Implement unregister after registration of callback - javascript

I wrote a simple piece of software that allows users to "register" a function when a state is set.
This was easily achieved by adding functions to an array.
I want to return a function that is able to "unregister" that particular function.
Note that a user might register the same function twice. This means that the "unregistering" function cannot be based on the function as a key in a map
The only thing that springs to mind is making the "register" function way more complex, where each item in the "callbacks" array is not just a function, but an object like this:
id: someId
fn: [the function]
And that the unregister function will filter the someId value. But I just can't like this.
const state = {}
const callbacks = []
const register = (fn) => {
return () => {
console.log('Unregister function. HELP!!! How do I do this?')
const setState = async (key, value) => {
state[key] = value
for (const fn of callbacks) fn(key, value)
const getState = (key) => {
return state[key]
const f1 = () => {
const f2 = () => {
const unregF1a = register(f1)
const unrefF1b = register(f1)
const unregF2 = register(f2)
setState('some', 'a')
setState('some', 'b')

Loop through your callbacks and remove the desired function (works if the same function is registered twice).
You could do a simple for loop:
function unregister(fn) {
for (let i = callbacks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (callbacks[i] === fn) {
callbacks.splice(i, 1)
Or you can use let and replace the whole array:
let callbacks = [];
function unregister(fn) {
callbacks = callbacks.filter(cb => cb !== fn)
If you want to be able to register the same function more than once and be able to unregister them independently, then yes, you'll need to track some kind of id.
An id can be something simple, like an increasing integer, and you can store them in a different array, in the same index the function is in the callbacks array (that's hashing).
Something like this:
const state = {}
const callbacks = []
const ids = []
let nextId = 0
const register = (fn) => {
const id = nextId
return () => {
// find the function position using the ids array:
const fnIndex = ids.findIndex(cbId => cbId === id)
if (fnIndex === -1) return // or throw something
// Now remove the element from both arrays:
callbacks.splice(fnIndex, 1)
ids.splice(fnIndex, 1)
This way, the unregister function always looks for the exact index where the id/fn resides.


Firestore - Clever approach to converting all Firestore.Timestamp objects into Javascript date

I have a collection of objects that I want to retrieve. The objects have some date key:value pairs in them and I want to return all of those as a proper Javascript date. I don't want to declare them all one-by-one, as there are some dates that only exist on some objects, some I might not know about and in general, it's frustrating to declare everything one-by-one.
Here is my code that does not work, how could I get it working?
async function getChargesFromDatabase() {
const chargesCol = fsExpenses.collection('charges');
const chargesDocs = (await chargesCol.limit(50).orderBy('startTs', 'desc').get()) => {
const returnDoc: any = {};
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(Object.entries( {
returnDoc[key] = value?.toDate() ?? value;
return returnDoc;
return chargesDocs;
You will have to check all the keys as you are doing now by checking if a field is instance of Firestore Timestamp. Try using the following function:
const convertTimestamps = (obj: any) => {
if (obj instanceof firebase.firestore.Timestamp) {
return obj.toDate();
} else if (obj instanceof Object) {
// Check for arrays if needed
Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {
obj[key] = convertTimestamps(obj[key]);
return obj;
async function getChargesFromDatabase() {
const chargesCol = fsExpenses.collection('charges');
const chargesSnap = await chargesCol.limit(50).orderBy('startTs', 'desc').get()
const chargesDocs = => convertTimestamps(

how to use variable immediately after it's defined - js

How, sorry for this weird title, i didn't know how to put this... Here my explanation:
I have a function where I define variable (I'm looping over an array and if condition is matched, I define let). It works everytime item.dataset.category changes, so after every scroll.
After the loop, I call another function, where I use this variable as an argument. In the second function I use it to check if another condition is matched:
//first function
const getDataset = (e) => {
let dataset;
const cat = Array.from(categories.children);
cat.forEach((item) => {
if (item.className.includes('active')) {
dataset = item.dataset.category;
//second function
const changeNavActive = (dataset) => {
const navItems = Array.from(navList.children);
navItems.forEach((item) => {
if (item.dataset.category === dataset) {
It's not working and I think I understand why - callign of second function is at the same time as declaring variable, so I geting this let in the next call. The result is that second function works with delay of one scroll.
This is a function which calls getDataset():
const scrollRows = (e) => {
if (window.scrollY > slider.clientHeight) {
e.deltaY > 0 ? move++ : move--;
if (move > categories.children.length - 1)
move = categories.children.length - 1;
How to fix this?

