Callback without effect, function still executed before callback - javascript

I have a function with a callback, my problem is that the return of the function happens before the callback ad then return null instead of returning me the array of coordinates
function callback(coordinates=[]){
return coordinates;
function getCoordinates(callback){
let coordinates=[null];
connection.query('SELECT AreaId AS areaNumber, longitude AS longitude, latitude AS latitude FROM coordinates', function (error, results, fields) {
if (error) throw error;
let area=[];
for (result of results) {
if (!area.includes(result.areaNumber)){
return coordinates;
and I have :
[null] //correspond to console.log(getCoordinates(callback));
[array with value] // corresponding to console.log(coordinates) in function vallback
How to do for that my callback will be considered?
Sorry I am kind of new on node.js so I may have missunderstood callback.
What I would like is to get an array of coordinates that I can use later on at 2 different places in my code like :
.get('/map', function(req, res) {
let Coords=getCoordinate(callback)
res.render('map.ejs', {token: tokenMapbox, coordinates: Coords});
.get('/wmap', function(req, res) {
let Coords=getCoordinate(callback)
res.render('wmap.ejs', {token: tokenMapbox, coordinates: Coords});

There are several approaches to this problem, however if you wish to use the resulting coordinates in a similar way to synchronous code, I suggest you try using the async/await syntax. If you call your query from an async function you can use the await keyword to provide more readable code.
Once you have your coordinates variable populated in your async function you can do what you wish with it.
For example:
function getCoordinates() {
let coordinates = [];
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
connection.query('SELECT AreaId AS areaNumber, longitude AS longitude, latitude AS latitude FROM coordinates', function (error, results, fields) {
if (error) {
} else {
let area=[];
for (result of results) {
if (!area.includes(result.areaNumber)){
async function testCoordinates() {
let coordinates = await getCoordinates();
console.log("Coordinates:", coordinates);
// You can do whatever you wish with the coordinates variable

You're confusing different things. Let me explain
First thing, forget about the term "callback". We'll understand this simply as a function passsed as parameter to another function. Don't worry about it, I'm going to explain.
So we start from the problem: how to fetch array of coordinates from database and print it
Next thing you get to know about interacting with database and assuming this is how your library works: it has a function connection.query(myQuery, someFunction) which can get you results from database.
Now first thing you notice about that query function is it's parameters. myQuery is a string and someFunction is a function definition. While we have seen in other languages that we pass values such as numbers, string, etc. as parameters to a function, interestingly in javascript you can pass on a function definition as a parameter as well. And this is what makes javascript powerful, you can pass on function definition as parameter.
Wow, passing on function as parameter, but how does that work?
Let's take a different example; let's say here I want to create a function which will do some calculations
//Here myVar is a variable and doSomething is a function
function interestingJsFunction(myVar, doSomething){
var twiceOfVar = 2*myVar;
var thriceOfVar = 3*myVar;
So what does this function do? It applies some calculations and calls the function doSomething at some points; at one point it passes twice value of myVar to function and at one point it passes thrice of myVar. But what this function doSomething do is not defined as of now. And you can define it by passsing your own function as parameter. This gives you infinite possibilities. How?
interestingJsFunction(2, function(result){ console.log(result) })
interestingJsFunction(2, function(result){ console.log("the new behaviour" + result) })
//And so on...
You understand how this has made one interestingJsFunction useful in different cases. If you knew that you would need only one implementation of doSomething(), you could have simply removed the doSomething from parameters and whatever you wanted to do, you could have done that directly inside interestingJsFunction(e.g. console.log(twiceOfVar))
Now coming back to the query function. It is also an interestingJsFunction and if you go to definition of query function(you can dig up the code of your library to see what's inside query function) you'll find that it does some operations on database, gets the results and call the function[similar to doSomething] which was passed as parameter, if it gets any error while doing so, it calls the function in parameter and passes error to it.
When it does so, it sends back error, results and field as parameter to this function. So now you can utilize these paramaeters in your function which was passed as parameter. It's upto you now how you want to utilize this, it could be that you can simply print the results as following (remember how we used interestingJsFunction?)
//We could simply print the results if there are any
connection.query(myQuery, function(error, results, fields){
if(results) console.log(results.toString())
//Or we could throw erorr if there's any
connection.query(myQuery, function(error, results, fields){
if(error) throw error
//Guess what would happen when you return something inside this function?
var myQueryFunction = connection.query(myQuery, function(error, results, fields){
return "return of query function"
//And guess what would happen when you have something like this
function myNewFunction(){
var x = connection.query(myQuery, function(error, results, fields){
return "return of query function"
return "return of myNewFunction"
I leave last 2 exercises for you and you should be able to fix the problems after that. Try console.log statements to understand


