I need to trigger my functions on two different collections. How to do this?
I have something like this but second function overwrites first and first doesn't work. How to do this?
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');const admin = require('firebase-admin');admin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase); const database = admin.database();
exports.apptTrigger = functions.firestore
.document('notification/{anydocument}' )
.onCreate((snap, context) => {
const title = snap.data().title;
const messageis = snap.data().content;
const postId = snap.data().idPost;
const payLoad = {
title: title,
body: messageis,
sound: "default"
return admin.messaging().sendToTopic("notification", payLoad);
exports.apptTrigger = functions.firestore
.onCreate((snap, context) => {
const title = snap.data().title;
const messageis = snap.data().content;
const postId = snap.data().idPost;
const payLoad = {
title: title,
body: messageis,
sound: "default"
return admin.messaging().sendToTopic("notification", payLoad);
The name of each function must be unique. Right now, you're giving them both the same name "apptTrigger". Try giving them different names.
exports.apptTriggerNotification = functions.firestore...
exports.apptTriggerNotificationP = functions.firestore...
I have 4 functions, for 1st three functions, I can send the data in provide. For 4th function(
), I am trying to fetch api and get application name, now I want that in mounted because, I want the application name as soon as component is rendered so I am trying to execute it in mounted but when I call the it, it's giving me error. Initially application name is empty and it should have the current application name when I fetch the api, the same application name will be used in provide and then I can use that in inject and then in any other component.
import { computed, inject, onMounted, provide, reactive } from "vue";
export const initStore = () => {
// State
const state = reactive({
name: "Bob Day",
email: "bob#martianmovers.com",
applicationName: "",
breadcrumbsData: [
name: "Home",
text: 'Home',
disabled: false,
href: '/'
// Getters
const getUsername = computed(() => state.name);
const getEmail = computed(() => console.log("state.email",state.email));
const getBreadcrumbsData=computed(()=>state.breadcrumbsData)
//this is the temporary function
const getApplicationName=computed(()=>state.applicationName)
const getViewApplicationDetails=computed(()=> {
var viewApplicationDetailsParams = {
applicationId: this.$route.query.applicationId,
authType: "api",
clientId: process.env.VUE_APP_EXTERNAL_API_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.VUE_APP_EXTERNAL_API_CLIENT_SECRET
method: "post",
url: process.env.VUE_APP_BLUJ_BACKEND_URL + "/viewapplicationDefinition",
data: viewApplicationDetailsParams,
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json",
.then((response) =>{
this.viewDefinitionResponse = response.data.Definitions;
let applicationName = viewDefinitionResponse.application_display_name.en;
.catch((error) => {
console.log("error", error);
// Mutations
const setUsername = (name) => {
state.name = name;
const setEmail = (email) => {
state.email = email;
const setBreadCrumbsData=(breadcrumbsData)=>{
const setApplicationName=(appName)=>{
// Actions
const updateUsername = (name) => {
const updateEmail = (email) => {
provide("getUsername", getUsername);
provide("getEmail", getEmail);
provide("updateUsername", updateUsername);
provide("updateEmail", updateEmail);
provide("getViewApplicationDetails", getViewApplicationDetails);
provide("getApplicationName", getApplicationName);
provide("getBreadcrumbsData", getBreadcrumbsData);
export const useStore = () => ({
getUsername: inject("getUsername"),
getEmail: inject("getEmail"),
updateUsername: inject("updateUsername"),
updateEmail: inject("updateEmail"),
viewApplicationDetails: inject("getViewApplicationDetails"),
getBreadcrumbsData: inject("getBreadcrumbsData"),
getApplicationName: inject("getApplicationName")
This is the code snippet.
const getUsername = computed(() => state.name);
const getEmail = computed(() => console.log("state.email",state.email));
const getBreadcrumbsData=computed(()=>state.breadcrumbsData)
I am getting data for this, but for getViewApplicationDetails, it's not working. While hovering over rest of the functions, it is showing "const getUsername: ComputedRef", like this. But, for getViewApplicationDetails, it shows "const getViewApplicationDetails: ComputedRef", this. I think it is not taking it as function or something. Error image is in the link.enter image description here
These are parts of my entire code. So what I am trying to do is create separate arrays of the values I like or dislike and output them in my html File onclick. I tried to create an empty array and push value but my final array ends up empty.
const showRandomMovie = async() => {
const movieInfo = document.getElementById('movieInfo');
if (movieInfo.childNodes.length > 0) {
const movies = await getMovies();
const randomMovie = getRandomMovie(movies);
const info = await getMovieInfo(randomMovie);
playBtn.onclick = showRandomMovie;
const displayMovie = (movieInfo) => {
const moviePosterDiv = document.getElementById('moviePoster');
const movieTextDiv = document.getElementById('movieText');
const likeBtn = document.getElementById('likeBtn');
const dislikeBtn = document.getElementById('dislikeBtn');
// Create HTML content containing movie info
const moviePoster = createMoviePoster(movieInfo.poster_path);
const titleHeader = createMovieTitle(movieInfo.title);
const overviewText = createMovieOverview(movieInfo.overview);
const releaseHeader = createReleaseDate(movieInfo.release_date)
// Append title, poster, and overview to page
likeBtn.onclick = likeMovie;
dislikeBtn.onclick = dislikeMovie;
const likeMovie = () => {
// After disliking a movie, clears the current movie from the screen and gets another random movie
const dislikeMovie = () => {
Create arrays for the likes and dislikes and push it to an array. Pass it along to your methods.
