In the javascript unable to convert string to variable - javascript

One of my requirement in the javascript, I am trying to convert the string which is passing from the database to javascript object.
String passing from the databse:
"validator":["required","numeric","maxLength:14","{type: amountValidate}"]
Step2: Converting to javascript object using JSON.Parse() method, output as follows:
validator: Array(4)
0: "required"
1: "numeric"
2: "maxLength:14"
3: "{type: amountValidate}"
length: 4
Expected output is:
In the below code amountValidate is converting into the function by tabulator js api.
Since I am applying the below function to the type:amountValidate, it should behave as a variable and it should not be in the double quotes.
var amountValidate = function(cell, value, parameters){
var regex = /^\s*-?(\d+(\.\d{1,2})?|\.\d{1,2})\s*$/
var n = value.match(regex);
if(n !== null){
return true;
return false;
Thanks in advance.

The main problem here is that your string is not a valid JSON. Should be something like:
'{"validator": ["required","numeric","maxLength:14", {"type": "amountValidate"}]}'
There are multiple json formatters/validators online, like this one, that you could use to check it.


Convert string with '=' to JSON format

I am trying to convert a string i receive back from an API into a JSON object in Angular.
The issue is that the string is not normalized to be parsed into JSON easily.
This is the string im working with:
"{rootCause=EJBusinessException: This is a sample exception thrown for testing additional info field, description=This is a more detailed description about the incident., stackTrace=com.springboot.streams.infrastructure.web.heartbeat.HeartbeatService.testServiceNow(}"
When trying to do JSON.parse(myStr) it throws an error due to invalid string format.
Is there an easy way to convert the listed string into a more correct JSON format, getting rid of the '=' and replacing them with ':' instead.
There is more to it than just .replace(/['"]+/g, ''), as even with that the string is not ready to be turned into JSON yet.
Hoping someone more versed in Javascript knows a trick i dont.
You just need to manipulate the string before parsing it remove unecessary string that can cause error to the object like "{" and "}" and split it by "," example is in below.
var obj = {}, str = "{rootCause=EJBusinessException: This is a sample exception thrown for testing additional info field, description=This is a more detailed description about the incident., stackTrace=com.springboot.streams.infrastructure.web.heartbeat.HeartbeatService.testServiceNow(}"
str.split(",").forEach((st, i) => {
pair = st.split("=")
if(pair.length > 1) {
obj[pair[0].replace("{",'').replace("}", '').trim()] = pair[1]
} else {
obj[i] = pair
As commenters have posted, unless you control the API or at least have documentation that output will always follow a specific format, then you are limited in what you can do. With your current example, however you can trim off the extraneous bits to get the actual data... (remove braces, split on comma, split on equals) to get your key:value pairs... then build a javascript object from scratch with the data... if you need json string at that point can just JSON.stringify()
var initialString = "{rootCause=EJBusinessException: This is a sample exception thrown for testing additional info field, description=This is a more detailed description about the incident., stackTrace=com.springboot.streams.infrastructure.web.heartbeat.HeartbeatService.testServiceNow(}"
var trimmedString = initialString.substr(1, initialString.length - 2);
var pairArray = trimmedString.split(',');
var objArray = [];
pairArray.forEach(pair => {
var elementArray = pair.split('=');
var obj = {
key: elementArray[0].trim(),
value: elementArray[1].trim()
var returnObj = {};
objArray.forEach(element => {
returnObj[element.key] = element.value;

Javascript- convert content in textbox to key value pair

I have a textbox which accepts user defined key value pairs like:
{'Apple':'Red', 'Lemon':'Green'} and i want it to be converted to an array of key value pair.
I have code:
var color= document.getElementById('txtColor').value;
The problem is i get it just as a string if i try: color['Apple'] it shows undefined; whereas i expect 'Red'. How can i do the conversion so that i get something like:
var color={'Apple':'Red', 'Lemon':'Green'}
and get value 'Red' on color['Apple'].
Thanks in advance.
I have a similar usecase. You have to JSON.parse() the value.
var obj = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('txtColor').value.replace(/'/g, '"'));
<textarea id="txtColor">{'Apple':'Red', 'Lemon':'Green'}</textarea>
I assume following
let color = document.getElementById('txtColor').value; // This line returns {'Apple':'Red', 'Lemon':'Green'}
If I'm correct you can do following
try {
// Here you can write logic for format json ex. Convert single quotes to double quotes
// This may help to convert well formatted json string
let colorJson = JSON.parse(color);
console.log(colorJson["Apple"]) // This will return your expected value.
} catch(e) {
console.log('Invalid json format')
var color = document.getElementById('txtColor').value;
//JSON.stringify will validate the JSON string
var jsonValidString = JSON.stringify(eval("(" + color + ")"));
//If JSON string is valid then we can conver string to JSON object
var JSONObj = JSON.parse(jsonValidString);
//We can use JSON.KeyName or JSON["KeyName"] both way you can get value
console.log(JSONObj.Apple, " --- ", JSONObj["Apple"]);
console.log(JSONObj.Lemon, " --- ", JSONObj["Lemon"]);
<input id="txtColor" value="{'Apple':'Red', 'Lemon':'Green'}" type="text" />