Callback is not a function for update in Node JS

begginer in Javascript and Node Js here.
While trying to do my first, simple update function, i got the error :
TypeError: callback is not a function.
I searched for the answer online but this problem is still a mistery.
function UpdateProductsCodes(columns, returnColumns, type, callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < columns.ids.length; i++) {
updateSql = "UPDATE TProductCodes SET code =?, product_id =? OUTPUT, inserted.code, inserted.product_id INTO #returnValues WHERE ids =?";
var params = [];
sql.query(conn_str, updateSql, params, function (err, products, more) {
//Code stops here
//TypeError: callback is not a function
if (err) {
callback(err, null);
if (!more) {
callback(null, products);
This function should do a simple update, nothing more. Its used here:
UpdateProductsCodes(req.body.entities, conditions, returnColumns, type, function (err, products) {
if (err) {
res.writeHead(500, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
res.write(JSON.stringify(utils.GenerateResponse(err.message, true, 'JSON')));
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
res.write(JSON.stringify(utils.GenerateResponse(products, false, type)));
The problem is that you are simply sending the wrong number of arguments when you call the function.
The function accepts four inputs: columns, returnColumns, type, callback. But in your example, you are sending five inputs: req.body.entities, conditions, returnColumns, type, function (err, products)
The last one (the function, in this case) is therefore ignored. The value which the function is receiving as being the callback value is in fact the one you've named type when you call the function, because that's the fourth argument you provide. This value is not an executable function - which is what the error message is telling you.
Now I don't know which values are the ones you actually need/want to send to the function, but clearly one of them is redundant and you need to remove it from the calling code. Based purely on the names, I'd guess that one of either req.body.entities or conditions is not needed, but of course I can't see what those variables contain, and I can't be certain of your intent, so you'll have to work it out yourself.
P.S. I also note that your function never actually uses the returnColumns or type parameters which it receives, so you maybe should consider whether you actually need to accept these at all. Perhaps they can be removed.

How to produce a callback function inside functions [duplicate]

