Regular Expression to match additional optional word - javascript

I have directory strings like so:
var list = ['/styles/portal/dragonfruit/green.scss',
And I'd like to remove the starting styles/portal/version5/ portion from all strings, and optionally remove custom as well if it exists.
The output after processing this list would read:
How do I optionally target the word match of custom when using a string.replace method?
So far I have:
var result = item.replace('styles/portal/version5/', '')

You can use non captured group and make it optional
var list = ['/styles/portal/dragonfruit/green.scss','/styles/portal/version5/blue.scss','/styles/portal/version5/custom/company.scss','/styles/portal/version5/custom/industry.scss','/styles/portal/version5/custom/corporation.scss','/styles/portal/version5/admin/green.scss','/styles/portal/version5/admin/blue.scss'];
let final = => v.replace(/^\/?styles\/portal\/version5(?:\/custom)?/, ''))


Extract part of a string which start with a certain word in Javascript

I have the following string
I need to get string after "ssu":" the Result should be 89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f. How do I do it in Javascript but very simple? I am thinking to collect 36 character after "ssu":".
You could build a valid JSON string and parse it and get the wanted property ssu.
var string = '"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049,',
object = JSON.parse(`{${string.slice(0, -1)}}`), // slice for removing the last comma
ssu = object.ssu;
One solution would be to use the following regular expression:
This pattern basically means:
\"ssu\":\" , start searching from the first instance of "ssu":"
([\w-]+) , collect a "group" of one or more alphanumeric characters \w and hypens -
\", look for a " at the end of the group
Using a group allows you to extract a portion of the matched pattern via the String#match method that is of interest to you which in your case is the guid that corresponds to ([\w-]+)
A working example of this would be:
const str = `"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049,`
const value = str.match(/\"ssu\":\"([\w-]+)\"/)[1]
Update: Extract multiple groupings that occour in string
To extract values for multiple occurances of the "ssu" key in your input string, you could use the String#matchAll() method to achieve that as shown:
const str = `"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049,"ssu":"value-of-second-ssu","ssu":"value-of-third-ssu"`;
const values =
/* Obtain array of matches for pattern */
/* Extract only the value from pattern group */
.map(([,value]) => value);
Note that for this to work as expected, the /g flag must be added to the end of the original pattern. Hope that helps!
Use this regExp: /(?!"ssu":")(\w+-)+\w+/
const str = '"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049,';
const re = /(?!"ssu":")(\w+-)+\w+/;
const res = str.match(re)[0];
You can use regular expressions.
var str = '"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049,'
var minhaRE = new RegExp("[a-z|0-9]*-[a-z|0-9|-]*");
OutPut: Array [ "89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f" ]
Looks almost like a JSON string.
So with a small change it can be parsed to an object.
var str = '"sis":4,"sct":15,"ssu":"89c4eef0-3a0d-47ae-a97f-42adafa7cf8f","ssv":384,"siw":96554,"scx":1049, ';
var obj = JSON.parse('{'+str.replace(/[, ]+$/,'')+'}');

Regex extracting multiple matches for string [duplicate]