likeBtn.onclick = () => rateMovie('likes', movieInfo);
dislikeBtn.onclick = () => rateMovie('dislikes', movieInfo);
have the method add it to the array
const ratings = {
likes: [],
dislikes: [],
const rateMovie = (type, data) => {
I am new to Cloud Functions so I having issues with below code, the error is in the last part where the console.log is mentioned, please assist what shall I been done to deploy the Function successfully, as I am following a tutorial there is no such error for the name.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
exports.sendNotifications = functions.firestore.document("users/{user_id}/notifications/{notification_id}").onWrite(event => {
const user_id = event.params.user_id;
const notification_id = event.params.notification_id;
return admin.firestore().collection("users").doc(user_id).collection("notifications").doc(notification_id).get().then(queryResult => {
const from_user_id = queryResult.data().from;
const message = queryResult.data().message;
const from_data = admin.firestore().collection("users").doc(from_user_id).get();
const to_data = admin.firestore().collection("user").doc(user_id).get();
return Promise.all([from_data, to_data]).then(result => {
const from_name = result[0].data().name;
const to_name = result[1].data().name;
const token_id = result[1].data().token_id;
const payload = {
notification: {
title: "Notification from:" + from_name,
body: message,
icon: "default"
return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(token_id, payload).then(result =>{
console.log("notifcation sent");
By chaining your Promises and returning null in the last then(), as follows, you should solve your problem:
exports.sendNotifications = functions.firestore.document("users/{user_id}/notifications/{notification_id}").onWrite(event => {
const user_id = event.params.user_id;
const notification_id = event.params.notification_id;
return admin.firestore().collection("users").doc(user_id).collection("notifications").doc(notification_id).get()
.then(queryResult => {
const from_user_id = queryResult.data().from;
const message = queryResult.data().message;
const from_data = admin.firestore().collection("users").doc(from_user_id).get();
const to_data = admin.firestore().collection("user").doc(user_id).get();
return Promise.all([from_data, to_data]);
.then(result => {
const from_name = result[0].data().name;
const to_name = result[1].data().name;
const token_id = result[1].data().token_id;
const payload = {
notification: {
title: "Notification from:" + from_name,
body: message,
icon: "default"
return admin.messaging().sendToDevice(token_id, payload)
.then(messagingResponse => {
console.log("notification sent");
return null; //Note the return null here, watch the 3 videos about "JavaScript Promises" from the Firebase video series: https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/video-series/
You may have a look at the corresponding MDN documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Using_promises#Chaining
Also, note that, in your code, it seems that you are not using the to_name constant.
So I am trying to code http trigger function which would change the certain value in every unique key (user id). I have written something but the output is not what I need. Instead of changing existing values, it creates new user id.
const functions = require('firebase-functions')
const admin = require('firebase-admin')
exports.picksReset = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const ref = admin.database().ref()
const usersPicked = []
ref.child('users').once('value').then(snap => {
snap.forEach(childSnap => {
ref.child('/users/{userId}').push({picksDone: "0"})
console.log("Changing value...")
An image of my database...
Using .push() creates a new child with a pushId. Instead, use .update(). See details in the documentation here. If you're looking to change the child picksDone in each user, you can do so like this:
const functions = require('firebase-functions')
const admin = require('firebase-admin')
exports.picksReset = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const ref = admin.database().ref()
const usersPicked = []
ref.child('users').once('value').then(snap => {
snap.forEach(childSnap => {
const key = childSnap.key
ref.child(`users/${key}`).update({picksDone: "0"})
console.log("Changing value...")
Can someone provide an example on how to use the beforeEach? http://www.node-tap.org/api/
Ideally, an example of the promise version, but a callback version example would also be nice.
Here is a test I created which works fine:
'use strict';
const t = require('tap');
const tp = require('tapromise');
const app = require('../../../server/server');
const Team = app.models.Team;
t.test('crupdate', t => {
t = tp(t);
const existingId = '123';
const existingData = {externalId: existingId, botId: 'b123'};
const existingTeam = Team.create(existingData);
return existingTeam.then(() => {
const newId = 'not 123'
const newData = {externalId: newId, whatever: 'value'};
const newResult = Team.crupdate({externalId: newId}, newData);
const existingResult = Team.crupdate({externalId: existingId}, existingData);
return Promise.all([
t.equal(newResult, newData, 'Creates new Team when the external ID is different'),
t.match(existingResult, existingTeam, 'Finds existing Team when the external ID exists')
.then(() => {
function stubCreate() {
Team.create = data => Promise.resolve(data);
Before I do anything, I want to persist existingTeam. After it's saved, I want to stub Team.create. After these two things, I want to start actually testing. I think it would be cleaner if instead of using a Promise.all or perhaps duplicating the test code, I could use beforeEach.
How would I convert this to use beforeEach? Or what is an example of its usage?
Simple, just return promise from callback function
const t = require('tap');
const tp = require('tapromise');
const app = require('../../../server/server');
const Team = app.models.Team;
const existingId = '123';
const existingData = {
externalId: existingId,
botId: 'b123'
t.beforeEach(() => {
return Team.create(existingData).then(() => stubCreate());
t.test('crupdate', t => {
t = tp(t);
const newId = 'not 123'
const newData = {
externalId: newId,
whatever: 'value'
const newResult = Team.crupdate({
externalId: newId
}, newData);
const existingResult = Team.crupdate({
externalId: existingId
}, existingData);
return Promise.all([
t.equal(newResult, newData, 'Creates new Team when the external ID is different'),
t.match(existingResult, existingTeam, 'Finds existing Team when the external ID exists')
}).then(() => {
function stubCreate() {
Team.create = data => Promise.resolve(data);