can any one give me a a simple example of nodeJs callbacks, I have already searched for the same on many websites but not able to understand it properly, Please give me a simple example.
getDbFiles(store, function(files){
getCdnFiles(store, function(files){
I want to do something like that...
var myCallback = function(data) {
console.log('got data: '+data);
var usingItNow = function(callback) {
callback('get it?');
Now open node or browser console and paste the above definitions.
Finally use it with this next line:
With Respect to the Node-Style Error Conventions
Costa asked what this would look like if we were to honor the node error callback conventions.
In this convention, the callback should expect to receive at least one argument, the first argument, as an error. Optionally we will have one or more additional arguments, depending on the context. In this case, the context is our above example.
Here I rewrite our example in this convention.
var myCallback = function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err; // Check for the error and throw if it exists.
console.log('got data: '+data); // Otherwise proceed as usual.
var usingItNow = function(callback) {
callback(null, 'get it?'); // I dont want to throw an error, so I pass null for the error argument
If we want to simulate an error case, we can define usingItNow like this
var usingItNow = function(callback) {
var myError = new Error('My custom error!');
callback(myError, 'get it?'); // I send my error as the first argument.
The final usage is exactly the same as in above:
The only difference in behavior would be contingent on which version of usingItNow you've defined: the one that feeds a "truthy value" (an Error object) to the callback for the first argument, or the one that feeds it null for the error argument.
A callback function is simply a function you pass into another function so that function can call it at a later time. This is commonly seen in asynchronous APIs; the API call returns immediately because it is asynchronous, so you pass a function into it that the API can call when it's done performing its asynchronous task.
The simplest example I can think of in JavaScript is the setTimeout() function. It's a global function that accepts two arguments. The first argument is the callback function and the second argument is a delay in milliseconds. The function is designed to wait the appropriate amount of time, then invoke your callback function.
setTimeout(function () {
console.log("10 seconds later...");
}, 10000);
You may have seen the above code before but just didn't realize the function you were passing in was called a callback function. We could rewrite the code above to make it more obvious.
var callback = function () {
console.log("10 seconds later...");
setTimeout(callback, 10000);
Callbacks are used all over the place in Node because Node is built from the ground up to be asynchronous in everything that it does. Even when talking to the file system. That's why a ton of the internal Node APIs accept callback functions as arguments rather than returning data you can assign to a variable. Instead it will invoke your callback function, passing the data you wanted as an argument. For example, you could use Node's fs library to read a file. The fs module exposes two unique API functions: readFile and readFileSync.
The readFile function is asynchronous while readFileSync is obviously not. You can see that they intend you to use the async calls whenever possible since they called them readFile and readFileSync instead of readFile and readFileAsync. Here is an example of using both functions.
var data = fs.readFileSync('test.txt');
The code above blocks thread execution until all the contents of test.txt are read into memory and stored in the variable data. In node this is typically considered bad practice. There are times though when it's useful, such as when writing a quick little script to do something simple but tedious and you don't care much about saving every nanosecond of time that you can.
Asynchronous (with callback):
var callback = function (err, data) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
fs.readFile('test.txt', callback);
First we create a callback function that accepts two arguments err and data. One problem with asynchronous functions is that it becomes more difficult to trap errors so a lot of callback-style APIs pass errors as the first argument to the callback function. It is best practice to check if err has a value before you do anything else. If so, stop execution of the callback and log the error.
Synchronous calls have an advantage when there are thrown exceptions because you can simply catch them with a try/catch block.
try {
var data = fs.readFileSync('test.txt');
} catch (err) {
In asynchronous functions it doesn't work that way. The API call returns immediately so there is nothing to catch with the try/catch. Proper asynchronous APIs that use callbacks will always catch their own errors and then pass those errors into the callback where you can handle it as you see fit.
In addition to callbacks though, there is another popular style of API that is commonly used called the promise. If you'd like to read about them then you can read the entire blog post I wrote based on this answer here.
Here is an example of copying text file with fs.readFile and fs.writeFile:
var fs = require('fs');
var copyFile = function(source, destination, next) {
// we should read source file first
fs.readFile(source, function(err, data) {
if (err) return next(err); // error occurred
// now we can write data to destination file
fs.writeFile(destination, data, next);
And that's an example of using copyFile function:
copyFile('foo.txt', 'bar.txt', function(err) {
if (err) {
// either fs.readFile or fs.writeFile returned an error
console.log(err.stack || err);
} else {
Common node.js pattern suggests that the first argument of the callback function is an error. You should use this pattern because all control flow modules rely on it:
next(new Error('I cannot do it!')); // error
next(null, results); // no error occurred, return result
Try this example as simple as you can read, just copy save newfile.js do node newfile to run the application.
function myNew(next){
console.log("Im the one who initates callback");
next("nope", "success");
myNew(function(err, res){
console.log("I got back from callback",err, res);
we are creating a simple function as
callBackFunction (data, function ( err, response ){
// callbackfunction
function callBackFuntion (data, callback){
//write your logic and return your result as
callback("",result) //if not error
callback(error, "") //if error
//delay callback function
function delay (seconds, callback){
setTimeout(() =>{
console.log('The long delay ended');
callback('Task Complete');
}, seconds*1000);
//Execute delay function
delay(1, res => {
const fs = require('fs');
fs.stat('input.txt', function (err, stats) {
} else {
console.log('Completed Reading File');
'fs' is a node module which helps you to read file.
Callback function will make sure that your file named 'input.txt' is completely read before it gets executed.
fs.stat() function is to get file information like file size, date created and date modified.
This blog-post has a good write-up:
function doHomework(subject, callback) {
alert(`Starting my ${subject} homework.`);
function alertFinished(){
alert('Finished my homework');
doHomework('math', alertFinished);
A callback is a function passed as an parameter to a Higher Order Function (wikipedia). A simple implementation of a callback would be:
const func = callback => callback('Hello World!');
To call the function, simple pass another function as argument to the function defined.
func(string => console.log(string));
// Traditional JS way
function display(result) {
console.log("Sum of given numbers is", result);
function calculateSum(num1, num2, callback) {
console.log("FIrst number is", num1, "and second number is", num2);
const result = num1 + num2;
calculateSum(10, 20, display);
// Node JS way
const display = function(result) {
console.log("Sum of given numbers is", result);
const calculateSum = function(num1, num2, callback) {
console.log("FIrst number is", num1, "and second number is", num2);
const result = num1 + num2;
calculateSum(10, 20, display);
// By using anonymous function
const calculateSum = function(num1, num2, callback) {
console.log("FIrst number is", num1, "and second number is", num2);
const result = num1 + num2;
calculateSum(10,20, function(result) {
console.log("Sum of given numbers is", result)
// By using arrow function
const calculateSum = function(num1, num2, callback) {
console.log("FIrst number is", num1, "and second number is", num2);
const result = num1 + num2;
calculateSum(10, 20, x => console.log("Sum of given numbers is", x));

