How to fix JavaScript library problem on winform webbrowser - javascript

I have a library file which named core.js . And also a script.js (runner\script.js). I have designed an UI with WinForms.This project is a simple JS based "programming language". In core.js , I have functions and objects . script.js saves text by the IDE and i have linked it and core.js in index.html (runner\index.html).When i run html file (runner\index.html) it works normally in chrome.But when i run it on WinForm (EasyCode IDE.exe) it does not work correctly. I have solved CSS problem. But can not solve JS.
GitHub link of project:
Click here

If you are eager that this works in old IE webviev control, you should remove default params from all functions in js, etc:
function getDate(format="dmy",seperator="/"){
should be
function getDate(format,seperator){
format = format || 'dmy';
seperator = seperator || "/";
same for all lambda functions, etc:
setBackImg:(imgurl,size = "cover")=>{
should be:
setBackImg: function (imgurl,size) {
size = size || "cover";
and ** does not exists in IE:
return int1**int2;
must be:
power: function (int1,int2) {
return Math.pow(int1,int2);
You could also try to find IE pollyfils for ES5 and ES6.


An object disappears after packing a JavaScript library

I have created a JavaScript library and packed it with these options selected : Shrink Variables and Base62 Encoded at this url: In this library I have declared an object ax, but when I use the packed version in my web page I get an error saying Uncaught ReferenceError: ax is not defined.
The original code of this library looks like below.
var ax = {
scaleUp:function(win) {
//code omitted
downGrade:function(win) {
//code omitted
In my web page in which I am using this library, I have code like below. This code works, if instead of packing, I minify it using Microsoft's Minifier or just use the original JavaScript library without minification or packing.
var result = ax.downGrade(w);
Question :
Why is the variable ax not accessible with packed version? Do I need to add something else when using the packed version?
I could not get the packed file to work but packing my code through another compression utility at following url worked in my case: It provided an equally good compression.
I am still not sure why the utility at original url failed to produce a working version of my library, even though my original code works without any errors on any web page.
Check your console for errors before trying to call ax. Explicitly place semi-colons where they belong.Example at the end of the definition for ax you should put a semi-colon, even though in standard code it's good as is. Remove the explicit var declarations. When I did these things:
ax = {
scaleUp:function(win) {
downGrade:function(win) {
result = ax.downGrade();
Ran without issue in jsFiddle and console: I suspect it has to do with how the algorithm "shrinks" the variables. The resulting pack was:
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=String;if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[c]=k[c]||c;k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('0={5:1(2){3("6")},4:1(2){3("7")}};8=0.4();',9,9,'ax|function|a|alert|downGrade|scaleUp|up|down|result'.split('|'),0,{}))

