Hide div and open another div when i click on the image - javascript

I have an image gallery and inside each image I have a div with the image name. When I click on an image a modal with some details is opened and the div with the image name is changed by the div with the tools.
What I want is that when closing the modal (just click outside it) everything returns to the original phase ie the div with the name replaces the div with the tools.
$(document).ready(function() {
var toolbar = $('.ImageButtonsG').html();
$(".d-block").each(function (index, value) {
$(this).on("click", function(){
var default_title = $(this).find('.ImageText');

I found problem with your JS code. Here is the updated code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var toolbar = $('.ImageButtonsG').html();
$(".d-block").on("click", function(){
var default_title_ele = $(this).find('.ImageText');
var default_title = $(default_title_ele).html();
$("#myModal2").on('hidden.bs.modal', function () {
Here is updated codepen.
I hope it will solve your problem.


JS function when clicking parent element but return false when clicking child element

I have an image gallery on my site and when you click on it, it opens into a lightbox kind of effect.
I want them to be able to click off of the preview image on the lightbox background and close the preview but not if they click on the actual preview image itself.
function get_image_preview(){
var lightbox = document.getElementById("lightbox");
var image_src = document.getElementById("gallery_image").src;
lightbox.style.display = "block";
lightbox.setAttribute("onclick", "end_image_preview()");
var new_image = document.createElement("img");
new_image.setAttribute("id", "preview_image");
new_image.setAttribute("src", image_src);
new_image.setAttribute("onclick", "return false");
function end_image_preview(){
var lightbox = document.getElementById("lightbox");
lightbox.style.display = "none";
lightbox.innerHTML = "";
So basically this line:
lightbox.setAttribute("onclick", "end_image_preview()");
does what it is supposed to do and close the preview.
However, the preview is a child of this and I want them to be able to click on the image without ending the preview, so I tried this:
new_image.setAttribute("onclick", "return false");
I think you mignt want to use event.stopPropagation():
function new_image_click(e) {
new_image.setAttribute("onclick", "new_image_click(event)");
in your end image preview click listener make sure that the element does not have in its ancestor the preview element it self, lets say that you gave the preview element the id "preview"
in end_image_preview
function end_image_preview(e) {
if (e.closest('#preview')) {
// here do what you already doing

Bootstrap Light Box not working properly

Below js code generate a modal like this
but sometime it fails.And it look like this
So i want a solution for that problem
This is the html structure
<div class="col-sm-4">
<div class="gallery-item shad" style="height : 100px; width:143px;">
<a href="#">
{{HTML::image('image/no-image.png',null,array('style'=>'height : 100px;'))}}
{{HTML::image('image/'.$service->image,null,array('style'=>'height : 100px;'))}}
/* copy loaded thumbnails into carousel */
$('.gallery-image img').on('load', function() {
/*this section execute when i reload the page*/
console.log('not working');
}).each(function(i) {
if(this.complete) {
var item = $('<div class="item"></div>');
var itemDiv = $(this).parent();
if (i==0){ // set first item active
/* activate the carousel */
/* when clicking a thumbnail */
var idx = $(this).parents().parents().index();
var id = parseInt(idx);
$('#myModal').modal('show'); // show the modal
$('#modalCarousel').carousel(id); // slide carousel to selected
this code works when i load the page for very first time but when i reload the page and click on the image this code is not work working
I can understand that you are setting the contents of the modal window on the first few lines of the JavaScript. Try to set it in the click event:
var idx = $(this).parents().parents().index();
var id = parseInt(idx);
$('#myModal').modal('show'); // show the modal
$('#modalCarousel').carousel(id); // slide carousel to selected
// Update the modal window contents here.
Finally i have find a solution
/* when clicking a thumbnail */
var idx = $(this).parents().parents().index();
var id = parseInt(idx);

hovering over image changes it to hoverimg. but after clicking the image, hover stops working

