Why I get only part of the URL from the HttpContext? - javascript

I use proxy to get recource from remote server.
Here is proxy class:
public class Proxy : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
string url = context.Request["url"];
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.UserAgent = context.Request.UserAgent;
request.ContentType = context.Request.ContentType;
request.Method = context.Request.HttpMethod;
request.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
request.KeepAlive = false;
request.Timeout = 100000;
request.ReadWriteTimeout = 100000;
using (var response = request.GetResponse())
context.Response.ContentType = response.ContentType;
using (var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
if (responseStream == null) return;
And here is my ajax call to remote service:
function wfs(layer) {
let dest_url = "https://www.mysited.com/geodata2055/service/mapagent.fcgi?SERVICE=WFS&MAXFEATURES=500&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=ns216630453:WW_MONITOR";
let proxy_url = "/localhost/Proxy.ashx?url=";
let url = proxy_url + dest_url;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', url); // depricated-'/proxy.ashx?url='+
xhr.onload = function () {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
console.log("loader success");
} else {
console.log("loader fail");
when wfs function is fired the ProcessRequest function in proxy class is triggered and value of the url variable is:
While I expect the value of url to be:
It seems that context.Request["url"] returns cuted value until first '&'.
Any idea why I get from context.Request["url"] only part of the url?

You need to encode your query param, because it doesn't contain characters that are safe for query parameters:
let url = "/localhost/Proxy.ashx?url=" + encodeURIComponent(dest_url);
To further explain, let's pretend we're a URL parser. Without the encoding, you'll see this string:
The parser will go through these steps as it visits the characters:
URL path: /localhost/Proxy.ashx
Query params starting: ?
Param name: url
Starting param value: =
(some of these next chars aren't valid, but I'll try my best!)
Param value:
Starting next param: &
Starting param value: =
Param value: 500
So because it's encountering the & while scanning your string, it thinks parameters like MAXFEATURES are query parameters for your proxy request, not part of the url parameter passed to the proxy request. Therefore, when your proxy code runs, it's seeing only things up to that &.
Encoding the URL parameter will give you:
With this, the parser now only see a url parameter passed to the proxy handler. When the proxy handler now parses the url parameter, it will decode it, giving you back your original dest_url
As a general rule of thumb, never just use string concatenation to build URLs; URLs aren't made up of strings, they're made up of URL-encoded strings.


How to enable CORS in an Azure App Registration when used in an OAuth Authorization Flow with PKCE?

