How to serve a Node.js and Vue.js app together? - javascript

I realize that there have been similar questions asked here, but I sort of need things to be spelled out for me.
I have a VPS (through Vultr), which currently hosts a frontend Vue.js app on port 8080, and a backend Node.js (with Express) app on port 5000. The main directory is divided like so:
frontend Vue.js files
backend Node.js files
The frontend app includes a contact form, which upon submit makes an axios POST request to the backend app. The backend app then uses Nodemailer and a Gmail account to send an email with the form's submitted information.
As it stands, I have to run my Vue.js app and my at the same time on different ports. This seems strange to me, considering that they're really just parts of one cohesive app, and my goal is to eventually host it as a website on port 80. With this in mind, I'd like to ask what the standard practice would be for hosting the frontend Vue.js app and the backend Node.js app together.
Thank in advance for any replies.

Try to think about it in this way that Vue.js is another js library. So if all the code for Vue templates can be bundled in a single file, then you can use that file in your index.html( I hope you know how to host a basic static page using express). The thing you require here is a "package bundler" like webpack or gulp.
A package bundler helps you to compress and bundle your code. So just bundle all your vue files into a single javascript file and use it. I apologize for not being able to spell out the things for you I hope it helps.


How can I deploy a MERN app? Is a shared server on Hostgator not enough?

I currently have a React-only app deployed on Hostgator (I used npm run build then just uploaded the files to cPanel) because it is just a front-end landing page. However, I am planning to add things like logging in and a user dashboard, which will "require" me to use Node.js, Express and MongoDB Atlas.
In this scenario, will it still be possible to deploy the website onto shared hosting on cPanel? It seems to me, from looking online, that this is not possible. In this case, what are my options for other hosting to deploy a MERN stack app on, and what are my options for backend hosting on cPanel that are not Node.js-Express-MongoDB? Do they have their own backend services?
Thank you!
I had the same query and the only solution that I could find was that it is not possible to deploy your MERN app on shared hosting and you need a dedicated server for your applications.
The best and cheaper way to do this is, wrap your application inside a container using Docker and deploy the docker image on a VPS (Virtual Private Server).
You can also use a separate service for everything that you have to configure yourself and then deploy your app. Kubernetes is the best tool to manage distributed systems.
I hope this helped you.

Why does React need to connect to a server?

I just started working with React and I came to 2 big questions that I never realized before:
Why does React need to connect to a server (localhost, deployment, etc)? Isn't it usually the backend that needs the server url, not the frontend? From my frontend experience, I would just have a .js file with jQuery doing the DOM scripting for the associated html file and that was it.
If I am making a React full stack application with let's say a .NET backend, then React will have its localhost:3000 server url and the .NET backend (ASP.NET Core) would have something like a localhost:54204. Does that mean I need 2 deployments to run that application? Is that normal, or is there some process to mesh the two?
Thank you so much for answering this, hopefully these 2 questions answered will make me fully grasp the concept of React
For the first question does react have server and why? Yes it has and its in the bundler which is called webpack. In fact it runs server script under hood and it is for development. What about the deployment when you use create-react-app and finish your app you can run npm run buld it creates a folder for bundled files. So you can use it in your backend a static files or can create different server script and deploy as an independent application.

Angular deploying application server needed?

I have question that came to mind about an Angular project for which I cannot find a satisfying answer. When I googled for it I only came up with how to deploy the application and not an answer which answered my specific question.
Normally when an angular application is developed we can run ng serve in order to get a development server. When we then visit the dev server we get served the following files which are required for the SPA.
The development server serves our only static HTML asset the index.html file and the necessary bundles of compiled angular code on which our application runs.
When we deploy an Angular application is the Angular application still in need of a server on which serves the application? Or can we just serve this bundle of files from our backend?
You need to generate your application files with $ ng build command. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Then you can use a service like Surge as a static web publishing or other webserver.
On the other hand, if your application use Angular Router, what I said above will not work wonderfully. You need to add a middleware.
If you're using Express for example you need to add something like this:
// server.js
const path = require('path');
app.get('/*all', function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/dist/index.html'));
Hope I help!

Create one heroku app from two git repositories

my issue: I have server written using Spring Boot, Spring Data, MongoDB and postgreSQL. My client is written with React/Redux. I keep them in two separated git repos. Now I’d like to deploy them to Heroku. I already deployed back end but now I’m not sure how to add frontend. I’d prefer to have it as one app because then I wouldn’t have to worty about csrf.
what solutions I was thinking about: As far as I’m concerned I see two solutions:
1) deploying front end as a separated app and make calls to backend (already deployed app)
2) somehow making it into one app. I read a couple of solutions and one suggested making a Procfile, but in that question there was one git repo. Deploy two separate heroku apps from same git repo
I’m using Maven and Yarn.
If your client project is also a maven project, you can make it a dependency of your server project.
You can then make the build copy your client artifact into the src/main/resources/static folder and have your server application serve the client as static content.
Update: This link is a good guide how to do it:
It describes a multi module maven project with a spring rest backend- and an angularjs frontend module. But I am certain that the principle will work also with a react/redux frontend in a separate project.
It will require some tweaking though:)

How to use New Relic with ember-cli?

right now I'm running an ember-cli application on heroku by serving it with the ember server command (not sure if this is the best method) and I'd like to integrate it with New Relic, but I have no idea how to do it.
Careful, ember server starts a live-reload server for development purposes — you edit a file, save it, and the application gets rebuild in an instant — you should not use it to serve an Ember app in production, it's a potential security risk. Normally you run ember server only on your local computer where you develop the code.
For production, build your app with ember build --environment=production, that will create a set of static files in your project's dist/ directory. You can upload these as you would upload any HTML/CSS/Javascript.
Keep in mind that Ember (and other frameworks of this kind like Angular and Backbone) is a single page application (SPA) framework; there is no server-side code at all, it all runs in the browser. Usually you would provide some sort of API (like a REST-API) on the server to provide and process data from a database or to provide other server-side services. That way you can develop the front and back-end separately.
I'm not too familiar with New Relic, but as far as I can tell it is analytics software that runs on the back-end, so it has nothing to do with your browser-side framework.
At the server folder, just find the index.js file and add require('newrelic'); at the beginning of the file. Of course you should also follow the instructions when you setup New Relic at you Heroku App, setting your application as a node.js app, which means you'll have to run npm install --save newrelic, go to your node_modules folder, find newrelic, copy newrelic.js file to the root of your application and edit the file with your app_name and license_key.
I recently removed my code from <meta ... in app/index.html and started to use this addon Ember-new-relic.
Get the JavaScript snippet.
And add it below <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"... in app/index.html.

