Javascript : place a number into an array, splitted into segments - javascript

I have a custom HTML slider made with the Angular CDK. It works with a drag and drop. It is vertical, the original position is at the bottom. This slider is divided into 10 segments, each of equal size.
I am able to get the slider handle position, and the slider total height.
The slider will be used to determine a color and is made of 10 colors. It should be the full height of the page (which means I can't use ticks like any normal slider would do).
Let's assume the total height is 600px, and the handle position is randomly generated.
I would like to be able to know in which segment the handle is dropped (given by the handle position).
I have used the method in the following snippet, but I don't find it very efficient.
Would someone be able to tell me if there is a better way ? Or even an array operator that would exist for that ?
const interval = 600; // Slider total size
const segmentsNb = 10; // Total number of segments
const segmentSize = interval / segmentsNb; // Size of a single segment
function doTheThing() {
const nb = (Math.random() * 600); // random number generation to simulate slider handle pos
let pos = -1;
let index = 0;
do {
if (nb > segmentSize * (index + 1)) {
pos = index;
} while(pos === -1 && index <= segmentsNb);
console.log('number is', Math.round(nb), 'at position', pos);
<button onclick="doTheThing()">Do something</button>

You could take
Math.floor(nb / segmentSize)
as you see. Maybe you need to adjust the
const interval = 600; // Slider total size
const segmentsNb = 10; // Total number of segments
const segmentSize = interval / segmentsNb; // Size of a single segment
function doTheThing(nb) {
//const nb = (Math.random() * 600); // random number generation to simulate slider handle pos
let pos = -1;
let index = 0;
do {
if (nb > segmentSize * (index + 1)) {
pos = index;
} while(pos === -1 && index <= segmentsNb);
return [pos, Math.floor(nb / segmentSize)].join(' ');
for (var i = 0; i <= 600; i++) document.getElementById('out').innerHTML += [i, doTheThing(i)].join(' ') + '\n';
<pre id="out"></pre>

You can do the same process for getting the position:
Math.ceil((segmentsNb / interval) * nb))
This should return the correct position.


Mutual repulsion force in js

I have a 1-dimensional dataset (a list of elements with only a horizontal position (+ circle radius)).
I want to implement a simple layout algorithm to show this dataset as circles in a scale.
The problem is the collisions.
I want to implement a "simple" repulsion force to avoid collisions. I don't mind the circles won't have a precise position anymore.
The result I'm looking for is simple as that:
I'm not using D3, it is plain js (and svg.js), where to start looking for theoretical information about this layout? What is the common name with which this force is referred to? Is there any example of similar things?
I've added min_gap for minimum margin between elements. So the solution is to move two intersected elements with most intersected distance on a small step at a time.
const elements = [{pos:10, radius:5}, {pos:15, radius: 20}, {pos:20, radius:10}, {pos:150, radius:5}];
const field_size = [0, 300];
const min_gap = 5;
const step = 1;
function detectCollisions(arr=[]){
const result = [];
for(let i=0; i < arr.length - 1; i++){
let dist = (arr[i+1].pos - arr[i+1].radius) - (arr[i].pos + arr[i].radius);
if(dist < min_gap){
result.push([i + 0.5, dist]);
return result;
function moveIntersected(arr=[]){
const collisions = detectCollisions(arr);
if(collisions.length < 1) return;
const most_intersected = collisions.sort((a,b) => a[1] - b[1])[0];
const left = arr[Math.floor(most_intersected[0])];
const right = arr[Math.ceil(most_intersected[0])];
if(left.pos - left.radius - step >= field_size[0]){
left.pos -= step;
} else {
right.pos += step*2;
if(right.pos + right.radius + step <= field_size[1]){
right.pos += step;
} else {
left.pos -= step*2;