I have a pure Javascript app which attempts to get an access token from Azure using OAuth Authorization Flow with PKCE.
The app is not hosted in Azure. I only use Azure as an OAuth Authorization Server.
//Based on: https://developer.okta.com/blog/2019/05/01/is-the-oauth-implicit-flow-dead
var config = {
client_id: "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
redirect_uri: "http://localhost:8080/",
authorization_endpoint: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize",
token_endpoint: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/token",
requested_scopes: "openid api://{tenant-id}/user_impersonation"
// Generate a secure random string using the browser crypto functions
function generateRandomString() {
var array = new Uint32Array(28);
return Array.from(array, dec => ('0' + dec.toString(16)).substr(-2)).join('');
// Calculate the SHA256 hash of the input text.
// Returns a promise that resolves to an ArrayBuffer
function sha256(plain) {
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const data = encoder.encode(plain);
return window.crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', data);
// Base64-urlencodes the input string
function base64urlencode(str) {
// Convert the ArrayBuffer to string using Uint8 array to convert to what btoa accepts.
// btoa accepts chars only within ascii 0-255 and base64 encodes them.
// Then convert the base64 encoded to base64url encoded
// (replace + with -, replace / with _, trim trailing =)
return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(str)))
.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=+$/, '');
// Return the base64-urlencoded sha256 hash for the PKCE challenge
async function pkceChallengeFromVerifier(v) {
const hashed = await sha256(v);
return base64urlencode(hashed);
// Parse a query string into an object
function parseQueryString(string) {
if (string == "") { return {}; }
var segments = string.split("&").map(s => s.split("="));
var queryString = {};
segments.forEach(s => queryString[s[0]] = s[1]);
return queryString;
// Make a POST request and parse the response as JSON
function sendPostRequest(url, params, success, error) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open('POST', url, true);
request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
request.onload = function () {
var body = {};
try {
body = JSON.parse(request.response);
} catch (e) { }
if (request.status == 200) {
success(request, body);
} else {
error(request, body);
request.onerror = function () {
error(request, {});
var body = Object.keys(params).map(key => key + '=' + params[key]).join('&');
function component() {
const element = document.createElement('div');
const btn = document.createElement('button');
element.innerHTML = 'Hello'+ 'webpack';
return element;
(async function () {
const isAuthenticating = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('IsAuthenticating'));
console.log('init -> isAuthenticating', isAuthenticating);
if (!isAuthenticating) {
window.localStorage.setItem('IsAuthenticating', JSON.stringify(true));
// Create and store a random "state" value
var state = generateRandomString();
localStorage.setItem("pkce_state", state);
// Create and store a new PKCE code_verifier (the plaintext random secret)
var code_verifier = generateRandomString();
localStorage.setItem("pkce_code_verifier", code_verifier);
// Hash and base64-urlencode the secret to use as the challenge
var code_challenge = await pkceChallengeFromVerifier(code_verifier);
// Build the authorization URL
var url = config.authorization_endpoint
+ "?response_type=code"
+ "&client_id=" + encodeURIComponent(config.client_id)
+ "&state=" + encodeURIComponent(state)
+ "&scope=" + encodeURIComponent(config.requested_scopes)
+ "&redirect_uri=" + encodeURIComponent(config.redirect_uri)
+ "&code_challenge=" + encodeURIComponent(code_challenge)
+ "&code_challenge_method=S256"
// Redirect to the authorization server
window.location = url;
} else {
// Handle the redirect back from the authorization server and
// get an access token from the token endpoint
var q = parseQueryString(window.location.search.substring(1));
console.log('queryString', q);
// Check if the server returned an error string
if (q.error) {
alert("Error returned from authorization server: " + q.error);
document.getElementById("error_details").innerText = q.error + "\n\n" + q.error_description;
document.getElementById("error").classList = "";
// If the server returned an authorization code, attempt to exchange it for an access token
if (q.code) {
// Verify state matches what we set at the beginning
if (localStorage.getItem("pkce_state") != q.state) {
alert("Invalid state");
} else {
// Exchange the authorization code for an access token
// !!!!!!! This POST fails because of CORS policy.
sendPostRequest(config.token_endpoint, {
grant_type: "authorization_code",
code: q.code,
client_id: config.client_id,
redirect_uri: config.redirect_uri,
code_verifier: localStorage.getItem("pkce_code_verifier")
}, function (request, body) {
// Initialize your application now that you have an access token.
// Here we just display it in the browser.
document.getElementById("access_token").innerText = body.access_token;
document.getElementById("start").classList = "hidden";
document.getElementById("token").classList = "";
// Replace the history entry to remove the auth code from the browser address bar
window.history.replaceState({}, null, "/");
}, function (request, error) {
// This could be an error response from the OAuth server, or an error because the
// request failed such as if the OAuth server doesn't allow CORS requests
document.getElementById("error_details").innerText = error.error + "\n\n" + error.error_description;
document.getElementById("error").classList = "";
// Clean these up since we don't need them anymore
In Azure I only have an App registration (not an app service).
Azure App Registration
The first step to get the authorization code works.
But the POST to get the access token fails. (picture from here)
OAuth Authorization Code Flow with PKCE
Access to XMLHttpRequest at
'https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/token' from
origin 'http://localhost:8080' has been blocked by CORS policy: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
Where in Azure do I configure the CORS policy for an App Registration?
Okay, after days of banging my head against the stupidity of Azure's implementation I stumbled upon a little hidden nugget of information here: https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js/tree/dev/lib/msal-browser#prerequisites
If you change the type of the redirectUri in the manifest from 'Web' to 'Spa' it gives me back an access token! We're in business!
It breaks the UI in Azure, but so be it.
You should define the internal url with your local host address.
When I first posted, the Azure AD token endpoint did not allow CORS requests from browsers to the token endpoint, but it does now. Some Azure AD peculiarities around scopes and token validation are explained in these posts and code in case useful:
Code Sample
Blog Post