Get Value from parameter function

Sorry for the Noob Question. I'm trying to write a node.js function called "getTransitionId" that uses the jira-connector plugin to retrieve data for possible transitions for a particular issue.
The getTransitions function from the jira-connector takes two parameters: an object with the parameters of the ticket, and a function to execute once the call is finished.
Here's my problem: for reasons beyond the scope of this question, I want to access this data outside the function that's being passed as parameter to "getTransitions." But I can't figure out how. I understand that the last return statement (return "transitionData") is returning "undefined" because it's executing a return statement before the call is finished, but I don't know how to fix that.
Can I correctly use a callback in this case? If so, how would I use it in a function that is being passed as a parameter to another function?
const JiraApi = require('jira-connector');
const jira = new JiraApi( {
host: //Jira URL
basic_auth: {
//Authentication Information
function getTransitionId (ticketNumber, transition) {
issueKey: ticketNumber,
}, function(error, transitions){
const transitionData = transitions['transitions'];
return transitionData;
Thanks for the help. Hope this made sense.
You could make your own getTransitionId function take a callback function as an argument. Here's an incomplete example (see ahead):
function getTransitionId (ticketNumber, transition, callback) {
issueKey: ticketNumber,
}, function(error, transitions){
const transitionData = transitions['transitions'];
const id = /* ..get ID fron transitionData, somehow.. */
// Called like this:
getTransitionId(ticketNumber, transition, function(id) {
console.log("Got the ID:", id);
This isn't perfect, though. What if getTransitions has an error?
When you call jira.issue.getTransitions, you pass a callback function which takes two parameters: error and transitions. This is standard for functions which take callbacks in JavaScript - that is, callbacks usually take an error parameter (null or undefined if there was no error) and a data parameter (containing results of the action, like fetched transitions or an id).
We can change getTransitionId to take an error and then pass the error to the callback that you gave to getTransitionId:
function getTransitionId (ticketNumber, transition, callback) {
issueKey: ticketNumber,
}, function(error, transitions){
if (error) {
const transitionData = transitions['transitions'];
const id = /* ..get ID fron transitionData, somehow.. */
callback(null, id);
(Note that we use a return; statement inside if (error) -- that's so that we don't continue and try to use the transitions argument, which is probably undefined, since there was an error in jira.issue.getTransitions. This also prevents callback from being called a second time.)
Since we've added an error argument, we need to change how we call getTransitionId:
getTransitionId(ticketNumber, transition, function(error, id) {
if (error) {
console.error("There was an error fetching the transition ID:", error);
console.log("Got the ID:", id);
(Since we do callback(null, id); in the code for getTransitionId, error will be null, so the code in if (error) { won't run. Of course, if there is an error, if (error) { will be run, and that's what we want!)
By adding code to handle errors passed to your callbacks, you make your code safer. Contrastingly, if you ignore error, you might end up having errors in your code that are hard to find - for example, you might have a TypeError because transitions is undefined, or see "Got the ID: undefined" in the log!

