
The reason we both seemed confused by this is because the arrow function, if written as a single statement, implicitly calls return.
So for example a simple function like this:
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
is equivalent to
var add = function(a, b) {
return a + b;
Knowing this we can remove the sugar and convert the arrow functions:
return next => function(...args) { // body }
Is really what's going on here, and if we go one step further we get this:
return function(next) {
return function(...args) {
const store = next(...args);
const subscribeImmediate = store.subscribe;
function dispatch(...dispatchArgs) {
const res = store.dispatch(...dispatchArgs);
return res;
return {
Both functions that are containing the code are actually nameless. next is a function, but not one of the functions being returned. It is passed as a variable into the first returned function.
There's no recursion here, but rather a lot of function composition, which is to be expected from a library like redux that draws so much from functional programming.