How to generate hash512 in pre-request from request that has {{variables}} in uri

So I m working on API when i need to set x-auth header for every request in PRE-REQUEST script.
I have variables in my request url i.e {{baseUrl}}{{basePath}}{{businessID}}/users?name={{userName}}......etc
I need to take whole address and add secretKey variable to the end of address, then get hash512 from it.
I was able to achieve that if i have no variables in my address i.e.: dummy.com/12321-e213-21-3e?name=John
I did this by :
var secret = "1234qwerHr2";
var url = request.url.slice(9); //sliced because I don't need to include baseUrl to hash
var hashedPayload = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(CryptoJS.SHA512(url+secret));
This will return the desired result.
Here is what I logged when trying the same code with variables
console.log(url); =>>>>>>> asePath}}{{businessID}}/users?name={{userName}}......etc
All variables defined , that`s for sure
Basically question is : how to get url with values of variables using var url = request.url; I need not {{businessID}}/users?name={{userName}} but 12321-e213-21-3e?name=John
I lost source where i found it. Somewhere on postman github issue thread
var secret = pm.globals.get("devSecretKey");
pm.myUtility = {
interpolateVariable: function (str) {
return str.replace(/\{\{([^}]+)\}\}/g, function (match, $1) {
// console.log(match)
let result = match; //default to return the exactly the same matchd variable string
if ($1) {
let realone = pm.variables.get($1);
if (realone) {
result = realone
return result;
getUrl: function () {
let url = pm.request.url.getRaw();
url = this.interpolateVariable(url)
let {
} = require('postman-collection')
return new Url(url);
getUrlTest: function () {
let url = pm.request.url.getRaw();
url = this.interpolateVariable(url)
// let {
// Url
// } = require('postman-collection')
//return new Url(url);
return pm.request.url.parse(url);
var requestPath = pm.myUtility.getUrl().getPath();
var requestQuery =pm.myUtility.getUrl().getQueryString();
var hashedPayload = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.stringify(CryptoJS.SHA512(requestPath+"?"+requestQuery+secret)); //I added '?' because when you use getQueryString() i does not have '?' before query
pm.environment.set("tempAuthHash", hashedPayload);// use this in your header
This function he wrote is converting your {{variable}} to 'variableValue'
No need to change anything in his functions if you are not good with coding. Guy who created it has golden hands. Just place in your pre request

How do i correctly format parameters passed server-side using javascript?