Return a variable from sql query in Node.js

I have MySQL query in Node.js where I'm trying to return "variable" and assign in to getVarible OUTSIDE my query. Is it possible to do in this case? If so, how?
Here is my code :
var sqlQuery = connection.query(result, function(err, rows, fields) {
var count = rows.length;
if(count === 1){
var variable = rows[0].item;
return variable;
var getVariable = variable;
If you declare getVariable before your query call, you should be able to access it once your query return, within your cacllback fuction. You can try something like this:
var getVariable = {};
var sqlQuery = connection.query(result, function(err, rows, fields) {
var count = rows.length;
if(count === 1){
getVariable = rows[0].item;
However keep in mind that query execution is asynchronous, so your variable will be empty until your callback is executed.
So I would suggest you all logic where you use that variable to be executed within callback or use a promise of async framework.
Your connection.query does not return what you think it returns i.e. return variable; statement has no effect.
Checkout the API with the usage of query object.
var query = connection.query('SELECT * FROM posts');
.on('error', function(err) {
// Handle error, an 'end' event will be emitted after this as well
.on('fields', function(fields) {
// the field packets for the rows to follow
.on('result', function(row) {
// Pausing the connnection is useful if your processing involves I/O
processRow(row, function() {
.on('end', function() {
// all rows have been received
Alternatively you can have a short hand to handle the success, error by using the second parameter to connection.query. This is a function with signature function (error, results, fields) which does the same thing as above API.
connection.query(sqlQueryStr, function (error, results, fields) {})
The call to connection.query is asynchronous and the function passed as the second argument is executed only after the results are available i.e the query has executed.

Returned object undefined from module function

This has to be a scope issue that I'm not familiar with. I have a small module I've written as so:
(function () {
var getPlanInfo = function (id, conn) {
conn.query('SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = ?', [id], function (error, result) {
if (error) console.error('Query error: ' + error.stack);
console.log(result[0]); // Everything is great
return result[0];
modules.exports.getPlanInfo = function (id, conn) { return getPlanInfo(id, conn); // Typo }
Here comes the problem. When I call it from anywhere (inside the module itself or another file), the return value is always undefined. I checked from within the function, the query returns the result as expected.
var backend = require('./module.js');
var t = backend.getPlanInfo();
t is undefined. This is the same if I call that method from inside the module itself (another function within that module).
I'm familiar with the callback principle in javascript and how objects and functions have to be passed around as an argument to remain in scope. Is this the issue here or is this a node.js particularity?
I tried in in the Developer Console (Chrome), works as expected.
conn.query() looks like it is async. Thus, you can't return its result from getPlanInfo() because getPlanInfo() returns long before the result is available. Returning result[0] from the conn.query() callback just returns a piece of data back into the conn.query() infrastructure. getPlanInfo() has long before already returned.
If you want an async result, then you will have to change getPlanInfo() to use a mechanism that supports getting async results such as a direct callback or a promise or something like that.
Here's a plain callback way:
var getPlanInfo = function (id, conn, callback) {
conn.query('SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = ?', [id], function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.error('Query error: ' + error.stack);
console.log(result[0]); // Everything is great
callback(0, result[0]);
modules.exports.getPlanInfo = getPlanInfo;
Then, the caller of that module would look like this:
var m = require('whatever');
m.getPlanInfo(id, conn, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
// error here
} else {
// process result here
You don't return anything from getPlanInfo. Probably you wanted to write modules.exports.getPlanInfo = function (id, conn) { return getPlanInfo; }
(with return getPlanInfo; instead of return getPlanInfo();)