Set arguments dynamically with Promise.all().then()

The code below works for me
Promise.all([first, second, third]).then([first, second, third] => {
I know that console.log(second) will give me the value with the key second.
My promises are dynamically set and now it looks like below:
let collection = [second, third];
Promise.all(collection).then((collection) => {
In this example I set two values in collection. In real life it can include more or less values.
When I use console.log(collection) it will output collection[0] and collection[1]. In this case I don't know what which value collection[1] is.
How can I, like my first example, have something like named dynamically arguments like collection['second'] or similar?
As we want to access the value dynamically, set collection to an empty object first. Then, use the keys from collection to pass all its Promise-values to Promise.all. Then, map back the fulfilled values and then, we can access collection's value by some key.
let collection = {}
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
collection[`key${i}`] = Promise.resolve(i)
let collectionKeys = Object.keys(collection)
Promise.all( => collection[key]))
.then(values => {
let collectionFulfilled = collectionKeys.reduce((obj, key, i) => {
obj[key] = values[i]
return obj
}, {})
If you pass your promises embedded inside an object with a single key, you could use that for it's name, and then with a simple helper function reverse the values & keys from this.
With the new ES6 you can then just pass like -> [{one}, {two}, {three}] etc.
Below is an example with a helper function called namedPromiseAll.
function namedPromiseAll(named) {
const pcollection = => Object.values(m)[0]);
const ncollection = => Object.keys(m)[0]);
return Promise.all(pcollection).then((c) => {
return c.reduce((a,v,ix) => {
a[ncollection[ix]] = v;
return a;
}, {});
const second = Promise.resolve(2);
const third = Promise.resolve(3);
const collection = [{second}, {third}];

Should I add a quick return before forEach?

Is there any benefit to checking if an array has length before using forEach?
Consider the following:
const foo = () => {
const elements = [...document.querySelectorAll(".selector")];
elements.forEach(element => { = `${element._someProperty}px`;
This is what I have in my project. In some cases the elements array will be empty because the existence of such elements is based on user-input.
My question is:
Should I add something like
if (!elements.length) return;
before calling the forEach method like so
const foo = () => {
const elements = [...document.querySelectorAll(".selector")];
if (!elements.length) return;
elements.forEach(element => { = `${element._someProperty}px`;
Or would that be considered a micro-optimization?

Is my understanding of transducers correct?