I cannot figure out how to get the following code working in my little demo ASP.NET application, and am hoping someone here can help.
Here is the javascript:
function checkUserName() {
var request = createRequest();
if (request == null) {
alert("Unable to create request.");
} else {
var theName = document.getElementById("username").value;
var userName = escape(theName);
var url = "Default.aspx/CheckName";
request.onreadystatechange = createStateChangeCallback(request);
request.open("GET", url, true);
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
//none of my attempts to set the 'values' parameter work
var values = //JSON.stringify({userName:"userName"}); //"{userName:'temp name'}"; //JSON.stringify({ "userName":userName });
Here is the method in my *.aspx.cs class:
public static string CheckName(string userName)
string s = "userName";
return s + " modified backstage";
When this code runs I receive this exception:
Message from webpage
{"Message":"Invalid web service call, missing value for parameter: \u0027userName\u0027.","StackTrace":" at System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.CallMethod(Object target, IDictionary`2 parameters)\r\n at System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.CallMethodFromRawParams(Object target, IDictionary`2 parameters)\r\n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.InvokeMethod(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData, IDictionary`2 rawParams)\r\n at System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData)","ExceptionType":"System.InvalidOperationException"}
I started searching here, then went on to several threads on SO, trying quite a few combinations of quotation marks and key-value pairs, but nothing I've tried has worked.
When I remove the parameter from the C# method and request.send(), I get a response in my JS callback that I can work with. But as soon as I try to do something with parameters, I get the above exception. I'd like to know how to do this without using jQuery, if possible.
Thanks in advance.
Using Alexei's advice, I ended up with the following, which works. The URL was missing the apostrophes on either end of the parameter value; this was keeping the call from going through.
function checkUserName() {
var request = createRequest();
if (request == null) {
alert("Unable to create request.");
} else {
var theName = document.getElementById("username").value;
var userName = encodeURIComponent(theName);
var url = "Default.aspx/CheckName?name='" + theName + "'";
request.onreadystatechange = createStateChangeCallback(request);
request.open("GET", url, true);
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
This won't work with a "GET". Try
request.open("POST", url, true);
You need to:
decide whether you want GET or POST. For GET request you need all parameters to be in Url (and body to be empty), for POST you can use both. As of current code you are expecting GET, but sending POST.
properly add query parameter - name and encoded value. encodeUriComponent is JavaScript function of choice, see Build URL from Form Fields with Javascript or jquery for details
if using POST you need to properly encode parameters there too as well specify correct "content-type" header.
if sending JSON you need to decode JSON server side.
Alternatively you can use hidden form to perform POST/GET as covered in JavaScript post request like a form submit
Side note: jQuery.ajax does most of that for you and good source to look through if you want to do all yourself.
Like Alan said, use the POST method. Or pass your arguments in your URL before opening it, e.g.
var url = "Default.aspx/CheckName?userName=" + values;
EDIT : no, it's probably a bad idea since you want to send JSON, forget what I said.
If you need to go for POST, then you need to send it like this.
var values = JSON.stringify({"'userName':'"+ userName+ "'"});
And you have to change HttpGet to HttpPost
Given that your server side method asks for GET, you need:
request.open("GET", url + "?username=" + userName, true);
The works for me:
function checkUserName() {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (request == null) {
alert("Unable to create request.");
} else {
var userName = "Shaun Luttin";
var url = '#Url.RouteUrl(new{ action="CheckName", controller="Home"})';
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (request.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) {
if(request.status == 200){
document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = request.responseText;
else if(request.status == 400) {
alert('There was an error 400')
else {
alert('something else other than 200 was returned')
request.open("GET", url + "?username=" + userName, true);
With this on the server side:
public string CheckName(string userName)
return userName + " modified backstage";

