I want to download source code of page from url in Chrome extension.
I have something like this. But don't know how to format text to html.
Or if this formatting works how to display the source code even in console.
fetch('https://www.transfermarkt.com/robert-lewandowski/profil/spieler/38253').then(r => r.text()).then(result => {
// Result now contains the response text, do what you want...
console.log("Fetch result: " + result);
var parser = new DOMParser();
var source_code = parser.parseFromString(result, "text/html");
console.log("Source code: " + source_code);
For example I would like to get text from span "dataValue".
How can I achieve that ?
The first console.log below is the textual representation.
The second is the DOM object where you can get stuff to show.
fetch('https://www.transfermarkt.com/robert-lewandowski/profil/spieler/38253').then(r => r.text()).then(result => {
// Result now contains the response text, do what you want...
// console.log("Source code: " + result); // textual representation
var parser = new DOMParser();
var DomObject = parser.parseFromString(result, "text/html");
console.log("Name: " + DomObject.querySelector("title").textContent);
[...DomObject.querySelectorAll(".dataItem")].forEach(item => {
if (item.textContent.trim() === "Joined:") {
P.S. Don't forget to add the site (or "<all_urls>") in manifest.json:
ManifestV2: "permissions": ["*://*.transfermarkt.com/"]
ManifestV3: "host_permissions": ["*://*.transfermarkt.com/"]
I have a script that runs when I click a "Test Connection" button in an Adaptive Insights Integration script. I am trying to log the XML that is returned, just to verify the information prior to coding the next part. The script I have is as follows:
function testConnection(context) {
// dataSource variable to get Data Source Setting Parameters
var dataSource = context.getDataSource();
// Get the static credentials parameters.
const userName = dataSource.getSetting("Adaptive Username").getValue(); // Not Nedeed after WD User Sync. Do Not delete
const password = dataSource.getSetting("Adaptive Password").getValue(); // Not Nedeed after WD User Sync. Do Not delete
const instanceCode = dataSource.getSetting("instanceCode").getValue();
//This example connects to Postman Echo using POST
var url = 'https://api.adaptiveinsights.com/api/v35';
var method = 'POST';
// XML request body, this is where the method type (ie. exportUsers) goes.
var body = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><call method="exportUsers" callerName="AdaptiveInsightsAPI">'
body += '<credentials login="' + userName + '" password="' + password + '" /></call>';
var headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/xml' };
var response = null;
let finalResponse = null;
try {
response = ai.https.request(url, method, body, headers);
finalResponse = response.getBody();
ai.log.logVerbose("API Call Successful", finalResponse);
return true;
catch (exception) {
ai.log.logInfo('api call failed', '' + exception);
return false;
The response will not show in the log, it only shows "...". However, if I change "finalResponse" to "finalResponse[1]" or try to log any other character from the string ([2],[3],[4],etc.), it displays the character in the string. I also tried to slice the characters to fit within the 1000 character limit, but that displays nothing at all when I try to log the response.
What can I do different to get the response body into the log?
I used the command to export the hard drive ID to drive C:
var command="wmic diskdrive get SerialNumber > C:/idhdd.txt";
app.system("cmd.exe /c\""+command+"" );
I get the text file
Is there a JavaScript statement to remove SerialNumber, I just want to get the ID in the text file and save it to the hard drive C.
Here's ready-to-use getDriveIDs() function that should work in any Adobe app and will return array of HDD ID strings for you. I hope this can be easily generalized for other scenarios with Windows scripting inside Adobe scripting ;-)
// Detects IDs (serial numbers) of connected drives and returns them as array of strings.