Reducing the number of times a helper function is run

I am trying to create a word cloud. In order to render text to the screen I am generating a random position for each word. This works perfectly, however there are a lot of overlapping words. In order to solve this I am storing the position and size of the elements in an array and then I created a helper function that checks for collisions, generates a new position for the element if it finds one, and then calls it's self again to check again from the start of the array. When I run my code the first 2-3 words render just fine but then I get an error saying Maximum call stack size exceeded. I saw there was already a post on this same issue on stack overflow.
I saw that the other person was using a forEach function and so was I so I converted it into a for loop like the answer suggested but it did not do anything. I think the issue boils down to the fact that there are so many collisions but I am not sure how to best approach the issue. Is there another way that I can generate unique positions for elements while still avoiding collisions?
function calculatePosition(parent, child) {
return Math.random() * parent - (child / 2)
// needed for rendering position of span elements
var ranges = []
var totalWidthOfWords = 0
var totalHeightOfWords = 0
// reposition element if there is a collision
function checkForCollisions(element, height, width, wordCloud, injectedSpan) {
for(var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
let current = ranges[i]
if(element.left >= current.width[0] && element.left <= current.width[1]) { = calculatePosition(wordCloud.clientWidth, width) + "px";
checkForCollisions(element, height, width, wordCloud, injectedSpan)
if( >= current.height[0] && <= current.height[1]) { = calculatePosition(wordCloud.clientHeight, height) + "px";
checkForCollisions(element, height, width, wordCloud, injectedSpan)
// Create content in DOM
const injectedContent = => {
const injectedSpan = document.createElement("span")
const injectedWord = document.createElement("p")
const wordCloud = document.querySelector(".word-cloud")
// mod weight value to get more managable inputs
let weightValue = (line.weight * 100).toFixed(2)
// sets values of words and renders them to the screen
injectedWord.innerText = line.word
// sets style attribute based on weight value
injectedWord.setAttribute("style", `--i: ${weightValue}`)
// flips words
if(Math.random() > 0.75) { = "vertical-rl";
// Entrance animation
let left = innerWidth * Math.random()
let top = innerHeight * Math.random()
if(Math.random() < 0.5) { = "-" + left + "px"; = calculatePosition(wordCloud.clientWidth, injectedSpan.clientWidth) + "px";
} else { = left + "px"; = calculatePosition(wordCloud.clientWidth, injectedSpan.clientWidth) + "px";
if(Math.random() < 0.5) { = "-" + top + "px"; = calculatePosition(wordCloud.clientHeight, injectedSpan.clientHeight) + "px";
} else { = top + "px"; = calculatePosition(wordCloud.clientWidth, injectedSpan.clientWidth) + "px";
// Get position of span and change coordinites if there is a collision
let spanPosition = injectedSpan.getBoundingClientRect()
if(spanPosition) {
checkForCollisions(spanPosition, spanPosition.height, spanPosition.width, wordCloud, injectedSpan)
totalWidthOfWords += spanPosition.width
totalHeightOfWords += spanPosition.height
ranges.push({width: [spanPosition.left, spanPosition.right], height: [, spanPosition.bottom]})
There is still a lot of work to do to make sure that it works properly, especially to make sure that the code does not produce any errors!
The general idea would be to follow IllsuiveBrian's comment to make sure, that checkForCollision only does the work of checking if there is a collision and that another function takes care of recalculating the position if necessary and then reevaluating a potential collision.
function checkForCollisions(element, wordCloud, injectedSpan) {
for(var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
let current = ranges[i];
// return true if there is a collision (you probably have to update the code you are using here to truly avoid collisions!)
if (collision) { return true; }
return false; // return false otherwise
Finally this part would take care of recalculating position and and rechecking for collision:
ranges.forEach(function(injectedSpan) {
// Get position of span and change coordinites if there is a collision
let spanPosition = injectedSpan.getBoundingClientRect();
if (spanPosition) {
while (checkForCollisions(spanPosition, wordCloud, injectedSpan)) { = calculatePosition(wordCloud.clientWidth, element.width) + "px"; = calculatePosition(wordCloud.clientHeight, element.height) + "px";
Here is a quick idea on how to go into this direction:

Creating a slider between two numbers

So I've been working on re-producing the slider found here ( Scroll down to find the price slider ).
So far Ive managed to create something similiar, but some numbers are hard coded, making it difficult to change and not very re-usable.
I've been researching around and I think I need to use Math.log() and Math.exp() together to achieve something like in the link above but I'm not sure.
Heres a jsfiddle of what I have so far
I feel that its the maths part of this problem that is halting me I think, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Javascript code below:
var slider = document.getElementById("slider")
var sliderFill = document.getElementById("slider-fill")
var knob = document.getElementById("knob")
var mouseDown;
var mousePos = {x:0};
var knobPosition;
var minPrice = 20;
var price = 0;
var minRequests = 50;
var requests = 50 + ",000";
var incrementSpeed = 2;
var incrementModifier = 20;
var incrementValue = 1;
var minMillionCount = 1;
var millionCount = 1;
var previousRequestAmount = 0;
document.getElementById("price").innerHTML = price;
document.getElementById("requests").innerHTML = requests;
document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) {
if(mouseDown) {
function updateSlider(event) {
mousePos.x = event.clientX - slider.getBoundingClientRect().left;
mousePos.x -= knob.offsetWidth / 2;
if(mousePos.x < 0) { = "0px"; = "0px";
price = 0;
requests = 50 + ",000";
document.getElementById("price").innerHTML = price;
document.getElementById("requests").innerHTML = requests;
if(mousePos.x > slider.offsetWidth - 20) {
} = mousePos.x + 10 + "px"; = mousePos.x + "px";
//Increase requests by using X position of mouse
incrementSpeed = mousePos.x / incrementModifier;
requests = minRequests + (mousePos.x * incrementSpeed);
//Round to nearest 1
requests = Math.round(requests / incrementValue) * incrementValue;
if (requests >= 1000){
var m = requests/ 1000;
m = Math.round(m / 1) * 1;
//Problem, lower the modifier depending on requests
incrementModifier = 20 * 0.95;
document.getElementById("requests").innerHTML = m + " million";
//Adjust Prices
if(( requests >= 1000) && (requests < 10000)) {
var numOfMillions = requests / 100;
//Round to closest 10.
//10 * number of millions
var rounded = Math.round(numOfMillions / 10) * 10;
price = minPrice + rounded;
//Adjust Prices
if(requests >= 10000) {
var numOfMillions = requests / 1000;
var rounded = Math.round(numOfMillions / 1) * 1;
var basePrice = minPrice * 6;
price = basePrice + rounded;
} else {
incrementModifier = 20;
document.getElementById("requests").innerHTML = requests + ",000"
if(requests < 100) {
price = 0;
} else {
price = 20;
previousRequestAmount = requests;
document.getElementById("price").innerHTML = price;
knob.addEventListener('mousedown', function() {
mouseDown = true;
document.addEventListener('mouseup', function() {
mouseDown = false;
function highlightTable(rowNum) {
var table = document.getElementById("payment-table")
for(var i = 0; i < table.rows.length; ++i) {
var row = table.rows[i]
if(i == rowNum) { = "grey"
} else { = "white";
Thank you for your time.
If you want it to be reusable you need to create a mathematical function that assigns a result to the number of requests. I will give you a very easy example.
If you want a different result for 1,10,100,100,10000 etc
var d = Math.log10(requests);
}else if(d<2){
} //etc
This way if you want to change the specific values that create certain results, all you need to do is change the function.
This only works if your tiers of requests follow a math function, if they don't you need to hard code it.
However if say they don't follow a math function, but you know how you would like them to change based on a value then you can do this.
var changingValue = 4;
if(requests < 400*changingValue){
}else if(requests <= 400*changingValue*changingValue){
}else{// the requests is greater than any of the above
For the second one you need to make sure that each condition if always larger than the other from top to bottom.
The description "increasingly increasing" matches an arbitrary number of functions. I assume you also want it to be continuous, since you already have a non-continuous solution.
Use an exponential function.
Generic approach
Assuming imin and imax are the minimal and maximal values of the slider (i for input) and omin and omax are the minimal and maximal values to be displayed, the simplest thing I can think of would be a multiplication by something based on the input value:
return omin + (omax - omin) * g((x - imin) / (imax - imin));
This will pass 0 to g if x == imin and 1 if x == imax.
The return value r of g(y) should be
r == 0 for y == 0
r == 1 for y == 1
0 < r < y for 0 < y < 1
The simplest function that I can think of that fulfills this is an exponential function with exponent > 1.
An exponent of 1 would be a linear function.
An exponent of 2 would be make the middle of the slider display one fourth of the maximum price instead of half of it.
But you really need to find that exponent yourself, based on your needs.