Pass parameter to BLOB object URL

Say I've got a reference to a html file as a Blob b and I create a URL for it, url = URL.createObjectURL(b);.
This gives me something that looks like blob:http%3A//example.com/a0440b61-4850-4568-b6d1-329bae4a3276
I then tried opening this in an <iframe> with a GET parameter ?foo=bar, but it didn't work. How can I pass the parameter?
var html ='<html><head><title>Foo</title></head><body><script>document.body.textContent = window.location.search<\/script></body></html>',
b = new Blob([html], {type: 'text/html'}),
url = URL.createObjectURL(b),
ifrm = document.createElement('iframe');
ifrm.src = url + '?foo=bar';
// expect to see ?foo=bar in <iframe>
I don't think adding a query string to the url will work as it essentially changes it to a different url.
However if you simply want to pass parameters you can use the hash to add a fragment to the url
ifrm.src = url + '#foo=bar';
For completeness sake, if you want to be able to reference a blob that has as question mark "query string" indicator in it, you can do so in Firefox any way you choose, such as: blob:lalalal?thisworksinfirefox
For Chrome, the above will not work, but this will: blob:lalalla#?thisworksinchromeandfirefox
And for Safari and Microsaft, nothing really works, so do a pre test like so, then plan accordingly:
function initScriptMode() {
var file = new Blob(["test"], {type: "text/javascript"});
var url = URL.createObjectURL(file) + "#test?test";
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.responseType = responseType || "text";
request.open('GET', url);
request.onload = function() {
alert("you can use query strings")
try {
catch(e) {
alert("you can not use query strings")
If you are doing this with a Javascript Blob for say a WebWorker then you can just to add the parameters into the Blob constructor as a global variable:
const parameters = 'parameters = ' + JSON.stringify({foo:'bar'});
const body = response.body; // From some previous HTTP request
const blob = new Blob([parameters, body], { type: 'application/javascript' });
new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob));
Or more general case just store the original URL on the location object
const location = 'location.originalHref = "' + url + '";';
const body = response.body; // From some previous HTTP request
const blob = new Blob([location, body], { type: 'application/javascript' });
new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob));
You could also do this with HTML if you can add them say to the root <HTML> tag as attributes or use the <BASE> element for the url or insert them as a script tag but this would require you to modify the response HTML rather then just prepend some extra data

How do I pass along variables with XMLHTTPRequest

How do I send variables to the server with XMLHTTPRequest? Would I just add them to the end of the URL of the GET request, like ?variable1=?variable2=, etc?
So more or less:
XMLHttpRequest("GET", "blahblah.psp?variable1=?" + var1 + "?variable2=" + var2, true)
If you want to pass variables to the server using GET that would be the way yes. Remember to escape (urlencode) them properly!
It is also possible to use POST, if you dont want your variables to be visible.
A complete sample would be:
var url = "bla.php";
var params = "somevariable=somevalue&anothervariable=anothervalue";
var http = new XMLHttpRequest();
http.open("GET", url+"?"+params, true);
http.onreadystatechange = function()
if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {
To test this, (using PHP) you could var_dump $_GET to see what you retrieve.
Manually formatting the query string is fine for simple situations. But it can become tedious when there are many parameters.
You could write a simple utility function that handles building the query formatting for you.
function formatParams( params ){
return "?" + Object
return key+"="+encodeURIComponent(params[key])
And you would use it this way to build a request.
var endpoint = "https://api.example.com/endpoint"
var params = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
var url = endpoint + formatParams(params)
//=> "https://api.example.com/endpoint?a=1&b=2&c=3"
There are many utility functions available for manipulating URL's. If you have JQuery in your project you could give http://api.jquery.com/jquery.param/ a try.
It is similar to the above example function, but handles recursively serializing nested objects and arrays.
If you're allergic to string concatenation and don't need IE compatibility, you can use URL and URLSearchParams:
const target = new URL('https://example.com/endpoint');
const params = new URLSearchParams();
params.set('var1', 'foo');
params.set('var2', 'bar');
target.search = params.toString();
Or to convert an entire object's worth of parameters:
const paramsObject = {
var1: 'foo',
var2: 'bar'
const target = new URL('https://example.com/endpoint');
target.search = new URLSearchParams(paramsObject).toString();
The correct format for passing variables in a GET request is
^ ---notice &--- ^
But essentially, you have the right idea.
Following is correct way:
xmlhttp.open("GET","getuser.php?fname="+abc ,true);
Yes that's the correct method to do it with a GET request.
However, please remember that multiple query string parameters should be separated with &
eg. ?variable1=value1&variable2=value2
How about?
function callHttpService(url, params){
// Assume params contains key/value request params
let queryStrings = '';
for(let key in params){
queryStrings += `${key}=${params[key]}&`
const fullUrl = `${url}?queryStrings`
//make http request with fullUrl