var getDriveIDs = function() {
var idFile = File(Folder.temp + '/saved_hdd_serials.txt');
var scriptFile = File(Folder.temp + '/dump_hdd_serials.bat');
var scriptContent = 'wmic diskdrive get SerialNumber > ' + idFile.fsName + '\n';
var ids = []
withTempFile(scriptFile, scriptContent, function() {
$.writeln(idFile.length == 0); // wait for asynchronous script execution to finish
withTempFile(idFile, undefined, function(file, lines) {
ids = lines.slice(1);
return ids;
// utilities
var withTempFile = function(file, content, callback) {
if (undefined == content) { // read temp file
content = [];
while (!file.eof)
} else { // write temp file
content = undefined;
callback(file, content);
// main: demo
var ids = getDriveIDs();
alert('Drive IDs:\n\t' + ids.join('\n\t'));
I need to create dynamic pdf with html templates in servicenow, but my problem is that these pdf must contain images and styles, and I have not been able to solve it.
try using the api of GeneralPDF of servicenow and get the template converted to pdf but only when it contains text. when I put images I get the following error:
This error appears to me when executing my code:
ExceptionConverter: java.io.IOException: The document has no pages.:
org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException: ExceptionConverter:
java.io.IOException: The document has no pages.:
this is in a script include and is called from UI Action
my code to convert the html to pdf is the following:
create : function (sys_id){
var carta = new GlideRecord('x_solsa_casos_plant_doc');
var parsedBody = carta.body;
var gr = new GlideRecord('x_solsa_casos_x_solsa_casos');
var sampleString=parsedBody.toString();
var reg = new SNC.Regex('/\\$\\{(.*?)\\}/i');
var match = reg.match(sampleString);
var count =0;
var variables = [];
var values = [];
var tmpValue;
while (match != null)
match = reg.match();
gs.log("array values : " + values);
if(gr.getDisplayValue(values[count])==null || JSUtil.nil(gr.getDisplayValue(values[count])))
gs.log("tmpValue :" +tmpValue);
parsedBody = parsedBody.replace('${'+variables[count]+'}', tmpValue);
gs.log("parsedBody : " + parsedBody);
createPDF : function(html, table, sys_id, filename) {
var pdfDoc = new GeneralPDF.Document(null, null, null, null, null, null);
this._document = new GeneralPDF(pdfDoc);
this.saveAs(table, sys_id, filename);
saveAs : function (table, sys_id, filename){
var att = new GeneralPDF.Attachment();
Looks like parsedBody is empty or doesn't always contain HTML. According to this answer, paseXHtml (which ServiceNow probably uses and should be in the complete stack trace) expects HTML tags, not just text:
I am developing a customized gecko powered android browser. I want to print the source code in console.
When I try to print it shows [object HTMLDocument].
The code is given below :
function onPageLoad(event) {
// the target is an HTMLDocument
let contentDocument = event.target;
let browser = BrowserApp.getBrowserForDocument(contentDocument);
console.log("Page loaded: " + browser.contentTitle);
console.log("Page loaded content: " + browser.contentDocument);
The output is Page loaded content: [object HTMLDocument]
I want to print the source code in [object HTMLDocument].
Ah, I see. Try:
let contentDocument = event.target;
console.log("Page loaded: " + contentDocument.title);
var s = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(contentDocument);
console.log("Page loaded content: " + s);
This worked for me at least (if I understand correctly what you want to print that is).
Have you tried converting it to a String? For example, console.log("Page loaded: " + String(browser.contentTitle));
Try this:
HTMLEditorKit tmp = new HTMLEditorKit();
HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) tmp.createDefaultDocument();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
tmp.write(writer, doc, 0, doc.getLength());
String s = writer.toString();
I hope it will help.
Put , instead of + in console.log() function as console.log() also support object. Just you need to separate by comma.
console.log("Page loaded: " , browser.contentTitle);
console.log("Page loaded content: " , browser.contentDocument);
Question: How do I syntax-check my XML in modern browsers (anything but IE)?
I've seen a page on W3Schools which includes an XML syntax-checker. I don't know how it works, but I'd like to know how I may achieve the same behavior.
I've already performed many searches on the matter (with no success), and I've tried using the DOM Parser to check if my XML is "well-formed" (also with no success).
var xml = 'Caleb';
var parser = new DOMParser();
var doc = parser.parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml');
I expect the parser to tell me I have an XML syntax error (i.e. an unclosed name tag). However, it always returns an XML DOM object, as if there were no errors at all.