jquery comparing 2 integers

My submit click function is as below.
aAmt is a $ field like for eg. $45.00
a_amount is always 10000.
I am converting a_amount to $ in displayCurrencyFormat function.
I am then converting both to parseInt and doing >= comaprison and it fails. Even though aAmt is > $10000 and conition should display alert it doesnt.
$("#submitId").click(function () {
var aAmt = $("#aAmt").val();
var a_amount = "${dAmt}";
a_amount = displayCurrencyFormat(a_amount);
var pLen = $("#pOd").val();
if ((parseInt(aAmt) >= parseInt(a_amount)) && (pLen.length == 0)) {
$('#pDiv').text('Please provide a password');
return false;
function displayCurrencyFormat(a_amount)
//convert amount to currency format
var nbrAmt = Number(a_amount.replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g,""));
var fmtAmt = '$' + nbrAmt.toFixed(2).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,");
return fmtAmt;
You should convert it into an integer-like data first, and then you can compare them.
The currency formatted input are considered as not a number format so comparing them are something like String to String comparison, not Number to Number like what you want to achieve.
Refrence link: How to convert a currency string to a double with jQuery or Javascript?
Do you know that parseInt('$10000') actually giving you "NaN"?
And as i can see here you are trying to compare integer and string...
Just try to alert aAmt and a_amount variables before you compare them and you will see what is actually going on...