It works but there's a pesky bug I can't understand how to fix (i'm a beginner).
What happens is there are 3 image buttons (only showing code for 1 here) and when i hover over them, they change image, and revert when i take mouse off. This is the html.
When I click any of the 3 image buttons (javascript), it changes its own image, and sets the other 2 image buttons to the normal image.
After this point (clicking the image) the hovering html code doesn't work anymore.
function changeImage3() {
document.getElementById('MageBTN').src = 'images/Character/NotSelected_Mage.png';
document.getElementById('WarriorBTN').src = 'images/Character/NotSelected_Warrior.png';
<a href="#" onclick="changeImage3()"><img id="RogueBTN" src="images/Character/NotSelected_Rogue.png" alt="image"
this.onmouseover = false; this.onmouseout = false;"
just suggestion.. Use simple css property..
#yourID a:hover{
//your image which want to show on hover
If I have understand correctly you want to lock the selected state of a button on click and unlock/reset to not-selected when another button is clicked. Therefore you have to store the state of the buttons so I suggest to move all functionality to a script. Since you have all images well ordered it's enough to change Sel/NotSel in the url.
window.onload = function() { // ensures that all elements are there
var buttons = {
RougeBTN: document.getElementById("RougeBTN"),
VertBTN: document.getElementById("VertBTN"),
BleuBTN: document.getElementById("BleuBTN")
function clicked() {
for (var btn in buttons) { // iterate over the buttons
var b = buttons[btn];
// if this button was clicked save the state
if (btn == b.id) locked = btn;
else {
b.src = b.src.replace('/Sel', '/NotSel');
function mover() { // works only when button is not locked
if (locked != this.id) this.src = this.src.replace('/NotSel', '/Sel');
function mout() { // works only when button is not locked
if (locked != this.id) this.src = this.src.replace('/Sel', '/NotSel');
for (var btn in buttons) { // now set the functions to all buttons
var b = buttons[btn];
b.onclick = clicked; b.onmouseover = mover; b.onmouseout = mout;
In html all buttons look like this:
<img id="RougeBTN" src="images/Character/NotSelected_Rouge.png" alt="image">

dynamically added button on click not working

I'm building a function in my own image browser that creates and displays a delete button when the user hovers the cursor over a certain image's div and hides the button when the user hover the mouse out of the div.
this is the code:
function displayImages() {
//run through array of images
for (a = 0; a < images.length; a++) {
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.id = 'container'+images[a];
container.style.width = 120;
container.style.backgroundColor = '#e9e9e9';
container.style.height = 140;
container.style.margin = 5;
container.style.display = 'inline-block';
container.style.float = 'left';
var imageID = images[a];
container.onmouseover = function() {imageRollover(this)};
container.onmouseout = function() {imageMouseOut(this)};
function imageRollover(image) {
var trashcan = document.createElement('BUTTON');
trashcan.id = 'trash'+image.id;
trashcan.className = 'deleteButton';
trashcan.onclick = function() {deleteImage(image.id);};
function imageMouseOut(image) {
function deleteImage(image) {
My problem is, that when I click trashcan, it calls nothing. I already tried to add the onlick event normally:
trashcan.onclick = deleteImage(image.id);
But then, for some reason, is calls the function when I hover my mouse over the container.
How do I make sure that on click events for dynamically added rollover buttons work?
The function can de viewed on: http://www.imaginedigital.nl/CMS/Editor/ImagePicker.html or http://jsfiddle.net/f239ymos/
Any help would be highly appreciated.
You are forcing me to guess here(not giving a fiddle), and create a scenario of my own but from what I understand, you want a button to appear no hover, and when pressed to delete the image so here its a working fiddle
hover functionality
$((document.body).on('mouseenter', '.test', function(){
$(this).children('.test .x_butt').show();
$(document.body).on('mouseleave', '.test', function(){
$('.test .x_butt').hide();
remove functionality
$(document.body).on('click', '.x_butt', function(){
P.S. as for your dynamically added divs issue, the $(selector1).on('click','selector2', function() {...}); deals with it, as long as selector1 is not added dynamically. (selector2 would be the div you want the function to be on) demo with dynamically added elements ( click clone )
First change
window.onload = loadImages(); to window.onload = loadImages;
Then since you pass an object you can change
function imageMouseOut(image) {
function imageMouseOut(image) {
However why not just hide and show the trashcan? Much cleaner

Div hide/show toggle issue

I'm currently making an iphone webapp and have almost finished it, I just need to fix this one little issue im having
Ive managed to hide one div layer and show another, but what I would like is for the same button to then show the layer I have hid and hide the one that I have shown when clicked again. So basically clicking the button would take it back to the original state
the code I am currently using is
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle_layout(d)
var onediv = document.getElementById(d);
var divs=['Posts','Posts2'];
for (var i=0;i<divs.length;i++)
if (onediv != document.getElementById(divs[i]))
onediv.style.display = 'block';
It hides a div I have named "Posts" and shows a div I have named "Posts2", but clicking it again does not reverse the effect.
If you wanna take a look at my site its http://a-m-creativecapture.tumblr.com/
Will have to view it on a mobile to see what I am talking about.
Have you tried style.visibility (visible|hidden) instead of style.display?
Assuming that your divs are something like this:
<div id="posts"></div>
<div id="posts2"></div>
You can use the following code:
var posts = document.getElementById('posts'),
posts2 = document.getElementById('posts2');
function toggle() {
if (this == posts) {
posts.style.display = 'none';
posts2.style.display = 'block';
} else {
posts.style.display = 'block';
posts2.style.display = 'none';
div1.onclick = toggle;
div2.onclick = toggle;