To summarize, I would like to know how I can automatically check the syntax of an XML document using JavaScript.
P.S. Is there any way I can validate an XML document against a DTD (using JS, and not IE)?
Edit: Here is a more concise example, from MDN:
var xmlString = '<a id="a"><b id="b">hey!</b></a>';
var domParser = new DOMParser();
var dom = domParser.parseFromString(xmlString, 'text/xml');
// print the name of the root element or error message
dump(dom.documentElement.nodeName == 'parsererror' ? 'error while parsing' : dom.documentElement.nodeName);
NoBugs answer above did not work with a current chrome for me. I suggest:
var sMyString = "<a id=\"a\"><b id=\"b\">hey!<\/b><\/a>";
var oParser = new DOMParser();
var oDOM = oParser.parseFromString(sMyString, "text/xml");
dump(oDOM.getElementsByTagName('parsererror').length ?
(new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(oDOM) : "all good"
You can also use the package fast-xml-parser, this package have a validate check for xml files:
import { validate, parse } from 'fast-xml-parser';
if( validate(xmlData) === true) {
var jsonObj = parse(xmlData,options);
Just F12 to enter developer mode and check the source there you can then search validateXML and you are to locate a very long complete XML checker for your reference.
I am using react and stuff using the DOMParser to present the error message as:
handleXmlCheck = () => {
const { fileContent } = this.state;
const parser = new window.DOMParser();
const theDom = parser.parseFromString(fileContent, 'application/xml');
if (theDom.getElementsByTagName('parsererror').length > 0) {
} else {
showSuccessMessage('Valid Xml');
Basic xml validator in javscript. This code may not valid for advance xml but basic xml.
function xmlValidator(xml){
// var xml = "<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>";
while(xml.indexOf('<') != -1){
var sub = xml.substring(xml.indexOf('<'), xml.indexOf('>')+1);
var value = xml.substring(xml.indexOf('<')+1, xml.indexOf('>'));
var endTag = '</'+value+'>';
if(xml.indexOf(endTag) != -1){
// console.log('xml is valid');
// break;
console.log('xml is in invalid');
xml = xml.replace(sub, '');
xml = xml.replace(endTag, '');
console.log(sub+' '+value+' '+endTag);
var xml = "<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>";
* Check if the input is a valid XML file.
* #param xmlStr The input to be parsed.
* #returns If the input is invalid, this returns an XMLDocument explaining the problem.
* If the input is valid, this return undefined.
export function xmlIsInvalid(xmlStr : string) : HTMLElement | undefined {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const dom = parser.parseFromString(xmlStr, "application/xml");
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMParser/parseFromString
// says that parseFromString() will throw an error if the input is invalid.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/Parsing_and_serializing_XML
// says dom.documentElement.nodeName == "parsererror" will be true of the input
// is invalid.
// Neither of those is true when I tested it in Chrome. Nothing is thrown.
// If the input is "" I get:
// dom.documentElement.nodeName returns "html",
// doc.documentElement.firstElementChild.nodeName returns "body" and
// doc.documentElement.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.nodeName = "parsererror".
// It seems that the parsererror can move around. It looks like it's trying to
// create as much of the XML tree as it can, then it inserts parsererror whenever
// and wherever it gets stuck. It sometimes generates additional XML after the
// parsererror, so .lastElementChild might not find the problem.
// In case of an error the <parsererror> element will be an instance of
// HTMLElement. A valid XML document can include an element with name name
// "parsererror", however it will NOT be an instance of HTMLElement.
// getElementsByTagName('parsererror') might be faster than querySelectorAll().
for (const element of Array.from(dom.querySelectorAll("parsererror"))) {
if (element instanceof HTMLElement) {
// Found the error.
return element;
// No errors found.
(Technically that's TypeScript. Remove : string and : HTMLElement | undefined to make it JavaScript.)