Moving created files with JXA

I'm new to JXA scripting, but I'm attempting to troubleshoot some older scripts currently in place here at work. They loop through an InDesign document and create several PDFs based on it. Previously, they would be stored in a folder called "~/PDFExports". However, this doesn't work with 10.10.
If I change the code to just place the PDFs in "~/", it works fine. From there, I'd like to move the files to "~/PDFExports", but I can't seem to find an answer on how to do that. I've seen things about making calls to ObjC, or to call Application('Finder'), but neither work - they both return undefined.
Am I just missing something basic here, or is it really this hard to simply move a file with JXA?
EDIT: Some syntax for how I'm creating the folder in question and how I'm attempting to work with Finder.
//This is called in the Main function of the script, on first run.
var exportFolder = new Folder(exportPath);
if(!exportFolder.exists) {
//This is called right after the PDF is created. file is a reference to the
actual PDF file, and destination is a file path string.
function MoveFile(file,destination){
var Finder = Application("Finder");
Application('Finder').move(sourceFile, { to: destinationFolder });
alert("File moved");
Adobe apps have long included their own embedded JS interpreter, JS API, and .jsx filename extension. It has nothing to do with JXA, and is not compatible with it.
InDesign's JSX documentation:
(BTW, I'd also strongly advise against using JXA for Adobe app automation as it has a lot of missing/broken features and application compatibility problems, and really isn't fit for production work.)
Here's the link to Adobe's InDesign Scripting forum, which is the best place to get help with JSX:
You could use Cocoa to create the folder
var exportFolder = $.NSHomeDirectory().stringByAppendingPathComponent("PDFExports")
var fileManager = $.NSFileManager.defaultManager
var folderExists = fileManager.fileExistsAtPath(exportFolder)
if (!folderExists) {
fileManager.createDirectoryAtPathWithIntermediateDirectoriesAttributesError(exportFolder, false, $(), $())
and to move a file
var success = fileManager.moveItemAtPathToPathError(sourceFile, destinationLocation, $());
if (success) alert("File moved");
Consider that destinationLocation must be the full path including the file name
and both sourceFile and destinationLocation must be NSString objects like exportFolder
Could it be that the folder is missing ? Could be your reference to the folder object not valid ? Any syntax to show ?
I will share some of what I learned about JXA move and duplicate methods. I am not a professional programmer just an attorney that is passionate about automation. My comments come from much trial and error, reading whatever I could find online, and A LOT of struggle. The move method does not work well with Finder. Use the System Events move method instead. The duplicate method in Finder works just fine. The duplicate method does not work well in system events. This is a modified snippet from a script I wrote showing move() using System Events.
(() => {
const strPathTargetFile = '/Users/bretfarve/Documents/MyFolderA/myFile.txt';
const strPathFolder = '/Users/bretfarve/Documents/MyFolderB/';
/* System Events Objects */
const SysEvents = Application('System Events');
const objPathFolder = SysEvents.aliases[strPathFolder];
SysEvents.move(SysEvents.aliases.byName(strPathTargetFile), {to: objPathFolder});

Setting up JSFiddle with CoffeeScript + React?

How can I set up JSFiddle to work with CoffeeScript and React?
I would like to code React examples using CoffeeScript and expect it to run.
I've tried setting the language to CoffeeScript on the left sidebar, and including the React libs, but that does not work.
Any pointers on how I could get Coffee+React to work with JSFiddle?
From <script src=""></script>, which is included in the playground:
(function() {
var tag = document.querySelector(
if (!tag || tag.textContent.indexOf('window.onload=function(){') !== -1) {
alert('Bad JSFiddle configuration, please fork the original React JSFiddle');
tag.setAttribute('type', 'text/jsx;harmony=true');
tag.textContent = tag.textContent.replace(/^\/\/<!\[CDATA\[/, '');
The reason is that you are using the playground with jsx, and as FB restricted the setting to JS 1.7 I guess they are using Babel to compile it down to js.
So if you use the non-jsx link, and change the syntax to Coffee and modify the JS/CS file, you are good to go.
Here is a working copy:

IPython: Adding Javascript scripts to IPython notebook

As a part of a project, I need to embedd some javascripts inside an IPython module.
This is what I want to do:
from IPython.display import display,Javascript
My Gl.js looks like this
function echo(a){
Is there some way so that I can embed "Gl.js" and other such external scripts inside the notebook, such that I dont have to include them as 'lib' argument everytime I try to execute some Javascript code which requires to that library.
As a very short-term solution, you can make use of the IPython display() and HTML() functions to inject some JavaScript into the page.
from IPython.display import display, HTML
js = "<script>alert('Hello World!');</script>"
Although I do not recommend this over the official custom.js method, I do sometimes find it useful to quickly test something or to dynamically generate a small JavaScript snippet.
Embedding D3 in an IPython Notebook
To summarize the code.
Import the script:
paths: {
d3: '//'
Add an element like this:
element.append("<div id='chart1'></div>");
Or this:
from IPython.display import Javascript
#runs arbitrary javascript, client-side
IPython Notebook: Javascript/Python Bi-directional Communication
A more extensive post explaining how to access Python variables in JavaScript and vice versa.
I've been fighting with this problem for several days now, here's something that looks like it works; buyer beware though, this is a minimal working solution and it's neither pretty nor optimal - a nicer solution would be very welcome!
First, in .ipython/<profile>/static/custom/myScript.js, we do some require.js magic:
var foo = function(){
return {
foo : foo
Copy this pattern for as many functions as you like. Then, in .ipython/<profile>/static/custom/custom.js, drag those out into something persistent:
$([]).on('notebook_loaded.Notebook', function(){
require(['custom/myScript'], function(custom){ =;
} );
Yes, I am a horrible person for throwing stuff on the window object, namespace things as you deem appropriate. But now in the notebook, a cell like
should do exactly what it looks like it should, without the user having to explicitly import your JS. I would love to see a simpler solution for this (plz devs can we plz have $.getScript('/static/custom/util.js'); in custom.js to load up a bunch of global JS functions) - but this is the best I've got for now. This singing and dancing aside, HUGE ups to the IPython notebook team, this is an awesome platform!
Not out of the box by installing a package, at least for now.
The way to do it is to use custom.js and jQuery getScript to inject the js into the notebook.
I explicitly stay vague on how to do it, as it is a dev feature changing from time to time.
What you should know is that the static folder in user profile is merged with webserver static assets allowing you to access any file that are in this folder by asking for the right url.
Also this question has been asked a few hours ago on IPython weekly video "lab meeting" broadcasted live and disponible on youtube (you might have a longer answer), I've opened discussion with the author of the question here
For some reason, I have problems with IPython.display.Javascript. Here is my alternative, which can handle both importing external .js files and running custom code:
from IPython.display import display, HTML
def javascript(*st,file=None):
if len(st) == 1 and file is None:
s = st[0]
elif len(st) == 0 and file is not None:
s = open(file).read()
raise ValueError('Pass either a string or file=.')
display(HTML("<script type='text/javascript'>" + s + "</script>"))
Usage is as follows:
You can use IJavascript (a Javascript kernel for Jupyter notebooks).
I was interested in calling JavaScript from a Jupyter code (Python) cell to process strings, and have the processed string output in the (same) code cell output; thanks to Inject/execute JS code to IPython notebook and forbid its further execution on page reload and Why cannot python call Javascript() from within a python function? now I have this example:
from IPython.display import display, Javascript, Markdown as md, HTML
def js_convert_str_html(instring_str):
js_convert = """
<div id="_my_special_div"></div>
var myinputstring = '{0}';
function do_convert_str_html(instr) {{
return instr.toUpperCase();
document.getElementById("_my_special_div").textContent = do_convert_str_html(myinputstring);
return HTML(js_convert)
jsobj = js_convert_str_html("hello world")
Note that the JavaScript-processed string does not get returned to Python per se; rather, the JavaScript itself creates its own div, and adds the result of the string conversion to it.

PhpStorm and JavaScript: list of functions in code embedded in PHP

Recently I've been trying to switch from Netbeans to PhpStorm (3.0.3, latest version) and there's only one thing that is holding me back.
My current project, written in Symfony 1.4, has A LOT of JavaScript (jQuery) in Symfony templates (PHP files). Netbeans is kind enough to list JS functions and variables in a navigator window, but I don't see a similar behavior in PhpStorm. Does PhpStorm have this kind of feature? If so, how do I turn it on?
OK, I see there's some confusion. Lets say I have a PHP file called TEST.php. Inside that file I have the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
$.myPluginContainer.definitions.TEST = {
var1: someVar1,
var2: someVar2,
var3: someVar3,
function1: function() {
// function1 body
return 'function1';
function2: function() {
// function2 body
return null;
function3: function() {
// function3 body
return 5;
In Netbeans' Navigator window I get:
Double-clicking on the function name in Netbeans takes me to that particular variable/function definition. PhpStorm has the same, only in pure *.js files, but I need this behaviour with *.php files too.
I have just found that the "Structure" tab down the left hand side of the screen will show you the equivalent of the NetBeans/Eclipse Function Navigator view.
I am using JetBrains PhpStorm 6.0.3
Get the javascript editor addition to phpstorm