Assign index # according to current section

Say I have a total width of 585px. And I wanted to divide the space into equal sections and assign each an index value within position. I could do something like this if I had lets say 6 sections: (assigned by total width / number of sections)
//Set up elements with variables
this.sliderContent = config.sliderContent;
this.sectionsWrap = config.sectionsWrap;
//Selects <a>
this.sectionsLinks = this.sectionsWrap.children().children();
//Create drag handle
.append($(document.createElement("a")).addClass("handle ui-corner-all").text("DRAG")));
//Select handle
this.sliderHandle = $(".handle");
var left = ui.position.left,
position = [];
var position = ((left >= 0 && left <= 80) ? [0, 1] :
((left >= 81 && left <= 198) ? [117, 2] :
((left >= 199 && left <= 315) ? [234, 3] :
((left >= 316 && left <= 430) ? [351, 4] :
((left >= 431 && left <= 548) ? [468, 5] :
((left >= 549) ? [585, 6] : [] ) ) ) ) ) );
if (position.length) {
left : position[0]
}, 400);
But what if I had an x number of sections. These sections are just elements like
How would I divide the total of 585px and classify the index in position according to the current left value of the .handle element? I can know where the drag handle is by using ui.position.left, what I want is to be able to set an index for each element and be able to animate handle depending on where the handle is within the indexed elements. Since each element is indexed I later call a transition method and pass in the current index # to be displayed. The code I show above works, but isn't really efficient. I also need to account for the width of the handle to fit the section width.
Ok, there is a slight inconsistency in the difference between the range figures in the question, which makes it hard to algorithmise [ my made-up-word de jour =) ] this exactly:
81 to 199 = 118
199 to 316 = 117
316 to 431 = 115
431 to 518 = 118
If you can adjust for that, I have a solution - it's not especially clever JavaScript, so there may well be better ways to do this (SO JS people, feel free to educate me!) but it works.
First we need a function to find the index of an array range, a given value falls within (this replaces your nested if-else shorthands), then we have a function to set up the positional arrays, and finally we can do a range search and return the corresponding array of values.
This solution should dynamically deal with a varying number of sections, as long as this line:
var len = $("#sectionContainer").children().length;
is adjusted accordingly. The only other values that may need adjusting are:
var totalWidth = 585;
var xPos = 81;
although you could set them if you have elements you can draw the values from, making it even more of a dynamic solution.
* function to find the index of an array element where a given value falls
* between the range of values defined by array[index] and array[index+1]
function findInRangeArray(arr, val){
for (var n = 0; n < arr.length-1; n++){
if ((val >= arr[n]) && (val < (arr[n+1]))) {
return n;
* function to set up arrays containing positional values
function initPositionArrays() {
posArray = [];
leftPosArray = [];
var totalWidth = 585;
var xPos = 81;
var len = $("#sectionContainer").children().length;
var unit = totalWidth/(len - 1);
for (var i=1; i<=len; i++) {
pos = unit*(i-1);
posArray.push([Math.round(pos), i]);
xMin = (i >= 2 ? (i==2 ? xPos : leftPosArray[i-2] + posArray[1][0]) : 0);
var left = ui.position.left;
// find which index of "leftPosArray" range that "left" falls within
foundPos = findInRangeArray(leftPosArray, left);
var position = posArray[foundPos];
if (position.length) {
left : position[0]
}, 400);
I've set up a jsFiddle to illustrate.
I've looked at #JonnySooter s own answer, and whilst it calculates the positioning correctly, it won't deal with a variable number of sections.
To get it to work with any number of sections, the handleContainment div (that is created on-the-fly) needs to have it's width set dynamically (via inline styling).
This is calculated by multiplying the number of sections by the width of each section (which is actually the same as the width of the slider).
This is all done after creating the handle so that the width can be extracted from the "handle" css class, meaning a change to the width of the handle will cascade into the routine when applied at the css level.
See this jsFiddle where the number of sections can be altered and the slider behaves properly.
var numSections = // ...;
var totalWidth = // ...;
var sectionWidth = totalWidth / numSections;
var index = Math.floor($(".handle").position().left / sectionWidth);
var leftPosition = index * sectionWidth;
var rightPosition = leftPosition + sectionWidth - 1;
I worked on trying to find a solution myself and this is what I came up with:
function( event, ui ) {
var left = ui.position.left, //Get the current position of the handle
self = Slider, //Set to the Slider object cus func is a callback
position = 1;
sections_count = self.sectionsLinks.length, //Count the sections
section_position = Math.floor(self.sectionsWrap.width() / sections_count); //Set width of each section according to total width and section count
left = Math.round(left / section_position); //Set the index
position = (left * section_position); //Set the left ammount
if(position < section_position){ //If handle is dropped in the first section
position = 0.1; //Set the distance to animate
left = 0; //Set index to first section
if (position.length) {
left : position //Animate according to distance
}, 200);
left = left += 1; //Add one to the index so that I can use the nth() child selector later.

Javascript - Distance (in pixels) - Decision

I have a simple javascript animation, where two cowboys (iamges) 'race' each other based on a random interval number.
What I can't find out how to do is for the script to take a decision on who is the winner, meaning if a cowboy reaches a pre-defined distance first, the script will know and will show an alert on who won.
Here is a screen shot to show an example:
This is the code I have so far:
Can give me some directions?
In your move() function you should do something like
if (x >= dest_x) {
alert('player 1 won');
} else if (x2 >= dest_x2) {
alert('player 2 won');
} else {
... continue the loop ...
You'd most likely put that behind
document.getElementById("cowboy") = y+'px';
document.getElementById("cowboy").style.left = x+'px';
document.getElementById("cowboytwo") = y2+'px';
document.getElementById("cowboytwo").style.left = x2+'px';
You might want to check your code on duplicate variables too, by the way.
AFAIK dest_x and dest_x2 are both the same for example.
Simple move
/* Y is not relevant since you only move it on X axis */
var position1 = 100;
var position2 = 100;
var dest = 800; //Or any given value
function move() {
var step1 = Math.floor(1 + (10 * Math.random() ) );
var step2 = Math.floor(1 + (10 * Math.random() ) );
position1 += step1;
position2 += step2;
document.getElementById("cowboy").style.left = position1+'px';
document.getElementById("cowboytwo").style.left = position2+'px';
if(position1 < dest && position2 < dest) {
} else {
//We have the winner
if(position1 > dest) alert("Winner is Cowboy1");
if(position2 > dest) alert("Winner is Cowboy2");
//Its also possible that both of them pass target value at the same step