Let's start with a definition: A transducer is a function that takes a reducer function and returns a reducer function.
A reducer is a binary function that takes an accumulator and a value and returns an accumulator. A reducer can be executed with a reduce function (note: all function are curried but I've cat out this as well as definitions for pipe and compose for the sake of readability - you can see them in live demo):
const reduce = (reducer, init, data) => {
let result = init;
for (const item of data) {
result = reducer(result, item);
return result;
With reduce we can implement map and filter functions:
const mapReducer = xf => (acc, item) => [...acc, xf(item)];
const map = (xf, arr) => reduce(mapReducer(xf), [], arr);
const filterReducer = predicate => (acc, item) => predicate(item) ?
[...acc, item] :
const filter = (predicate, arr) => reduce(filterReducer(predicate), [], arr);
As we can see there're a few similarities between map and filter and both of those functions work only with arrays. Another disadvantage is that when we compose those two functions, in each step a temporary array is created that gets passed to another function.
const even = n => n % 2 === 0;
const double = n => n * 2;
const doubleEven = pipe(filter(even), map(double));
// first we get [2, 4] from filter
// then final result: [4, 8]
Transducers help us solve that concerns: when we use a transducer there are no temporary arrays created and we can generalize our functions to work not only with arrays. Transducers need a transduce function to work Transducers are generally executed by passing to transduce function:
const transduce = (xform, iterator, init, data) =>
reduce(xform(iterator), init, data);
const mapping = (xf, reducer) => (acc, item) => reducer(acc, xf(item));
const filtering = (predicate, reducer) => (acc, item) => predicate(item) ?
reducer(acc, item) :
const arrReducer = (acc, item) => [...acc, item];
const transformer = compose(filtering(even), mapping(double));
const performantDoubleEven = transduce(transformer, arrReducer, [])
performantDoubleEven([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // -> [4, 8] with no temporary arrays created
We can even define array map and filter using transducer because it's so composable:
const map = (xf, data) => transduce(mapping(xf), arrReducer, [], data);
const filter = (predicate, data) => transduce(filtering(predicate), arrReducer, [], data);
live version if you'd like to run the code ->
Does my reasoning makes sense?
Your understanding is correct but incomplete.
In addition to the concepts you've described, transducers can do the following:
Support a early exit semantic
Support a completion semantic
Be stateful
Support an init value for the step function.
So for instance, an implementation in JavaScript would need to do this:
// Ensure reduce preserves early termination
let called = 0;
let updatesCalled = map(a => { called += 1; return a; });
let hasTwo = reduce(compose(take(2), updatesCalled)(append), [1,2,3]).toString();
console.assert(hasTwo === '1,2', hasTwo);
console.assert(called === 2, called);
Here because of the call to take the reducing operation bails early.
It needs to be able to (optionally) call the step function with no arguments for an initial value:
// handles lack of initial value
let mapDouble = map(n => n * 2);
console.assert(reduce(mapDouble(sum), [1,2]) === 6);
Here a call to sum with no arguments returns the additive identity (zero) to seed the reduction.
In order to accomplish this, here's a helper function:
const addArities = (defaultValue, reducer) => (...args) => {
switch (args.length) {
case 0: return typeof defaultValue === 'function' ? defaultValue() : defaultValue;
case 1: return args[0];
default: return reducer(...args);
This takes an initial value (or a function that can provide one) and a reducer to seed for:
const sum = addArities(0, (a, b) => a + b);
Now sum has the proper semantics, and it's also how append in the first example is defined. For a stateful transducer, look at take (including helper functions):
// Denotes early completion
class _Wrapped {
constructor (val) { this[DONE] = val }
const isReduced = a => a instanceof _Wrapped;
// ensures reduced for bubbling
const reduced = a => a instanceof _Wrapped ? a : new _Wrapped(a);
const unWrap = a => isReduced(a) ? a[DONE] : a;
const enforceArgumentContract = f => (xform, reducer, accum, input, state) => {
// initialization
if (!exists(input)) return reducer();
// Early termination, bubble
if (isReduced(accum)) return accum;
return f(xform, reducer, accum, input, state);
* factory
* Helper for creating transducers.
* Takes a step process, intial state and returns a function that takes a
* transforming function which returns a transducer takes a reducing function,
* optional collection, optional initial value. If collection is not passed
* returns a modified reducing function, otherwise reduces the collection.
const factory = (process, initState) => xform => (reducer, coll, initValue) => {
let state = {};
state.value = typeof initState === 'function' ? initState() : initState;
let step = enforceArgumentContract(process);
let trans = (accum, input) => step(xform, reducer, accum, input, state);
if (coll === undefined) {
return trans; // return transducer
} else if (typeof coll[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') {
return unWrap(reduce(...[trans, coll, initValue].filter(exists)));
} else {
throw NON_ITER;
const take = factory((n, reducer, accum, input, state) => {
if (state.value >= n) {
return reduced(accum);
} else {
state.value += 1;
return reducer(accum, input);
}, () => 0);
If you want to see all of this in action I made a little library a while back. Although I ignored the interop protocol from Cognitect (I just wanted to get the concepts) I did try to implement the semantics as accurately as possible based on Rich Hickey's talks from Strange Loop and Conj.