Convert ObjectID (Mongodb) to String in JavaScript

I want to convert ObjectID (Mongodb) to String in JavaScript.
When I get a Object form MongoDB. it like as a object has: timestamp, second, inc, machine.
I can't convert to string.
Try this:
See the doc.
ObjectId() has the following attribute and methods:
str - Returns the hexadecimal string representation of the object.
in the shell
in js using the native driver for node
Here is a working example of converting the ObjectId in to a string
> a=db.dfgfdgdfg.findOne()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("518cbb1389da79d3a25453f9"), "d" : 1 }
> a['_id']
> a['_id'].toString // This line shows you what the prototype does
function () {
return "ObjectId(" + tojson(this.str) + ")";
> a['_id'].str // Access the property directly
> a['_id'].toString()
ObjectId("518cbb1389da79d3a25453f9") // Shows the object syntax in string form
> ""+a['_id']
518cbb1389da79d3a25453f9 // Gives the hex string
Did try various other functions like toHexString() with no success.
You can use $toString aggregation introduced in mongodb version 4.0 which converts the ObjectId to string
{ "$project": {
"_id": { "$toString": "$your_objectId_field" }
Use toString:
var stringId = objectId.toString()
Works with the latest Node MongoDB Native driver (v3.0+):
Acturally, you can try this:
> a['_id']
> a['_id'] + ''
ObjectId object + String will convert to String object.
If someone use in Meteorjs, can try:
In server: ObjectId(507f191e810c19729de860ea)._str.
In template: {{ collectionItem._id._str }}.
Assuming the OP wants to get the hexadecimal string value of the ObjectId, using Mongo 2.2 or above, the valueOf() method returns the representation of the object as a hexadecimal string. This is also achieved with the str property.
The link on anubiskong's post gives all the details, the danger here is to use a technique which has changed from older versions e.g. toString().
In Javascript, String() make it easy
const id = String(ObjectID)
this works, You have mongodb object: ObjectId(507f191e810c19729de860ea),
to get string value of _id, you just say
In Js do simply: _id.toString()
For example:
const myMongoDbObjId = ObjectID('someId');
const strId = myMongoDbObjId.toString();
console.log(typeof strId); // string
You can use string formatting.
const stringId = `${objectId}`;
toString() method gives you hex String which is kind of ascii code but in base 16 number system.
Converts the id into a 24 character hex string for printing
For example in this system:
"a" -> 61
"b" -> 62
"c" -> 63
So if you pass "abc..." to get objectId you will get "616263...".
As a result if you want to get readable string(char string) from objectId you have to convert it(hexCode to char).
To do this I wrote an utility function hexStringToCharString()
function hexStringToCharString(hexString) {
const hexCodeArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < hexString.length - 1; i += 2) {
hexCodeArray.push(hexString.slice(i, i + 2));
const decimalCodeArray = => parseInt(hex, 16));
return String.fromCharCode(...decimalCodeArray);
and there is usage of the function
import { ObjectId } from "mongodb";
const myId = "user-0000001"; // must contains 12 character for "mongodb": 4.3.0
const myObjectId = new ObjectId(myId); // create ObjectId from string
console.log(myObjectId.toString()); // hex string >> 757365722d30303030303031
console.log(myObjectId.toHexString()); // hex string >> 757365722d30303030303031
const convertedFromToHexString = hexStringToCharString(
const convertedFromToString = hexStringToCharString(myObjectId.toString());
console.log(`convertedFromToHexString:`, convertedFromToHexString);
//convertedFromToHexString: user-0000001
console.log(`convertedFromToString:`, convertedFromToString);
//convertedFromToHexString: user-0000001
And there is also TypeScript version of hexStringToCharString() function
function hexStringToCharString(hexString: string): string {
const hexCodeArray: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < hexString.length - 1; i += 2) {
hexCodeArray.push(hexString.slice(i, i + 2));
const decimalCodeArray: number[] = =>
parseInt(hex, 16),
return String.fromCharCode(...decimalCodeArray);
Just use this : _id.$oid
And you get the ObjectId string. This come with the object.
Found this really funny but it worked for me:
let value = new String(elm.USERid);//gets the string version of the ObjectId which in turn changes the datatype to a string.
let result = value.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].replace(/^"(.*)"$/, '$1');//this removes the objectid completely and the quote
delete elm["USERid"]
elm.USERid = result
On aggregation use $addFields
$addFields: {
convertedZipCode: { $toString: "$zipcode" }
Documentation of v4 (right now it's latest version) MongoDB NodeJS Driver says: Method toHexString() of ObjectId returns the ObjectId id as a 24 character hex string representation.
In Mongoose, you can use toString() method on ObjectId to get a 24-character hexadecimal string.
Mongoose documentation
Below three methods can be used to get the string version of id.
(Here newUser is an object containing the data to be stored in the mongodb document), result) => {
if (err) console.log(err)
else {
console.log(result._id.toString()) //Output - 23f89k46546546453bf91
console.log(String(result._id)) //Output - 23f89k46546546453bf91
console.log(result._id+"") //Output - 23f89k46546546453bf91
Use this simple trick, your-object.$id
I am getting an array of mongo Ids, here is what I did.
success: function (res) {
console.log('without json res',res);
//without json res {"success":true,"message":" Record updated.","content":[{"$id":"58f47254b06b24004338ffba"},{"$id":"58f47254b06b24004338ffbb"}],"dbResponse":"ok"}
var obj = $.parseJSON(res);
if(obj.content !==null){
$.each(obj.content, function(i,v){
console.log('Id==>', v.$id);
You could use String
If you're using Mongoose along with MongoDB, it has a built-in method for getting the string value of the ObjectID. I used it successfully to do an if statement that used === to compare strings.
From the documentation:
Mongoose assigns each of your schemas an id virtual getter by default which returns the document's _id field cast to a string, or in the case of ObjectIds, its hexString. If you don't want an id getter added to your schema, you may disable it by passing this option at schema construction time.

JSON Serialization error with simplejson

I have the following code:
data = {'services': [u'iTunes'],
'orders': [u'TestOrder', u'Test_April_Titles_iTunes'],
'providers': ''}
return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(data))
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/json/" in default
178. raise TypeError(repr(o) + " is not JSON serializable")
Exception Type: TypeError at /reports/change_dropdown/
Exception Value: [u'iTunes'] is not JSON serializable
What do I need to do to serialize this dictionary with a list inside it?
The problem is that itunes is a non-JSON compatible type.
To solve provide default type to convert non-JSON compatible types when serializing:
simplejson.dumps(data, default=str))
or even:
def handler(val):
if isinstance(val, unicode)
return str(val)
return val
simplejson.dumps(data, default=handler))
The advantage of the second option is you can handle sets (e.g., convert to list), dates (e.g., convert to int timetstamp), etc.
Converting from unicode to str worked here:
data['services'] = [str(item) for item in data['services']]
data['orders'] = [str(item) for item in data['orders']]
data['providers'] = [str(item) for item in data['providers']]