I'm trying to obtain all possible matches from a string using regex with javascript. It appears that my method of doing this is not matching parts of the string that have already been matched.
var string = 'A1B1Y:A1B2Y:A1B3Y:A1B4Z:A1B5Y:A1B6Y:A1B7Y:A1B8Z:A1B9Y:A1B10Y:A1B11Y';
var reg = /A[0-9]+B[0-9]+Y:A[0-9]+B[0-9]+Y/g;
var match = string.match(reg);
All matched results I get:
Matched results I want:
In my head, I want A1B1Y:A1B2Y to be a match along with A1B2Y:A1B3Y, even though A1B2Y in the string will need to be part of two matches.
Without modifying your regex, you can set it to start matching at the beginning of the second half of the match after each match using .exec and manipulating the regex object's lastIndex property.
var string = 'A1B1Y:A1B2Y:A1B3Y:A1B4Z:A1B5Y:A1B6Y:A1B7Y:A1B8Z:A1B9Y:A1B10Y:A1B11Y';
var reg = /A[0-9]+B[0-9]+Y:A[0-9]+B[0-9]+Y/g;
var matches = [], found;
while (found = reg.exec(string)) {
reg.lastIndex -= found[0].split(':')[1].length;
//["A1B1Y:A1B2Y", "A1B2Y:A1B3Y", "A1B5Y:A1B6Y", "A1B6Y:A1B7Y", "A1B9Y:A1B10Y", "A1B10Y:A1B11Y"]
As per Bergi's comment, you can also get the index of the last match and increment it by 1 so it instead of starting to match from the second half of the match onwards, it will start attempting to match from the second character of each match onwards:
reg.lastIndex = found.index+1;
The final outcome is the same. Though, Bergi's update has a little less code and performs slightly faster. =]
You cannot get the direct result from match, but it is possible to produce the result via RegExp.exec and with some modification to the regex:
var regex = /A[0-9]+B[0-9]+Y(?=(:A[0-9]+B[0-9]+Y))/g;
var input = 'A1B1Y:A1B2Y:A1B3Y:A1B4Z:A1B5Y:A1B6Y:A1B7Y:A1B8Z:A1B9Y:A1B10Y:A1B11Y'
var arr;
var results = [];
while ((arr = regex.exec(input)) !== null) {
results.push(arr[0] + arr[1]);
I used zero-width positive look-ahead (?=pattern) in order not to consume the text, so that the overlapping portion can be rematched.
Actually, it is possible to abuse replace method to do achieve the same result:
var input = 'A1B1Y:A1B2Y:A1B3Y:A1B4Z:A1B5Y:A1B6Y:A1B7Y:A1B8Z:A1B9Y:A1B10Y:A1B11Y'
var results = [];
input.replace(/A[0-9]+B[0-9]+Y(?=(:A[0-9]+B[0-9]+Y))/g, function ($0, $1) {
results.push($0 + $1);
return '';
However, since it is replace, it does extra useless replacement work.
Unfortunately, it's not quite as simple as a single string.match.
The reason is that you want overlapping matches, which the /g flag doesn't give you.
You could use lookahead:
var re = /A\d+B\d+Y(?=:A\d+B\d+Y)/g;
But now you get:
string.match(re); // ["A1B1Y", "A1B2Y", "A1B5Y", "A1B6Y", "A1B9Y", "A1B10Y"]
The reason is that lookahead is zero-width, meaning that it just says whether the pattern comes after what you're trying to match or not; it doesn't include it in the match.
You could use exec to try and grab what you want. If a regex has the /g flag, you can run exec repeatedly to get all the matches:
// using re from above to get the overlapping matches
var m;
var matches = [];
var re2 = /A\d+B\d+Y:A\d+B\d+Y/g; // make another regex to get what we need
while ((m = re.exec(string)) !== null) {
// m is a match object, which has the index of the current match
matches == [
Here's a fiddle of this in action. Open up the console to see the results
Alternatively, you could split the original string on :, then loop through the resulting array, pulling out the the ones that match when array[i] and array[i+1] both match like you want.

Javascript Regex to get text between certain characters

I need a regex in Javascript that would allow me to match an order number in two different formats of order URL:
The URLs:
The first one will always be all numbers, and the second one will always start with a W, followed by just numbers.
I need to be able to use a single regex to return these matches:
This is what I've tried so far:
RegExr link
That allows me to match:
but I'd like it to not include the first capture group.
I know I could then run the result through a string.replace('vieworder/'), but it'd be cool to be able to do this in just one command.
Use your expression without grouping vieworder
var string = '';
var myRegEx = /vieworder\/(.*?)(?=\/)/g;
var index = 1;
var matches = [];
var match;
while (match = myRegEx.exec(string)) {
Use replace instead of match since js won't support lookbehinds. You could use capturing groups and exec method to print the chars present inside a particular group.
> var s1 = ''
> var s2 = ''
> s1.replace(/^.*?vieworder\/|\/.*/g, '')
> s2.replace(/^.*?vieworder\/|\/.*/g, '')
> s1.replace(/^.*?\bvieworder\/([^\/]*)\/.*/g, '$1')
I'd suggest
That ought to translate to "one or zero W and one or more digits".

How to extract two strings from url using regex?

I've matched a string successfully, but I need to split it and add some new segments to URL. If it is possible by regex, How to match url and extract two strings like in the example below?
Current result:
Desired result:
["", "430000000000000"]
Current code:
var reg = new RegExp('\/collection\/[0-9]+');
var str = 'http://localhost:3000/#/';
You want Regex Capture Groups.
Put the parts you want to extract into braces like this, each part forming a matching group:
new RegExp('(\/collection\/)([0-9]+)')
Then after matching, you can extract each group content by index, with index 0 being the whole string match, 1 the first group, 2 the second etc. (thanks for the addendum, jcubic!).
This is done with exec() on the regex string like described here:
// → ["123", "2"]
First comes the whole match, then the group matches in the sequence they appear in the pattern.
You can declare an array and then fill it with the required values that you can capture with parentheses (thus, making use of capturing groups):
var reg = /(\/collection)\/([0-9]+)/g;
// ^ ^ ^ ^
var str = 'http://localhost:3000/#/';
var arr = [];
while ((m = reg.exec(str)) !== null) {
Output: ["", "430000000000000"]

Match repeating pattern using single group in regex

Using the JS regex object, is it possible to match a repeating pattern using a single, or few groups?
For instance, taking the following as input:
Would it be possible to match both "#321" and "#123" (but not #222 or #111, as they're outside the /<.*?>/ group) using a regex similar to:
(which currently only matches the first instance), when the number of matches in the input is unknown?
You'd have to loop over the inner pattern.
First use /<(.*?)>/ to extract it:
var outerRegex = /<(.*?)>/;
var match = outerRegex.exec(input);
var innerPattern = match[1];
Next, iterate over the result:
var innerRegex = /#\d+/g;
while (match = innerRegex.exec(innerPattern))
var result = match[0];

